View Full Version : Trade resources in provinces?

01-03-2008, 17:41
I've noticed that there's more to determining what resources a province gets than just descr_regions.txt. But where are the other files, and how are they to be tinkered with?

01-03-2008, 19:32
The .../world/maps/campaign/descr_strat.txt file has a list of the visible trade resources near the top of the file.
(Since it is in the maps folders, these changes are not savegame compatible and will require you to delete the map.rwm and start a new game.)

01-04-2008, 15:41

Also, when I open some text files, such the one with the resources' names, I get characters Notepad ++ portrays as "NULL" interspersed between the characters I'm interested in. Is there a way to get these characters decyphered or out of the way? since they render making sense of the text somewhat difficult.