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Thread: MTW-Redux Beta Released!

  1. #121

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi again everyone and many thanks for the praise and good news,

    William: “I guess Redux TW is kind of the Disney version of MTW” You don’t like this guy ??? What’s there not to like?!?

    Seriously, I went to doctor redux practice today and he declared your game sick and unfit for further duty, William. He described the symptoms like this: “Would be cool to recruit some scottish clansman since I own their land now.” Since you can’t, you’re game is not feeling well and simply needs its medicine to be up and running properly again (perhaps now, all of you understand the value of posting in stuff regarding your campaigns now and then). Download and install the “” Sorry, but “it’s the doctor’s orders…” He he!

    - The current state of your game, is simply not redux. (at least not the way it was designed and supposed to be). Because of the “Manteuffelian bug” you’re missing out on roughly 40 tactical units in the entire game. Perhaps you should do something about it? It’s the TAC-fix you need to fix it and its available over at the filefront upload (use the link a few posts up or go to the debug area).

    And another thing, I personally can only sympathise with the annoying fact of the corrupt save, and yes it’s typical that it had to happen just where it did. But you must also realize that this has not anything to do with me or redux. It is flaw that has its origins in the original game and it happens “shows its ugly head” in redux as well (because redux runs ontop of it). If you are vexed about it, I can surely understand the reasons for why, but please direct your disappointment where it actually belongs, CA. Not redux.

    At any rate, if you honestly can say that you did not have fun during those prolonged battles with the Italians, I can only offer my sympathies. But my guess is that you did have fun. Besides big and real battles usually take time and should take time, at least the way I see it. Now, this “battleclock-thingie” is a stupid stuff if you ask me. No battle is ever settled to the tic-tac of an eggclock! Don’t bother with that, and get back to the scene of the crime, and make it right this time! Last time was just a rehersal! (Oh, and all this should happen AFTER you installed the “TAC-fix”. BTW I will have a look at the longboats as well.) And now folks! By popular demand here he is! Mickey!!!

    Achilles: If you can’t run MTW in 1280x1024, at least run it at 1280x960. It usually works just as well. And if those specs of yours are right, you probably can’t go any higher…

    Orph: Again thanks for praise here. Now, everybody seems to whine about the Moors these days. All I can say is this. When I play (some other faction), I usually have problems keeping them (the Moors) alive, or is that just me?!?

    Mortalflesh: Finally we got the good news from you as well! This means that the portal to the little world of redux is wide open and I sure hope that you do stick around here now when we actually got the game going for you.

    Cheers guys!
    Due to recent events, do check out if "you" really got all the fixes that are available for your version of redux. The "infoV2" download should suffice (post1).

  2. #122

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Thanks for your replies Axalon.
    I actually tried to download the "", but I end up with the message:
    "we were unable to locate the file to download".

  3. #123

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Ok Will, try again…… I know that filefront works because I have tested it myself. This is the file you need:

    Filefront (faster):

    Atomic Gamer:

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 10-02-2008 at 23:12. Reason: cleaning

  4. #124

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Ok Will, try again…… I know that filefront works because I have tested it myself. This is the file you need:

    Filefront (faster):

    Atomic Gamer:

    - Cheers
    Only the "Atomic" works for me, but I'm happy with the result in my campaign. Now I can defeat the evil Italians with some more flavor.

  5. #125

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Since things have settled down here a bit, I would like to give Orph some proper replies and comments to his remarks in post:119. Because I think it deserves it and I never really had the chance to properly reply and comment on it before (time shortage), and I want remedy all that right now. After all, Orph bothered to think things thru, write it down, and post it in and I think I owe him to return the favour. This kind of behaviour is good for all of us and should be encouraged at all times! However, please also remember that "you" are writing for all of us, so keep things intresting and relevant.

    At any rate, I am sorry for cutting you short Orph and you deserved a better treatment than you got. I might not always have the time to give you guys some thorough answers and comments, but if possible, I will try to do it when I can, even if it ends up late and over-due. Here is my penance, this time.…

    Now, back in post: 119, Orph wrote this:

    “Those Moors really are a danger in redux.

    My first campaign with the English was going great - I had the British Isles, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Normandy and Flanders, and then they turned up - smashing through the Spanish and French, and landed 5 full stacks on Normandy!

    I held out for a little while, but soon lost due to lack of funds to keep up my armies, and got rolled all the way back to Scotland, where my king and the tattered remains of heavy infantry went down in flames!

    Next campaign - Spanish, and first priority was to smash the Moors. I drove them from the Iberian penninsula, held Morrocco against the hordes, but then crusaded to Egypt and Palestine - choking off their money-making provinces. This seemed to cut them down, and I was able to mop up Afroca quite quickly.

    I really like how redux rewards a well run economy. The changes to trade and agricultural returns are great.

    My current campaign ( I tend to finish up once the tide has turned in my favour - the spanish campaign saw my empire stretch from Portugal to Kazar, and from Tunisia to Norway, with only the Russians left in their top corner of the map), is with the French, and this one is definitely a fun challenge.

    I currently hold the french homelands, as well as Navarre, and a line of fortified provinces from Friesland to Burgundy. Just now building up a strikeforce of royal infantry, frankish knights and feudal bowmen to take back Iberia for the true faith :).

    I can't say enough good things about this mod! Waiting pateintly for the update.... Thanks Axalon.”
    Well the Moors and every other faction have this capacity in redux I believe. It seems to me to be a question of which faction will it be the next time. As I indicated earlier, it’s very rare that the Moors grow strong, when the crown is under my management, but they can, and obviously they did, when you played your campaign. Personally I have seen similar behaviour from the Russia, Byzantium, France and Italy for instance. As in growing strong and becoming increasingly expansive.

    “I held out for a little while, but soon lost due to lack of funds to keep up my armies, and got rolled all the way back to Scotland, where my king and the tattered remains of heavy infantry went down in flames!”

    Again, your Intel (along with Westerns for instance) seems to indicate that redux is ready and able to “bite back” at the player, which of course is a trait that I always wanted in this game. I always wanted to have god fight and challenge for anybody who plays redux (and I feel that the original is a bit disappointing in that area). Perhaps those intensions finally got thru to the AI, at least to some extent. Hehe! At any rate, it sounds really cool to have an increasingly desperate situation. Fighting each battle as it where you’re last, retreating, scrape together the little formations you got and perhaps rebuild a new bigger veteran formation. In some cases it is actually better to several small skeleton units instead. Regardless, even if you loose, you can still have lots of fun! And I am certain that Heavy Infantry dudes (personal favourites of mine) went down in style! They usually do! Hehe!

    “Next campaign - Spanish, and first priority was to smash the Moors. I drove them from the Iberian penninsula, held Morrocco against the hordes, but then crusaded to Egypt and Palestine - choking off their money-making provinces. This seemed to cut them down, and I was able to mop up Afroca quite quickly.”

    Now, since you obviously learned to have a healthy respect for the Moors, and you should have, your actions as described does not come as a big surprise! Besides, playing as Spain, I believe that you are forced to deal with the Moors sooner or later. And, the longer you wait to actually do that, the more formidable the Moors get. As stated in the campaign intro, you can’t match them in an arms race, they got more castles and at least as much florins as you do as Spain. I would say than the most important battle you have with the Moors is probably over Cordoba and Morocco. Once they have fallen, the strength of the Moors are too scattered and they usually don’t have florins and men to secure all their bordering provinces to full strength, thus giving you multiple alternatives of attack and the overall initiative (at least the way the AI usually behaves). But at the same time you will probably have to withstand a very possible counterattack or two.

    The importances of economical aspects of redux do have a far greater impact on the game than what can be found in the original and your story here is testimony to that circumstance. As you might have guessed, this is consciously designed to be like that, because that’s the way I like it. As simple as that. The reasons for your successful mop up seems to be fairly obvious, they have less and less florins available and less and less castles to recruit those precious new troops in as well. The conclusion is accurate and correct to the given circumstances I think.

    “I really like how redux rewards a well run economy. The changes to trade and agricultural returns are great.”

    I have always felt that you should collect the well earned advantages of a well kept economy (I have discussed these things earlier on this thread, see post 31. If you not read that already that is, you might otherwise find it interesting). Redux is not in any way an exception in that regard. However, in the VI/2.01 version the importance of economy is more obvious and true than in V1.1 (structural and hardcoded reasons) since it has basically reduced all trade income to 50% or there about. Because of that, the importance of economy really is greater and thus making redux a bit harder than it is in the V1.1 version. As far as agricultural stuff goes, I always felt the original 4 steps was to little so I changed it to 6 steps instead (not to little not too much, I did a similar thing with the horse breeders). Frankly, I think that alteration makes the whole game better and more interesting. Anyways, I’m glad you like it, I do too…

    “(I tend to finish up once the tide has turned in my favour - the spanish campaign saw my empire stretch from Portugal to Kazar, and from Tunisia to Norway, with only the Russians left in their top corner of the map)”

    Not all does (finish up). May dare to ask at what difficulty setting this happened?

    “I currently hold the french homelands, as well as Navarre, and a line of fortified provinces from Friesland to Burgundy. Just now building up a strikeforce of royal infantry, frankish knights and feudal bowmen to take back Iberia for the true faith :).”

    Infantry (sword), now that is key. If I were forced to choose only one of the 3 major arms available in redux, it would have been infantry (preferably the heavy kind). Without enough solid infantry you probably will find many battles very hard to do. A few formations of well equipped, upgraded and trained infantry can under the command of an able general do devastating damage to a vastly superior force, especially if there are some woods around. Like the Frankish Knights Ehh? Anyways, good luck and be careful of the Russians and the devious Italians!

    That’s is more like it; this is how I should have answered you the first time around Orph.
    I have slapped myself in the head again so I don’t forget that next time….

    - Cheers

  6. #126

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    i had a problem with installation.
    i overwrote the files like it said in #2, and clicked medieval, and it was the exact same.
    no mod.

  7. #127

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi again cambovenzi and welcome to the redux area,

    Let’s sort this thing out for you shall we? Post in your (exact) install path and also specify how many MTW’s you got installed on your PC. Also specify what redux material you have downloaded so far. Also post what version of MTW you got (I know that it is V.1.1, but do it anyway, so we got all the info in one place, for others to see).

    After you have posted this stuff in, why don’t you have a look at post: 90, 94, 100, 104, 109, 112, 114, while you wait for an answer. Have look at these posts and chances are that you can solve it on your own that way. If you do, please post in that fact. At any rate, these posts have plenty of useful info for you and you current problem.

    Once I get hold of the above specified info I or someone else around here will take it from there.

    (“…i overwrote the files like it said in #2” of what?)

    - Cheers
    Oh just so you know, we usually “hi” around here…

  8. #128

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi Axalon,

    Thanks for the indepth response!

    I think I may have been too hasty in over-estimating the Moorish impact. My current French game has taken a completely different turn (one which I gave a slight push to accomplish).

    So, standard scenario to begin with, I have all of France - having wiped out Burgundy and Aragon, and had a common border with the Moors in Cordoba - the Spanish and Portugese were still present, but only holding 2 and 1 provinces respectively.

    I watched with trepidation as I shored up Valencia with 3 full stack royal infantry/frankish infantry (I love these guys) and assorted cav and archer regiments. The Moors had 6 full stack armies, predominatly Moorish infantry, but some nice special units mixed in as well.

    I had one assassin, and the game gave me a 25% chance of killing the Moorish leader - which incidently was one of the highest percentages I've ever got on a leader, so I sent him in.

    And, surprisingly he was successful. The Moors immediately break out in civil war - but with 4 of the armies joining the rebels. This happened in Granda as well, and after two more turns, the Moors were no more thanks to the rebels and the Saracens who had stormed across Africa and took Morroco.

    So, it does indeed seem that any of the factions can dominate - which is great. I only out forward my earlier findings based on 2 and a half play throughs, which was an insufficient sample size.

    I have to agree regarding infantry - RTW was my first TW game, so I am used to relying on the legion strengths, so am approaching MTW in the same way. Always have a core of sword/axe infantry, 2 spear regiments for the wings, and then archers and cav as auxiliary.

  9. #129
    Camel Lord Senior Member Capture The Flag Champion Martok's Avatar
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    In my own little world....but it's okay, they know me there.

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    I hate asking stupid questions, but I want to make sure I do this right: What exactly do I need to install in order to play Redux with MTW/VI 2.01? Is it a single download, or do I have to install something else first?
    "MTW is not a game, it's a way of life." -- drone

  10. #130

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    This is a great mod, thanks to Axalon for all his work it's excellent.
    All has gone well for my v1.1 plus Redux but I just hit a slight problem. Playing the English I have commanded attacks and battled successfully in Northumbria, Brittany and a couple of others but on invading Scotland and choosing to command the attack personally (I always go for this option) the battle would not load and I got a message "Hard-Sprites failed to load" - the only way out was the escape key and back to the game but with my invading army now back in base as if they never entered Scotland. Not wishing to miss out on a fight with the Highlanders I ended up doing a new install of the game and reduxing it again and then putting in the save game - same result! i tried invading about 4 other countries/provinces and in each case all worked normally in order to give me a battle to command. So up to now it's only Scotland that has this problem.

    so i guess either there is some problem in my save game that replicated the issue in the newly installed reduxed version or perhaps some glitch in the mod?

  11. #131

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    Hi again cambovenzi and welcome to the redux area,

    Let’s sort this thing out for you shall we? Post in your (exact) install path and also specify how many MTW’s you got installed on your PC. Also specify what redux material you have downloaded so far. Also post what version of MTW you got (I know that it is V.1.1, but do it anyway, so we got all the info in one place, for others to see).

    After you have posted this stuff in, why don’t you have a look at post: 90, 94, 100, 104, 109, 112, 114, while you wait for an answer. Have look at these posts and chances are that you can solve it on your own that way. If you do, please post in that fact. At any rate, these posts have plenty of useful info for you and you current problem.

    Once I get hold of the above specified info I or someone else around here will take it from there.

    (“…i overwrote the files like it said in #2” of what?)

    - Cheers
    Oh just so you know, we usually “hi” around here…
    alright ill give it a shot.
    only 1 MTW on the computer.
    C:\Program Files\Total War\Medieval - Total War
    v 1.1

    and i downloaded the .rar version on the first page.
    there was 2 ways it gave me how to install it.
    #2 seemed easier so i did that.
    it instructed me to rename and replace/overwrite the medieval - total war file as redux - total war.
    i did so, and it overwrote it.
    and it said that was all i needed to do.

    but when i went into the game, it was the same as before

    ill go check out those post #'s you gave me a little more in depth now.
    and get back to you.

  12. #132

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello everyone and special welcome to Alphington, both to the Org. and to the redux corner, also many thanks for the praise as well (Orph, maybe I could get back to your stuff later?). Martok please excuse me for a short moment….

    Cambovenzi: I would personally recommend the “happy 7”-install model of William the Silent (post:109) since that seems to be the simplest way to install (Will I’m gone credit you for that!). What you need to have an optimal redux going is listed below. And you need to install the fix after you installed redux. Start with that and see how things go. And yes, please do report back here with your progress. Good luck!

    Alphington: this problem you are describing seems strange and with the limited amount of info I got, my only conclusion can be that it is a corrupted save in this case. Because I can’t replicate what you are describing, hence we can almost certainly rule out the possibility that it has anything to do with redux.

    My guess is therefore that it is a corrupted save you got and that has also nothing to do with redux. MTW V.1.1 simply is not as stable as the VI/2.01. And corrupted saves have their origins from flaws in the CA coding of the gameprogram running MTW, as sad and simple as that (thus I would advice you to do regular “Mastersaves”, at the very beginning of the turn, before you do anything). I have run redux on V.1.1 easily more than 1000 times, and believe me this is not related to redux in any way. Because if it was, I would have discovered it long time ago. Now, I can only offer my sympathies for you, but that’s how things have turned out for you, sorry.

    Feel free to post in the exact specifications of which units that where involved in the battle for Scotland. Yours and the rebels, and I will when time allows, double-check if all those troops functions properly and as supposed to. Then we will have a final and certain answer regarding this. Hope this cleared things up for you and again I’m glad you like redux!

    Martok: Sorry for that…. Its quite alright man, we all must do the “stupid questions routine” now and then whether we like it or not. At least I have proved that on more than one occasion.

    Now for the sake of clarity for others than yourself, I’ll also include some stuff regarding the V.1.1 as well in a separate section below. Here are the exact specifications of what you need and it must be installed in that order: (in spoiler)

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Redux on VI/2.01 you exactly need:
    MTW-VI + Patch 2.01 + MTW Redux 1.0 + VI BETA a + VI TAC FIX = Current optimal version of redux

    However, this will change with the soon to be released formal VI-upgrade 1.0. Then it will be like this:

    MTW-VI + Patch 2.01 + MTW Redux 1.0 + VI upgrade 1.0 = New optimal version of redux.

    All installed in that sequential order….

    Now, after the releases of the formal VI-upgrade 1.0 and you already got a redux install, it will be like this:

    MTW-VI + Patch 2.01 + MTW Redux 1.0 + VI BETA a + VI TAC FIX + VI upgrade 1.0 = New optimal version of redux on VI/2.01.

    As in, you simply download the VI-upgrade 1.0 and then install it on top of all the rest….


    Redux on V.1.1 you exactly need:
    MTW + Patch 1.1 + MTW Redux 1.0 + Islamic castle fix = Current optimal version of redux on V.1.1

    However, this will change with the soon to be released “Superfix for V.1.1”. Then it will be like this:

    MTW + Patch 1.1 + MTW Redux 1.0 + Superfix = New optimal version of redux on V.1.1

    All installed in that sequential order….

    Now, after the releases of the Superfix for V.1.1 and you already got a redux install, it will be like this:

    MTW + Patch 1.1 + MTW Redux 1.0 + Islamic castle fix + Superfix = New optimal version of redux on V.1.1

    As in, you simply download the Superfix and then install it on top of all the rest….


    Now, the VI-upgrade 1.0 and the Superfix will be released separately I guess, as in when I finish them basically. The end result when both are released is that both redux versions VI/2.01 and V1.1 will for the first time have some proper conformity. As in you could play a V.1.1 version and essentially discuss your experiences with a person who plays on a VI/2.01 version of redux….

    All the stuff that you need to make redux happen are uploaded over here:


    Atomic gamer:

    Hope all of that sorted things out for you Martok (and everybody else).

    - Cheers
    I’m off to the countryside today to be peasant-like so I won’t be able to help you guys personally until sunday evening or there about. Hopefully some of the other cheerful guys here at the redux corner will help you out until then.
    Last edited by Axalon; 03-31-2009 at 07:50. Reason: clean up...

  13. #133

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Thanks for your reply Axalon - I will just deal with the save game issue and 'battle on' :) after your response I'm convinced this is nothing to do with redux - i'll just start up again and do master saves regularly.

  14. #134

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    yeah, thanks for reply.
    i did what you said from post 109
    and its working beautifully.
    pretty cool and different so far.

  15. #135

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    I think that what is going wrong with installations is that the Mod is unzipped towards the "Medieval Total War" file (this puts the complete file inside the "Medieval Total War" file, which is wrong).
    It has to be towards the "Total War" file in "Program Files" (if you're talking about the automatic installation path of MTW).

  16. #136

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by William the Silent View Post
    I think that what is going wrong with installations is that the Mod is unzipped towards the "Medieval Total War" file (this puts the complete file inside the "Medieval Total War" file, which is wrong).
    It has to be towards the "Total War" file in "Program Files" (if you're talking about the automatic installation path of MTW).
    Yes but don't forget the .rar file when unzipped is Redux - Total War, so unless they're fully aware of that little tidbit, it still won't be an automatic installation path. Instead of assuming that a mod installs to the main directory, a good safe practice for any mod installation might be to create a new folder on your desktop and unzip the .rar in that folder. Then you can view the entire contents of the mod and notice things like the folders name before you try to overwrite anything. This has saved me a lot of headaches with mods in the past. My .

  17. #137

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello everyone and I’m glad that each problem has been sorted!

    Alphington: Yes, do the “Master Saves” because my guess is that you won’t be sorry for it, especially when MTW fusses with you again (and it will). Otherwise enjoy redux and feel free to post in any questions and other stuff, and do stick around here at the redux area!

    Cambovenzi: Excellent news! I’m glad all your installation problems have been sorted for you. Now, didn’t I say that we could solve them? He he! Do enjoy redux and I hope to "read you" here more.

    Orph: I won’t give you some big answers this time but here is a shorted version. The story of the assassin is an illuminating example that everything doesn’t have to be settled at the battlefield. And yes, (almost) all factions (Portugal seems to me to be the usual exception to the rule, personally I have only seen such tendencies once from Portugal) have the chance to grow strong and expansionistic. Thus making redux an ever changing game with a strong replayability factor which is a thing that I always valued in the original, but perhaps that factor is even stronger in redux.

    Now your example of Valencia clearly indicates the importance of infantry. I you would have attacked without a strong core of infantry you might have very well lost that battle because the Moorish Infantry would have grinded down your cavalry and what else that were around after that. And don’t underestimate their archers either because those guys can do some serious damage if you allow them to operate unhindered. Anyways one of the big overall advantages of infantry is that they can fight in any terrain, at any condition (short of desert, because that area really is punishing for all heavy/medium formations. The Islamic factions will never be as strong as they are there.). Cavalry and archers need open spaces, and archers are dependant on good weather as well. Now, I am fairly certain that we all can agree that such circumstances is not present at all times, thus making such troops usually forced to fight at various kinds of disadvantages.

    William: Thanks for guarding the fort man…

    “I think that what is going wrong with installations is that the Mod is unzipped towards the "Medieval Total War" file (this puts the complete file inside the "Medieval Total War" file, which is wrong). It has to be towards the "Total War" file in "Program Files" (if you're talking about the automatic installation path of MTW).”

    Yes, all the install-problems up till now have had one thing in common. As in the mix-up of the “Total War”-folder and the “Medieval/Redux – Total War”- folder (which is found within the Total War”-folder). At any rate, these problems seem to be rather small and limited since we have had only a few people that have posted in these problems (I hope this holds true!). Roughly 5 out of 300 or so (current statistics), as about 1,6% of the known downloads (even if I do have a hard time believing that there are some 300 active redux players out there). Anyways, as long as the troubles are limited to this we should now have little problems in sorting them out if and when they do occur.

    Baron von M: Amen to that…



    The Release of the “Redux VI-upgrade 1.0” is just around the corner and is scheduled to be released within roughly 48 hours (This is needed to play redux if you got a V.2.01 of MTW). On top of that the release of the “Superfix V.1.1” will also be released in close proximity as well. The Superfix V.1.1 is an update for all players running redux on MTW V.1.1 and it makes the current version “catch up” as much as possible with the changes and alterations made on redux during the development of VI-upgrade 1.0. Thus creating some sort of conformity between the VI-2.01 version and the V.1.1 version (for the first time since the VI-Beta was released.). This will mean that two players of different versions will be able to have similar experiences of redux and thus can have a discussion of redux if they wanted to (even if they play different versions of it).

    Details on what both the VI-upgrade 1.0 and the Superfix V.1.1 will do:

    * Killing all known bugs and errors that have been charted in redux so far.
    * Slight AI-adjustments.
    * Minor fine-tuning of a few units.
    * Corrections regarding various availability issues for various factions (unlocking units etc.)
    * Rebellion values adjusted and fine-tuned.
    * GFX-corrections and a few additions.
    * Some audio corrections for campmap and frontend.
    * Secret new tactical units… But be adviced they are not many! However, they are recruitable.
    * New reworked “Mercenary Magnetism”-model, as in making it easier to recruit various mercenaries in well developed areas.
    * Slight adjustments and alterations in the troubled Moorish Campaign in ReduxSPC. Making it more stable (Malta has been removed, this is a V.1.1 issue).
    * ReduxSPC difficulty levels and campaign settings altered and starting cash changed.

    VI-upgrade 1.0 exclusive:

    * The Russian faction is unlocked for the player (functions very well).
    * Harsher economical framework applied (thus making it a harder game than the V.1.1 version).
    * All factions unlocked for reduxMP and additional commentary and info regarding reduxMP (it's is due to structural differences to V.1.1).

    Both will be available in zip/rar compressions and at different locations (if some link would go bad) and they are to be downloaded separately (as in, you don’t have to download the superfix to get the VI-upgrade for your MTW V.2.01. You just download what you need, nothing else. And of course it is the other way around for V.1.1 users). As soon as I release one of them and all stuff are in place I will set up the links for it.

    - Cheers
    Last edited by Axalon; 09-30-2008 at 00:03.

  18. #138

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    thanks again.

    i almost forgot what i was going to say.
    I was wondering if there was a way to fix my new faction leader basically magically teleporting away once the king dies.
    i had him and my king down fighting a war, and he was a 6 star general of a big army.
    my king dies of illness or something, and my new king gets bounced back to the capitol, far away from the battle.
    so i lose 2 generals.

  19. #139
    Camel Lord Senior Member Capture The Flag Champion Martok's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by cambovenzi View Post
    thanks again.

    i almost forgot what i was going to say.
    I was wondering if there was a way to fix my new faction leader basically magically teleporting away once the king dies.
    i had him and my king down fighting a war, and he was a 6 star general of a big army.
    my king dies of illness or something, and my new king gets bounced back to the capitol, far away from the battle.
    so i lose 2 generals.
    I believe that's hard-coded and can't be changed. When your faction leader dies and the crown prince ascends to the throne, he automatically appears in your most developed province (since theoretically that should be your "capital").

    That's why if you own Constantinople, your newly-crown faction leader will often appear there -- it starts out with a Citadel and often has a large number of high-level buildings.
    Last edited by Martok; 09-30-2008 at 18:03.
    "MTW is not a game, it's a way of life." -- drone

  20. #140

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Martok View Post
    I believe that's hard-coded and can't be changed. When your faction leader dies and the crown prince ascends to the throne, he automatically appears in your most developed province (since theoretically that should be your "capital").

    That's why if you own Constantinople, your newly-crown faction leader will often appear there -- it starts out with a Citadel and often has a large number of high-level buildings.
    that makes sense i guess. he would have to return to the capital to be crowned i suppose.
    i was afraid it might be hardcoded
    still not helping me any if im fighting the egyptians and all of a sudden both my only (6+ star) generals are gone.
    one back to spain... and one dead.

  21. #141

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Ok, I have released the “official” MTW-redux VI-upgrade 1.0. Click on the pic to get to the download area (or click
    on my signature, it will also have the same effect). Hope you guys have lots of fun with redux while using this module.
    Finally, could someone please verify that it actually works?!?

    Last edited by Axalon; 03-31-2009 at 07:56. Reason: update

  22. #142

    Smile Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi Axalon

    I can confirm this works - and it's quick to get and install. I was playing as the Russians about 5 mins after spotting this while browsing with a cup of tea! I'm not expecting a huge amount of changes, but curious to see what's new.

  23. #143

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi Wes!

    That's good news! You know, you’re a rock you know that? He he! I have been running up and down cleaning this thread (as in removing all the now obsolete VI-links). I appreciate that you verified the VI-upgrade functionality for me (just like old times eh?! He he!). By the way, I credited you in the “ReadMe”-file. As for the changes there are some here and there, but it’s more fun if you find them out on your own. Again, many thanks for helping me out in the development of this module. Oh, and enjoy the module!

    Cheers man!

  24. #144
    Camel Lord Senior Member Capture The Flag Champion Martok's Avatar
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    Question Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Gah. I thought I'd followed the installation instructions in the Readme (for both Redux and the VI Upgrade) correctly, but apparently not. Nothing happens when I click on the game's icon, nor when I try running it directly from the CD/DVD drive. I tried to uninstall (and then do a reinstall), but I'm now getting an error message that reads "Could not open INSTALL.LOG file".

    Any ideas?
    "MTW is not a game, it's a way of life." -- drone

  25. #145

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    @ Martok

    Have you tried starting the game using the .exe in the Redux folder? For some weird reason it did not work for me either when I tried to run it from the original MTW/VI desktop shortcut. I would guess you do not have a Medieval - Total War folder any more (probably renamed to Redux or whatever) that is what the shortcut is looking for.

    If that works, just create a shortcut to that .exe and your problem will be solved.

  26. #146
    Camel Lord Senior Member Capture The Flag Champion Martok's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hmm. Couldn't find the .exe file, which only further confirms my suspicions that I did in fact screw up the install somehow.

    Fortunately, I think I have finally managed to uninstall the game, so I'm going to try a fresh install and see if that helps.
    "MTW is not a game, it's a way of life." -- drone

  27. #147

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hello guys,

    Martok: Ok, let’s solve this for you shall we? I would be very surprised if this is not a screwed up install issue. This is essentially post:127 and bits of 132 all over again but what the hell, it is for a good cause.

    “Post in your (exact) install path and also specify how many MTW’s you got installed on your PC. Also specify exactly what redux material you have downloaded so far. Also post what version of MTW you got…" (I know that it is VI, but do it anyway, so we got all the info in one place, for all others to see).

    ”After you have posted this stuff in, why don’t you have a look at post: 90, 94, 100, 104, 109, 112, 114, while you wait for an answer. Have look at these posts and chances are that you can solve it on your own that way. If you do, please post in that fact. At any rate, these posts have plenty of useful info for you and you current problem.”

    The only safe way to do initial start-ups with redux is the “Medieval_TW.exe” found in the game folder (as in were reduxed Medieval/Redux – Total War is installed). There are plenty of things that could potentially go wrong otherwise. Once the install is correct and redux is running the way it should, you can manufacture new shortcuts for the desktop or whatever, but stick to this initially because it’s safer that way. Oh, and the way to check if you got the install right go to the “Quickstart”-folder (in the gamefolder) and open to look for any filenames that contains “redux” in any way, if there are, the install is correct. If not, the install have failed again.

    Bits of post:132. “I would personally recommend the “happy 7”-install model of William the Silent (post:109) since that seems to be the simplest way to install…” (Will, you got a credit for that in VI-upgrade!). “What you need to have an optimal redux going…” you already got as far as I can tell (MTW-Redux + VI-upgrade 1.0). While I’m doing recommendations, it would probably be advantageous for you to have a clean and fully patched reference-copy of MTW-VI for safekeeping. This will above all save you time from doing traditional installs, as in you simply copy the ref-copy to the place you want your clean RAW-copy of MTW-VI to overwrite with redux or any other mod-version for that matter. Report back here with your progress. Good luck!

    (If this is an install-matter, we will solve it. Of that I am pretty sure, but I must have the requested stuff to help you further here.)

    Joh: quite an entrance! Hehe! Holding the fort the very first thing you did here! My thanks and welcome to you, Joh! I hope that everything is working out satisfactory for you and I am looking forward to your comments regarding redux and I really hope that you like some of it. At any rate, the TWC redux-thread could really use a few posts that show all the people there, that redux is indeed playable and it could actually be fun while doing just that. Because it really hard to maintain that thread otherwise. I really hope to "read you" here (or there!) some more from now on. Oh, which solution did you end up with by the way? Did the drivers work?!?

    (Any other redux player are of course invited to also pay the TWC thread a visit, “you” are even more invited to show the “TWC people” there that redux is indeed playable and fun. At any rate, it’s very different there so far, compared to our cosy redux corner here at the Org.)

    Ok, I’m off to the salt mines again to finish up the “Superfix V.1.1” for all you guys that are running redux on a MTW V.1.1.

    - Cheers
    I guess that general reference-guide as in "the fools install guide!" where all the various ways of successful installs of redux could be presented is probably a good idea. Anyone interested in compiling all relevant posts and doing an easy to use overall guide that we all could use as a reference?!? With pics and red pointers and the full manual-ish package? Because I get the feeling that I am not the best person to write it. Anyone interested?
    Last edited by Axalon; 10-05-2008 at 08:30.

  28. #148
    Fighting the Good Fight Member Zasz1234's Avatar
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    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi Axalon, thanks again for the mod, but it is giving me some trouble.

    It runs fine for quite some time, maybe 100 turns or so then it will crash and give me this message when I move into the tactical battle mode:

    fclose(0008A2860) - "Invalid Argument"(22)

    Sorry if this has been repeated elswhere.

    EDIT: oh yeah, and I'm playing version 1.1
    Last edited by Zasz1234; 10-04-2008 at 19:43.
    Inhale, exhale
    Forward, back
    Living, dying:
    Arrows, let flown each to each
    Meet midway and slice
    The void in aimless flight
    Thus I return to the source.

  29. #149

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Hi there Zasz,

    Let me first repeat what I said to Alphington back in post 132:

    …this problem you are describing seems strange and with the limited amount of info I got, my only conclusion can be that it is a corrupted save in this case. I have played redux way beyond 100 turns myself and can’t remember anything like this at all" …hence we can almost certainly rule out the possibility that it has anything to do with redux.
    "…it is a corrupted save you got and that has also nothing to do with redux. MTW V.1.1 simply is not as stable as the VI/2.01. And corrupted saves have their origins from flaws in the CA coding of the gameprogram running MTW, as sad and simple as that (thus I would advice you to do regular “Mastersaves”, at the very beginning of the turn, before you do anything). I have run redux on V.1.1 easily more than 1000 times, and believe me this is not related to redux in any way. Because if it was, I would have discovered it long time ago. Now, I can only offer my sympathies for you, but that’s how things have turned out for you, sorry.
    Having repeated this I can only think of two possible answers for you. 1. you have tinkered with the “crusaders_unit_prod11.txt”-file and it has become corrupted (that happens). 2. A corrupt save as mentioned and discussed above. Sorry but there you have it.

    Because if it was connected to redux I would have discovered it long time ago. As I said I have played way beyond 100 turns running redux on MTW V.1.1. However, in order to do that I did save a horde of games and a small legion of mastersaves. It’s the flaws in the gameprogram that forces you to do that if you don’t want do 10-20 turns all over again… My suggestion to you is to not trust those autosaves, they aren’t that trustworthy in my book, its way better to do mastersaves (however that do demand more work on your part). I’m afraid that your only option is to go back to another save and take it from there. For what’s its worth, you are not the only one who had this fate (not even in redux). It is a bitter lesson about these mastersaves and you just found out the hard way. For that I am sorry, but you can be sure of one this, it will happen again for you. Mastersaves is the only known way around it, sorry.

    From one thing to another, this is for all you guys who have (or will have) trouble installing redux I have done a little something to seriously combat those issues from now on, and hopefully this will be the end of it. I guess that only time will tell if that’s true, but that is what I am hoping for here. Now, here is my penance for not being clear enough regarding these things (hopefully I am now), so without further a due and fresh out from the redux lab, here is “the fools install guide”. Enjoy!

    Is this clear enough for everyone?!?

    - Cheers
    BTW, the redux “Superfix V.1.1” will be released within 24hrs.
    Last edited by Axalon; 03-31-2009 at 08:09. Reason: update

  30. #150

    Default Re: MTW-Redux 1.0 Released!

    Ok, I have released the “Superfix V.1.1”. Click on the pic to get to the download and info area (or click on my signature, it will also have the same effect). Hope you guys running redux upon v.1.1 have lots of fun with while using this!

    However, due to the eternal wisdom of the filefront management I was recently forced to do a new upload of the full MTW-redux.rar package. Because of that I have the past few days been building a new and fully updated version of the standard redux package, the MTW-Redux 1.0b. The superfix is all included in this new edition and there are some other new stuff included there as well, including the new “fools install guide”. Thus there will only be one single download from now on (knock on wood!), as long as you play upon MTW v.1.1. The VI-players still have to download the VI-upgrade module to make redux compatible with that.

    In other words, the superfix is only really useful to those of you who have a copy of the initial and first edition of redux, and at the same time only have access to MTW v.1.1. The Superfix is essentially for you guys who are not that interested in downloading the full new version of MTW-redux 1.0b (then again perhaps there are some that do want to have all the files in one single package, then by all means download the new version. After all this is all up to you guys.).

    At any rate, I have now uploaded and put up the new stuff. I have also put up a new threadheader pic for the redux area (again one of the girls from the princess department has graciously agreed to be the new poster-girl for redux. He he!). Perhaps the redux corner will be fully operational from now on or at least for a while (or perhaps some other link will go down, we’ll see I guess). Anyways, the new links are in place and the redux area is now wide open for business again.

    (Due to recent developments, I will soon start removing obsolete links and deleting the obsolete fixes and files. Maybe I’ll keep an old “1.0” for ref-purpouses. We’ll see)

    - Cheers
    well, this is my 100th post it seems....
    Last edited by Axalon; 03-31-2009 at 08:19. Reason: update

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