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Thread: Wars of the Roses Expansion

  1. #121


    Thank you will try this one out with great pleasure


  2. #122
    Flying Dutchman Member Ellesthyan's Avatar
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    (Or, as the Prussians interpretated it:
    Austria Erit In Orbe Ultima
    Austria will one day be lowest in the world.)

    Österreich über alles!

  3. #123


    great mod but now my pc is broken so i can't download it.....
    please can the link stay here for two weeks? i must download your great mod....damn my pc
    hy guys

  4. #124
    Senior Member Senior Member Duke John's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]please can the link stay here for two weeks?
    Perhaps the link will be removed, but only because the full version has replaced it

    And thanks for the comments so far

  5. #125
    Member Member Gen_Lee's Avatar
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    You stated that will run only with Mtw + vi but I assume that vi patch is included, right?

  6. #126
    Senior Member Senior Member Duke John's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]You stated that will run only with Mtw + vi but I assume that vi patch is included, right?
    The Viking Invasion patch version 2.01 is not included with the mod. You will have to do that seperately from the mod, and you should have done that the moment the patch came out since it fixed alot of stuff.

    But that matters little for the mod; you can play WotR battles with or without the patch.

  7. #127


    i think that you are one of the great creator of mod here

    and i can't wait your Mounted Men-at Arms .....i think that they will be great ...the Mounted Men-at-Arms of the original mtw aren't so clean
    hy guys

  8. #128


    Duke John, I am very impressed with the quality of your work, the new units are very nice. I hope that you may have time to add a mounted unit or two, the default MTW ones are kind of sickening compared to yours. Thanks for sharing them with us.
    Anyway, I noticed that and the review-panel icons of your units were plagued with the black dot problem, which I could not figure out how to solve for a long time in my own mods. However, there is a fix to this using the Seqgrab.exe utility and I posted a short guide in the Alchemist Lab. But this is only a little thing.
    Thanks. Lysander.

  9. #129
    Member Member Emp. Conralius's Avatar
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    A real pleasure to play.

    If you dont have it already, you should def. d/l this beta right away

    New factions, great looking NEW units, what more could you ask for (besides a working camp. map).

    I salute you DJ for all your efforts

  10. #130
    Member Member Nomad's Avatar
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    Yo DJ,
    It rocks. These are in my opinion the best Graphics I've seen on the MTW engine. As said shame you can't do a few more mounted units or somebody pay you to re-work the whole game. The retinue troops versatility makes them very interesting and useful, reducing some of the rock, paper, scissor qualities that haunt the game. The battle balance has over several games remained close. With combat swinging back and forth, So I haven't changed anything balance-wise yet. I've modded the WoTR into the main game now and I'm going to see how they fare against a Continental system. I'm assuming they'll end up week on the flanks when facing Knights, light infantry and Cavalry.
    I'm Not sure if you included these with some of the factions but maybe a few Irish Gallowglaicht and bonnacht mercenaries would be interesting. Although Bonnachts actually fought with a variety of weapons (the name is a generic term for levied troops, If I remember correctly). Plus Breton Javelins and some Flemish units would spice up the intrigue and Irish(Teaglach)or Anglo Irish Cavalry. I cant remember your unit rosters for the Yorkist and Lancastrian, of hand but The Yorkist's should have less access to Mounted units than the Lancastrians. Many thanks DJ. Think there's going to be a few new units in the MTWLate period now. Condoitteri Halbardiers, Angrez Pike, Verloener Hoeffen. Ordnance MAA, Ordnance dismounted knights, ooooh I can hardly wait

    Do not despise the snake for having no horns,
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  11. #131
    Senior Member Senior Member Duke John's Avatar
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    Mounted Units
    There will be mounted units in the future. I didn't include them in the beta as they require a different approach modelwise. But they will come, I think I can put 2 units in a single BIF. That will leave me 2 other BIFs that I can use for other units.

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]The battle balance has over several games remained close. With combat swinging back and forth
    A very good thing to hear

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]I'm Not sure if you included these with some of the factions but maybe a few Irish Gallowglaicht and bonnacht mercenaries would be interesting.
    I am not so sure about this. I don't have enough BIFs to do them both and only 1 seems like trying but not succeeding. I think I will restrict it to English and continental troops (the mercenaries).

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]I cant remember your unit rosters for the Yorkist and Lancastrian, of hand but The Yorkist's should have less access to Mounted units than the Lancastrians.
    Well, that is because there are no seperate Yorkist and Lancastrian lists. I want to the armylists the same to avoid balance problems. Might be a bit bland, but so was S:TW and people are still playing that.

    Duke John

  12. #132
    Member Member Nomad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] (Duke John @ May 25 2004,13:13)]I think I can put 2 units in a single BIF. That will leave me 2 other BIFs that I can use for other units.

    I'm guessing you mean cramming two sets of bodies on to the same Bif. And if so thats a very cunning ploy. Should be easier with the mounted units. As far as Gallowglaicht's etc you could use the MTW bodies if you don't mind contaminating your artwork. But I don't blame you if you want to keep it as it is. As you say you want to maintain the balance and yes Shogun did keep everyone very happy, quality not quantity and all that.
    Do not despise the snake for having no horns,
    For who is to say, he will not become a Dragon.

  13. #133
    Member Member Kaatar's Avatar
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    DJ, I can't get the campaign to work


    Very nice. It plays well and those graphics so so damn sexy ... you should be working for CA. They've got nothing on you.

    Well done
    May your first child be a masculine child.

  14. #134
    Senior Member Senior Member Duke John's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]DJ, I can't get the campaign to work

    Almost got me there Although it will probably a matter of days before somebody seriously posts such a question

    Quote Originally Posted by [b
    Quote[/b] ]It plays well and those graphics so so damn sexy
    This may sound arrogant, but... I know I had ordered a couple of Osprey books about the Wars of the Roses which have illustrations made by Graham Turner. Once I saw his paintings I knew that I just had to make these models. The armour and livery of those times are in my eyes just so much more appealing than those of a century earlier. I might be a fetist, but there is something about sallets and full body armour...

  15. #135
    Member Member Dirk's Avatar
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    Duke John,

    Although you've emphasized that your mod only works well with a fresh install of MTW + VI there is still a question I would like to ask about that.
    I do have MTW + VI and I've got the reconquista ADD ON added to it. As an add on does not change anything in the original files it follows (I think) that your mod could safely be added as well....or am I wrong.
    It's important for me know as I've got a 20 Gig Hd and would still like to keep enough space for an extra install of MTW for the upcoming HTW mod.

  16. #136
    Honour Member Boudicea's Avatar
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    Cool mod, Graphics are excellent. I agree with most of what you have said. I do disagree slightly with what you said about upgrading units though. I play a lot of mods but mostly NTW (and now yours) and upgrading is essential, I think it adds to the game not take anything away from it, and gives you something extra to think about. Saying that though I have played your mod on and off line with no upgrades and 10,000 florins as suggested and also played online with 90.000 florins. Both games played excellent and are enjoyable. Can I ask a couple of questions though, regarding that map of England you showed Oxfordshire,Berkshire and Wiltshire were not included was there a reason for this? Forgive my ignorance but my favourite period in history was just after the War of The Roses. I also strongly agree with you about the need NOT to do a campaign but I hope there will be some historical battles, I love these. If you are short of testers I am willing to put my name forward. Thanks for mod it is brill
    It's the taking part that counts.

  17. #137
    Senior Member Senior Member Duke John's Avatar
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    No, an unmodded version means an unmodded version. I don't know that the makers of the Reconquisita mod said but its files do change the installation. There is a big difference between not affecting the existing games or not affecting the any of the files at all.

    However if you are even just a tiny bit familiar with Notepad you can install the Wars of the Roses mod in the MTW installation with the Recon mod. Do the following:

    Installing the Wars of the Roses mod together with other mods
    This works with most other mods as long, there are some exceptions of which the easiest to recognize is that the other mod shouldn't have CUSTOM BIF folders in Textures\Men

    Step 1: Temporary installation
    Install the Wars of the Roses mod into a temporary directory.

    Step 2: Combining modfiles
    Now open the following file in both the WotR and MTW installation directories/folders:Textures/Men/DEADPAGE COORDS.TXT[/list]In the WotR version copy all WOTRUnitName entries together with the 4 coordinates lines below each entry and paste it into the MTW version. Save the MTW file.

    Now open the following files in both the Wars of the Roses and MTW installtion directories/folders:Loc\Eng\Names.TXT
    Loc\Eng\Descriptions.TXT[/list]In the WotR versions copy everything that stands between the *** WotR comments *** and paste it into the corresponding MTW versions. Save the MTW files.

    Step 3: Installing the WotR mod
    Now delete all the mentioned files in the temporary WOTR folder, NOT the MTW installion.
    Then copy the content of the WotR folder into the MTW folder.

    Step 4: Play the game
    Everything should work now. If it doesn't work then there is a change that the other mod is completely incompatible with other mods. Note that you shouldn't try this with the HTW, NTW and METW mods.

    Further explanation
    One of the advantages of VI is that you almost completely seperate all mods. The only thing that needs to be edited are the deadpage coords and 2 translation files. In all of the WotR text files you will see extra comments to make the content more clear and to see where WotR entries begin and end. This makes it more clear for me and people who want to mod the WotR add-on. It seems that it was worth the time.

    About the campmap it was only a first version. Although I must say that I use the VI campmap as a base but I simply edited out some of the provinces (Scandinavia, Scotland and Ireland).
    About the florin level. CBR's opinions and thoughts about gamebalance convinced me that the game plays better and more realistic with no upgrades. If you play with 90K you play with robots. I'm just as glad if you have fun playing that, but if you want to show me playtest results then I would much rather see unupgraded games.

    Cheers, Duke John

  18. #138
    Honour Member Boudicea's Avatar
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    No problem Duke John will do
    It's the taking part that counts.

  19. #139
    Rout Meister Member KyodaiSteeleye's Avatar
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    I agree - the game at 10000 Fl is much more interesting due to the continuous changing tides of morale through the battle lines - which is something that is lost in MP at the moment, as everyone plays with Morale 8 troops.

    BTW - i have both reconquista and WoTR installed, and there doesn't seem to be any problems.

    Ps: dukejohn, does the Beta version differ from the earlier one (eg: should i download it again?)

    KyodaiSpan, KyodaiSteeleye, PFJ_Span, Bohemund. Learn to recognise psychopaths

  20. #140
    Senior Member Senior Member Duke John's Avatar
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    This beta has less graphical glitches, more balanced stats, a few faction shields/flags and perhaps some other small adjustments. Nothing groundbreaking but it doesn't hurt to download it.

  21. #141
    Member Member Julius Caesar's Avatar
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    I enjoy this mod very much its very fun to play and nice work on the unitgraphics

  22. #142
    Rout Meister Member KyodaiSteeleye's Avatar
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    Looking good dukejohn

    Had some custom battles with the new stats - the reduced shire longbows seems to work better. I haven't tried retesting single unit combats yet. Also new stats and costs for things like the pikes is interesting - jury still out though, as custom battles are let down by the paltzy AI. Therefore i need some MP players to test it with

    Therefore I'll be on tonight (saturday) from 9.00 GMT. If anyone wants to join me, please come along and we can test it under proper battlefield conditions

    I reckon a couple of cavalry units will work well, as long as they're not too powerful (your 'prickers' and some mounted squires sounds good). At the moment, battles are quite static and the fact that you can't chase routers very adequately means there's lots of rallying and secondary combats all over the place (which can be pretty fun).

    Like the unit shields that you've done and the new unit icons too - very sweet
    KyodaiSpan, KyodaiSteeleye, PFJ_Span, Bohemund. Learn to recognise psychopaths

  23. #143
    Senior Member Senior Member Duke John's Avatar
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    I will be on this evening, so perhaps I'll see you (and others?) later.

    Cheers, Duke John

  24. #144
    Rout Meister Member KyodaiSteeleye's Avatar
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    Hi Duke,

    You say above that you haven't included the mnted units in the beta, but i have both prickers and mtd mAA available (although the models aren't finished i don't think) - am i supposed to?
    KyodaiSpan, KyodaiSteeleye, PFJ_Span, Bohemund. Learn to recognise psychopaths

  25. #145
    Senior Member Senior Member Duke John's Avatar
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    Yes, more like a screw-up from me then intentional. I'm not really happy with them as they are much too efficient at breaking the missile war.

    I've uploaded a tweaked unitstat file which slows down the cavarly more so that they are more vulnerable to missiles. They should only be used to flank and pursue routers not too agressive as they were capable of doing before.

    Stats version 0.1.1

    Stats version 0.1

    Just overwrite, and if you get version conflicts then overwrite the other version. I will play tonight with version 0.1.1.

    Edit: KyodaiSteele, please come back to the foyer. When I use my Duke_John_Wotr account I am using GameSpy and then I am at my desktop also doing other stuff. So when I do not immediately reply, please wait a minute or 8

    Cheers, Duke John

  26. #146
    Honour Member Boudicea's Avatar
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    Played a few custom and online battles now and it has played really well. The units are stunning. Is there any music available to this period as it would add something extra? Great mod really enjoy this one.
    It's the taking part that counts.

  27. #147
    Member Member RabidMonkey's Avatar
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    Hi Duke John
    Im sure youve heard this before but I just downloaded your mod and the graphics are amazing. So shiny they actualy look like knights now all decked out in armour.
    I was wondering if the Osprey books are the best source for this period, they seem very prolific I'm very interested in the hundred years war period so are there any good books or web sites you use?
    I have a book called 'Armies of the middle ages, volume 1 by Ian Heath' which has got me interested in this period.

  28. #148
    Senior Member Senior Member Duke John's Avatar
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    100+ downloads in a single week is a nice achievement, so I will move on to my next project

    ShadesWolf and I will merge our mods into the Two Crowns mod, which will feature the end of the HYW, the Burgundian Wars, the Swiss, Scots and the Wars of the Roses. The mod will get an entire new campaign map and new unitgraphics for all

    Experience M:TW as it was meant to be See you all in the Two Crowns thread

    Thanks for all the feedback so far
    Duke John

    This thread has been unstickied as development continues elsewhere.

  29. #149
    Rout Meister Member KyodaiSteeleye's Avatar
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    but you are going to release a final version, yes?
    KyodaiSpan, KyodaiSteeleye, PFJ_Span, Bohemund. Learn to recognise psychopaths

  30. #150
    Member Member Emp. Conralius's Avatar
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    Like I said before, it's a real pleasure to play. Far too good to be missed by the community.

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