Quote Originally Posted by aimlesswanderer View Post
I must say that I prefer melee units, I don't like it when there are mostly missile units (hello ETW). I didn't use firearms at all in STW.
You've got a right not to use them. But the Yumi-bow and the teppo-musket are pretty essential to the time period. :D

In history, the Samurai and the teppo gunners fought side by side. Muskets were only so useful back then. Bows had faster reload times and greater accuracy. Infantry on the other hand was still mostly hand to hand type troops. And maybe CA will opt to make the guns more expensive to make sure their aren't too many of them on the field. Even if they were to numerous.... a cavalry charge could fix that.... XD Just as long as the enemy isn't deployed on a muddy hill, with the muskets supported by barricades, and the gunners aren't using alternating fire. (Or if you're Katsuyori Takeda... XD)

Basically just as long as it's not Nagashino.