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Thread: R.I.P. TosaInu

  1. #151
    Corporate Hippie Member rasoforos's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    I came back after forever and saw this...

    RIP :-/
    Αξιζει φιλε να πεθανεις για ενα ονειρο, κι ας ειναι η φωτια του να σε καψει.

  2. #152
    Toh-GAH-koo-reh Member Togakure's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    I guess it's time to leave something here.

    I miss that unseen smile
    the silent voice that cared so
    the reassuring hand I never felt
    on my weary shoulder

    Revisiting past battles
    it's just not the same
    I want to chase your horses into the trees again
    and chat after, til the morning's light

    I miss that friend I'd never met
    and yet, felt closer to than my own blood
    "Hello ... how are you doing?"

    Ok m8, but I'd be better if you were still here.


    Peace, brother, and thank you. You will be remembered.
    Be intent on loyalty
    While others aspire to perform meritorious services
    Concentrate on purity of intent
    While those around you are beset by egoism

    misc kanryodo

  3. #153
    Just another Member rajpoot's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    I was wondering what happened to that plan about re-naming the Entrance Hall/The Guild's main page after Tosa?

    The horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

  4. #154
    Liar and Trickster Senior Member Andres's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    There's a memorial on top of our Frontpage (direct link to memorial).


    Andres is our Lord and Master and could strike us down with thunderbolts or beer cans at any time. ~Askthepizzaguy

    Ja mata, TosaInu

  5. #155
    Probably Drunk Member Reverend Joe's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    I had to come back and finally pay my respects. I still don't know what to think about an internet without Tosa. I've interacted with very few sites beyond the Org, and for most of my internet life I was bumbling around here, acting like the idiot I am. I never realized until I started pushing out into other fora how lucky I was to have an admin like Tosa. He was Buddha, and I mean that in the least trite manner possible. He was the nicest, most even-tempered person I've ever encountered on the internet so far.

    Rest in peace.

    Just a quick addendum, I first found out about this in May, but I had no idea what to say. I tried hanging around for a bit, but I was afraid to say anything about what happened. I feel like I've been avoiding the death of a father for a while now. I just had to come back and face facts. I'm sorry that I didn't say anything as soon as I found about this.
    Last edited by Reverend Joe; 09-16-2011 at 04:35.

  6. #156
    The Scourge of Rome Member Spartan198's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    I just heard, ashamed that it took me so long to learn of this. I'm at a loss for words. I didn't know Tosa very well casually, but anytime I had a problem with the site or a question, he was always there and took time out of his day to help me. He was not only a model administrator, but a model person as well. The .Org won't be the same without him. We miss you, buddy. RIP.
    My Greek Cavalry submod for RS 1.6a:

    For Calvin and TosaInu, in a better place together, modding TW without the hassle of hardcoded limits. We miss you.

  7. #157
    Keeper of the Pax Romanum Member TruePraetorian's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    First time browsing through the .Org in a while, and I am deeply saddened at this tragedy.

    But alas, all anyone can do after one passes is remember the good. Tosa was a fantastic moderator, and an even better person. I wish his family my somewhat belated condolences.

    Requiescat In Pace, friend
    The Gods envy us.

    They envy us because we are mortal, because any moment might be our last.
    Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed.
    You will never be lovlier than you are now.

    We will never be here again.

  8. #158
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    6 months later, we're still paying respects and honoring him.

    I wish he could have somehow seen this thread before he went. It's touching to me how he is not forgotten in the slightest.


  9. #159

    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    I`me totally shocked, I missed this completely..., Tosa was a real gentleman.

    Het ga je goed ouwe rukker, ja mata.

    Tim aka LZ

  10. #160
    Member Member atheotes's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    Shocked to see this as i have been away for more than a year.

    RIP Tosa.

  11. #161

    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    Very shocked!

    Had the honour of some fine battles on Totomi with him, the guy was a class gentleman.

    RIP Tosa.



    Kansuke Yamamoto


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  12. #162
    Senior Member Senior Member Zen Blade's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    What the heck? :( Very sad news.
    Rest in Peace, Tosa.
    I remember our conversations and encounters well... ever since Shogun:Total War. Long ago I stopped playing, but I retain fond memories of those who participated on the old site. It has always brought me comfort to see those few remaining names when I come back to visit.
    It is a tribute to your kindness that a year later people still feel compelled to post our memories of you.
    We are honored by those who know us, and you lent yours to all of us.
    -Zen Blade
    [my actual username is here
    but I can't log in... old e-mail address?]
    Zen Blade Asai
    Red Devil
    Last of the RSG
    Clan Tenki Council-Unity, Retired
    SHS Core Member, Retired
    Derelict from an older age.
    Zen Blade Asai
    Red Devil
    Last of the RSG
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    Derelict from an older age.

  13. #163
    Member Member Tsar Alexsandr's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    Tosa was always a very kind guy. Very pleasant to talk to. I was always surprised to receive comments or messages from TosaInu. I just assumed a guy as busy as he must be wouldn't have the time to do all the things he actually did. And if he didn't, I wouldn't have held it against him. But he did!

    It's sad to hear he's gone when he had been so helpful, polite, and encouraging. The Org must have been a special place to him and he certainly made it a special place.

    You'll be dearly missed Tosa. We should all do our best to carry on your tradition and make the Org the best it can be.

    Rest in peace Tosa.
    "Hope is the Last to Die" Russian Proverb

  14. #164
    Monk of the Blue Ridge Member Mori Zennousha's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    I was away for a long time, and just recently reinstalled STW (the original). I came over here to check on things and found that my old login was still good. That reminded me of Tosa...

    Several years ago, I was once again trying to get some time set aside for gaming. I had been very active in STW MP in the early-ish days, and had even contributed some stories and some maps. In doing that, I had leaned on Tosa's knowledge more than once, to be sure! That, and we had been on the battlefield together in MP games... seems like Totomi was often the preferred location! Anyway, we certainly interacted, but in no way was I ever one of the "heavy-hitters" at the Org, and when I became too busy to play anymore I assumed I would be quickly forgotten.

    So, when I came back a few years ago and had trouble with my old login, Tosa was (naturally) who I contacted to see what could be done. I was amazed at how quickly he got back to me, and even more amazed that he actually remembered me! He recalled my map packs, and remembered some of my Takeda story, and was more than happy to re-establish my old login (it had been "retired" due to inactivity). It was one of those things that you never expect to work out, and when it does work out, you find yourself thinking there may just be hope for humanity after all...

    Tosa was one of the good guys. I was once again thrilled today to find my old login still works (thanks again, Tosa!)... and then I was immediately saddened to learn that he was no longer with us. I realize it has been about a year, but if condolences are still being passed to his family, please add mine.

    Ja Mata, Tosa. You are sorely missed.

  15. #165
    Senior Member Senior Member Krasturak's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    Gah! Tosa! Gah!

    *offers soup*

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  16. #166
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    For Tooske,

    Het werd ochtend.
    zijn we uitgevochten, vroeg de man.
    wij zijn uitgevochten, antwoordde de engel
    en hij tilde de man op, hield hem tegen het licht en zei:
    je bent doorzichtig, nu.
    Laat me maar los zei de man
    en de engel knikte en liet hem los.

    Verdriet past in geen enkel woord,
    voor tranen veel te groot;
    het raakt je diep in je hart en ziel
    en maakt iets kostbaars dood.

    De droom is weg, voorbij, voorgoed
    't is donker om je heen;
    de eenzaamheid, een groot zwart gat,
    je voelt je zo alleen

    Je vraagt je af: "ach waarom ik;
    waarom gebeurt het mij?"
    Maar wie geeft antwoord op die vraag....
    Er past geen antwoord bij.

    Er is een oud verhaal dat zegt
    hoe midden iin de nacht
    in duisternis geworsteld werd,
    Gods engel op je wacht

    Wie vechten wil, komt er doorheen
    de wond groeit langzaam dicht;
    de nacht laat wel zijn sporen na,
    maar 's morgens wordt het licht!

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  17. #167
    Mercury Member Thermal's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    I have been absent from this forum for a very long time, I feel bad not knowing that he'd passed away. He is the reason this community exists and will never be forgotten. I was never close to him, but look back to the times when he assisted me. He welcomed the idea of a profile competition and even implemented a profile badge for use under the official award system, which winners of the 2008 and 2009 competition went on to receive. He was simply very kind and happy to assist an insignificant member like me, despite being so very busy himself.

    I regret being so late in posting this, but may you continue to Rest In Peace, TosaInu.

  18. #168
    Banned Kadagar_AV's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    This man, for me, was the entry to web communities.

    Over all my years on the internet, this is the place that stuck. He guided the org. with a calm but reassuring hand. From what I saw, he took most of the burden of running things on himself, but yet had time to gently sway the opinions in crucial matters.

    I have always been most impressed by this man. His presence here often having had the effect of a cold hand against a fevered skin...

    Sorry for posting so late... I was gone when he died, and since I came back I have been... I dont know... Unsure how to respond? I never met the guy. Neither has most people here, if any? But DAMN he left an impact on us all.

    Alla goda tankar kära TosaInu, jag önskar vi hade kännt dig i livet som vi känner dig nu...

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  19. #169
    Honorary Argentinian Senior Member Gyroball Champion, Karts Champion Caius's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    May he rest in peace.

    Names, secret names
    But never in my favour
    But when all is said and done
    It's you I love

  20. #170
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    Travel easy my friend.You are not forgotten.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

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  21. #171
    Senior Member Senior Member Kas's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    I want to post something, but I don't know what. Stared at my screen for an hour. only stupid thing I can say...

    That was a good game we had on Totomi.

    so long ago now, but it was great! Wish we could do it again.
    On Steam: Kas

    JoJoSan, can you forgive me?

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  22. #172
    Hellpuppy unleashed Member Subedei's Avatar
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    Default Re: RIP TosaInu

    Rest in Peace! His name will always be connected to my favorite game series!
    “Some may never live, but the crazy never die” (Hunter S. Thompson)

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