View Full Version : A more sophisticated scenario editor

01-26-2002, 01:08

Krast would like to be able to create scenarios that specify reinforcements, where they appear, maybe triggers to make them appear, and so on.

This could be used to create particular interesting challenges for SP or MP.

01-26-2002, 08:57
Slightly off-track. I wish there is a more friendly control in tactical battle view.

1. a programmable key for turning unit into (N) rows, where N is programmable too.

2. a better, more logical positioning of units when grouped. Now, when u have a group of N units and lay them out using alt+clickdrag, and then you take one or two units off the grouping, and re-lay using alt+clickdrag, the units may cross sides to make the new formation. Their relatively positions are not kept, which is not logical to me.

tootee the goldfish

01-26-2002, 18:37
Konnichiwa Tootee san,

The left flank Nodachi moves to the right flank and the right one to the left. Very nice when you are in the heat of a battle.

Ja mata
Toda MizuTosaInu
Daimyo Takiyama Shi


01-26-2002, 23:49
if the enemy doesn't notice, their units following yours are open to flanking.