Hello all, EB2's been great thus far, but in the interests of contributing to an even better version, I would like to post some things I have observed that appear buggy thus far in my Romani campaigns.

Basically, I installed 2.1 but got so excited I started playing the Romani campaign before patching 2.1b. I later remembered, and patched 2.1b, and then restarted the Romani campaign.

1) Buggy unit behaviour in siege

In my 2.1b campaign, I assaulted Taras and during the siege battle, my units behaved glitchily around the Epeirote wooden walls. I assaulted the walls with principes on ladders and triarii on towers. I observed that my principes, after about a quarter or so of the unit had mounted the walls, simply stood there and the rest of the unit stopped climbing, simply standing on the battlements or pausing on the ladders. Those on the walls did not attack the enemy, but merely stood there facing into the city instead of the at the enemy--save those in immediate contact with the enemy. I had to 'remind' them what they were there for by issuing an attack move before they continued getting onto the wall and attacking the enemy without further problems.

My triarii were more troublesome. Only part of the segment of the unit assembled at the top of the tower actually stormed onto the walls, the remainder staying in the top floor of the tower chilling out. Worse, none of the triarii at ground level were ascending the tower, merely standing around. I tried to do the same thing by 'reminding' them to move, but this time nothing happened. They neither attacked, merely getting hit by the enemy with some individuals occasionally returning a blow, nor did they move.

The only time the triarii moved was when I issued a move order to the segment of wall behind the enemy directly facing them. They were very content to run through the enemy, but not attack them. Worse, while those on the wall moved and those in the tower finally got onto the wall, those at ground level ran along the wall at ground level to reach the spot I indicated instead of getting onto the wall.

I eventually rammed down the gate and so decided to move the triarii into the city via the gate instead of over the walls. I ordered the triarii to assemble on the ground beneath the wall where their tower was. However, those on the wall did not move even though I'd already captured the gate and there was a wall tower right behind them where they could get the elevator down to ground level. Those on the ground moved well enough, and reached the spot. The triarii on the walls only got down to ground level after several more double-clicks.

Having done so, I tried to get my triarii up onto the walls at another point to join a combat along another segment of wall. I ordered them up via a wall tower, but each time I issued the move/attack order, only one third of the unit entered the tower. I had to double click three times, once after each segment of the unit had already reached the top, before the whole unit of triarii reached the top and engaged the enemy.

As this combat was at a wall corner, I decided to send a unit of hastati sabelli up the walls around the corner, so they could take the enemy in the rear. However, although they got up on the walls smoothly unlike the triarii, they advanced towards the enemy as if to hurl pila, then stopped, all strung out and still some distance from the enemy. They then refused to move, attack, or respond at all, until the enemy they were meant to attack routed and descended the wall. Then they suddenly moved forward and hurled a few desultory pila at the fleeing enemy at ground level. As if that helped.

I'm not sure what is going on here, but having assaulted Taras in plain 2.1 before patching, I did not experience any glitches of this kind even against similar units. It was only after patching to 2.1b that this happened.

2) Strange Eleutheroi behaviour

In both 2.1 and 2.1b, the stacks of Insubres and Patavoae did not remain in their provinces, but actually came down south to stand along my northern borders along with the Boioi. They did not attack me (though the Boioi did in 2.1b), merely stood there, moving around from one side of Landexsiuo Boioi province to the other every few turns. The Patavoae stack helped to relieve Felsina when I tried besieging it, but did not move to defend Patava, its own city, when I besieged it just to see if they would. How strange.

3) "New Guys"?

The instant I begin the Romani campaign, there is a 'faction destroyed' notification informing me that a faction named 'New Guys' has been destroyed. Is this intentional? Doesn't seem so. It is a rather jarring start to a historical-accuracy campaign, haha.

Once again, thank you to the EB team for your mod work! I hope this is helpful to you, and will help improve the next version!