View Full Version : Dominion of the Sword supermod

Hross af Guttenburg
09-07-2007, 15:12
Dominion of the Sword supermod aims to make the perfect mod for MIITW
you can read about us in Issue 6, September 2007 of the Gahzette

https://img260.imageshack.us/img260/6420/posterqe5.th.jpg (https://img260.imageshack.us/my.php?image=posterqe5.jpg)

Faction List

1 Egypt ( Ayyubid, Fatumid, Mamluk)
2 Moors (Amoravid, Almohad, Benemarin dynasties)%catholic
3 Sultanate of Rum (Seljuk Turks)

4 Byzantine Empire
5 Kingdom of Sakartvelo
6 Principality of Novgorod
7 Principality of Cilician Armenia
8 Principality of Kiev

9 Mongol Khanate (emerging faction)
10 Grand Duchy of Lithuania %catholic

11 Kingdom of Jerusalem (emergent faction, triggered after successful Catholic crusade)
12 Teutonic Order State (emergent faction, triggered after successful Catholic crusade)
13 Kingdom of Sweden %pagan
14 Kingdom of Norway %pagan
15 Kingdom of Denmark %pagan
16 Kingdom of Aragon
17 Duchy of Bohemia %pagan
18 Kingdom of England
19 Kingdom of France
20 Holy Roman Empire
21 Kingdom of Hungary %pagan
22 Kingdom of Sicily %muslim
23 Kingdom of Leon-Castile
24 Kingdom of Poland %pagan
25 County of Portugal (Emergent faction)
26 Kingdom of Scotland
27 Republic of Venice
28 Republic of Genoa
29 Republic of Pisa

30 Papacy

31 Minor factions (Non-playable)

%= Planned to be dual faith faction. Possibility of buildings/units which supports another religion which is essentially negative to that culture and faction however gives many useful bonuses. Can be useful dilemma for the player in building certain provinces up.

https://img260.imageshack.us/img260/1651/bd6ne5.th.jpg (https://img260.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bd6ne5.jpg)

Features and concepts of the map

Let’s start with everyone’s biggest gripe when it comes to maps….What provinces/cities have you decided on? Why have you taken that tiny island and not this important city?

Well, its never easy with this one. This is one of the parts of a mod that will always get mixed opinions like the inclusion of factions. You just can’t make the perfect faction or province list. The game is limited. That’s that. Within these limitations we have to look at a huge and complex era of history and then forced to represent it in a way which is limited and stubbornly designed. Cities and settlements as well as borders were being constantly destroyed and reformed all the time, such was the very nature of medieval warfare yet we have no way of representing this in the game. We cannot change the size and form of provinces attached to each settlement. We do not claim that our solution is any better than any other mod’s attempt. However our concept was this: control points.

A city or castle, like a faction is always difficult to represent properly because it was historically always changing and may have in fact only been significant at all for less than a hundred years. That said, some cities and towns are obvious. What we decided on for the uncertain areas was to create a province where we thought one needed to exist so that it would represent an ethnic group or relatively important rebel district and then along with that comes a settlement or fortress. We chose our factions with the same kind of concept, but that is a philosophy we call area of conflict.

By filling the map with specific dynamics we could be sure that there was always action in every area of the map, it was a question of balance …. Maybe, but this is misleading because balance would mean that we are not representing historical accuracy but playability and just making factions stronger than they actually were. All historical mods and certainly vanilla is bound to have a situation where factions get crushed. How we cope with limiting the damage of a ridiculously large superpower like HRE or the Byz is quite complex and includes a number of features that I will come to later.

With the choice of factions based on creating dynamics- (action and conflict) we were then more logically inclined to say: ‘this faction is tiny and yet it has to stand up to a huge empire right next door’. Our control points now come into play.

Control points tries to represent the major cities, fortresses and towns of a faction and its start provinces plus even some of the areas a faction is ‘meant to’ to expand into. More importantly though, we included some real tiny villages and apparently pointless places. Why?

Again, this was not because say, we thought it would be cool to see the Isle of Man grow into a huge city…. that would be pointless. Our concept was to set up areas that reflected the friction points of history, the Isle of Man (believe it or no) was one of those areas for several centuries even before and after the mod dates. Between Scotland, the Norwegians and the English, the small British Isles that you will see on the map are important because we aim them to reflect the complex peripheral tensions of medieval politics and territories.

Kirkwall in the Orkneys is never meant to be a gold nugget of a province but it is an interesting Control Point if you are say Norway and want to be a pain in the backside for Scotland and England and harry their coasts. When you think about it, it’s a logical way to check the rather repetitive situation of most mods where say Scotland expands into Ireland etc. Through control points small areas such as islands or sometimes hardly significant border villages become areas of extreme and continual conflict: total war. We include several islands as control points in order to create areas of conflict in specific areas we thought required spicing up, such as the Baltic and Scandinavia, the British Isles, the Mediterranean and the Greek islands …although the latter tend to get a good look in the action stakes anyway.

Navies are much more useful and eventful now than in vanilla, and transporting troops will be a key element of the game, much more in focus than in vanilla or previous mods. Which brings me to our next feature:

Major rivers

One major feature which will definitely be part of the mod, and which though easy to achieve will require a good deal of work to perfect is our idea for navigable inland waters. The map and mod will retain the aspect of minor rivers which act as land barriers and which enable armies to cross at specific fords or bridges just as in Vanillia. However, we aim to include the aspect of major rivers. This feature is very simple, we will enlarge certain few rivers such as the Dneipr, the Danube, the Volga etc for a specific distance to allow transport ships and navies to sail up deep inland where the map did not allow previously. This will enable an entirely new dimension to strategy, invasion as well in fact as trade.

With what the game uses as ‘sea areas’ inland we can now faithfully represent cities that were settled on major rivers and acting as important river trade centres and river ports. Trade amongst cities up and down along these rivers on each side will be able to trade extensively. But won’t this prevent armies crossing huge areas of the map? Well, no. Island crossings and land crossings are not new to M2TW, it is quite easy to allow armies to cross the major rivers as specific points. What we cannot do is allow roads and bridges over these rivers. So in ‘fluff’ game terms you will have to imagine that these land crossings are ferry points on the major rivers. Roads can probably be designed to run parallel along the rivers connecting the settlements on each side of the bank however and then the major river can be ended nicely in a vanilla style minor river allowing a bridge there. Basically, if roads run parallel along the rivers your armies should have no difficulty in reaching the ferry points, you won’t have to trek for two turns through rough terrain until you reach the land crossings.

Provinces: Who gets what and how many?

Well this is WIP, we need to communicate between General Staff and each and every Faction Team, we all need to work on the global map together and agree on the provinces, their size, number and power. IE. Hungary will not only get to decide its own provinces but that of its neighbours too, so Hungary and Poland need to reach an agreement and be comfortable that each Control Point is necessary and relevant to the game….because remember we are not ONLY including the major and most important longlasting cities we are working on the system of control points to allow areas of conflict.

These are set to be the main areas of conflict and tension:
The British Isles, Italy, Iberia, Scandinavia, The eastern Baltic, Central Europe and Middle East. The Russian Steppe and Caucasus is also an area of focus, we hope that the emergent nomad factions as well as the inclusion of Georgia as a faction will enable an area of conflict here.

https://img260.imageshack.us/img260/7097/header2db9.th.jpg (https://img260.imageshack.us/my.php?image=header2db9.jpg)

Gameplay features


Apart from all the features of the map we are working on bringing a completely new depth to the mod the likes of which hasn’t been seen since Europa Barbarorum. We want to set a standard.

Many features of the gameplay we are already sure we can implement and will be in fact adapting the work of already established mod work. Most of these will bring about a whole new range of options for the player, and a new depth in governing your faction’s fate. Primarily these are based upon or have connections to the tech tree.

Secondarily, work on the presentation and packaging aspects of the game is very important to us. Professional appearances are always marks of quality, but to make a mark of distinction we are actively immersing ourselves in the aesthetics of our supermod. Visually and aurally we want to create a powerful experience. Some players prefer music and graphics to be hardly noticeable aspects of a game and allow the core ‘play’ of the game dominate. We do not.

Our philosophy is one of maximising the potential for atmosphere and immersion in a bygone world.


Heraldry and titles

Those of you who remember MTW and the system of titles that could be acquired by generals, etc through specific buildings as well as settlements will enjoy our take on M2TW. Characters will now be full participants in politics as well as recreating history.

Faction standing/Power status

The behaviour of your faction and its nobles will determine the authority you hold over your own provinces but also have direct relationship to say, the Papacy, your allies, and other factions you will have political contact with. This in itself is not a new aspect of the game, both vanilla as well as a good deal of mods have placed importance on these aspects of gameplay.

Political annexation

One of our more experimental features is the acquisition of new provinces and settlements or even factions themselves through diplomatic actions. For instance, when your own cardinal becomes Pope you will temporarily acquire responsibility over the Papal states, other than the Vatican. When the Papacy is gained by another faction then they rule those lands. What you do with these lands will have powerful diplomatic repercussions, and will prove to be as rewarding, but also demanding for each faction. This is both positive and negative for the player, and it is this kind of dilemma and depth of enacting politics that we are most interested in. Furthermore, marriage and alliance will have dynamic and exciting repercussions in the game, enabling specific powers, buildings and units as well as complicating the political standing of the player’s faction, naturally.

Colonisation/Area of Recruitment

Another new feature of play will be the options open to a faction as it conquers other provinces. Colonisation and the grades of control you have over newly acquired provinces will be variable and each have repercussions politically, forcing you to make choices as a faction leader. You will no longer be able to recruit the same units wherever you are on the map.

Dual faith

One of the areas we are particularly excited about is including a system of governing your provinces with the dilemma of two religions. As was the case with the changes occurring in the Middle Ages many countries were involved in religious complexities which the original game does not really reflect. We will give the player bonuses if religions other than the faction’s core religion is supported in a province. For instance, say you are a Scandinavian faction and ruling the mainly Pagan lands of the North are proving difficult and unpopular as a Christian king… well you just develop pagan buildings and this will change your situation it might even enable you to recruit powerful pagan units. It will of course make your faction standing and your political status change dramatically and negatively, but again these are the complexities and dilemmas we think the player deserves.


This is something we are completely overhauling. It will most like be tied in with our other systems such as Political Annexation and Power Status as well as even the enforcement of certain powerful traits which will have huge political significance for your faction. For instance, if you are ruling a Baltic or North Sea province and you are asked to join the Hanseatic League this will naturally give you a dilemma. Bonuses might be increase in trade and population as well as some military opportunities be it the reduction on recruitment costs in the province, an automatic garrison and law bonus in the Settlement details or even the ability to recruit certain militia units. It will on the other hand tie you politically and economically to the HRE, which will put you in direct conflict with the Papacy. Papalist and Imperialists, or Guelphs and Ghibellines are going to be political features of the mod, probably through Traits, and these acquired through diplomatic contacts.
Sufism will also be one option for the Muslim factions, allowing a range of developments to your province it will have bring limitations and dilemmas especially in the light of it being one of several options open to you.
The inclusion of Knights Orders will be a numerous occurrence in the mod, to represent the Teutonic Order States, The Livonian Order, as well as the Crusader States and not least the general power and political involvement that the Knight Templar and others had. The Orders will however be tied in with the Religious Affiliation aspect and will for the most part only be available to monastic rather than say, Cathedral provinces.

Religious affiliation

This will probably be an aspect modded from Guilds, or it may be part of the tech tree inn itself or alternatively it might be part of scripting. In any case, Catholic and Muslim faction will now have choices when they acquire a province as to what manifestation their faction’s religion will take in their province. Catholics will have the opportunity to choose to encourage monastic life allowing hospitals and libraries, this might also have military options attached to it later- such as the availability of certain military Orders of knights, so far we are planning to include around 15 historical Militarised Monastic Orders. Monastic provinces will be contrasted with Church provinces although, to deepen complexity we may enable the other branch to be opened once its opposite branch has been fully upgraded, so that a Cathedral province will then be able to build monasteries. Muslims will choose between Sunni and Shia Islaam, whose different interpretations of the religion and their different views on state and religion will effect the options open to developing a province culturally and politically.

Re-emergent factions

Some factions will be impossible to destroy, like the Papacy. They will re-emerge perhaps not in their original lands but similar to MTW they will no doubt crop up in your territories when you least expect them. Some of you may find this pointless and will be worried that it will present obvious barriers to conquering provinces and acquiring victory. However Victory Conditions will not be based on unhistorical mass conquests of the map. Furthermore re-emergent factions does not mean indestructible and impregnable provinces.

Victory conditions

Like many a mod these days our victory conditions will be completely reviewed, adding complex dimensions to the single player mode as he tries to prevent other factions reaching their goals whilst seeking to attain his.

Defence scripts

Invading a capital or specific regions will spawn National Guard armies, (we hope that we can make it so) this will not bring financial burdens but act as a kind of automatic militia for your faction as well as others, not least minor factions or factions in their last throes. You will be able to disband your National guard when the crisis has abaited. This attribute combined with the re-emergent factions will make wiping out whole regions difficult, especially for a large faction such as the HRE trying to destroy say, Bohemia- it will be a completely different prospect than before.


Previews/news updates

These are essential to ensuring strong Public Relations and respect for the mod. To create an aura of a supermod we have to look and act like a supermod. Not arrogantly and by proclaiming over-ambitious ideas, but by presenting the work on our supermod in an exciting and professional manner. Regular updates of our achievements are so essential in maintaining public interest and support, without the fans and the eyes of the modding community all our hard work is for nothing. So, it only makes sense that by making our presentations actually part of the work on the supermod then we are actually achieving something and coming closer to our goals.
Part of the General Staff will be dedicated to this aspect of our mod.

Sound and vision

Loading screens and campaign map music, in game music as well as historical events will all feature new and original work. Well, kind of. One school of thought is that we use historical pictures and music from the medieval era. It might well be the case that some kind of compromise between flashy graphics and ancient tapestries is used, as well as a mix of cinematic, atmospheric music as well as ethnic music with pipes, drums and obscure languages sung in irritating ways.

Hross af Guttenburg
10-19-2007, 22:20
To follow up on our article in the september issue of the Gahzette we will be featured in the Eagle Standard next month.

03-17-2008, 15:47
The DotS has covered a long distance in development but it has some more to cover....
We soon make some previews to show our work!!

The mod ask's for some help to speed up the work...

We need modelers,skinners and mapers...
For any question pm or contact via email with Hross....:2thumbsup: :study:

03-17-2008, 15:59
We are claim to be MTR's succesors in the realism's essence but we don't intend to die like it!:2thumbsup:

03-17-2008, 16:20
And to show how we mean the realism in the game,here is a post of historical names of the medieval Roman Army known as Byzantine...

Unit names of the medieval roman army

(Medium cavalry militia from the pelloponissos region)
The famous "last" defenders"of Constantinople also as auxilia troops for Venetians.
The famous trapzond archers were more than a "local" unit but...they were not reqruitable any were else in the empire...
And some others like:
Spatharioi tou Vasileos(palace guards)
The "traditional" imperial garrison never stop to exist(despites the name it used)...
Castrophylakae(city/castle guards)
Every general who had a province (thema)under his orders had the obligation to reqruit a professional hardcore unit to enforce the law but mostly to guard the local observation posts,castles and the cities within his province...They were keepers of the local armory and often they were used as senior officers to the rest thematic-provincial "militia" type army...
Just like the turkopouloi and mourtatoi were troops came from mixed greek/turkish families,gasmouloi were children of mixed latin/Creek families...
They came from the Italian trade comnunities in all over the cities in the empire...They have chosen the easiest weapon to learn(just like the majority of the italian militias in Italy)the crossbow...They served as city defenders but mostly as maritime troops and ship weaponed troops...
Saxon huscarls
Most people know the vikings as the famous varangians...The truth is that,yes the 1st ones were the viking drouzinas Sviatoslav sent to emperor Basil II Boulgaroctonus as a gift for the alliance pact between them and the marriage with the emperor's daughter(first time in history a princess marries a barbarian ruler).Things started to change in the varangian guard when after the conquer of England by the normans many saxon nobles(huscarls)and their squires became refuges and worked as mercenaries through out europe but mostly for an employ that payed most (The byzantine empire)....
Like the ancient greeks before(see hoplites from their shield hoplon) the name scoutatoi was a common through the infantry units...
To mark the difference from the light weaponed/armored unit Byzantines named the last ones with the generic name of "psiloi"...
In the golden age of the empire and later the units had two(2) parts with the generic names of DEFENSORES and KURSORES...That destingion remained even later mostly for the cavalry units but existed in the infantry units as well...Forthe "line" infantry units the two parts also often known as CONTARATOI and TOXOTAE...
As a word means spearmen from the ancient greek word "kontos" and the later byzantine version "kontarion"...
According to the spear type they used they often had names such "lancarii",menaulatii and others...
If we want to understand the byzantine way of placing units in the battlefield we must remember the "promachoi-scoutatoi"system...
In a "militia"way of reqruit an army some of the soldiers could afford much heavier armors than others.So the "contaratoi" were divided by the armor level they were equipped(promachoi means those that fight in the first ranks of the formation).
That kind of warriors were the part of a unit usually missed for many ages..
They should be the "attacking"part of an infantry line unit(behind the scoutatoi ranks)...At the era we focus "turkish" origin citizens of the empire joined in vast numbers as archers and rebirth the "dual"type infantry/cavalry units...Mourtatoi were some of them...
As toxotae still named the greek/roman origin archers of different regions like
Trapezountioi,Cretes etc...Skilled hunters of a region now joined the psiloi troops as "levy archers"...
So far ...Armor leveled troops is an invention for the games not the real byzantine armies(soldiers of different armors joined the same units with generic names such scoutatoi or toxotae).

Cavalry units:
The name is also a generic one and means cavalrymen (no matter their armor,weapon,place in the formation and task/mission)
After the 10th century(mostly)and the rebirth of the heavy type cavalry by the Nikephorus Phokas as cavalarii were known the 'thematic" cavalry soldiers also known as Stratiotae as well especially after 11th century...
All cavalarii units were separated by the dual type roman system...(See units by task/mission)...
Known as the heavy cavalry romans developed to counter the heavier sassanid cataphracts,clivanarii (as a name)are no longer part of the heaviest of the cavalrymen in this era...
As clivanion byzantines describe ALL scale mails and lamellar armors...So in this era clivanarius is just a horseman equipted with scale mail or (mostly)lamerall quirass...A clivanarius may belong to cavalarii or to sholarii horsemen!!!
This is the most misunderstanting name for cavalrymen...
A cataphractus is a description (by someone's view) for someone who covers him self with armor(often by different types of armor the same time).
The "real" name for those we describe as cataphracti is SHOLARII...As scholae we describe the professional army units stationed (most of the times) in the empire's capital...Having huge salaries and access to the capital's finest smithers they care a great deal for their protection and the result is what we call cataphracti..

Names by position in the formation...
In the post before we mentioned the promachoi- scoutatoi unit separation for line infantry...
They were not the only ones...Ipercerastae(those who surround the enemy by the flanks) for example...Ipercerastae may sound nice as a unit name but we can not name a spesific unit with it...
In a standard infantry formation ipercerastae were psiloi units based mostly in ranged soldiers of sphendonitae(slingers),toxotae(levy archers) and acontistae (javelinears)...
The same happened in the cavalry unit flanks(imagine a formation of three(3) separate formations-one infantry and two cavalry ones)..

Names by mission/task...

Many units were named by their mission during the campaign or battle...
I already mentioned that in the byzantine way of unit roster each unit had two primarily subunits.The first one was kursores.
Kursores were the 1st half of the unit responsible for the asault.In both infantry and cavalry units the task of the asualt was for the archers( see byzantine cavalry or guard archers in the vanilla version of the game).
As defensores called the lance/spear units(see scoutatoi or byzantine lancers)
The spear weaponed units were mostly a refuge for the "range" ones or counter attack units when the enemy was in confusion...
To let you understand (byzantine lancers NEVER charged the enemy like the western knights or sergeants)...
The only "shock"troops available were some cavalry units such scholarii, archontopoulii and later the proniarii...
The name as word means "those who comite a hosia(ambush)...
They also were known as enedreutae from the word "enedra" which also mean ambush...
Those troops were not only from the lighter armored troops as some insist (in the battle of Myriocephalon the "scouts" hossarii were from the "cataphract" type cavalry)...
Mostly the mission of ambush was a work of the acritae units because for each province the army went through the local troops new the paths and safe roads better!!!
For the greeks/roman these soldiers were the most famous(and population wrote many epic songs and myths for them)...
They were the successors of the limitanei roman troops and afcource their name also means (acri=final line of the state=border)...
As troops were the majority of semiprofessional soldiers of each province(thema).For the reqruitment the "military lands" status were invented...Lived by the military lands close to the empire's borders they transformed from light to medium multi role soldier acting as border guards during peace and as raiding forces or ambushers during war time...
They were a multi functional tool to every generally and his province.
As cavalry wemillitarycionnaloops to engage the invading force to give the province the crussal time to recruit the thematic(militia)army adurringvide the population a safe shelter.
As infantry except of the ambush task they often used as line infantry (the same way "principes" were in the clasic roman armies.
Imagine an army that in his infantry formation has:
1st line: units of psiloi(mostly acontistae)
2nd line:units of acritae (medium armored javelinears)
and finally at the 3rd line the scoutati/mourtati combination...does this reminds you something? After all they (the byzantines)ussed to say that they were THE ROMANS...

Names by the reqruitment issue!

Economy and army in the Medieval Roman (byzantine)Empire based in agricultural income!
The most famous troops that own their name to such an issue were the Pronoiarii.
Pronoiarii were land owners like Acritae but owned much bigger lands!
The acrirae own small border millitary farms known as economiae but proniarii owned huge lands(owned by the empire at first but later owned by the "Dynatoi" provincial land owners),known as Pronoiae.
Proniarioi were the equall to western knights but as they became private armies they lost morale and fighting ability!
An emperor could not relay to the proniarii loyalty,especially if the aristocrats did not support him!
We have no clues that infantry proniars existed(they had enough income to support a war horse and good armor)!

An other unit name related to military farms is Stratiotae!
A Stratiotis was (mostly) a thematic cavalryman owned a middle class land near urban centers(cities),known as "micra pronoia"(small pronoia)!

Names by origin...

In the empire many troops had names by their origin(tribal or political class and status)..
A:Famous units of the 1st type were:1:Alamanoi(by the roman name for north germanic tribes),2:frankoi and latter Latinikoi(those troops that came from italy or simply west europe),3:Skythes or (later)turkoi(turks) for units related to steppe tribes,4:Sarakinoi for troops that came from arabic tribes.

B:Some troopers were known by their multi ethnic origin!
Turcopouloi(sons of the turks) and Mourtatoi were troops came from the greek/turkish families mix.
Gasmouloi were troops came from greek/italian families mix.

C:An other unit less famous was the Archontopouli(sons of archontae=nobles=aristocrats)...This unit fought for some time but did not last for long...:book:

03-17-2008, 19:06
Sounds awesome guys, I've been waiting for a medieval 2 mod like this. although I can't belive you left out ireland, wales and flanders :shame:

03-18-2008, 10:19
That anouncement is quite old...mate!
We are discusting on this...

Current faction list
red = catholic
blue = orthodox
green = muslim
black = pagan

1.Kingdom of England
2.Kingdom of Scotland
3.Kingdom of France
4.Kingdom of Norway
5.Jarldom of Västragötaland/Kingdom of Sweden
6.Kingdom of Denmark
7.Holy Roman Empire
8.Kingdom of Jerusalem
9.Kingdom of Leon-Castille
10.Crown of/Kingdom of Aragon
11.Byzantine Empire
12.Republic of Venice
13.Republic of Pisa
14.Republic of Genoa
15.Mongol Khanate
16.Principality of Kiev
17.Principality of Novgorod
18.Grand Duchy of Lithuania
19.Kingdom of Poland
20.Kingdom of Hungary
21.County of/Kingdom of Portugal
22.Duchy of/Kingdom of Bohemia
23.Kingdom of Georgia
24.Principality of/Kingdom of Cilician Armenia
25.Moors (Dynasties: Almohads, Almoravids, Marinids)
26.Egypt (Dynasties:Fatimids, Mamluks)
27.Turks (Dynasties: Sultanate of Rum, Ottomans)
28.County of/Kingdom of Sicily
29.Papacy (unplayable)
30.Rebels (unplayable)
31. -----your choice!!!!-----

And as for the last choise we have these factions
Burgundy (Duchy or Kingdom?)
Teutonic Order State
Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad
Kingdom of Serbia
Bulgarian Empire

03-18-2008, 10:26
As for the factions you mentioned if you see carefully the features you will understand the even rebel minor factions will have life through the events!
For examble:In 1085ad if the bulgars will not be a full faction they surely start a huge rebelion in the central and north balcan territories in order to make the life of the player who has chossen Byzantium a living hell and to follow as possible as we can the real history...
I am sure Hross has more info for such events in the west side of europe!!!:laugh4:

I do not know how to start a new topic in this thead or to open here the pole for the members to vote....Any help is wellcomed!:help:

03-18-2008, 18:26
This is our progress as it posted by Sounds_Like_killing two months ago...
We are far ahead now...And I will post a newer report soon!!!:beam:

Map over all ~ less than 50%
Unit list ~ 90%
creating new units ~ 10%
Settlement list ~ names 99% other details 75% but its hard to say coz of certain features i can't mention..
factions over all ~ 95%
faction coding ~ less than 50%
scripted features ~ 75% +++ with more features emerging each week!
special VnV stuff ~ 50%
tech tree theory ~ 75%
tech code ~ 25%
researcher's material ~700000000% and more
including; historical images, characters, locations, units, dynasties, sub factions, city states, culture, architecture, unique faction stuff that i can't describe because it is so immense and secret!

As you can see the hard stuff is done, and still being done every day. Now all we are really doing is deciding what to keep and what goes in terms of hard coded limits, which we are finding workarounds every day! as mentioned we are currently putting together ideas for a preview and in spare minutes the monotonous code for the mod itself is being developed.

DotS is far from dead my friends, just elusive and based off in a far far away place only assessable via the way gates of history and secrecy.. >>shhh they might hear you.<< SLK...

And do not forget....
The DotS has covered a long distance in development but it has some more to cover....
We soon make some previews to show our work!!

The mod ask's for some help to speed up the work...

We need modelers,skinners and mapers...
For any question pm or contact via email with Hross....

03-19-2008, 14:33
Dominion Of The Sword has a growing team and support base and we give thanks to everyone
But as our mission is great we are still in need of some talented and enthusiastic people to contribute to the Super Mod!

Just like any mod we are in need of unit makers, modeling and/or skinning. We will settle for part time and one off contributions, we do not make you feel obligated to pump out work like a factory worker.

If you are skilled and enthusiastic DotS will welcome you to the team.

Last but definitely not least DotS require support mappers and general 2d artists to assist with our existing talented team.

Dominion Of The Sword utilizes an IPB forum that is managed as a communistic society, there is no superiority and your contributions are only limited by your imagination and enthusiasm.

PM Hross or AnthoniusII with your resume for DotS team appointment and link to our forum...

04-14-2008, 17:54
We are about to launch a early preview of our byzantine roster soon...
10 Days or less...:laugh4:

But we still need mapers,modelers and anyone who could help us to speed up our work!:2thumbsup:

05-08-2008, 19:31
If you haven't chosen the final faction yet, I am inclined to say you should include the Caliphate.
A) Another Islamic faction never hurt anybody.
B) Though the Caliphate was militarily weak by this point, diplomatically it was still very important. Its role was similar to, though not as critical as, the Papacy. The dynamic between Shi'ite Egypt (under the Fatimids) and the Sunni Caliphate should be modeled.