View Full Version : Milkshape ms3d importer/exporter for 3ds Max and Gmax

11-18-2007, 04:38
In between tearing our hair out over animation problems with offset horse
meshes, Bwian and I have been working on an importer/exporter of
Milkshape .ms3d files into 3ds Max and Gmax. All the OBVIOUS bugs seem
to be gone now so consider this an alpha release. You can find the script
and some other files here:


The zip file contains the MaxScript ms3dimportexport_ver1_0.ms,
a readme.txt file, and two files needed by Gmax users but not by
3ds Max users. The script can be placed in your scripts subdirectory
or any place convenient to your workflow. Click the Max Script menu item,
then Run Script, then mouse to the directory containing
ms3dimportexport.ms and double click to run it. It will display a simple
rollout with import and export buttons.

Importing will bring in all the mesh data, bones, bone assignments and
vertex weighting, along with the bounding sphere and group names,
types, and flags needed to reconstruct a mesh file. Details are covered
in the Technical bits below.

Animations can be done with the Python animation utility animmerge and
then imported the same way as a regular model. After modification,
the animated model can be exported and the new animations extracted
to a cas file with the animextract utility.

Regular units, mounts, and siege engines are supported as are their
animated versions except for siege engines (the animation utilities
don't support animating siege engines).

Please report any bugs you find here or send a PM. I don't have a copy
of 3ds Max so if problems come up in the part of the code that writes
the binary .ms3d file, we'll have to work together on that.
(Gmax can't write files.)


Bwian for getting me started with Gmax and sending a link to Vercingetorix's script.

Vercingetorix for writing the wonderful script in the first place.

Aymar de Bois Mauri for explaining that "groups" in 3ds Max can only be made by making multiple meshes,
a conceptual roadblock for me coming from Milkshape.

GrumpyOldMan for sending along the listener data grabbing utility: GmaxSLGRAB.exe (discussed below).

Technical Bits for Gmax Users:

(1) The export procedure for Gmax:

Among the many runtime features turned off in Gmax, the ability to write
ASCII or binary files is one of the most frustrating things to lose. The
procedure I've seen other authors do for Gmax is export to the listener
window and then cut and paste into a text file. Fortunately,
GrumpyOldMan heard my pain and found a utility that does this for you.
This has been included in the zip file and is called GMaxSLGRAB.exe. Once
you have exported to the listener double click this file. It displays a small
Window with one big button with "grab" as the label. Click the
"grab" button and it copies the data from the listener and prompts
you for a filename to save it to. Note that it supplies an .xml filter but
my recommendation is to explicitely type a .txt extension for your filename
to override this. It will warn you if you are going to overwrite an existing
file and it displays "done" after writing the file.

Now your data is out but in a useless made up format of mine. Now you
run the supplied Python utility ascii2ms3dconverter.py by either double
clicking it or right clicking and selecting open. It pops up a filechooser
and you select the text file you just made and it reads the data and
converts it to binary .ms3d format. Only slightly more complicated
than the 3ds Max way.

(2) Exporting big models clobbers the listener window, here's a workaround:

Cut and paste the following into a file and name it clearlistener.mcr.

macroScript clearListener
category:"Helpers and Gizmos"
internalcategory:"Helpers and Gizmos"
tooltip:"Clear Listener"
ButtonText:"Clear Listener"
on execute do clearlistener()

Place it in your ui\macroscripts directory. In Gmax click the customize menu
item and then select customize user interface. In the dialog that pops up
click the toolbars tab and scroll down until you see clearlistener, click and
drag it to your main toolbar. Then click the save button to update your
configuration. Now when the listener gets filled up by an export and won't
allow you to type in it, you can hit this button to clear it.

Technical Bits for All Users:

(1) Where's the data stored?

In Milkshape the group name, type, and flag are stored in the group
comments and the bounding sphere data is stored in the model comment.
In 3ds Max and Gmax the name of a given mesh is the group name and
the group type and flag are stored in user defined properties. To see them
select the mesh with the Select Objects dialog, then under the edit menu
item select Object Properties, then select the User Defined tab to see
the group name and flag. The bounding sphere is stored in the root bone:
bone_pelvis for humanoids, bone_H_Saddle for horses, bone_camel_root
for camels, bone_E_platform for elephants, and USUALLY bone_body for
siege engines. The bounding sphere is stored as ASCII floats joined by
% signs. (Oddity of Gmax, maybe of 3ds Max, you can store strings with
spaces in User Properties and see them there, but only the first whole
word comes back out, hence the need to make strings with no spaces.)

When dealing with animated files, the .cas header, hierarchy, and footer
strings are stored in the first three joint comments in Milkshape.
In 3ds Max and Gmax they are stored in the root bone as well and you
can see them in User Properties. They also are ASCII format numbers
joined by percent signs. Underscores would have looked better but
texture paths for siege engines have underscores so I couldn't use
them because I tokenize the string based on the chosen delimeter.
Naturally for siege engines, the three texture paths are stored here,
it's just that their keywords are: animheader, animhierarchy, and
animfooter. This may change if I get animation utilities to work with
siege engines.

(2) Known Deficiencies:

The script works on unanimated regular units converted by GrumpyOldMan's
converter and unanimated mounts and siege engines converted by my
Python converter. It also works for animated regular units and mounts.
It WON'T work for animated siege engines because I store the three
texture paths for siege engines in the joints comments but I also
store the .cas file animation headers, hierarchy, and footers in the joints comments. Haven't worked through this conflict yet.

Not a deficiency of this script but if people are going to start using the
Python animation utilities (version 1_1 uploaded June 18, 2007) there are
three known bugs.
1 - on line 1092 in the animextract function there's this extraneous entry
float_vec3.fromfile( fidcas, 7 )
I can't fathom how it got there, it wasn't there when I tested everything.
Just comment it out with a pound sign like
# float_vec3.fromfile( fidcas, 7 )

2 - Converttxttocas doesn't convert the degrees back to radians. Oops,
it's fixed just have to post an updated copy.

3 - I didn't check for uppercase extensions so some cas files that look like
don't get exported to. Bwian found this one in the exportskeleton function. Also fixed just not released.

(3) Modifier Stack:

The export only works if the skin is at the top of the modifier stack for
each mesh in the model. You can do this manually by clicking and holding
the modifier and moving it. A "feature" of Gmax at least is that if you do
this to the skin modifier to move it to the top of the stack it loses all
its information about bone assignments and weighting. On the other hand,
if you manually move all other modifiers below the skin modifier, the
information is retained and the export works. I've duplicated this procedure
in the script so that if the skin modifier is NOT at the top of the stack,
I make full copies of all the modifiers above the skin modifier, delete
the originals so that the skin modifier is at the top, and then recreate
the other modifiers, in order, below the skin modifier. The script will
stop and ask if you want it to do this procedure or to terminate.

(4) Trying to reconstruct the basepose on exporting an animated model:

Having used Milkshape first I expected animated files to look the same way
in Gmax, that is, be in the basepose and only change to animations when
you hit the animate button. Bwian explained this isn't the way it works,
animations are just done differently between the two. If I simply exported
the same way I did a regular model I get the vertex positions of whatever
frame happens to be displayed at the time. If you opened this is Milkshape
you'd see the bones in the basepose and a distorted mesh. The animations
are perfectly good and you can run animextract to make a perfectly good
.cas file but this is still unsightly.

So to get an approximation to the basepose mesh I followed this procedure.
For each vertex get its primary bone assignment. In that bone's coordinate
system get the vertex position, i.e., relative to the pivot point. Now get
the relative bone positions all the way up the hierarchy to the root bone
and add them up. This SHOULD be the vertex position in world or object
or whatever the outside coordinate system is. (bone_pelvis is hard coded
to be at (0, 0, 0) since its position got overridden by the animation data.)
For armored_sergeants this was good to about a percent, too large to be
round-off error but too small to detect in Milkshape. So the warning is:
don't reimport a previously exported animated model, it's akin to making
a xerox of a xerox. Again, this is just for aesthetics, you only want the
animation data from an exported animated model, you never backconvert
these to meshes.

(5) Bone Assignments:

Mesh files always have two bone assignments, a primary and a secondary,
even if the vertex weighting on the secondary is zero. Gmax ignores an
assignment with a zero weight so to preserve these two bones I weight
the secondary one with 0.00001 and the primary with 0.99999. This
satisfies Gmax to keep two assignments but on conversion back to
Milkshape format it rounds back to 100 percent on the primary and
0 percent on the secondary and everybody's happy. Custom made models
in Milkshape frequently have only a single bone assignment so the
secondary Id is -1. To be safe and ensure that there are always two
bone assignments I arbitrarily made the secondary assignment to the
root bone with a weight of 0.00001.

11-18-2007, 10:36
During testing, we also ran this thing with custom skeletons, and it worked with those too. IT was possible to get animations and meshes through from MS3D to Max using hte SMD file format...but you got a messy end result with no comments, groups or other useful stuff. I also had a few issues with animations and meshes afterwards.

This script was able to move the models intact, with all the uspporting data still present, the groups as seperate objects, and all the stuff needed to rebuild a solid model once you get back to MS3D. VERY important!

11-18-2007, 21:57
Each time I try to export a model as ms3d I get this error message:
https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/th_error_export_m3d.jpg (https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/error_export_m3d.jpg)

In this case I had a single shield on the skeleton (I'm starting some kind of library) and I wanted to attach on this model a part from a RTW model (the central part of the shield, I don't know the name in English). Once attached, I try to export it as ms3d with this result.

I get the same message in a direct conversion:
- Firstly ms3d to max (no problem)
- Secondly, the same max (with no modification) to ms3d (error message).

Am I doing anything wrong? :embarassed:

11-19-2007, 01:51

I don't think you're doing anything wrong, just found a
failure mode in the script. From where it failed it looks like
it didn't form the bonename_array and now its trying to find
the root bone with an undefined name. Is the last line in the
listener something like:
"number of bones in the model: 0"

Anyway, I'll PM you an e-mail, easiest thing is to attach the
original .ms3d file and I'll duplicate the error. Then I can turn
on some debugging information to see what's going on.

11-19-2007, 15:16
Wow this is great! gonna test it out immediately :2thumbsup:

11-19-2007, 18:26
ok this is what i got so far:

1) tried importing an unedited dismounted latinkon. worked like a charm :)

2) tried importing the custom model / skeleton of a stone troll for warhammer:tw. got this error:

All joinst were zero-jointed etc.

11-19-2007, 18:44
We had some early problems impotring some of my custom models, but we got that sorted out. Hopefully KE can see what has caused this ...he knows his stuff :laugh4:

11-19-2007, 19:54
Hi Alletun,

From the error I can tell it's dying on a comment section,
either group comments or model comment. Since the
count method is undefined it didn't read anything and
strbuf is empty. Can't really tell more without looking at the
ms3d file. I'll PM a pair of e-mail addresses, send to both since
Bwian has had problems sending me e-mail; this will double the
chance of getting through.

I did mention this was an alpha release.:laugh4:

11-19-2007, 20:18
Oki mail has been send to both adresses.

11-19-2007, 20:36
Got it at work. No fix needed, go to the model comment.
You have two non-printing characters after the / sign.
(Well they print, to me they look like y's with umlauts.)
Delete those two characters and the troll imports fine.

But there's another problem, your rig has rotations in it.
Hit the zero joints to make only position offsets. Then
it imports/exports ok, otherwise most of the bones kick out
of the screen.

11-20-2007, 07:38

Received your e-mails both at work at home so no
problems there. I can't reproduce your error because Gmax
is frozen at 3ds Max release 4.0 so the later .max files won't
import. However, I do understand what you are trying to do.
The best thing seems to be to add two new buttons,
importgeometryonly and exportgeometryonly. I think the
merge operation might be destroying the information in the skin
modifier and that's why the script is failing to get the bone
information after new vertices and faces are added in the merge.
This is not a big deal, I'll copy the code and simply delete the
bone and weighting part. Ideally, you get a .ms3d file
out with only geometry data, no bone data, group comments
that only have the group type and flag, and weighting data that
just has -1's meaning no bones assigned.

As regards library files: this is a great idea, I've been thinking
about this the last few weeks. I am trying to work out a Max
Script library where you can run a script and bring in various
models based on CA or your own models.

Right now it requires wiring up some buttons yourself in the interface
so I'd like to spend a few more days to see if something better
suggests itself.

I'll try to get the geometry only import and export functions working
tomorrow. I think it is better to do it this way than try to make the
user have to wrap himself around getting bones and other things
in the right configuration just to get the exporter to do what one wants.

This will be a good test, many thanks for trying the script!:2thumbsup:


11-20-2007, 09:47
Glad to see that my test is useful.:2thumbsup:

The merge option of max is really very useful with regard to the creation of libraries of weapons, shields or accessories.

In case you don't know how it works:
https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/tutorial_max/th_libreria5.jpg (https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/tutorial_max/libreria5.jpg)
https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/tutorial_max/th_libreria6.jpg (https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/tutorial_max/libreria6.jpg)
https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/tutorial_max/th_libreria7.jpg (https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/tutorial_max/libreria7.jpg)
https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/tutorial_max/th_libreria8.jpg (https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/tutorial_max/libreria8.jpg)
https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/tutorial_max/th_libreria9.jpg (https://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Monkwarrior/tutorial_max/libreria9.jpg)

You have the possibility to pick only one or several elements of the merged model and to link the elements to the bones with the same name as in the original model.

I don't know if the importer of ms3d might work in the same way. Although probably the problem is that all the elements in M2TW models need a skin modifier, whereas the cas models have elements without it and directly assigned to a single bone.

Another interesting feature is that the import/export buttons appear in the right menu, as it happens with the cas import/export script. In that way you save a lot of time.

I hope this helps you to make a perfect tool. :2thumbsup:

11-21-2007, 09:41
In the script I worked on I created an actual sphere to store the bounding sphere values (with value boxes in the UI to update it), so you can see its size and place better. (best to make it invisible after importing, since it isn't needed usually).

11-21-2007, 15:57
thanks i'll try that out

11-21-2007, 20:38
Ok, let me know if anything else crops up. Off topic but I
finally got a chance to print out a color copy of the Tome
of Knowledge at work. If no more bugs show up, maybe I
can make my first model over the Thanksgiving weekend.~:)

That's a great idea! I'll take it out of the UserProps and
just make an initially hidden sphere with a spinner control for
the radius on the rollout to remind the user the boundingsphere
is around.

Thanks, I'll try the merge operation and then export as
geometry only just to make sure it still works. Ran across this
in the documentation a few days ago. You can open the script
in the Script editor, choose File -> Evaluate All, and then select
all the text of the script in the script editor and drag it to a
toolbar and it makes a button. Now you don't have to mouse around
directories to run the script.

11-22-2007, 09:59

That method works for the script. It saves a lot of time, thanks.:2thumbsup:
(I should have found it by myself :embarassed: )

I've sent to your e-mail address the report of the tests with the new version. Unfortunately the export geometry option doesn't work, or at least I'm not able to make it work (you will see that success is possible, but I don't know how :embarassed: ). I can successfully import the full geometry of a ms3d file, but not export any object of a "normal" (unmodified) ms3d file imported to max.

I've just remarked the origin a new error I found after sending you the message (I was trying to reproduce the successful attempt), but I must re-check it this night (10 a.m. now in Spain, and I'm at work :smash: )

Edit: I've remarked another difference from the RTW models.
In M2TW all the objects have a skin modifier, and that means that all of them require vertex weighting. In RTW models the objects linked to a single bond had not the skin modifier, and they were assigned easily in the "hierarchy" window (not sure if it is called in that way). Could it be automatically changed with the script? The system will be to add a skin modifier and assign 1 (100%) to all the vertex for the bone the object is assign. I'm not sure if I explain myself in English :dizzy2: .

11-23-2007, 01:03
Did not get an e-mail at home. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday
I won't be at work until Monday. If you could, try sending to the home
e-mail again, it worked before. I went through the export geometry only
code again and realized I was trying to read uv information. This would
probably break on your merged model. I'll remove everything except for
vertices, faces, and grouptype and groupflag. If the geometry doesn't
have a grouptype or groupflag, I'll put in UNASSIGNED as the string for both
so it will be obvious when looking at it in the group comments in Milkshape.
The groupname will just be the name of the geometry object as you see it
in 3ds Max like head_01 or kite simple_64 etc.

I don't think I understand the issue about RTW models. Are these the
.cas files in models_strat like spy.cas, northern_ambassador.cas?
The file version looks to be 3.20 and the headers start off like what
is in Verc's script (though his seems to support 3.12 up to 3.18 from his
comments). The data looks like one big mesh for the ambassador and a
little mesh for documents. As far as I can tell from a hex editor these
match really close to the CAS_IE importer. Tried running to see what
the script would do but didn't even get a rollout. I don't see any issue
with putting a skin on these meshes and assigning bones, just need a
converter to go back and forth between a mesh-style .cas and .ms3d.
At least there aren't any granny bytes in .cas meshes.:laugh4:

11-23-2007, 01:42
Message sent to the other address.

I'm having some problems because when I get an error in the export attempts, the script doesn't work properly unless I reset 3ds max.

I will try to explain you my point of weighting or direct assignation with images.

In this model, we can see the links between objects and bones (schematic view, is called in 3ds max, the button marked in red).
As you can see, only one object (body_400) is not linked to any bone, but weighted through a skin modifier. All the others (falkata, as an example) have no skin modifier, but are linked to one bone.
This is very easily done with the tool marked in red in the schematic view window.

If I want to export this model to M2TW, apart from the differences between bones, each object should have a skin modifier and the vertex should be weighted to that bone (in the case of falkata, the pelvis bone) with 100%.
I wonder if all those manipulations can be made automatically with the script.

Perhaps there are some differences in the possible assignations from RTW to M2TW. For example, shields are linked to left hand in RTW, but to left elbow (if I'm not wrong) in M2TW. Perhaps the exporter should ask the modeller which bone must be linked to each object (or type of object, using the comments?).

11-23-2007, 05:58
(1) Having to reset: Following Verc's script I take a snapshot of each of the
meshes and work with the snapshot to pull out information. I then delete the
snapshot afterwards. If the script fails, the snapshot doesn't get deleted.
If you look in the Select By Name dialog you'll find a duplicated entry.
For instance, if you had 3 heads: head_01, head_02 and head_03, after an
error you would see head_04, that's the snapshot. It doesn't have a skin
modifier so the script fails again and you have to reset to get a good set
of meshes and skin modifiers.

(2) Totally misunderstood the question. Gmax doesn't have that button but
I THINK I'm understanding what you are saying. Let me back up and take
Milkshape and Max out of the question. Mesh files always have two bone
assignments. (CA left room for four but the other two aren't used in M2TW.)
For most vertices the secondary weight is 0.0 so its like a single bone
assignment but the placeholder is there.

Let's put Milkshape in. GOM's converter and mine put the two bone assignments
into the .ms3d file. The primary goes into the vertex section and the
secondary bone assignment is done at the bottom in the weighting section.
The weights are in the bottom section in percents. Mostly 100 as a byte
for the primary and 0 as a byte for the secondary weight. For the few that
have real weighting it might be 75 and 25 and so on.

Now put 3ds Max in. I bring over the data and use a skin modifier to assign
with because Verc's script did it that way and I found the documentation
for how that is done. If I make two bone assignments with weights of
1.0 and 0.0 Gmax ignores the zero weight and I lose the mesh data.
So I do 0.99999 for the primary weight and 0.00001 for the secondary and
Gmax remembers this and I can pull the data back out on export and
everyting is 1 to 1.

That was background. I think the question is there are two ways of assigning
vertices to a bone in Max. I did not know this. The older way, I'm guessing,
is what you've called a direct assignment. This means one bone only, no
weighting. The newer way is with a skin modifier and this allows weighting.
Sort of like Milkshape 1.7 versus 1.8. I think the answer is, if you do
assignments for all meshes in your model using skin modifiers, but do it
as 0.99999 for bone_Rhand for weapons and 0.00001 to its parent
bone_Relbow, then the model should export fine to .ms3d. From there,
since it has two bone assignments even though the conversion to bytes
will make the weights 100 and 0, it should convert back to a mesh just

Large shields are assigned to bone_Lelbow. If there are bucklers or targets
in the game those might be assigned to bone_Lhand since that's how they
would be wielded for real. Haven't really looked at that.

I think this means I don't have to look at .cas mesh files anymore. Pity,
really, the format is straightforward and would be easy to convert.

11-23-2007, 09:49

(1) Yes I've seen the creation of a snapshot, but the question is not only the error with the same model, but if you open a new scene and try to import a new ms3d file, you get also an error. I think it is important to remark the need to a reset in case of getting an error using the script. If not the users will think the importer doesn't work.

(2) Yes, that's the question. I didn't know that M2TW models are using always the assignation to two bones. :embarassed:

If you need more information about 3ds max, don't hesitate to ask me (even if I'm not an expert, I'm simply a user that tries to make everything as easy as possible ~D )

12-01-2007, 00:50
KE, the 'comments' section of Milkshape models, where's that shown in 3dsmax? Don't we still need Milkshape to do the comments and such?

12-01-2007, 02:52
I use the mesh name as the group name, the grouptype and groupflag
are in the UserProps of each mesh in the model. You can select a mesh
then edit->object properties and then click the "user defined" tab to see
them. They're in a key/value format like
grouptype = Arms
groupflag = 0
Boundingsphere is done the same way only it's stored in the UserProps
of the root bone. Weird thing is UserProps won't let you retrieve the full
string if there are spaces in it so the bounding sphere is stored with
percent signs like
boundingsphere = 0.345%0.112%0.005%1.711%/

05-02-2008, 01:17
is there a tutorial on using this correctly somewhere?

the reason I ask is I just create a box in 3dsmax and try to export it using the script to ms3d. it exports but nothing shows up in milkshape. Any explanation for this?


05-02-2008, 04:22
Hi etcetera,

No, no real user's manual for this. The converter is very
specific to game files so just making a box will kill it; it would
look for a skeleton and UserProps in the root bone, etc. and not
finding those will most likely crash and produce nothing. You can
watch it's demise be hitting F11 and bringing up the Max Script listener.

I'd try going the other way: Download GrumpyOldMan's converter from

It's tried and true and every modeller uses it. Find a .mesh file for a unit
you want to convert and turn it into a .ms3d file in Milkshape's binary
format. Then import it into Gmax or Max with the converter. You
should see a real game unit that you can modify and then export out again
because all the data will be defined like uv's, assignments, UserProp stuff
like boundingsphere data etc.



05-02-2008, 11:12
ah, thanks KnightErrant.

I'm only going to use it for fully modelled characters with skeleton and everything so then this tool is perfect.

03-29-2010, 13:12
hello all .
this is my 3d model in max.
i can't export it in to milkshape .
please some one do it for me if possible .
i dont know what is the problem .
this is my file

10-19-2014, 17:30
I cannot download the file as it says I need to log in. When I log in, it says my information is invalid; it is not actually lol

10-19-2014, 23:54
I cannot download the file as it says I need to log in. When I log in, it says my information is invalid; it is not actually lol

The file is hosted on another forum. https://mega.co.nz/#!GwJ0HLoR!ksT5v8D6SpD9Qgq9K3vv9aQrSwv2OocL8OLFXfi9DZg is a download link for it without having to create another account.