View Full Version : KotR 8th Diet Polls Thread

05-17-2007, 13:59
This thread is for players in the King of the Romans thread only.

The text of the motions is:

Edict 8.1: The Milanese will be offered peace and trade rights with at most 5,000 florins as an incentive. If they refuse, they are to be destroyed expeditiously by taking Corsica and Sardinia, unless we are delayed from doing so by a Papal Bull. Once both islands are in our possession, Sardinia will be offered to the Sicilians in exchange for florins and/or their good will.
Proposed: Otto von Kassel
Seconded: Maximillian Mandorf, Gerhard Steffen

Edict 8.2: The Chancellor must end the alliance with the Moors. The Chancellor may not seek an alliance with any Muslim nation for any reason.
Proposed:: Maximillian Mandorf
Seconded: Count of Zagreb 3rd Elector, Ulrich Hümmel

Edict 8.3: As soon as possible a second Crusade to the Holy Lands should be called by Emperor Henry. The target would depend on the current situation but should be one of the places mentioned in the Emperors draft for the Kingdom of Outremere.
At least one Franconian and Austrian general should participate so that each House will be represented in this new Kingdom.
Proposed: Duke Leopold
Seconded: Hans, Otto Kassel

Edict. 8.4 Franconia is allowed to capture the city of Krakow.Unless Pope directs and ultimatum for the Reich for the cessation of hostilities with Poland.
Proposed: Count Jonas Von Mahren
Seconded: Conrad Salier, Günther von Kastilien

Edict 8.5: The Swabian House army will be allowed to take one French settlement after the Pope has rescinded his threat of excommunication. However, should the French invade Swabia with an army greater than 1000 able bodied men or an army lead by a respected commander, the Swabian army shall destroy said army and then counterinvade French territories
Proposed: Fredrich Scherer
Seconded: Prinz Von Salza, Duke Leopold

Edict 8.6 During the next Chancellors term a group of merchants and priests shall be dispatched to at least one of the following places, preferrably both:
- The far reaches south of the great Saharan desert.
- The Nile upward in the south of Egypt.
A group should consist of at least three merchants and priests each.
Proposed: Duke Leopold
Seconded:Count of Venice, Count of Zagreb

Edict 8.7 The Chancellor shall try to find peace with the Venetians as soon as possible. A moderate amount of florins may be used to persuade them. Should the Venetians decline, subsequent raids towards their holdings in Durazzo and Thessalonica, resulting in possible razing or extermination of those cities, shall teach them the error of their ways.
Proposed: Duke Leopold
Seconded:Count of Venice, Count of Zagreb

Charter Amendment 8.1
Clause 1:
Amend 1.4 by adding: If no build queue is posted for a settlement, the Chancellor can build what he likes. The Chancellor may upgrade a settlement at any time (ie upgrade the walls regardless of a build queue), unless such an upgrade is forbidden in advance by the governor.
Clause 2:
Amend 4.7 by adding: If a Duke resigns, the Kaiser appoints a successor.
Proposed: Kaiser Henry
Seconded: Count of Zagreb 3rd Elector; Hans

Charter Amendment 8.2: In addition to the Kaiser, an Emergency Session of the Diet may be called by the Prinz, or if three of the four House leaders (Dukes or Stewards) agree to do so.
Proposed: Duke Otto
Seconded: Maximillan Mandorf, Hans

05-18-2007, 14:08
Results: all motions PASSED

Edict 8.1: Yes
AussieGiant (+1), econ21 (+6), FactionHeir (+3), Ituralde (+5), Kagemusha (+2), Northnovas (+1), OverKnight (+5), Stig, Stuperman (+3), TinCow (+4), Xdeathfire
Edict 8.1: No
Dutch_guy (+4), Pharnakes, Warluster (+4)

Edict 8.2: Yes
Dutch_guy (+4), Ituralde (+5), Kagemusha (+2), Northnovas (+1), Pharnakes, Stuperman (+3), TinCow (+4), Xdeathfire
Edict 8.2: No
AussieGiant (+1), econ21 (+6), FactionHeir (+3), Stig, Warluster (+4)
PASSED 27 to 19

Edict 8.3: Yes
AussieGiant (+1), econ21 (+6), FactionHeir (+3), Ituralde (+5), Northnovas (+1), OverKnight (+5), Pharnakes, Stuperman (+3), TinCow (+4), Warluster (+4), Xdeathfire
Edict 8.3: No
Dutch_guy (+4), Kagemusha (+2), Pharnakes, Stig

Edict 8.4: Yes
AussieGiant (+1), Dutch_guy (+4), econ21 (+6), FactionHeir (+3), Ituralde (+5), Kagemusha (+2), Northnovas (+1), OverKnight (+5), Stig, Stuperman (+3), TinCow (+4), Warluster (+4), Xdeathfire Edict 8.4: No

Edict 8.5: Yes
AussieGiant (+1), FactionHeir (+3), Ituralde (+5), Northnovas (+1), Pharnakes, Stuperman (+3), Warluster (+4), Xdeathfire
Edict 8.5: No
Dutch_guy (+4), econ21 (+6), Kagemusha (+2), Stig

Edict 8.6: Yes
AussieGiant (+1), Dutch_guy (+4), FactionHeir (+3), Ituralde (+5), Northnovas (+1), OverKnight (+5), Pharnakes, Stig, Stuperman (+3), TinCow (+4), Xdeathfire
Edict 8.6: No
econ21 (+6), Kagemusha (+2), Warluster (+4)

Edict 8.7: Yes
AussieGiant (+1), Dutch_guy (+4), Ituralde (+5), Kagemusha (+2), Northnovas (+1), OverKnight (+5), Pharnakes, Stig, Stuperman (+3), TinCow (+4)
Edict 8.7: No
econ21 (+6), Warluster (+4)

Charter Amendment 8.1: Yes
AussieGiant (+1), Dutch_guy (+4), econ21 (+6), FactionHeir (+3), Ituralde (+5), Northnovas (+1), OverKnight (+5), Stig, TinCow (+4), Xdeathfire
Charter Amendment 8.1: No
Kagemusha (+2), Pharnakes, Stuperman (+3), Warluster (+4)
PASSED 39 to 13 (2/3 majority)

Charter Amendment 8.2: Yes
AussieGiant (+1), Dutch_guy (+4), econ21 (+6), FactionHeir (+3), Ituralde (+5), Kagemusha (+2), Northnovas (+1), OverKnight (+5), Stig, Stuperman (+3), TinCow (+4), Warluster (+4)
Charter Amendment 8.2: No
Pharnakes, Xdeathfire PASSED 2/3 majority