View Full Version : shield_wall and schiltrom icons missing

10-29-2007, 04:36
Have successfully loaded eb 1.0 into bi. This icon is missing for units i attempt to give these abilities. How do I add them to teh interface?


10-29-2007, 18:12
Have successfully loaded eb 1.0 into bi. This icon is missing for units i attempt to give these abilities. How do I add them to teh interface?

You just have to copy them over from your "BI" installation into the EB cultural UI folder's. In your "BI" installation folder go to data/UI, pick a culture and the file your looking for is called battle.tga3, i believe. (Pardon, i'm at work) Now just copy/paste this file into all of your EB cultural UI's and you'll be good to go.

10-29-2007, 20:56
Will give it a shot tonight. thanks!

10-30-2007, 03:51
Just to clarify, the file name your looking for is called battlepage_03 and can be found in \bi\data\ui\"pick a culture"\interface...copy/paste to EB's data/UI/all cultures..ie..barbarian, greek, roman..etc../interface and you'll be good to go.