Well, well. :-) Germania was the very first faction I played after I finished my first Roman campaign. I'm quite frankly in love with it, it's got something to deal with every single faction available. The berserkers are wonderful... *drool*

What's your opinion of Germans fighting in square in defensive battles? I used it often, my grandest victory was when three 20-unit armies attacked me at the same time (one Julii, one Scipii, one Senate) and I simply formed up into a...square? octagon? lopsided polygon? with my 12 phalanxes, stuffed my cavalry into the centre, and simply waited it out while the Roman tossed all they had at me... Admittedly, I lost a lot of men to velite fire, but eventually, after the hastati and principes, routed I just broke up my cavalry corps and destroyed what ranged units they had. A great victory, 3 full-stack Roman armies shattered (when you're playing on huge scale and only 25 men from each army escape, that's shattering) for about 30% casualties on my side. How's that? Go Germania!