
I've been toturing the building and units .txt files and encounted this error when starting the game to test:

Too few strings found in element data: column 5, data row 20 6.001E+14

Could someone give me an idea of which file I've over abused and does the column and row information actually represent the location when using Excel? (Or Works, in my case.) Thanks mucho.

In case this is of further help, I was trying to enable crusades for all catholic factions, make all units (except hashashins and napthas) the same size, let all catholic factions build crusader units once they got to L3 structures (chapter house, speakmaker3, royal court3 to build). Also let footknights be built as separate units (including crusader foot), fix the swiss bug and slightly tweak who can build what for crusader and other units. (For example, Hungarians can now build Boyars.)

Thanks again,
V'ger gone