View Full Version : UserName Change

01-07-2007, 20:08
I've been using the username "peacedog" since MTW1 but something strange happened today. When i logged on i got a message saying "username changed to be unique" (or something like that) and my name automatically changed to "peacedog_323".
Why did that happen? Did someone steal my username or is it some new gamespy thing where you have to have some crap after your name?
Has anyone else had this?

01-07-2007, 20:21
normally that happens only if there is another person with a similar name online i think...

Like some1 called peacEdog with a capital E... but that should be gona after you rellog tho :dizzy2:

Jochi Khan
01-07-2007, 20:22
Just cancel out the numbers after your name.
I have seen it a few times.