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Thread: To all the M2TW Gamers: Game Bonus List!

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  1. #1
    Member Member SilentResident's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Macedonia, Greece

    Default To all the M2TW Gamers: Game Bonus List!

    This is the list of all the M2TW game bonus!!! Heheheheheh!!!! First, keep read!

    Open the export_descr_buildings.txt file in Medieval II Total War\data folder and copy/paste those bonus in any building you like to be, and then play the game*!
    *Note: they are compatibly with your previous game saves, but is recommended to start a new Campaign.

    With those bonus, your settlement-government game-play experience will changes your life! Before the list with the bonus, read the following results by adding those bonus to your game:

    The results/effects of the Bonus:
    -Build any building in 1 turn! Why not a Huge Stone Wall or a Huge Cathedral in 1 only turn!?! FORGET the multi-turn building!
    -All the units & troops will raise their max experience & morale (Golden)!
    -All the units & troops will have the best (Golden) shields & swords!
    -All the settlements will no longer have their "Distance from Capital" penalty affects them!
    -All the settlements will raise their maximum population capacity up to 260.000 citizens FOR EVER and without fall!
    -All the settlements will have Public Order 500% and very happy citizens FOR EVER! Forget the riotings and rebellions FOR EVER!
    -Sometimes, if your enemy take your settlement, the citlizens will rebell against he's tyranny and they will try to return the city to your faction, because they like you!
    -All the settlements will have Population Growth 12,5% FOR EVER!
    -All the settlements will have raised income! The richest faction is yours!
    -All the settlements will be able to held Games & Races even if they belongs to Muslim or Christian Factions!
    -Now you can recruit nearly-infinite Christian Priests/Imams/Merchants! No limits anymore!
    -Religion conversion bonus raised to 1000%!!!! In few turns, a 100% heretic/pagan population in a settlement will be converted to 100% Christian/Muslim population!
    -The beautiful Highways (the 3rd road level from Rome: Total War) returned to Medieval 2 Total War! No anymore paved roads!
    -The trade fleet & trade level have been raised! More trading ships in water!
    -All the regions have now very productive farms & mining resources!

    Make from now Huge Cities from America to Middle East, with total faction Population to 999.999.999.999.999 citizens, Infinite flow of money, a mighty imperialistic Empire with very strong Armies, and make your life easier!!!!!!!!


    Enjoy your new super-government life!!!! Heheheh!!!!

    ********************THE LIST********************
    Copy any code -or all of them if you like- and put them in any building you like in export_descr_buildings.txt file.
    Free to copy:

    religion_level bonus 1000
    amplify_religion_level 100
    agent_limit priest 100
    agent_limit merchant 100
    population_growth_bonus bonus 1000
    population_loyalty_bonus bonus 1000
    population_health_bonus bonus 1000
    taxable_income_bonus bonus 1000
    farming_level bonus 1000
    mine_resource 100
    trade_base_income_bonus bonus 100
    armour 3
    weapon_melee_simple 9
    weapon_melee_blade 9
    weapon_missile_mechanical 9
    weapon_missile_gunpowder 9
    weapon_artillery_mechanical 9
    weapon_artillery_gunpowder 9
    weapon_naval_gunpowder 9
    recruits_morale_bonus bonus 9
    recruits_experience_bonus bonus 9
    happiness_bonus bonus 1000
    law_bonus bonus 1000
    construction_time_bonus_military 100
    construction_time_bonus_religious 100
    construction_time_bonus_defensive 100
    construction_time_bonus_other 100
    archer_exp_bonus bonus 9
    cavalry_exp_bonus bonus 9
    heavy_cavalry_exp_bonus bonus 9
    gun_exp_bonus bonus 9
    retrain_cost_bonus bonus 99
    recruits_cost_bonus_naval 9
    retrain_cost_bonus bonus 9
    weapon_projectile 9
    agent priest 4
    road_level 3
    pope_approval 9
    stage_races 2


    *******CHECK LIST-BONUS DESCRIPTION***********************

    The following Bonus have been tested and they works perfectly:
    {POPULATION_GROWTH_BONUS}Population growth bonus for your settlements
    {POPULATION_LOYALTY_BONUS}Public order bonus for your settlements
    {POPULATION_HEALTH_BONUS}Public health bonus for your settlements
    {TRADE_BASE_INCOME_BONUS}Increase in tradeable goods for your regions
    {TRADE_LEVEL_BONUS}Increase in trade for your regions
    {TAXABLE_INCOME_BONUS}Tax income bonus for your settlement
    {MINE_RESOURCE}Income from mining for your settlement
    {FARMING_LEVEL}Improved farms and food production for your settlement
    {WEAPON_MELEE_SIMPLE}Capable of upgrading crude weapons
    {WEAPON_MELEE_BLADE}Capable of upgrading melee weapons
    {WEAPON_MISSILE_MECHANICAL}Capable of upgrading missile weapons
    {WEAPON_MISSILE_GUNPOWDER}Capable of upgrading firearms
    {WEAPON_ARTILLERY_MECHANICAL}Capable of upgrading siege engines
    {WEAPON_ARTILLERY_GUNPOWDER}Capable of upgrading cannons
    {WEAPON_NAVAL_GUNPOWDER}Capable of upgrading ship's cannons
    {BODYGUARD}Improved generals' bodyguards
    {AGENT_LIMIT MERCHANT}Increases the limitation in recruiting of Merchants
    {RECRUITS_MORALE_BONUS}Morale bonus for all the troops
    {RECRUITS_EXPERIENCE_BONUS}Experience bonus for all the troops
    {HAPPINESS_BONUS}Public order bonus due to happiness for your settlement
    {LAW_BONUS}Public order bonus due to law for your settlement
    {CONSTRUCTION_TIME_BONUS_MILITARY}Reduces the Construction time for all the Military Buildings in your city
    {CONSTRUCTION_TIME_BONUS_RELIGIOUS}Reduces the Construction time for all the Religious Buildings in your city
    {CONSTRUCTION_TIME_BONUS_DEFENSIVE}Reduces the Construction time for all the Defensive Buildings in your city
    {CONSTRUCTION_TIME_BONUS_OTHER}Reduces the Construction time for all the other Buildings in your city
    {ARCHER_EXP_BONUS}Experience bonus for all the types of archers
    {CAVALRY_EXP_BONUS}Experience bonus for all the types of cavalry
    {HEAVY_CAVALRY_EXP_BONUS}Experience bonus for all the types of knights
    {GUN_EXP_BONUS}Experience bonus for all the types of gunpowder troops
    {NAVY_EXP_BONUS}Experience bonus for all the types of ships with cannons
    {RECRUITS_COST_BONUS_NAVAL}Naval recruitment cost reduced by
    {RETRAIN_COST_BONUS}Retraining costs reduced by
    {WEAPON_PROJECTILE}Capable of upgrading all artillery and gunpowder weapons
    {INCOME_BONUS}Instant income bonus of %d florins

    The following codes must be added ONLY in the Religion Buildings (Christian/Muslim).
    {RELIGION_LEVEL}Bonus of the population's religion conversion
    {AMPLIFY_RELIGION_LEVEL}Doublicates by % the Bonus of the population's religion conversion
    {AGENT_LIMIT PRIEST}Increases the limitation in recruiting of Priests

    The following bonus unlocks Highways from Rome: Total War, that they aren't available in Medieval 2 Total War:
    {ROAD_LEVEL} (1) Dirty roads / (2) Paved roads / (3) Highways

    The following bonus have been not tested for their effects:
    {POPE_APPROVAL}Pope's Approval to your faction bonus

    The following bonus are hard-coded in the game and they work with limited numbers:
    {GATE_STRENGTH}Improved gate strength for your settlement
    {GATE_DEFENSES}Boiling Oil for your walls
    {TOWER_LEVEL}Extra wall defences for your settlement
    {ARMOUR}Upgrades armour for all the units
    {STAGE_GAMES}Allows gladiatorial games to be held (stage_races 1)
    {STAGE_RACES}Allows races to be held (stage_races 1)
    {TRADE_FLEET}Trade fleets available for your ports

    The following bonus are not safe to use them / Or use them within your risk for any game crash:
    {POPULATION_FIRE_RISK_BONUS}Reduced risk of fire for your settlement
    {CONSTRUCTION_COST_BONUS_MILITARY}Reduces the Construction Cost for all the Military Buildings in your city
    {CONSTRUCTION_COST_BONUS_RELIGIOUS}Reduces the Construction Cost for all the Religious Buildings in your city
    {CONSTRUCTION_COST_BONUS_DEFENSIVE}Reduces the Construction Cost for all the Defensive Buildings in your city
    {CONSTRUCTION_COST_BONUS_OTHER}Reduces the Construction Cost for all the other Buildings in your city

    If I missing something, report me.

    I played the game with those bonus and with more fun.

    Those bonus will affects all the factions that they can build the same building, like you.
    So, if you want those bonus to affects your faction only, you must add the:
    requires factions { name_of_faction, } at the end of each bonus.
    So, for example:
    population_growth_bonus bonus 1000 requires factions { Byzantine, }


    Keep the gaming!
    Have a nice gameplay...
    Macedon or Macedonia (from Greek Μακεδονία) was the name of the ancient Greek kingdom in the northern-most part of ancient Greece. For a brief period it became the most powerful state in the ancient Near East after Alexander the Great conquered most of the known world, inaugurating the Hellenistic period of Greek history...

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