Things to do for the first beta
Sometimes the progress is fast, sometimes non-existant. We cannot give you any indication about when the first beta is released. The list below helps us to see what needs to be done and if you see something that you can help with, then gladly
Cheers, Duke John
V Step 1: Setup
V: Time period
The mod starts at the year 1403 and ends before 1500. Turns are not counted in years but in turns. This will give a longer timespan and avoid time paradoxes.
V: Factions
The mod will include the following factions:
Playable factions
The French
The English
The Swiss
The Scots
The Burgundians
The English Rebels
The Milanese City state
The Venetian City state
V: Step 2: Army lists
V: English
V: French
V: Burgundians
V: Swiss
V: Scots
V: Milanese
V: Germans
V: Yorkists
X Step 3: Tactical part
X Step 3a: Unit stats
X: Classifying units
Deciding on how units should interact; which unit wins vs this unit but loses vs that unit.
X: Unit stats
O Step 4: Strategic part
O Step 4a: Campaign map
V: MapTex
Although not completely finished the MapTex looks good enough for a first beta.
V: Province list
V: LukUp
Done and processed by LMM.
O Province details
Income and governourships.
O Step 4b: Factions
X: Names
All the factions need to get names for their leaders.
X: Coat of Arms
Faction shields and flags.
X: Campaign settings
Starting provinces/units, campaign descriptions.
O Step 4c: Miscellaneous
X: Unit descriptions
O: Strategic pieces
Need to be made for the Governourship Castles.