View Full Version : Famous Generals

12-08-2007, 23:39
I will leave it to you you my fellow orgahs to tell and suggest some famous generals of the etw timeline..but dont minchen the obvious,like napoeleon and george washington....for I am a mere ant when it comes to this time in history:dizzy2:

12-09-2007, 00:17
Thaddeus Koskiusco(there are several versions of his name)
Originally born in Poland, he came to America during the revolution to aid the Americans. He was very succesful at constructing fortifications. He was the designer of West Point.(the designs were sold to the Brits by Benedict Arnold who was actually a fairly competent general at the time.) After the war, Thaddeus returned to Poland to unsuccesfully try to free his country from the control of the Prussians, Russians, Austrians, the local YMCA, etc....

12-09-2007, 15:08

bonnie prince charlie
duke of cumberland

12-10-2007, 04:43
Bonnie "Prince" Charlie, was nothing but a damned Frenchman through and through. He had not an ounce of Scot in him. He was not British, niether was he a general.
Cornwallis I suppose was famous, but only for his failures.
Sir John Moore and Churchill are two good ones.

12-10-2007, 09:11
For Prussia:

Old Fritz, Seydlitz, Ziethen, Winterfeld, Old Dessauer, Ferdinand of Brunschwick to name just a few

For Austria:

Daun, Hadik, me, Charles of Lorraine, Lacy...

12-10-2007, 10:24
For Imperial Russia:

Peter the Great Era:
General Sheremetyev
General Gordon- some crazy Scot who served under Peter the Great and his father Alexius, real interesting person
Prince Alexander Menshikov

Late Catherine-Napoleonic times
Alexander Suvorov
Mikhail Kutuzov
Barclay DeTolly
Georgii Bagration

As for Austria, do not forget Mach.

12-10-2007, 10:31
The austrian Daun was a great general - in my opinion the only one who could be comparable with Frederik(Friedrich) the Great of Prussia during the 7 years war.
Well perhaps the russian Saltikov could be mentioned also.

12-10-2007, 14:23
Otto von Bismarck isn't included in this game? Or was he not around at that time?

12-10-2007, 15:19
von Bismarck is
a)= out of timeframe and
b)=was a politican and not a general, although he had a military background.

12-10-2007, 19:40
He was the Prime Minister, and he did command the army at some point.

12-10-2007, 21:43
Well, Bismarck didn't command the army in reality, it was von Moltke.
If you look at it this way you could also say that the Kaiser was the overall commander of the army, but that was only a official title.

12-11-2007, 03:13
I can't believe that I forgot William Eaton!!!

While the Europeans were just paying tribute to the Barbary Coast pirates the US had Him and 8 marines recruit=a force of 200 christian and 300 muslim mercs in Alexandria and try to overthow the sultanate of tripoli and replace him with his pansy older brother. They marched 500 milies across the sahara desert to the town of Derne and attacked it. They defeated a force of over 4,000 with only a few dozen casualties. Unfortunately Jefferson had to be a pansy and use "diplomacy" with the Sultanate so Eaton had to hop on a ship and return to the US. He may have been an arrogant pompous *** but he makes my list of the top 10 most bad*** commanders of all time.

The part of the marine anthem that goes "to the shores of tripoli" refers to this little expedition.

12-14-2007, 08:36
Sweden - Great Northern War:
Rehnskjold - Greatest victory as independent commander - Fraustadt 1705.
Lewenhaupt - Gemauerthof 1705.
Stenbock - Helsingborg 1710, Gadebush 1712
and of course Charles XII, who. in fact, on occasion rode in front of the troops, brandishing his sword, as someone here put it.

Reventlow, C-in-C
Tordenskiold, admiral


Senatus Populusque Romanus
12-14-2007, 22:14

Marcus Furius Camillus
01-01-2008, 17:39
Eugene of Savoy for Austria


01-01-2008, 18:44
Wellington and Napoleon are included, I read it somewhere.

01-01-2008, 19:43
How can you possibly have missed the Duke of Marlborough?!

I'm not too familiar with military leaders of this time other than the Swedish ones (Stenbock, Lewenhaupt, Rehnskjöld etc). The only one I can think of right now is Villars (France).

Marcus Furius Camillus
01-01-2008, 22:39
Blücher !!!!

01-02-2008, 11:13
On the far side of the Atlantic the commanders who may be forgotten:

British General of the 7 years war

General Sir William Johnson

He was Chef Indian Agent for the Crown as well as a military commander and can be said to also have founded the American Rangers.

The American Revolution:

On the American side one could say that the war was won in spite of the generalship. Most were incompetent at best. Washington though had to play politics with the various Colonies to keep the army together, meaning that he kept these guys for political reasons.

The ones worth mentioning as competent or better are:

Benedict Arnold
George Rogers Clark
Nathaniel Greene
Daniel Morgan
Francis Marion
Friedrich von Steuben (drill master/trainer)
Mad Anthony Wayne
Henry Lee

In my estimation Clark was their best man but was strictly a frontier commander, though he did defeat Arnold ,after his defection, a distinction held by no other American commander. (the battle its self was an ambush but that is no mean feat given the commanders involved)

Arnold was the victor of Saratoga even though Gates received the credit and was in Washington’s estimation his ablest commander until his defection.

01-02-2008, 17:34
I would go with Marshall Ney for his rear guard action in the La Grand Armee retreat from Moscow.
He was always in the front and was wounded many times in his career.

01-03-2008, 04:56
Jose de San Martin, the person who bring liberty to Argentina, Chile and Perú.

If the years 1816-1850 are inside.

01-03-2008, 20:55
If they are,I would want to see indian cheif Osceola of the seminole in the second seminole war

i love wiki