You've probably seen the small symbols for Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Paganism in the UI in RTW-BI. Now I need similar ones for the AOVAF relgions. There are three symbols per religion:


My suggestions for how they could look (suggestions for the remaining ones needed):

Catholics - use RTWBI Christian symbol (cross)
Orthodox - use golden cross
Judaism - david's star
Sunni Islam - ? moon?
Shia Islam - ? crescent moon?
Steppe paganism - ?
Viking paganism/Asatrú - thor's hammer

- all "RELIGIONNAME.tga" symbols should be in color
- all "RELIGIONNAME_positive.tga" symbols should be in color, imo same as the "RELIGIONNAME.tga" symbols
- all "RELIGIONNAME_negative.tga" symbols should be in red
(my opinion, not a necessity )

keep in mind the symbols are so small that any detailed symbols won't be possible to use.