View Full Version : Second Diet Edicts Voting Thread

01-26-2007, 10:09
This poll is for players in the King of the Romans PBM.

The text of the motions is:

Edict 2.2: Send Sigismund to capture Bern castle. His attack on Metz has proven his valour and strategic skill, surely Bern will pose no obstacle for him.
Proposed: Second Elector of Austria (Ituralde)
Seconded: Lothar (Pevergreen); Sir Sigismund der Stoltze (Ignoramus)

Edict 2.3: Besiege and Take Breslau within the time frame set by our Council of Nobles.
Proposed: Second Elector of Austria (Ituralde)
Seconded: Lothar (Pevergreen), Otto von Kassel (dlain)

Edict 2.4: The Alliance with Venice is not to be broken, unless a dire reason is supplied by the Venetians.
Proposed: Second Elector of Austria (Ituralde)
Seconded: Otto von Kassel (dlain); Fifth Elector of Swabia (Kagemusha)

Edict 2.5: Bern is to be taken before the end of the current Chancellorship. A Bavarian elector will be given command of the army assaulting Bern.
Proposed: Maxmillian Mandorf(TinCow)
Seconded: Otto von Kassel (dlain); Dietrich von Saxony (Lucjan)

Edict 2.6: Stettin shall be taken in 10 years (5 turns), the Diet recommends that Dietrich von Saxony lead this attack and be assigned the required troops.
Proposed: Otto von Kassel (dlain)
Seconded: Sir Sigismund der Stoltze (Ignoramus); Dietrich von Saxony (Lucjan)

Edict 2.7: An alliance should be offered to Poland as soon as possible.
Proposed: Dietrich von Saxony (Lucjan)
Seconded: Otto von Kassel (dlain); Fifth Elector of Swabia (Kagemusha)

Edict 2.8: At least two priest shall be recruited from our dioceses and accompany Eusebius von der Pfalz and Peter Scherer, Cardinal, to the region of Stettin to begin readying the populace for acceptance into the Church of Rome.
Proposed: Peter Scherer (IvarrWolfsong)
Seconded: Prinz Henry (econ21); Otto von Kassel (dlain)

Edict 2.9. Building of Watchtowers on strategic locations inside the reich.
Proposed: Fifth Elector of Swabia (Kagemusha)
Seconded: Dietrich von Saxony (Lucjan); Kaiser Heinrich (GeneralHankerchief)

Edict 2.10: The construction of watchtowers at strategic points on all our foreign borders should be accomplished whenever the extra funds and nobility are available to carry out these endeavours.
Proposed: Dietrich von Saxony (Lucjan)
Seconded: Kaiser Heinrich (GeneralHankerchief); Otto von Kassel (dlain)

01-27-2007, 11:02
All edicts are PASSED. Edict 2.5 contradicts 2.2 and takes precedence as it received more votes.


Edict 2.2:
Yes : Braden (+4), Dutch_guy, GeneralHankerchief (+4), Kagemusha, Lucjan (+4), pevergreen
No: dlain (+1), econ21 (+4), Ignoramus (+2), IvarrWolfsong, SwordsMaster, Tincow (+3), Zomby_Woof
PASSED 18 to 17

Edict 2.3:
Yes :Braden (+4), dlain (+1), Dutch_guy, econ21 (+4), FLYdude, GeneralHankerchief (+4), Ignoramus (+2), Ituralde, IvarrWolfsong, Kagemusha, Lucjan (+4), pevergreen, Tincow (+3) No: SwordsMaster, Zomby_Woof
PASSED 35 to 2

% Edict 2.4:
Yes : Braden (+4), dlain (+1), Dutch_guy, econ21 (+4), FLYdude, Ignoramus (+2), Ituralde, IvarrWolfsong, Kagemusha, Lucjan (+4), Tincow (+3), Zomby_Woof
No: GeneralHankerchief (+4), pevergreen, SwordsMaster
PASSED: 30 to 7

Edict 2.5:
Yes: dlain (+1), Dutch_guy, econ21 (+4), Ignoramus (+2), IvarrWolfsong, Lucjan (+4), SwordsMaster, Tincow (+3)
No: Braden (+4), GeneralHankerchief (+4), Kagemusha, pevergreen, Zomby_Woof
PASSED: 22 to 13

Edict 2.6:
Yes: Braden (+4), dlain (+1), Dutch_guy, econ21 (+4), FLYdude, GeneralHankerchief (+4), Ignoramus (+2), Ituralde, IvarrWolfsong, Kagemusha, Lucjan (+4), pevergreen, Tincow (+3), Zomby_Woof No : SwordsMaster

Edict 2.7:
Yes: Braden (+4), dlain (+1), Dutch_guy, FLYdude, Ituralde, IvarrWolfsong, Kagemusha, Lucjan (+4), SwordsMaster, Tincow (+3), Zomby_Woof
No : econ21 (+4), GeneralHankerchief (+4), Ignoramus (+2), pevergreen
PASSED: 23 to 11

EDICT 2.8:
Yes : dlain (+1), Dutch_guy, econ21 (+4), GeneralHankerchief (+4), Ituralde, IvarrWolfsong, Kagemusha, Lucjan (+4), pevergreen, SwordsMaster, Zomby_Woof No : Braden (+4), Ignoramus (+2)

Edict 2.9:
Yes : dlain (+1), Dutch_guy, econ21 (+4), FLYdude, GeneralHankerchief (+4), Ignoramus (+2), Ituralde, Kagemusha, Lucjan (+4)
Braden (+4), IvarrWolfsong, pevergreen, SwordsMaster, Zomby_Woof
PASSED 24 to 9

Edict 2.10: Yes
Braden (+4), dlain (+1), Dutch_guy, econ21 (+4), FLYdude, GeneralHankerchief (+4), Ignoramus (+2), Ituralde, IvarrWolfsong, Kagemusha, Lucjan (+4), pevergreen, SwordsMaster, Tincow (+3), Zomby_Woof