View Full Version : KotR OOC Poll: does your character support religious re-unification?

09-27-2007, 13:07
This poll is for my information as Games Master. It is not a poll being held in character.

Other players may see your vote, so vote honestly if your character's stance is no secret. You may vote untruthfully, but please PM me with your real alignment if you do so.

Explanatory notes:

Voting yes: This is supporting the present status quo. The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches were united in 1302 under Pope Abbate.

Voting no (conservative): This is opposing unification and wanting the Roman Catholic Church to be separate from the Eastern Orthodox church. However, it is a moderate position and your character would not support violence in this cause.

Voting no (radical): This is vehemently opposing unification. Your character is persuaded with by the teaching of Alexander Luther (OOC: a prototype Martin Luther), who despises Pope Abbate and the Byzantines. The position is an extreme one and would sanction the use of violence against proponents of religious unification (and against the Byzantines).

How you vote in this poll may influence certain semi-random events in the plot.

09-27-2007, 20:47
To clarify further on my vote: Lothar supports the status quo. He wants neither reunification or rebels. Both reject established authority, and he is a big fan of feudalism. If you wonder how that can be with his opposition to the Kaiser, remember that the Dukes do not receive their Houses from the Kaiser. Therefore, Lothar does not see Siegfried as his feudal lord, thus opposition is acceptable.

09-28-2007, 01:12
id say peter is kinda straddling the fence...