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Thread: Rumours about an HD remaster in development

  1. #1
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    Cool Rumours about an HD remaster in development

    Hey guys! I heard from a dude on Youtube that there are some rumours concerning a Medieval 1 HD remaster edition being in development or at least being planned for the future at some point by CA/SEGA/Feral. Altough, I don't know if the same would end up in regards to STW as well. Are you aware of any news or plans of theirs regardings to that? I can't find anything on Google but the guy told me that he found some few rumours about in the forum. Do you know something about those? Please, let me know!
    Last edited by NikolaTheGreat; 07-13-2023 at 11:20.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Rumours about an HD remaster in development

    If true, they need to unpack all the files for easy modding. With inbuilt BIF players and such. No change in the gameplay, but better models would be appreciated. I would upon release, play around with making Saracen Spearmen a militia unit and giving them to the Almohads to see how it plays out.
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  3. #3
    Member Member NikolaTheGreat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rumours about an HD remaster in development

    Quote Originally Posted by AntiTank View Post
    If true, they need to unpack all the files for easy modding. With inbuilt BIF players and such. No change in the gameplay, but better models would be appreciated. I would upon release, play around with making Saracen Spearmen a militia unit and giving them to the Almohads to see how it plays out.
    Agreed. Higher modding potential would really nail it especially with higher caps for regions, factions, units etc.! Another good thing would be the faculty to mod the campaign map in order to modify its aesthetics as the terrain itself. STW and MTW are and will always be the pinnacle of the series, having a level of depth that has never been reached again from Rome and onwards. I rate the chances for remasters of STW and MTW to be fairly decent at some point (altough not high enough to be guaranteed). What do you think? Do you agree with me? Let me know your thoughts about.

  4. #4
    Philosophically Inclined Member CountMRVHS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rumours about an HD remaster in development

    I'd want a remaster to do 2 things, and 2 things only:

    1) ensure that the game can be played on modern systems

    2) allow more/easier modding options.

    RTW's remaster was disappointing to me. I probably have more hours in RTW (modded) than any other TW game, so I was extremely excited to hear about the remaster, and even more so to see that they were expanding mod options.

    However, the changes made to the UI (which are apparently unmoddable) make playing the game a more cramped, irritating experience. The overall aesthetic of the remaster also falls flat IMO. In an attempt to make the game look more 'modern', the creators made it seem more.... cartoonish? One critique I hear a lot is that the remaster looks like a mobile game. I don't play those, but I think I understand the critique.

    The enhanced graphics are nice in some aspects I suppose, but I feel they also clash with the models, which remain themselves as in the original. So you have more pixels and detail draped over the same old rigging. It leads, IMO, to a sort of 'uncanny valley' feel. The original game, even vanilla, is more aesthetically unified and pleasing, despite being technically less 'rich'.

    MTW was my first Total War game; I've played it since the year it was released, and I'm still playing it now. About to play in a few minutes, in fact. Don't change the interface. Don't change the units. Don't dare touch those battle maps. Just help the thing run, and make it easier for me to make a Middle-earth campaign map, and let me mod Glorious Achievements (and whatever else the serious modders would like). But if you *can't* or *won't* leave the visuals untouched, then at least leave the old version kicking around for us old-timers to play.

  5. #5
    Member Member Zarrr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rumours about an HD remaster in development

    Quote Originally Posted by NikolaTheGreat View Post
    Hey guys! I heard from a dude on Youtube that there are some rumours concerning a Medieval 1 HD remaster edition being in development or at least being planned for the future at some point by CA/SEGA/Feral. Altough, I don't know if the same would end up in regards to STW as well. Are you aware of any news or plans of theirs regardings to that? I can't find anything on Google but the guy told me that he found some few rumours about in the forum. Do you know something about those? Please, let me know!
    Who is the dude from Youtube? Is there any video about this?


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