View Full Version : BI unit Celts units to IBFD?

09-19-2007, 22:38
Hello, I play IBfd 7 as the Picts (Celts) and I don't like the unit of this faction and I need to move or transfer the old unit of the celts from BI which are,
1) Galloglass
2) Hounds Of Culann
3) Druids
4) Celtic Kerns
5) War Hounds
6)Pictish Spearman
7) Noble Clansman
I tried to transfer them to IBFD but I'am faild ( I successfuly moved them to RTW 1.5) but always failing with IBFD any help please?

Thank You

09-20-2007, 12:38
Isn't the Pict faction going to be changed in an upcoming version anyway?


Ramon Gonzales y Garcia
09-20-2007, 17:01
Isn't the Pict faction going to be changed in an upcoming version anyway?

Antagonistyes, I am following Antony (Anthony?)'s advise regarding the Gaels as being a more 'expansive' faction.
Still if Haedar really wantas to use vanilla units... as I mentioned before (or was it someone else asking exactly the same thing?), u should transfer the .cas and .dds files to ibfd/data/model_units

10-21-2007, 00:06
Although I failed before, now I made it the problim was with coding only thank you all.

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

03-26-2008, 05:45
Are you going to make a distinction between the Gaels/Scots, Picts, and Romano/native-Britons?

03-26-2008, 14:09
IBFD already has a Romano-British and a Pictish faction, but the latter will apparently be changed in the next major update to a Gaelic faction.


03-27-2008, 06:38
So there is an independent Pictivia of the Kruithne, and a new Goidelic (to include the Galwego-Scots) Faction in Erin and western Scotland, or no?

03-27-2008, 18:59
IBFD evolved on the vanilla setup by having retaining the Romano-British emergent faction and converting the ahistorical "Celts" (an uncomfortable blend of the Pictish and Gaelic/Goidelic cultures) into a Pictish faction.

As I understand it in the next major update the Pictish faction will be removed (ie. Pictland will be powerful rebel territories with the Pictish units in the current build) and replaced with a Gaelic faction based in Ireland. I don't know whether they start with lands in Caledonia, but as they are supposed to represent expansionist, naval-orientated Gaelic rulers like Niall Niogiallach they would presumably attain some quickly anyway.


03-28-2008, 04:47