Hello everyone,
First: Thanks again for EB Team who are doing a stellar job, creating this awesome mod. I loved the first EB, and I am currently giggling like an infant, hearing that its long awaited sequel is soon to be released. But now to my question:

I recently read a chapter from Jochen Bleicken´s “Verfassung der Römischen Republik” (Constitution of the Roman Republic”), where he talks about the Roman military system. One aspect caught my attention regarding the Pre-Marian Army composition, and it´s display in EB.
During the wars with the Samnites in the late 4th, or early 3rd century BC, the Romans adapted the manipular system, which took the place of the old phalanx. They now had the famous “acer triplex” formation. Bleicken says, that in the first stages of this ever evolving system, the first rank was made up of the Principes (hence the name “the first”, I think, my Latin is a little bit rusty. ). They were the ones who first implemented the new weapon style, using the sword and pilum. The second rank was formed by the Hastati, who were still using the old Spear (hasta). Of course the third rank, the good old Triarii, still in a hoplite phalanx.

In EB I and EB II (Preview), the units seem to be switched around, with the Principes using the spear and the Hastati the sword. I wonder why this is? Is this a later stage of the Roman army, when the Hastati were making up the first rank? But to my knowledge at that time both Hastati and Principes were wielding swords, which in EBI was reflected by the Polybian army. I can´t imagine, that the EB team made a mistake, maybe Bleicken´s thesis is not modern anymore?

I know, that the word “reform” is not a good term, when it comes to such cases, because the development of armies was a slow and steady process, and not done overnight. Secondly, the Pre-Marian armies were still militias, who equipped themselves. It is possible that the weapons in a maniple of for example Principes was mixed up, one soldier still using his father´s spear, whilst the other already got the new sword.

So in short:

1. Why do EB´s early Principes use a spear, when the Hastati should have it?
2. Why do EB´s early Hastati have a sword, when the Principes don´t?
3. Is this just a name switch up?
4. Which stage of the Roman military system is reflected in EB (first release)?
5. Where the maniples sorted by the type of weapon the soldiers used?
6. Or is Bleicken just wrong? (His original work is from 1975, I had the seventh edition from 1995)

Maybe this can be answered in just one sentence, or it can spark a discussion. I would be happy with both results. (Sorry if there are some mistakes in my English)