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Thread: The EBII Recruitment thread

  1. #181
    Uergobretos Senior Member Brennus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    @Elmetiacos Our Iberian researcher is currently out of action, so any help you can offer would be greatly received. How confident would you be regarding reconstructed names for us?

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  2. #182

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the forms and I heard you were looking for a 2D artist for the project. I specialize in character portraits and the ancillary icons. Also I am able to code traits, ancillaries, and buildings. Lastly I can help a bit with Latin translations and historical work if needed.

    If you need examples of my 2D work let me know.

    -Average Barbarian

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  3. #183

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I could potentially script and program after learning by example and leafing through documentation.

    Can't say I'll be wholly proficient at first.

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  4. #184
    Uergobretos Senior Member Brennus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    PMs sent.

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  5. #185

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I don't have any skills that could be of use to even minor work on the mod, but like Kdrakak, I'll gladly do any sort of testing you might need from someone whose only game-related skill is playing them.
    Balloons from Andronikos, Frontline1944, HunGeneral, m0r1d1n, Alsatia and skullheadhq

    My EB Faction Wallpapers:

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  6. #186
    Like the Parthian Boot Member Elmetiacos's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Brennus View Post
    @Elmetiacos Our Iberian researcher is currently out of action, so any help you can offer would be greatly received. How confident would you be regarding reconstructed names for us?
    Fairly confident, bearing in mind that, to paraphrase Henry Beard, there aren't any Celtiberians around to correct my pronunciation.
    'you owe it to that famous chick general whose name starts with a B'

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  7. #187

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I hereby declare my availabilty to contribute to the work of Europa Barbarorum II. I can provide historical contente ranging from region description, troops information, etc. regardless.

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  8. #188
    Uergobretos Senior Member Brennus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    Thank you for the kind offer. The Region Description thread should contain a list of which regions are still missing descriptions, or at least give some guidance, after a bit of reading, as to what is outstanding. At present we don't require unit descriptions, but rather people who can model the actual units. In terms of completeness of the mod, it varies between which aspects you are talking about. For example we could say that 100% of the units are done, as we have all the units for the first release, however that would ignore all the units we had planned. The problem with EBII is that the goal posts move too frequently to allow us to easily quantify what percentage is complete. Apologies for the brevity of this message but most of the team are still away for Christmas. We will respond more fully soon.

    donated by ARCHIPPOS for being friendly to new people.
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  9. #189

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I could try to help with the programming and scripting.

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  10. #190
    Uergobretos Senior Member Brennus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    Do you have any prior experience?

    donated by ARCHIPPOS for being friendly to new people.
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  11. #191

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I don't have any noteworthy modding experience, but I've got programming experience with Java and a bit C/C++. So I would first have to teach myself how to skript, but I think I could do that pretty fast.

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  12. #192
    Uergobretos Senior Member Brennus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    If you think you can teach yourself we would be very happy to have you with us k7r0l once you feel confident in what you are doing. Please keep us informed as to your progress, ideally with some examples of your work.

    donated by ARCHIPPOS for being friendly to new people.
    donated by Macilrille for wit.
    donated by stratigos vasilios for starting new and interesting threads
    donated by Tellos Athenaios as a welcome to Campus Martius

  13. #193

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I hope that better days will come for EB II. I just accidentally run into this thread. I was never active in the forum but I enjoyed EB for many years. Now that you are in dire need I want to offer my aid. I'm ready to work so let me to introduce myself. I'm an armenian and a native armenian speaker. I've never modded TW games, but for two years I am already learning C++ programing language, I know modelling , a little texturing (using Blender and GIMP respectively) and my knowledge of armenian language, country and history maybe usefull, too. I can spare about an hour perday(or almost every day) to work on EB II.

    My e-mail: ""

    Best regards.

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  14. #194

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I would like to offer my help.

    I have played EBII and many other Total War mods. Over time I've done some script work, mostly editing traits, buildings, and units. This would be the first time I would be working on a larger project though.

    I also live 20 mins from my Alma Mater Oregon State and they have a large public research library. I don't know what their antiquity collection looks like but I can take a look.

    Winter is slow for me so I can give you 2-3 hrs a week.

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  15. #195
    Member Member b0Gia's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    Hi guys i would like to offer my help too. I am b0Gia from I am the creator of the most popular submods threads for EB 2:

    I have played EB 1.2 , EBII and many other Total War mods from RTW to Shogun 2. Over time I've done some script work, mostly editing traits, buildings, and units, combing submods from EB 1.2:
    Since EB 2 released i learned more about modding in order to implement submods from EB 1.2 to EB 2 and making my own submods most notable Extended Offices Expanded for EB 2.01 that implement 61 new ancillaries for Epeirotai and Makedonians with 61 historical accurate descriptions and recruitable generals. This would be the first time I would be working on a team though. I had contact with EB 2 members like Brennus and V.T. Marvin who write me this message two months ago about my Extended Offices Expanded submod:
    But in any case I very much like what you are doing here and please keep up the good work. And yes, there is a very good chance of your submod being integrated into the main mod for the next release.

    In fact, feel free to join the Team yourselves if you feel you have still some time and motivation to contribute. Your sub-mod is a very good recommendation and there are lots of trait-based ideas on our internal forum to be implemented, yet in my absence we do not have any trait-coders at the moment. So your help will be very much appreciated!

    Best regards


    I can spare about 4-5 hours per week to work on EB II when i don't have irl issues like my exams every semester.

    My e-mails:

    Best regards,

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  16. #196
    Member Member Max-Scribe's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    Maybe you don’t know how popular the EB is in China because of the language barrier. This mod is regarded as the best historical mod and I respect this mod very much.
    Actually, there is few history-oriented armors in Chinese games or films and few people who could distinguish various armors in different dynasties, even though China has thousands of years of history. But fortunately, more and more amateurs begin devoting themselves into restoring ancient Chinese armors; some make physical mock-ups while others make games. I want to show my own ideas through the mod of Total War game, so I choose the Eurasia during the Tang dynasty of China (from 618-907 AD) as the background of my mod. But, I can’t read many foreign materials and I don’t have too much time outside of work, so my own mod has stopped for years. May this mod is too hard for me to finish, hah?
    Few weeks earlier, I read “The Europa Barbarorum II Christmas Appeal” translated by GWB and I feel that we may have the same standpoint. I really hope EB2 could come out and I am willing to do my best to help you guys by making some models.
    Best wishes for you!

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  17. #197

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I was over to the TWC when I came across this post by V.T. Marvin:

    Quote Originally Posted by V.T. Marvin
    You are absolutely right that this something that is very much lacking a good description/explanation. The reasons for each and every game mechanics are scattered all over our internal forum and hopefully someday someone will collect them in a presentable form. During the game development creating a proper manual/guide was having very low priority given the fact that we struggled hard getting it done in the first place. EB 1 similarly got all the documetation goodies very late in development (post EB 1.0). Hopefully we will get there eventually. But we are just not there yet. Sorry.

    BTW - if somebody was truly committed to fill-in this gap, it would an excellent project to apply for full Team membership without requiring ANY modding skills IMO...
    Taken from this thread:

    Does this offer stand as of now? I believe I could help with compiling all this aforementioned documentation. I am an engineer after all and sorting out material in order to provide documentation that solves technical issues is what my current clients irl asked of me.

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  18. #198
    Member Member b0Gia's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    Quote Originally Posted by spade View Post
    I was over to the TWC when I came across this post by V.T. Marvin:

    Taken from this thread:

    Does this offer stand as of now? I believe I could help with compiling all this aforementioned documentation. I am an engineer after all and sorting out material in order to provide documentation that solves technical issues is what my current clients irl asked of me.
    Yup the offer is open.

  19. #199

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I would like to offer my services in whatever capacity I can. Currently I am assisting b0gia with his submods. I am finishing up a a TATW mod, the Reunited Kingdom for MOS submod. Let me know what needs to be done and I will attempt to make it happen. Regards.

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  20. #200
    Member Member b0Gia's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE GOLF View Post
    I would like to offer my services in whatever capacity I can. Currently I am assisting b0gia with his submods. I am finishing up a a TATW mod, the Reunited Kingdom for MOS submod. Let me know what needs to be done and I will attempt to make it happen. Regards.
    He helped me very much, i approved MIKE. He could help us with scripting.

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  21. #201

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    hello everyone i'm (TWCenter old veteran, "Ataegina").

    recently i was contacted by b0Gia about a old mod of mine and asked if i could join, so i'm posting for the same reason. i'm not expert on any specific area but i can do a bit of everything, i'm bit rusty since i stoped modding for 5 years (more or less) but being part of this mod wich always a good motivator to get back to the "game" :)

    i did few mods, nothing too amazing, but it was something...

    started with (by order):

    Regions & Titles Mini-Addon for CAE 1.3 -

    Ferrum Aeternum -

    Mare Nostrum -

    Great Northern War -

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  22. #202

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    Quote Originally Posted by b0Gia View Post
    Yup the offer is open.
    If that is so, I would like to offer my services!

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  23. #203
    State of Mind Member z3n's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    Hi there, I am a modder originally from rtw though I do have experience in mtw2 too (privately). I believe alin may have already contacted some of you in regards to my interest but I was told here to post by QuintusSertorius. I figure why not make it official.

    To start. I've worked on several things, coding, scripting and animations/ai.

    I am interested in helping with several things namely, battle pathfinding/cai pathfinding. Already started here.
    Along with other BAI aspects and CAI. My future version/main focus is now on the CAI so I will be doing some of that.

    Though I generally wish to work separate to implement my own ideas if that's okay.

    My experience has been on large hosted modification called CATW which I worked on (actually going to release an update as soon as I hear back from my fellow modder Anarchon though few seem interested in rtw nowdays)

    Along with a private mod with my friend which I did extensive coding on (which is primarily why I am bored of it and interested in pathfinding/cai/bai).

    Also I released and worked on some animations from many modders (alins among them) here.

    I've also worked on the RTR project here in coding/animations. I may have a few submods here and there too which I forgot about by now... I was also going to help with the unlocking of limits in the executable (through memory hooks a process approved by CA member Jack Lusted) of the RTW executable (project leader was redfox), though school got in the way and he got very sick.

    Oh and I also reverse scripted germanicu5's scripts into RTW though I had issues with identifying elephants as different from cavalry or something along those lines it's been awhile since I did it... RTW's scripting commands are limited compared to mtw2's unfortunately. I got the majority of it in a working condition if it could be called such.

    Well anyway, congratulations on the release of EB2.
    Last edited by z3n; 04-15-2015 at 04:34. Reason: small update

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  24. #204
    Gisgo Governer of Ippone Member madmatg's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I noticed on the province description thread there were things waiting for grammar checks, I'd be happy to contribute to that if you need people.

    Last edited by madmatg; 04-17-2015 at 17:17. Reason: didn't mean to include a long quote

    Phil 2:9-11 Phil 4:4

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  25. #205

    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I am interested in doing some texturing and maybe some light modeling. Nothing like body meshes.

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  26. #206
    Uergobretos Senior Member Brennus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    PM sent

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  27. #207
    Pertapa Member Anarchon's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    I would like to volunteer.
    Please contact Resef for a reference.
    My area of expertise is ancient historical geography.
    Particularly the East of the area you cover.
    I also have historical knowledge of this area.
    I did the maps and historical background for Slitherine's game 'Spartan'.
    I am interested in developing a sub-mod under EB2 or MTW2K which runs to China.


    Quote Originally Posted by JMRC View Post
    Greetings to all M2TW modders!

    The Europa Barbarorum II project needs more talented modders to its ranks, so we're calling you! The skills that we have need are the following:

    We ask for experienced modelers, even if not acquainted with the M2TW models and engine. No need to know about skinning. For this kind of work, we need someone willing to spend several hours per week, enough to produce 2 or 3 models per month.

    We ask for experienced and talented skinners, capable of working under the tight scrutiny of our historians. The EB2 previews have shown many high quality skinning works, so if you think you can do them as well, then this job if for you. For this kind of work, we need someone willing to spend several hours per week, enough to produce at least 2 skins per month.

    We need modders capable of coding the scripts that we need:
    - scripters for tackling the large amount of traits in EDCT and ancillaries in EDA
    - scripters for coding the buildings trees and complex recruitment options in EDB
    - scripters for coding the campaign_script, where all the historical accuracy of EB2 comes to life
    It is important to have modders with experience in the M2TW engine, for this assignment, specially for the traits, which are extremely complex. We need someone willing to spend several hours per week.

    UI 2D artists
    We ask for talented 2D artists, who can work in the culture UIs. For this kind of work, we need someone willing to spend a few hours per week, enough to produce 1 or 2 UIs per month.

    Actually, this is not a modders "job position", but we have some areas of expertise that we want to reinforce.
    We need historians who have a good knowledge about the following regions: Iberian Paeninsula, Bosphorus, Caucasus, Persian/Iranian Plateau and Eastern steppes. It's not necessary to have historians who know about gaming or modding or even TW games, but it's important that they have a good amount of spare time, because they will help shape up the cultural, historical and military aspects of the factions in those regions.

    So, if you would like to join the Europa Barbarorum team and help producing EB2, then contact us in this thread or send a PM to Foot or JMRC, showing us some of your work and/or references to mods you've been envolved or documents you've written. This is an important part of the recruitment process because we always ask for your background knowledge. After that, we will get back to you ASAP.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

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  28. #208
    State of Mind Member z3n's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    (I'm Resef)

    Great guy, I greatly endorse him

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  29. #209
    Member Member b0Gia's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    (I am Vassilis Makedwn)

    I second this.

  30. #210
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EBII Recruitment thread

    That first post needs updating to say contact anubis88.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

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