View Full Version : I love you CA!

Templar Knight
11-26-2007, 19:40
I have just read the 2nd Q&A and just read this:

Q: Will we see the Jacobite Rebellions? And will the game pick Presidents correctly after the Constitution is ratified?

A: Both of these questions assume that Empire: Total War will run on tram lines of historical inevitability. TW games don't do that. We set up a historical situation and create game rules that follow the pattern of history, but once that is done the game is on its own!

So, no, there's no guarantee that there will be a '15 or '45 Jacobite rising in Britain. If there is a rebellion, then there's a chance that it will be Jacobite in nature, that much is true, but there were other (potential) rebels during the period. You might get Luddites instead, intent on frame-breaking and similar industrial sabotage (a word that owes its origins to French workers throwing their wooden shoes - sabot - into machinery to ruin it). The Jacobites were, from one perspective, (un)witting dupes of the French who financed and supported them as a way of causing troublesome distractions for the British.

As to American presidents, there's no guarantee that the game will throw up a "revolution" during play if the rulers of North America are canny enough to keep the colonists onside!

I have waited forever for a game with the Jacobites, but a TW game with them in it is simply amazing!

Nice one guys! :2thumbsup:

11-26-2007, 19:49
Yeah looking forward to seeing the glorious Highland charge under a hail of gunfire. Culloden on the TW engine is going to be fantastic.:charge:

Also Luddites will be funny but did they really organise armies? Maybe they will just damage industrial output.

11-27-2007, 17:18
Nice one...Cheers:2thumbsup:

11-29-2007, 11:38
Isn't the whole point that Culloden might not happen, and in fact the probability of a battle occuring under the same circumstances is very low. CA just said the game (like all previous TW games) give you freedom to change history...

11-29-2007, 11:51
What about if you win a battle that wasnt won... CTD?