Hi there, I don't know how I stumbled across this website anymore, but I have been on here for about an hour and I must say my jaw dropped and I was about to drool on my keyboard over the game : ) For the past 8 years now I have been waiting and hoping for there to be a Shogun II Total War with revamped graphics : ( But now I found you guys and I simply cannot wait until you finish! : ) From the looks of it, you've been working on this project for quite some time. Anyways, I have a few questions that I would greatly appreciate if they were answered, please keep in mind that I am not the best person for dealing with computers. I do not really understand what a mod is. I can only guess that people who are really good with computers are somehow changing the game models... AWESOME!

Question 1: Do I need Rome Total War and all of it's expansions (Barbarian Invasion, etc.) to play this game?

Question 2: Will it harm my computer in any way? Will I be able to play Rome Total War as I normally would without any difficulties?

Question 3: When playing a mod, does the gameplay suffer from lag or glitch or anything?

Question 4: Is downloading a mod easy or complicated?... I guess that answer varies from person to person...

Thanks to anyone that answers my questions, and I greatly look foward to your release of this new game!! : )

- josh