View Full Version : Hot-Seat Mod

12-01-2007, 12:10
Is there a hot-seat mod that works with EB1.0?

I have a campaign AAR where I need to change faction (for dramatic reasons).

I have tried searching the forum, maybe I'm just not very good at searching.

12-01-2007, 13:02
There isn't, and there never will be.

The script gets majorly screwed when you try. (i did it myself, but no, just no).

12-02-2007, 06:12
If you just want to switch to a different faction, Juvenal, that shouldn't be too hard. Even if Pharnakes is right about EB's background script going haywire when you switch factions, you could just load a saved game, not run the background script, and run a script along these lines instead:


console_command control [factionname]


The AI will play for the computer until it gets to factionname's turn, at which point you'll take over. You could run the EB background script at that point, and hopefully continue fairly smoothly from there. It shouldn't be any worse than loading a game and forgetting to activate the background script until your second turn.

What goes wrong with the EBBS, Pharnakes? I might have to stop trying to make it compatible with my year jump minimod...

12-02-2007, 06:17
I might be completely wrong. I remember hearing that the EBBS did some strange things to keep track of turns passing and reforms taking place. I just went to have a bit of a look at it, but there are hundreds of thousands of lines of code in there...

12-02-2007, 14:35
You'll be ok if you don't use the script for a few turns, but noy using it for a substantial number of turns will seriously throw anything that revolves around turns/years out, eg. reforms. I'm sure other strange things would happen too but I can't think of anything at the moment.

12-02-2007, 14:40
OK, a few little things that happen:

1.The money bonues start going all over the place, and get doubled up and go to the wrong faction, ect, ect.

2. Seasons get screwed, if you have two player factions then you get either stuck in summer or stuck in winter.

3. The script randomly activates and deactivates, dumping you into strange years and seasons completly randomly.

4. Reforms do very strange things. How about 2 marians and 4 polybians in 6 turns?

5. Basiacly the EEBS just completly looses the plot. And you know what they say, it ain't eb without the srit.

Megas Methuselah
12-02-2007, 20:27
it ain't eb without the srit

"srit"...? hehee...

12-02-2007, 21:03
Pharnakes' slave is drunk again... :laugh4: