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Thread: Wierd traits for Family Members + random CTDs

  1. #1

    Default Wierd traits for Family Members + random CTDs


    I love this mod, and I've been playing it a lot lately. But i have recognized some wierd stuff.

    And by "wierd stuff" I mean that something is messed up about the character traits on my FMs. Here are some examples:

    • I'm playing as Koinon Hellenon, but some of my FMs suddenly changed fom being "Spartiartes" or "Athenaios" to being from different british clans.
    • Several of my FMs have gotten a trait called: "Slain by Sabeans - he's dead" And they were of course alive and hadn't been anywhere near Saba.
    • Many of my family members have change to being called 'client rulers', wich in turn has made them into imostors and thus damaging their cometence as governors.
    • And last, but not least: one of my charachters (who had so messed up traits i had to "take care of him" ) had a trait that marked him as the protector of a large elutheroi tribe for the EB script. I repeat: wierd stuff!

      EDIT: Oh, and also i cannot build soldiers on Crete. I vould, but then suddenly something happened. I have even upgraded the barracks there.

    And this is only a few of the traits, I also have a "conqueror of babylon" (and i have of course never taken babylon)
    Do you know what can be causing this?

    And i am also suffering from A LOT of CTDs. I have tried a couple of thing i have seen on this forum, but nothing seems to help.

    In advance: Thanks!

    EDIT: Also, I can't build soldiers in crete any longer for no reason. Wierd.
    Last edited by Toorstain; 03-03-2011 at 03:45. Reason: I forgot something

  2. #2
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wierd traits for Family Members + random CTDs

    The messed-up traits are often a consequences of changes in the trait-file while running a campaign. Basically, the entries in the save-game do not correspond to the entries in the trait-file anymore. Have you modded the game in any way?

    I have experienced a trait-related CTD, so maybe this is responsible for the crashes too. However, we're going to need more information on when and how the crashes occur before we can help.

    As for Crete: that shouldn't happen unless the EDB (or EDU) files are messed up as well. Again, have you accidentally altered these?

    Welcome to the .Org and to EB, BTW .
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  3. #3
    EB Support Guy Senior Member XSamatan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Wierd traits for Family Members + random CTDs

    Did you load a 1.1 game into 1.2? 1.2 is not savegame compatible!!!
    Check the main menu for the version number!
    Are the fixes for 1.2 installed?


    1.2 fixes - Updated regularly. Latest news from 2009-02-01.
    EB FAQ --- Tech help important thread list --- Frequent issues and solutions

  4. #4

    Default Re: Wierd traits for Family Members + random CTDs

    Yeah, I think I loaded a 1.1 game in 1.2 I just couldn't let go of my Hellenic empire!

    But i get chrashes with saves that I started after I got 1.2, too
    I think I have downloaded the fix for crashes, but not the others. (and I'm not sure if it got unpacked correctly). Guess i'll have to download them.

    And thanks for the help! :D

  5. #5
    EB Support Guy Senior Member XSamatan's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Wierd traits for Family Members + random CTDs

    Random crashes are left-overs from vanilla, see the frequent issues for workarounds.


    1.2 fixes - Updated regularly. Latest news from 2009-02-01.
    EB FAQ --- Tech help important thread list --- Frequent issues and solutions


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