Mentioned in separate thread, but seemed worthy to add to this stickied resource. Not directly related to "pike vs hoplite" but a pike unit observation.

I've noticed that when one uses a pike unit as general's bodyguard, the general's position changes with formation. In non-phalanx mode, general is front rank, center; when engaging in melee, the general moves back a rank or two, but is still pretty close to the front. When one puts this pike unit into phalanx formation, however, the general moves to the back rank and hunkers down low. Superb protection for the general. Obviously loses mobility this way, but if one places the phalanx near center of army and the guy has a decent radius, not necessarily a huge problem.

Just thought that might be a good info tidbit for anyone out there has been frustrated with losing a lot of generals in cav or other units. I went on a string of general deaths in Pontus campaign, then started putting them out there with Bronze Shield Pike guards, and it pretty much stopped. Maybe a lucky missile hit now and then, but pretty rare. And the protection is good enough that one can use the guard in the thick of fighting, rather than have to keep a good unit back out of the fray out of concern for losing the boss.