View Full Version : Hordes

12-13-2007, 21:27

Is it possible to enable "Hordes" for some factions if you play with bi.exe. Especially for some factions, such as the Sauromatae and the Saka, it could be logical?

Thanks in advance.

12-14-2007, 00:26
Yes, it is possible for BI...

12-14-2007, 00:32
Alright, very many thanks!

I was planning on enabling it for certain factions, not just the Nomad/Steppe, but also some factions that would logically find another spot to live, such as the Koinon Hellenon (I know this is historically inaccurate, but I'd love to see a mass migration in that area).

12-14-2007, 02:42

Okay, now I've got this problem. I've made changes to the descr_sm_factions .txt file, and it loads until halfway, and then it CTD's, without error messages.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

faction greek_cities
culture greek
symbol ../eb/data/models_strat/symbol_greek_cities.CAS
rebel_symbol ../eb/data/models_strat/symbol_greek_cities_rebel.CAS
;artificially made darker to show up on sm banner
;actual colour is:
;primary_colour red 237, green 234, blue 179
primary_colour red 210, green 125, blue 70
secondary_colour red 210, green 125, blue 70
loading_logo ../eb/data/loading_screen/symbols/symbol128_greek_cities.tga
standard_index 15
logo_index 233
small_logo_index 247
triumph_value 5
intro_movie ../eb/data/fmv/intros/placeholder_intro.wmv
victory_movie ../eb/data/fmv/lose/greeks_eliminated.wmv
defeat_movie ../eb/data/fmv/lose/greeks_eliminated.wmv
death_movie fmv/death/death_greek_grass_320x240.wmv
custom_battle_availability yes
horde_min_units 60
horde_max_units 100
horde_max_units_reduction_every_horde 20
horde_unit_per_settlement_population 300
horde_min_named_characters 1
horde_max_percent_army_stack 80
horde_disband_percent_on_settlement_capture 33
horde_disband_percent_on_settlement_capture 50
horde_disband_percent_on_settlement_capture 100
horde_unit hellenistic infantry heavy pezhetairoi
horde_unit hellenistic missile cretan archers
horde_unit hellenistic cavalry prodromoi
horde_unit hellenistic missile thureopheromenoi toxotai
horde_unit hellenistic infantry hoplitai
horde_unit hellenistic infantry hoplitai
horde_unit hellenistic infantry hoplitai
horde_unit hellenistic infantry hoplitai
can_sap yes
prefers_naval_invasions yes
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

The descr_sm_factions .txt file is in (my own folder being)

C:\Games\Activision\Europa Barbarorum\EB\Data

Anyone could be of help here, please?

Edit: Personally, I thought it should be in

C:\Games\Activision\Europa Barbarorum\EB\Data\world\maps\campaign\barbarian_invasion

but when I try and put it in there, the game itself just can't find it and I get the message that I lost. Btw, I also changed the descr_strat in that same folder, so now I only start out with Sparte, just a FYI