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Thread: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

  1. #181
    Like the Parthian Boot Member Elmetiacos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    I've no idea, I'd have to ask our Germanic linguists.
    I think this is a mistake, it should be a circumflex - Swêbôz, which is how it appears in the introductory text.
    'you owe it to that famous chick general whose name starts with a B'

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  2. #182

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Here's an idea that I've been thinking about. Its to add spouses as retainers to male characters. Right now its s total sausag feast with women in the ruling family being total non-entities. I realize that this is an unfortunate effect of how the game's hardcoded but I feel that maybe that could be done something with in order to bring some more life into that part of the system by making spouses retainers that, should the spouse die in the family tree, the retainer is removed from the male character.

    You probably wonder, what's that adding to the game? I would say immersion and perhaps less sausage feast over all as well as more color to the characters. For example imagine that a Socialite Wife or a Soldier's Daughter could add some stuff.

    Its not prioritized thing but I thought I would mention it and see what you think of it.

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  3. #183

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    The office of Princeps Senatus should be added for the Romans. It was bestowed for life to the oldest living censor, then (after 209 BC) to the most influential former censor. It could give influence boost. It was not given after an election though (by the censors when they drew the list of senators).

  4. #184

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

  5. #185

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    why are there so few types of ships ? is it possible to make it possible for the Hellenistic faction to marry on is a pity that the Greeks can not build new policies-colonies .will there be Syracuse and Massala hoplites?

  6. #186

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    will there be Syracuse and Massala hoplites?it is a pity that the Greeks can not build new policies-colonies.why are there so few types of ships ? is it possible to make it possible for the Hellenistic faction to marry on mtw2

  7. #187
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by alex16 View Post
    why are there so few types of ships ? is it possible to make it possible for the Hellenistic faction to marry on is a pity that the Greeks can not build new policies-colonies .will there be Syracuse and Massala hoplites?
    There are only 498 unit slots available, and fleets can only engage in autocalculated battles on the campaign map. Thus using lots of slots for them is a waste of unit slots.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  8. #188

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    I had an idea regarding the situation of Macedon/ Epirus. Would it be possible for the player to establish some form of the Hellenic League/ League of Corinth like Demetrius or Antigonos III if he controls certain settlements (Sparta/ Corinth / Athens / Demetrias? maybe) and has enough influence or establishes democratic governments in them. The leader (Pyrrhus/ Antigonus Gonatas) would have to spend a turn in Corinth and gain a trait (mainly for RP purpose) such as: Hegemon tes ton Hellenon Symmachias (koinon or synedrion maybe? instead of symmachia) and get an influence increase. If the leader dies and nobody has the trait, maybe a scripted chance of rebellion, similar to the Akitu event

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  9. #189

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Hi there. Ive been a huge fan since EB1 and have recently given EB2 a shot since I have obtained a more powerful computer. I enjoyed the time I had with it immensely but found some bugs to be a little insurmountable. I am using a Macbook Pro that can more than handle the game but there seems to be a bug that causes CTD's on battle maps involving settlements. I really enjoyed sieges and sallies so I deleted the game for now and will attempt to reinstall to see if there was a mistake on my end, though it seems that this is a common problem. So my questions/suggestions are: 1) Will any future releases continue to be made available to Mac users (using Steam MTW2), and 2) Is it possible that this issue will be fixed at all? Thank You!
    Last edited by St. Drew; 01-07-2021 at 03:33.

  10. #190

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    They nerfed slingers a lot in EB2. In EB1, they were insanely powerful and also, for cheap slingers vs cheap archers, longer-ranged than archers. An army of EB1 slingers could defeat anything, so I had to stop myself from using them.

    I think slingers still penetrate armor better than archers do in EB2, but the effect isn't as dramatic.

  11. #191

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    The AI in EB1 was dumb. It was just hyper-aggressive, total war all the time. That isn't gorgeous, it was tedious. Add to that the ridiculous money script whereby they basically had unlimited money and could spam elites turn after turn, and that make most of the game a chore.

    EB1 is not the standard we're trying to emulate with EBII.
    Years later, I came here to say I agree. The EBI AI was annoying. The Seleucid Empire was spamming full armies of phalanxes at me, many of them elite, until I captured every last city of theirs. Finally elite units are rare in EBII like they should be.

    Also I find the unit balance in EBII way better. Phalanxes in EBI were OP. Even if you hit them directly in the back or side, they'd take minimal losses then turn instantly and start slaughtering you. They never routed either. Slingers in EBI were somehow a lot more powerful than archers and much cheaper. EBI skirmishers in general were hard to chase down with cavalry because you couldn't charge anything in skirmish mode, and there was little bonus to attacking fleeing units from the rear, so even the AI could make their skirmishers hard for me to destroy with cavalry. All of that was fixed in EBII. It's a vastly better and more realistic game.

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  12. #192

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Also I'm sure you have gotten this before, but I Would like to request if the Han Dynasty could be added, (perhaps just for custom battles). The actions of the Han as you know opened the Silk Road, and surely we can imagine that the defenders of Da Yuan (Alexandria Eschate) were Hellenized at the time) Maybe even a special historic battle could be made for this. I heard that there were four faction slots left.

    Maybe if the units were made, there would not even need to be a campaign faction, just that hundreds/thousands of soldiers could come and attack the eastern parts of the map. But then again Han faction would still be great for custom battles.

    Also if City architecture was an issue I don't think it would be that much a problem as models were already made by other mods, but that being said I would not even think a Chinese city model would be that necessary, because its basically the far west that would not be that culturally integrated with China. (Maybe to give a feel of Chinese imperialism in central Asia, a East Asian city center could rule over an otherwise 'eastern layout'

    Also I wanted to ask since I am here, does Taxila use the Ameri Indian city style of Medieval II? I'm just curious.

  13. #193
    Member Member realm56's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by Heavenlyhorses View Post
    Also I'm sure you have gotten this before, but I Would like to request if the Han Dynasty could be added, (perhaps just for custom battles). The actions of the Han as you know opened the Silk Road, and surely we can imagine that the defenders of Da Yuan (Alexandria Eschate) were Hellenized at the time) Maybe even a special historic battle could be made for this. I heard that there were four faction slots left.

    Maybe if the units were made, there would not even need to be a campaign faction, just that hundreds/thousands of soldiers could come and attack the eastern parts of the map. But then again Han faction would still be great for custom battles.

    Also if City architecture was an issue I don't think it would be that much a problem as models were already made by other mods, but that being said I would not even think a Chinese city model would be that necessary, because its basically the far west that would not be that culturally integrated with China. (Maybe to give a feel of Chinese imperialism in central Asia, a East Asian city center could rule over an otherwise 'eastern layout'

    Also I wanted to ask since I am here, does Taxila use the Ameri Indian city style of Medieval II? I'm just curious.
    I regret to inform you that the Han dynasty and any associated units will not be included in EBII as it did not yet exist as of the game's starting date 272BC. Even the more timeline relevant warring states period factions (Such as Qin,Chu etc....) is beyond the scope of this mod (As much as I would want that to happen, it would be awesome if it did...). There is a fleeting suspicion that Taxila may have used the Ameri Indian city style (I am unable to confirm or deny this suspicion at this stage.). Apologies in advance for any possible anguish this may have caused (I know that feeling to...).
    To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
    - Sun Tzu

  14. #194

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    If its the team decision I suppose their mind cannot be changed, but I thought (for example) that time frame was up until 14 AD? Am I incorrect? And China is stable after 202 B.C

    The war of the Heavenly Horses is certainly within the timeframe of the game, which is why I think custom units can still be completed, and maybe have a 'historic battle' that would not effect the campaign? I wouldn't really talk about anguish but including SOMETHING that represents China during the War of the Heavenly Horses is a no brainer. Chinese units will be different from other factions, adding more gameplay diversity and it would show one of the most interesting confrontations of all time. This is why I was saying before that the Han army could be generated as rebels that invade from the East. (Indeed this is what happens when one revolts against the Maurya as Taxila). The Chinese changed central Asia and also impacted the whole Eurasian economy. With unit diversity, a new challenge for eastern factions, and a historical background to support it, how could a Western Protectorate not be relevant for a game that goes as far east as Xinjiang?

    Actually however all of this moot to me personally because I cannot even get the game to install properly

  15. #195

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Do you think having an Indian city style in the game would be possible?

  16. #196
    Member Member realm56's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by Heavenlyhorses View Post
    If its the team decision I suppose their mind cannot be changed, but I thought (for example) that time frame was up until 14 AD? Am I incorrect? And China is stable after 202 B.C

    The war of the Heavenly Horses is certainly within the timeframe of the game, which is why I think custom units can still be completed, and maybe have a 'historic battle' that would not effect the campaign? I wouldn't really talk about anguish but including SOMETHING that represents China during the War of the Heavenly Horses is a no brainer. Chinese units will be different from other factions, adding more gameplay diversity and it would show one of the most interesting confrontations of all time. This is why I was saying before that the Han army could be generated as rebels that invade from the East. (Indeed this is what happens when one revolts against the Maurya as Taxila). The Chinese changed central Asia and also impacted the whole Eurasian economy. With unit diversity, a new challenge for eastern factions, and a historical background to support it, how could a Western Protectorate not be relevant for a game that goes as far east as Xinjiang?

    Actually however all of this moot to me personally because I cannot even get the game to install properly
    Don't worry, EBII does acknowledge the existence of the Han via ancillaries and traits the Saka Rauka get when the Han envoy (likely Zhang Qian) passes through the Tarim Basin.

    The mod could pay homage to the events leading up to the War of the Heavenly Horses in 104BC via an offer from a Han envoy offering money at the cost of having the recruitment pools of certain heavy cavalry units in Baktriane, Sogdiane and Skythia depleted for a time. I'm not so sure that actual Chinese units would make an appearance (more likely to think not...). The Xiongnu will also make an appearance in the game (Likely demanding tribute and offering destruction in return for refusal...).

    Regardless, the idea has been brought up a few times and has been rejected.
    To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
    - Sun Tzu

  17. #197

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    I appreciate everything that has done but surely if that has been done, what would be the difference in bringing in some Calvary, crossbow men and so forth. The unit models could even be taken from other projects. Maybe just so they can have a place in custom battles, than they could be played against all factions

    In the history, the Da Yuan saw the Chinese ambassadors as corrupt and insulted them, if the player does this, it makes sense that there would be a response.

    What is the main worry here? In not bringing them in, in some way? Isn't the Greek or Saka/Greek- Chinese confrontation pivotal for world history and iconic for itself

  18. #198

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    The main issue is pretty simple: the game has a limit of 500 unit slots and we've already allocated practically all of them to units either made or unmade. Chinese troops would show up so late in the game and in so small an area that the team currently judges the slots are better used for other units.

  19. #199

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    I understand, then.
    Where were the last units allocated?

    Also, I have never modded before but I wonder what would it take to make Sub-mod?

  20. #200

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by Heavenlyhorses View Post
    I understand, then.
    Where were the last units allocated?

    Also, I have never modded before but I wonder what would it take to make Sub-mod?
    Not really to any region in particular. Most of the core rosters are pretty much finished, it's largely remaining regional and reform units scattered throughout that remain to be done, although I can note the northern and southern edges of the map are specifically still waiting for quite a few additions.

    Assuming you'd be taking the units from another mod, it mostly requires the copy-pasting of models, skins and sprites into the mod and the finicky task of editing the modeldb file to recognise them. Also some editing of text files to make them actually show up and have all the proper localisation.
    Last edited by Adalingum; 06-16-2021 at 22:33.

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  21. #201

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Will there be any West-African or Finnish tribes? Interesting.

  22. #202
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by Heavenlyhorses View Post
    Will there be any West-African or Finnish tribes? Interesting.
    As factions? No. There is a Finnic unit or two planned.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  23. #203

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    Quote Originally Posted by Heavenlyhorses View Post
    I understand, then.
    Where were the last units allocated?

    Also, I have never modded before but I wonder what would it take to make Sub-mod?
    It's not that hard honestly. If you get the models, it's easy to put them in the game as long as you understand what files you need to modify. Usually just the unit description, battle models file, the export_descr_units and the export_descr_buildings file. I have added more than 10 units to the mod already. The worst thing that can happen is that if the models have different skeletons than EBII, some things might look weird.

  24. #204

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    EB2 is probably my favorite mod ever, the level of detail and attention is amazing and I couldn't be happier that the team is still working on it. Just wanted to add to the praise on the developers!

    So I think the mod is great but my suggestion is I would love to be able to start a custom campaign at the earliest date for the marian reforms, (obviously not historically accurate at 147 BC but I think the earlier the better). I just would love to start at that point historically rather than going all the time to turn 500 and see only a few massive factions at that point. All the same marian era units but starting at that point.

    I really love the look of the Marian era units, especially in this mod. All of the units look overall look great but to me the marian era romans look more detailed and refined than the polybians and the camillians. So maybe my other suggestion is to detail the polybian romans to the same quality as the marian units. Or if anyone could show me a good guide on how to upgrade their detail I would appreciate it. I am decent at modding but am new to model modding, so I would love to learn myself with some resources.

    Keep up the great work EB2 team!

  25. #205

    Default Re: Fans suggestion thread for future releases

    I'd suggest considering giving one of the Takashila units the 'wooden stakes' ability. The people living in those jungle regions of India have used punji sticks for thousands of years. They were not only used as a hunting aid, but they also used them to defend their villages against elephants that have run amok.

    Love this mod btw :D

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