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Thread: Models

  1. #1

    Default Models

    Text file entries
    The M2TW version of the RTW descr_model_battle.txt file is the unit_models/battle_models.modeldb file.

    This file is compiled by CA's optimisation process from a bunch of .xml files that control the model (mesh) used, skins (texture), sprites (spr) and attachments (texture) - it is therefore not designed to be edited and so looks a mess. But it can be manually edited (I changed the file name of a texture and it used the alternate texture instead).

    This is what was written by CA staffer Caliban:
    export\unit_models\battle_models.battleXml - A standard xml format file that references the different type of unit setups. When this file is built (coverter process), it goes through the list of individual xml unit configs for each unit listed ( Export\unit_models\_Units\XML ), builds lods and pieces, and copies to the corrosponding data\unit_models\_units\ folder that is specified in the unit .xml config.
    The individual unit xml files contain the unit type, its bonemap reference (list of bones in order from the skeleton), attachments, mesh lods (.gr2 from 3dsmax7) , torch params, diffuse normal and sprite textures for each faction and the associated skeletons (mounts and weapon types).

    *note that we use \export\ folders for source artwork and configs which are then built and to the corrosponding \data\ folder. When the battle_models.battleXml file is processed, it creates the data\unit_modelsbattle_models.modelDB database file as well as processes all the individual unit xml setups contained within.

    The Attachments (and where they live)

    export\unit_models\_Units\XML\Border_Horse.xml (this folder contains all the unit types and their individual .xml files)
    export\unit_models\_Units\EN_Peasant_Padded\textures\EN_Peasant_Padded_England.tga (original .tga from the source folder, this is the border horse rider)
    data\unit_models\_Units\EN_Peasant_Padded\textures\EN_Peasant_Padded_england.texture (the converted result. very similar to .dds, contains mip-map levels much like a .dds)
    This is an example .xml file:

    	<AttachmentSet>unit_models\AttachmentSets\Final Kite.attSetXML</AttachmentSet>
    		<Group>Cav Spear</Group>
    		<Group>Sword Secondary</Group>
    And this is how it might look in battle_models.modeldb
    12 border_horse 1 4 59 unit_models/_Units/EN_Peasant_Padded/border_horse_lod0.mesh 121 59 unit_models/_Units/EN_Peasant_Padded/border_horse_lod1.mesh 900 59 unit_models/_Units/EN_Peasant_Padded/border_horse_lod2.mesh 2500 59 unit_models/_Units/EN_Peasant_Padded/border_horse_lod3.mesh 6400 2 8 scotland 80 unit_models/_Units/EN_Peasant_Padded/textures/EN_Peasant_Padded_scotland.texture 78 unit_models/_Units/EN_Peasant_Padded/textures/EN_Peasant_Padded_normal.texture 45 unit_sprites/scotland_Border_Horse_sprite.spr 5 slave 78 unit_models/_Units/EN_Peasant_Padded/textures/EN_Peasant_Padded_rebels.texture 78 unit_models/_Units/EN_Peasant_Padded/textures/EN_Peasant_Padded_normal.texture 42 unit_sprites/slave_Border_Horse_sprite.spr 2 8 scotland 59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_scotland_diff.texture 59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_scotland_norm.texture 0  5 slave 56 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_slave_diff.texture 56 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_slave_norm.texture 0  1 5 Horse 13 MTW2_HR_Spear 18 MTW2_HR_Non_Shield 1 21 MTW2_HR_spear_Primary 1 18 MTW2_Sword_Primary 16 -0.090000004 0 0 -0.34999999 0.80000001 0.60000002
    An analysis of this text was posted by BrandonM here:
    25 dismounted_feudal_knights 1 4 							(Number of characters in the name) (Name of Entry used in EDU) (??Scale??) (Number of Mesh Entries)
    69 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/dismounted_feudal_knights_lod0.mesh 121 	(Number of Characters  in mesh path/name)(Mesh)(LOD distance)
    69 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/dismounted_feudal_knights_lod1.mesh 900 
    69 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/dismounted_feudal_knights_lod2.mesh 2500 
    69 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/dismounted_feudal_knights_lod3.mesh 6400 
    (Model Texturing Section)
    11 	(Number of Faction Entries)
    7 england 	(Length of Faction Name) (Faction Name)
    73 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_england.texture 	(Length of Texture Path/Name) (Path to  Faction Texture) 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_normal.texture (This is the normal map texture)
    57 unit_sprites/england_Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_sprite.spr  (this is the sprite for this faction)
    8 scotland 
    74 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_scotland.texture 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_normal.texture 
    58 unit_sprites/scotland_Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_sprite.spr 
    6 france 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_france.texture 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_normal.texture 
    56 unit_sprites/france_Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_sprite.spr 
    3 hre 
    69 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_hre.texture 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_normal.texture 
    53 unit_sprites/hre_Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_sprite.spr 
    7 denmark 
    73 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_denmark.texture 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_normal.texture 
    57 unit_sprites/denmark_Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_sprite.spr 
    5 spain 
    71 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_spain.texture 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_normal.texture 
    55 unit_sprites/spain_Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_sprite.spr 
    8 portugal 
    74 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_portugal.texture 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_normal.texture 
    58 unit_sprites/portugal_Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_sprite.spr 
    5 milan 
    71 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_milan.texture 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_normal.texture 
    55 unit_sprites/milan_Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_sprite.spr 
    6 venice 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_venice.texture 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_normal.texture 
    56 unit_sprites/venice_Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_sprite.spr 
    12 papal_states 
    78 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_papal_states.texture 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_normal.texture 
    62 unit_sprites/papal_states_Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_sprite.spr 
    7 hungary 
    73 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_hungary.texture 
    72 unit_models/_Units/EN_Lmail_Hmail/textures/EN_Lmail_Hmail_normal.texture 
    57 unit_sprites/hungary_Dismounted_Feudal_Knights_sprite.spr 
    (Attachment Texture Section)
    11 	(Number of Faction Entries)
    7 england 		(Length of Faction Name) (Faction Name)
    60 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_england_diff.texture (Length of Texture Path/Name) (Texture)
    60 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_england_norm.texture (normal map)
    0  	(Declares end of this faction's entries)
    8 scotland 
    61 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_scotland_diff.texture 
    61 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_scotland_norm.texture 0  
    6 france 
    59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_france_diff.texture 
    59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_france_norm.texture 0  
    3 hre 
    56 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_hre_diff.texture 
    56 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_hre_norm.texture 0  
    7 denmark 
    60 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_denmark_diff.texture 
    60 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_denmark_norm.texture 0  
    5 spain 
    58 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_spain_diff.texture 
    58 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_spain_norm.texture 0  
    8 portugal 
    61 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_portugal_diff.texture 
    61 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_portugal_norm.texture 0  
    5 milan 
    58 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_milan_diff.texture 
    58 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_milan_norm.texture 0  
    6 venice 
    59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_venice_diff.texture 
    59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_venice_norm.texture 0  
    12 papal_states 
    65 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_papal_states_diff.texture 
    65 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_papal_states_norm.texture 0  
    7 hungary 
    60 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_hungary_diff.texture 
    60 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_hungary_norm.texture 0  
    1     (Number of Mount types?)
    4 None 		 (lengh of entry) (Mount Name)
    14 MTW2_Swordsman 
    0  (Number of somethings)
    2 (Number of Attachments?)
    18 MTW2_Sword_Primary 
    14 fs_test_shield 
    16 -0.090000004 0 0 -0.34999999 0.80000001 0.60000002 			(??? End of This Entry or Beginning of Next)
    Quote Originally Posted by BrandonM
    Update: I think the numbers at the begining of a faction line are the number of characters for that factions name.
    3 hre
    5 spain
    7 england

    In the Attachments section, this appears to be true as well.
    14 MTW2_Swordsman
    18 MTW2_Sword_Primary
    14 fs_test_shield

    Textures as well:
    58 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_milan_diff.texture
    60 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Heater_england_norm.texture
    Last edited by Epistolary Richard; 12-18-2006 at 01:30.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Models

    Added Text file entries section.
    Epistolary Richard's modding Rules of Cool
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  3. #3
    Member Member Andromachus Theodoulos's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    Greenwood the Great

    Default Re: Models (battle_models.modeldb)

    OK, (Hey to all, I have not posted in years…)

    Getting down to this model text modification business, has anyone explored how we could convert the modeldb into a more user-friendly format, or is there a way?

    Do we have to break out each individual model as was done with the Border_Horse xml from Caliban...?

    Also, I believe this is where the weapon and shield linkages to the equipment libraries are located... Am I right??

    I have been able to open this file with notepad and attempted to start putting "enter" or "tab" after the supposed end of each line... This would result, obviously, in a very time consuming process considering the number units / models.

    I am not xml or programming savvy (yet…), so I am sure I have missed something simple in trying to convert the modeldb file into a more user-friendly format...

    What I am trying to accomplish right now at this point is switching shield and weapon linkages on some of the units... Example would be giving dismounted Men at Arms a metal buckler instead of the heater shield...

    Perhaps I am pushing our knowledge envelope just like the rest of you… I just wish I knew more about converting some of these files into a more suitable format for the community to edit.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Models

    Theres no seperate mesh files for weapons so I dont see any way you'd be able to change them with the modeldb file. Looking at the attsetdb file it looks like the weapons are seperate .gr2 files which are combine with the main unit .gr2 file to create the .mesh file.

  5. #5
    Member Member Andromachus Theodoulos's Avatar
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    Greenwood the Great

    Default Re: Models

    So, I looked over the attsetdb files and found where the heater and buckler are located...

    The reason I am pursuing this is that I read somewhere in the forums that you might be able to switch weapons and shields around on models...

    This would aid me greatly in modding the game...

    Has anybody had anytime in figuring out how ... or rather if... changes can be made to the attsetdb files to switch equipment around...???

    Below is a cut from attsetdb files...

    First... "final iberian.attsetdb" (the following section is around 3/4 the way through the file... I am in Notepad and have Wrap Text on)

    0 1 7 shield0 13 metal buckler 1 73 unit_models\Shields_Library\metal_buckler\shield_metal_buckler_active.gr2 25 7 england 87 unit_models\Shields_Library\metal_buckler\textures\shield_metal_buckler_Portugal_01.tga 92 unit_models\Shields_Library\metal_buckler\textures\shield_metal_buckler_common_01_normal.tga 8 scotland 87 unit_models\Shields_Library\metal_buckler\textures\shield_metal_buckler_Portugal_01.tga 92 unit_models\Shields_Library\metal_buckler\textures\shield_metal_buckler_common_01_normal.tga 6 france 87 unit_models\Shields_Library\metal_buckler\textures\shield_metal_buckler_Portugal_01.tga 92 unit_models\Shields_Library\metal_buckler\textures\shield_metal_buckler_common_01_normal.tga 3 hre 87 unit_models\Shields_Library\metal_buckler\textures\shield_metal_buckler_Portugal_01.tga 92....

    Now this continues through the various types of bucklers... 01, 02, 03 etc...

    Somewhere in this file, I am not sure where, it makes the link to the sword and buckler men, or the sword militia or conquistadors... (this is an assumption...)

    I am going to try some tests soon to see if I can alter what equipment each unit has. This could be a lost cause requiring 3dsmax, but I at least wanted to try it...

    Please post if any of you have had any time exploring this...

    Otherwise I will continue to pioneer in this area and let you all know my results...


  6. #6

    Default Re: Models

    I did look into this a bit last night, first of all I doubt the game even looks at these files, theres only one unpacked from the demo files nor do the directorys referenced in them exist. The structure seems to be similar to modeldb but it makes references to files which are not used by the game like .gr2 and .tga. The integers some of them are lengths for the following strings, others I dont know, but the ones at the end seem to be changing in a relation to the tga's position on the finished texture. Not definite on that I have a hunch thats what they're for. Theres a 1024 at the very end as well which is the height and width of the corresponding texture.

    It looks to me like the weapon models and textures are listed here, the tga's are all compiled into one .texture file and the models go somewhere else. Theres no sign of any model meshs and theres references in the unit models to the weapons so its most likely there. Best way to test if they're relevant would be to delete the text or fill it with x's and see if the game will run. They seem to be relevant to creating new models though but I'm not sure how. Can someone post the final kite attsetdb file?

  7. #7
    Member Member Andromachus Theodoulos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Greenwood the Great

    Default Re: Models


    I can post you the final kite attsetdb...

    I figured out how to post the guts of the attsetdb... this is just a section of it...

    1 0 0 0 0 1 7 shield0 12 kite pattern 1 76 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\shield_kite_pattern_active.gr2 25 7 england 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_england_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 8 scotland 90 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_scotland_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 6 france 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_france_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 3 hre 85 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_hre_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 7 denmark 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 5 spain 87 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_spain_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 8 portugal 90 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_portugal_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 5 milan 87 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_milan_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 6 venice 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_venice_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 12 papal_states 94 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_papal_states_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 6 sicily 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_sicily_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 6 poland 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 6 russia 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 7 hungary 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 9 byzantium 91 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_byzantium_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 5 moors 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 5 egypt 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 5 turks 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 7 mongols 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 8 timurids 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 6 aztecs 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 5 slave 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_rebels_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 4 merc 87 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_mercs_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 7 normans 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_england_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 6 saxons 85 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_hre_01.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_01_normal.tga 0.0625 0 0 0.9375 0 0.125 0 0.4375 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 shield0 12 kite pattern 1 76 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\shield_kite_pattern_active.gr2 25 7 england 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_england_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 8 scotland 90 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_scotland_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 6 france 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_france_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 3 hre 85 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_hre_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 7 denmark 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 5 spain 87 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_spain_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 8 portugal 90 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_portugal_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 5 milan 87 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_milan_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 6 venice 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_venice_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 12 papal_states 94 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_papal_states_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 6 sicily 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_sicily_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 6 poland 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 6 russia 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 7 hungary 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 9 byzantium 91 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_byzantium_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 5 moors 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 5 egypt 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 5 turks 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 7 mongols 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 8 timurids 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 6 aztecs 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_denmark_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 5 slave 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_rebels_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 4 merc 87 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_mercs_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 7 normans 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_england_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 6 saxons 85 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_hre_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_02_normal.tga 0.0625 0 0 0.5 0 0.125 0 0.5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 shield0 12 kite pattern 1 76 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\shield_kite_pattern_active.gr2 25 7 england 89 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_england_03.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_03_normal.tga 8 scotland 90 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_scotland_03.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_common_03_normal.tga 6 france 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_pattern\textures\shield_kite_pattern_france_03.tga 95 
    unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_regular\textures\shield_kite_regular_common_02_normal.tga 4 merc 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_regular\textures\shield_kite_regular_rebels_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_regular\textures\shield_kite_regular_common_02_normal.tga 7 normans 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_regular\textures\shield_kite_regular_rebels_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_regular\textures\shield_kite_regular_common_02_normal.tga 6 saxons 88 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_regular\textures\shield_kite_regular_rebels_02.tga 95 unit_models\Shields_Library\kite\kite_regular\textures\shield_kite_regular_common_02_normal.tga 0.0625 0 0 0.875 0 0.125 0 0.6875 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 16 0 0 58 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_england_diff.texture 58 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_england_norm.texture 59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_scotland_diff.texture 59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_scotland_norm.texture 57 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_france_diff.texture 57 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_france_norm.texture 54 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_hre_diff.texture 54 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_hre_norm.texture 58 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_denmark_diff.texture 58 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_denmark_norm.texture 56 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_spain_diff.texture 56 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_spain_norm.texture 59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_portugal_diff.texture 59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_portugal_norm.texture 56 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_milan_diff.texture 56 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_milan_norm.texture 57 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_venice_diff.texture 57 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_venice_norm.texture 63 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_papal_states_diff.texture 63 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_papal_states_norm.texture 57 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_sicily_diff.texture 57 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_sicily_norm.texture 60 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_byzantium_diff.texture 60 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_byzantium_norm.texture 56 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_slave_diff.texture 56 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_slave_norm.texture 55 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_merc_diff.texture 55 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_merc_norm.texture 58 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_normans_diff.texture 58 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_normans_norm.texture 57 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_saxons_diff.texture 57 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Kite_saxons_norm.texture 0.5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 16 7 england 8 scotland 6 france 3 hre 7 denmark 5 spain 8 portugal 5 milan 6 venice 12 papal_states 6 sicily 9 byzantium 5 slave 4 merc 7 normans 6 saxons 1024
    Its not very readable, let me know if I need to add some returns in... still didn't have time to test what I need to, but I am taking your suggestions and looking at testing it that way...

    Thanks for the help, I will post results soon...

    Last edited by Andromachus Theodoulos; 12-20-2006 at 17:40. Reason: Posted "final kite attsetdb" portions...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Models

    Actually I was looking for the whole file, see if the weapons in the border_horse xml provided above are mentioned in it. I'll have the game in a couple of days anyways so theres no urgency.

  9. #9
    Member Member Andromachus Theodoulos's Avatar
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    Greenwood the Great

    Default Re: Models

    Update on Model attachments...

    Edit: I read through Musashi's Adding a unit to the game, it clarified things...
    I blocked out all the directories under the "unit models" section under "data"...

    The game still ran just fine, I do not think that the engine refers to these files at all. (I am running the game through the mod switch... if anyone was wondering)

    Edit: The engine must refer back to the packed files in the event that the unpacked files are not available. I assume... It was late last night... plus being a noob... :)

    I even renamed the battle_models.modeldb file and the game still worked. There must be another file or series of files that the game references for models... and they are probably packed away... maybe... or they refer to the packed version

    Right now I am not sure what the game is using to pull together all of the models and textures. It appears that even the battle_models.modeldb isn't even referenced, as I said before...

    So right now I am at a loss until I can try to "break" some more files.

    Edit: Looking over Musashi's post, I am going back to the drawing board...


    I will post if I find anything new...

    Last edited by Andromachus Theodoulos; 12-22-2006 at 12:06.

  10. #10
    Member Member Musashi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Models

    It looks like the attsetdb files define the models for the various weapons and so on... But they don't determine which units they attach to. You could put a musket in the hands of a longbowman by replacing the longbow entry with the data from the musket entry, but it would affect all longbow using troops, not just the one you wanted.

    If you're trying to mix and match weapons and shields, the data you want is in the actual mesh files for that unit, in my opinion.

    Believe it or not, I've been trying to hexedit the mesh files, but no luck so far.
    Last edited by Musashi; 12-23-2006 at 07:44.
    Fear nothing except in the certainty that you are your enemy&#39;s begetter and its only hope of healing. For everything that does evil is in pain.
    -The Maestro Sartori, Imajica by Clive Barker

  11. #11
    Member Member Andromachus Theodoulos's Avatar
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    Greenwood the Great

    Default Re: Models

    Thanks for replying musashi...

    The first thing I wanted to try to accomplish was to replace the r_sword (renaissance sword found on S&B men and dism Conquistadors) with a longsword...

    Also, I wanted to replace the heater and kite shields with metal bucklers... If that changed all of them, i could live with that for right now. I would like give all units equipped with heaters, metal bucklers... I tried this in the iberian attsetdb, but I didn't have any luck... I am confident I did not do it right...

    Any suggestions or assistance would be great... like what portions of text do I need to replace...???

    For example there are two sections of r_sword in the iberian attsetdb... So far, any changes I have made to these files, I haven't seen any differences. I checked my cfg switching and mymod stuff (trying to make sure that the game doesn't go back to unmodified packed files to get information...)

    I think if I can get a go by, I should be able to change the rest...

    Again though, if I have to go into the mesh to make changes like this, I know I am out of luck, unless CA can provide some kind of tool to allow textual change to equipment within meshes...

    Or, invest in 3dsmax $$$$...


  12. #12
    Member Member Musashi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Models

    At the moment Max won't help you. I have it, but it's no use to me since we have no way of opening the meshes, and no way of saving them back to that format even if we could open them.

    However, I'm beginning to fear that my attempts at hexing the mesh files, valiant though they may be, may prove quixotic.
    Fear nothing except in the certainty that you are your enemy&#39;s begetter and its only hope of healing. For everything that does evil is in pain.
    -The Maestro Sartori, Imajica by Clive Barker

  13. #13

    Default Re: Models

    Hex-editing the models theoretically could be possible, I had a shot at it myself before and a straight cut and paste of the primaryactive section doesnt do it, I'm fairly sure theres other data relating to weapons in there and the odds of finding it are fairly slim i think. You'd probably have problems mixing and matching weapons anyway, theres secondarys and other attachments like powderbags and quivers using the same texture.

    As for the attsetdb files, I'm 100% certain these files arent used by the game and are part of model creation. The model files they refer too arent in the packs and the textures are all compiled into one big one that is used by the game. Looks like weapons and units are exported out of max seperately then compiled again later. May be done that way because they have their own skeletons or may be just for handiness of having seperate units use the same texture.
    Last edited by Casuir; 12-24-2006 at 02:16.

  14. #14
    Member Member Musashi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Models

    Yeah, my cut and paste efforts have met with no success so far.
    Fear nothing except in the certainty that you are your enemy&#39;s begetter and its only hope of healing. For everything that does evil is in pain.
    -The Maestro Sartori, Imajica by Clive Barker

  15. #15

    Default Re: Models

    Well, I got the game and it seems there are weapon meshs though it took me a while to find them, the unpacker wasnt extracting from data_4 for some reason.

    Doesnt look like the game actually uses them though, I tried replacing one with another and it had no effect. If this is the case it would seem the weapons are merged with the unit mesh, thinking maybe the attsetXML file or maybe the AttachmentGroups referenced in the border_horse.xml above controls which meshs go to which unit. Be nice if someone could persuade Caliban to give us a copy of one of those files.

  16. #16
    Senior Member Senior Member Jambo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Models

    I hope this is the right place to ask, but I'm wanting to add arquebusiers to Scotland's unit roster and I've managed to do everything to add them other than edit the unit_models/battle_models.modeldb file. As a result the model on the battlemap looks silver, i.e. without texture or colour.

    Could someone help out here? This modeldb file's a daunting prospect to edit.
    =MizuDoc Otomo=

  17. #17

    Default Re: Models

    12 arquebusiers 1 4 56 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/arquebusiers_lod0.mesh 121 56 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/arquebusiers_lod1.mesh 900 56 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/arquebusiers_lod2.mesh 2500 56 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/arquebusiers_lod3.mesh 6400 13 7 england 73 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_england.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 44 unit_sprites/england_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 6 france 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_france.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 43 unit_sprites/france_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 3 hre 69 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_hre.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 40 unit_sprites/hre_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 7 denmark 73 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_denmark.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 44 unit_sprites/denmark_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 5 spain 71 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_spain.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 42 unit_sprites/spain_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 5 milan 71 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_milan.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 42 unit_sprites/milan_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 6 venice 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_venice.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 43 unit_sprites/venice_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 12 papal_states 78 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_papal_states.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 49 unit_sprites/papal_states_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 6 sicily 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_sicily.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 43 unit_sprites/sicily_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 6 poland 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_poland.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 43 unit_sprites/poland_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 6 russia 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_russia.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 43 unit_sprites/russia_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 7 hungary 73 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_hungary.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 44 unit_sprites/hungary_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 8 scotland 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_russia.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 43 unit_sprites/russia_Arquebusiers_sprite.spr 13 7 england 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_england_diff.texture 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_england_norm.texture 0 6 france 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_france_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_france_norm.texture 0 3 hre 65 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_hre_diff.texture 65 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_hre_norm.texture 0 7 denmark 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_denmark_diff.texture 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_denmark_norm.texture 0 5 spain 67 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_spain_diff.texture 67 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_spain_norm.texture 0 5 milan 67 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_milan_diff.texture 67 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_milan_norm.texture 0 6 venice 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_venice_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_venice_norm.texture 0 12 papal_states 74 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_papal_states_diff.texture 74 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_papal_states_norm.texture 0 6 sicily 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_sicily_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_sicily_norm.texture 0 6 poland 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_poland_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_poland_norm.texture 0 6 russia 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_russia_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_russia_norm.texture 0 7 hungary 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_hungary_diff.texture 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_hungary_norm.texture 0 8 scotland 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_russia_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_russia_norm.texture 0 1 4 None 18 MTW2_Fast_Arquebus 20 MTW2_Non_Shield_Fast 1 21 MTW2_Arquebus_Primary 1 18 MTW2_Sword_Primary 16 -0.090000004 0 0 -0.34999999 0.80000001 0.60000002 16 arquebusiers_ug1 1 4 60 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/arquebusiers_ug1_lod0.mesh 121 60 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/arquebusiers_ug1_lod1.mesh 900 60 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/arquebusiers_ug1_lod2.mesh 2500 60 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/arquebusiers_ug1_lod3.mesh 6400 13 7 england 73 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_england.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 48 unit_sprites/england_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 6 france 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_france.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 47 unit_sprites/france_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 3 hre 69 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_hre.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 44 unit_sprites/hre_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 7 denmark 73 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_denmark.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 48 unit_sprites/denmark_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 5 spain 71 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_spain.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 46 unit_sprites/spain_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 5 milan 71 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_milan.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 46 unit_sprites/milan_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 6 venice 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_venice.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 47 unit_sprites/venice_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 12 papal_states 78 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_papal_states.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 53 unit_sprites/papal_states_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 6 sicily 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_sicily.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 47 unit_sprites/sicily_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 6 poland 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_poland.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 47 unit_sprites/poland_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 6 russia 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_russia.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 47 unit_sprites/russia_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 7 hungary 73 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_hungary.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 48 unit_sprites/hungary_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 8 scotland 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_russia.texture 72 unit_models/_Units/RN_Light_Lmail/textures/RN_Light_Lmail_normal.texture 47 unit_sprites/russia_Arquebusiers_ug1_sprite.spr 13 7 england 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_england_diff.texture 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_england_norm.texture 0 6 france 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_france_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_france_norm.texture 0 3 hre 65 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_hre_diff.texture 65 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_hre_norm.texture 0 7 denmark 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_denmark_diff.texture 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_denmark_norm.texture 0 5 spain 67 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_spain_diff.texture 67 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_spain_norm.texture 0 5 milan 67 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_milan_diff.texture 67 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_milan_norm.texture 0 6 venice 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_venice_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_venice_norm.texture 0 12 papal_states 74 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_papal_states_diff.texture 74 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_papal_states_norm.texture 0 6 sicily 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_sicily_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_sicily_norm.texture 0 6 poland 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_poland_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_poland_norm.texture 0 6 russia 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_russia_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_russia_norm.texture 0 7 hungary 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_hungary_diff.texture 69 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_hungary_norm.texture 0 8 scotland 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_russia_diff.texture 68 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final European CB Gun_russia_norm.texture 0 1 4 None 18 MTW2_Fast_Arquebus 20 MTW2_Non_Shield_Fast 1 21 MTW2_Arquebus_Primary 1 18 MTW2_Sword_Primary 16 -0.090000004 0 0 -0.34999999 0.80000001 0.60000002
    After making a backup, try replacing everything from "12 arquebusiers..." (including that) to "10 musketeers..." (not including that, obviously) with the line above. Unless I made a mistake somewhere, that should give Scotland Arquebusiers with Russian textures (closest color I could think of).

    Edit: Updated the line (only modified the upgraded model, forgot about the normal one).
    Last edited by Aegis; 01-11-2007 at 22:44.

  18. #18
    Member Member NIKO's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Russia , Siberia

    Default Re: Models

    Im make same NEW missile weapon models like bolts for exemple ( mod link ) Im use Vertengetorix imp/exp and hex editor for correct it. CA exporter not work for missile models... I know same triks )) and maybe it works for battle models too ?
    The author of mod "HARDGAME EDITION"

  19. #19
    Harbinger of... saliva Member alpaca's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: Models

    Did you try CA's cas exporter?

  20. #20
    Member Member NIKO's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Russia , Siberia

    Default Re: Models

    Yes, but like i write befor missile models after converting CA exporter dont work.. ( and if look in Hex editor - missing part of info) But maybe i did same thing wrong )) Anyway for .cas files may use Vertengetorix script and hex editor for correct file. I m look today battle model its different files (.mesh) , so battle model not import Vertengetorix script...
    Last edited by NIKO; 01-14-2007 at 08:32.
    The author of mod "HARDGAME EDITION"

  21. #21
    Senior Member Senior Member Caliban's Avatar
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    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: Models

    I'm going to try to explain how the attachment process works.
    Weapons and shields and bodies are exported as seperate .mesh files. Different combinations are defined as attachment sets. The individual unit .xml then defines what attachment set it uses. After we run the conversion process on that units .xml file, it grabs all the asscoiated .mesh files (body, weapons, shield etc) and compiles it into one model (.mesh). Unfortuantly this isn't going to help you guys too much as some of you may have already discovered the attachments are stored in the final units .mesh file.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Models

    I don't suppose there's any chance of us getting a tool for the modeldb format? It's not exactly the most fun file to edit by hand, and not knowing what a few of the numbers represent (such as those damned floats) is not helping.

  23. #23
    Member Member Musashi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Models

    I can live with editing the modeldb file by hand if we get a mesh converter so that we can kitbash some models :D
    Fear nothing except in the certainty that you are your enemy&#39;s begetter and its only hope of healing. For everything that does evil is in pain.
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  24. #24
    The Philosopher Duke Member Suraknar's Avatar
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    Navigating the realm of Ideas

    Default Re: Models

    I wonder...

    Caliban you keep refering to (converter process), is that a separate app, or can the game perfom this process on the fly (maybe a switch appended) if we were to create a custom .xml file as you have specified above?
    Duke Surak'nar
    From: Residing:
    Traveled to: Over 70 Countries, most recent: and

    ~ Ask not what modding can do for you, rather ask what you can do for modding ~
    ~ Everyone dies, not everyone really fights ~

  25. #25

    Default Re: Models

    Quote Originally Posted by Caliban
    After we run the conversion process on that units .xml file, it grabs all the asscoiated .mesh files (body, weapons, shield etc) and compiles it into one model (.mesh). Unfortuantly this isn't going to help you guys too much as some of you may have already discovered the attachments are stored in the final units .mesh file.
    But theoretically, we could store the separate attachments in their own mesh files, which would really help a lot. That way, you could store 10 different shields in their own mesh file, and have all the units in the faction use those shields, drastically cutting down on how much memory is used.


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