View Full Version : Help with .bat file

01-06-2007, 18:42
For v2.0 of my LTC mod im trying to make a .bat file that is run during installation which will copy across the files needed for the spy and assassin movies from data\fmv to landstocnquer\data\fmv.

Here is what i have in the .bat file:

xcopy data\fmv\assassinate landstoconquer\data\fmv\assassinate /k /r /e /y
xcopy data\fmv\sabotage landstoconquer\data\fmv\sabotage /k /r /e /y
xcopy data\fmv\infiltrate landstoconquer\data\fmv\infiltrate /k /r /e /y

Now i want this to run automatically, but it always asks me whether the destination is a file or directory first, even if i have the folder structure all set up before hand. Is there anyway to set it in the .bat so it knows it is a directory so it will automatically run.

01-07-2007, 21:58

01-07-2007, 22:06
Try using /I

01-07-2007, 22:10
Brilliant! It works!!!