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Thread: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

  1. #1411
    Blue Eyed Samurai Senior Member Wishazu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Sorry to interupt the "in character" discussion going on but I just wanted to know what the status of the next update is. Thanks

    "Wishazu does his usual hero thing and slices all the zombies to death, wiping out yet another horde." - Askthepizzaguy, Resident Evil: Dark Falls

    "Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical"
    Sun Tzu the Art of War

    Blue eyes for our samurai
    Red blood for his sword
    Your ronin days are over
    For your home is now the Org
    By Gregoshi

  2. #1412
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Ok. I am back. Since Warmans pm box is full i cant answer to him via pm. I will continue this game and next chapter will be coming out the next few days. Since i dont have any copyright over my idea. Warman can post (his) game in TWC and i wish he can make it as entertaining as possible. Nevertheless. When we consider that he has been already caught of using double account in this game previously to suit his purposes and now he will be busy in hosting his (own) game in TWC, he cant continue playing Yamana anymore in this one. I hope this is suitable compromise for all participants. I hope this has been worth it for all parties involved.

    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  3. #1413
    Blue Eyed Samurai Senior Member Wishazu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    I`m pretty sure everyone will respect your decision my friend.

    "Wishazu does his usual hero thing and slices all the zombies to death, wiping out yet another horde." - Askthepizzaguy, Resident Evil: Dark Falls

    "Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical"
    Sun Tzu the Art of War

    Blue eyes for our samurai
    Red blood for his sword
    Your ronin days are over
    For your home is now the Org
    By Gregoshi

  4. #1414
    Swoooossshh !! Member Ravie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Sounds like a thought out decision and a fair one. Roll on the next chapter!
    In the absence of orders, find something and Kill it - Erwin Rommel

  5. #1415
    Blue Eyed Samurai Senior Member Wishazu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Still no progression on this then?
    "Wishazu does his usual hero thing and slices all the zombies to death, wiping out yet another horde." - Askthepizzaguy, Resident Evil: Dark Falls

    "Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical"
    Sun Tzu the Art of War

    Blue eyes for our samurai
    Red blood for his sword
    Your ronin days are over
    For your home is now the Org
    By Gregoshi

  6. #1416
    Guest FearofNC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    maybe it would help if we all got together and spoke... im sure we can come to some sort of an agreement.. do you have steam kage?

  7. #1417
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Im writing the chapter right now. It should be ready later today. Im sorry for the prolonged wait, caused by me having to rewrite the chapter and also with other distracting business earlier mentioned.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  8. #1418

    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Friendship, Fun & Honour!

    "The Prussian army always attacks."
    -Frederick the Great

  9. #1419
    Defender Troll Member Revolting Friendship's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Oh man, a new chapter before I have to hit the sack would be totally rad

  10. #1420

    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Kage, can we expect a new chapter in the next few hours or should I just head to bed?
    Friendship, Fun & Honour!

    "The Prussian army always attacks."
    -Frederick the Great

  11. #1421
    Defender Troll Member Revolting Friendship's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Today then, maybe. :P

  12. #1422
    Nascent Veteran Member Tiberius of the Drake's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History


    Ive been having hell in Rl recently. But now that I have things under control, (and I have highspeed internet again) I was hoping to get back involved in this IH. Can anyone direct me to where I can find a summary of what has happened over the last few months (?).
    "Something can be done, by careful analysis, to sort out truth from propaganda and legend. But this is where the real difficulties begin, since each student inevitably selects, constitutes criteria, according to his own unconscious assumptions, social, ethical or political. Moral conditioning, in the widest sense, plays a far greater part in the matter than most people- especially the historians themselves-ever realize."
    -Peter Green

  13. #1423
    Retired Senior Member Prince Cobra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiberius of the Drake View Post

    Ive been having hell in Rl recently. But now that I have things under control, (and I have highspeed internet again) I was hoping to get back involved in this IH. Can anyone direct me to where I can find a summary of what has happened over the last few months (?).
    You missed a chapter and the heroic death of Asakura Yoshikage, the last of the Asakura clan. Welcome back!
    R.I.P. Tosa...

  14. #1424
    Defender Troll Member Revolting Friendship's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    It is time!

  15. #1425
    Nascent Veteran Member Tiberius of the Drake's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    "Something can be done, by careful analysis, to sort out truth from propaganda and legend. But this is where the real difficulties begin, since each student inevitably selects, constitutes criteria, according to his own unconscious assumptions, social, ethical or political. Moral conditioning, in the widest sense, plays a far greater part in the matter than most people- especially the historians themselves-ever realize."
    -Peter Green

  16. #1426

    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    an update!
    Friendship, Fun & Honour!

    "The Prussian army always attacks."
    -Frederick the Great

  17. #1427
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Chapter 16, Winter 1564

    Writers Note: My apologies for this chapter being more like report rather then a chapter. The reason for this is that i have lost an incomplete chapter, when the Org decided to eat it and another one in a computer crash. Thus i have found impossible to find motivation to rewrite the chapter for the third time.- Kage

    In Kyushu, the winter was spent peacefully. The only thing braking the serenity was the sounds of work on shipyards around the island.

    In Chugoku, The remnants of the Shimazu and Otomo army seemed to take an agressive stand. Mori scouts spotted that against earlier speculations. The allied army turned and started marching towards Yamaguchi castle.

    Kobayakawa Takakage who was dispatched with a large mobile force from Nagato received word from the enemys move early on was able to intercept the enemy army before it reached Yamaguchi. After some skirmishing he was able to determine that the force was not the whole of enemy but a rearguard sent to decept the enemy. Takakage made a short work of the Otomo rearguard and moved to coast to witness that majority of the enemy had embarked and returned to Kyushu.

    In Shikoku. Chosokabe Motochika seemed to had decided to entrench himself to his domain. Upgrading of both of the Chosokabe castles were started.

    In Kinki. Lots of manouvering happened with little results. Oda, Hatakeyama, Tokugawa and Asai armies moved in coordination to catch the Miyoshi besieging Asai capital, but all of this was in vain since Miyoshi withdrew from Omi right at the start of November.

    In Ise tragedy struck the Kitabatake. Shortly after placed back in their previous domain, the end of the Clan came in hands of assasins. Shinobi dressed as Miyoshi warriors were able to surprise Anotsu castles night guards. The assasins were able to enter the main Donjon of the castle and set it to light, killing Daimyo Kitabatake Tomonori and his family, burning alive themselves also in the process, before Miyshi troops were able to brake in the Donjon. The commander of the Mioyshi forces was able to remain in control of the situation, thus placing Ise under direct Miyoshi control.

    In Kanto the winter was spent in relative peace as the forces of different Clans withdrew to their winter quarters. Some troop movements were witnessed, but nothing leading to direct confrontations.

    In Tohoku, Date and Mogami attacked Oura in coordination. Unfortunately the attack of about 4000 allied warriors was defeated by Oura Tameaki with a surprise night attack at the end of the season. When the besiegers were already exhausted by the terrible winter conditions and attrition.

    Notes: Warman has been closed from the game, so i am now in control of Yamana. Also Seignthelass has taken over the Suzuki clan, leaving Hojo to my control. Also wellcome back Khaan and Tiberius of the Drake who are actively taking control of their clans.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  18. #1428

    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Thanks for the update Kage.
    Friendship, Fun & Honour!

    "The Prussian army always attacks."
    -Frederick the Great

  19. #1429

    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    When will we get the info pm's?
    Last edited by AggonyDuck; 05-15-2009 at 10:48.
    Friendship, Fun & Honour!

    "The Prussian army always attacks."
    -Frederick the Great

  20. #1430
    Defender Troll Member Revolting Friendship's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Ôtomo Sorin sits on a field-stool in the Usuki harbor square, flanked by his bodyguard and senior vassals. Watching the combined Shimazu and Ôtomo troops disembark from the ragged Shimazu ships, anchored in the harbor before him, he allows a slight grin escape to his face. As the troops enter the square and arrange themselves into their respective units in front of him, he nods to himself repeatedly, bursting with satisfaction. The soldiers are clearly tired, their clothes and armor torn and worn from the long campaign, but they too are shining from pride and relief of an operation successfully concluded.

    It was late february, the weather mild, early midday and sun shining. A soft northerly wind animated the many banners gently, with seagulls singing to the tunes of marching feet and rattling armament.
    The relatively short Kyûshû winter was already in the progress of melting away, giving in to approaching spring. The air was full of strong scents.

    As the blocks of soldiers had come into order, Sorin made a slight gesture with his right hand, at which the drums arrayed among his attendance started thundering. Sorin pulled his fan from his sash and lifted it high, holding it out over the returning heroes. After a short moment, the drums went silent again, as abruptly as they had started, only echoes of their blasts escaping among the surrounding buildings. A brief moment of complete silence followed, everyone standing at attention.







    During the victory cries, the standard bearers had marched out and presented themselves before Sorin and the Shimazu representative, and as the calls ended, the great banners were lowered before the two men, the Ôtomo and Shimazu respectively;

    "In all the world, only you are to be respected!", -the bearers called unanimously, at which all the men raised their spears to the sky and cheered loudly.


    The ritual of victory completed, and note-worthy heads duly inspected and commendations rewarded, Sorin rode in procession through Usuki together with the returning generals, the other prominent samurai in trail. At Sorins right side rode Iriki-in Shigetoyo, who had come on behalf of Takahisa to represent the Shimazu. The people were cheering both the clans; there was a deep sense of pride and unity in the air. While the expansion into Chugoku had failed, it was understandable given the odds, but the series of well-planned operations that led to a spotless withdrawal had wiped clean any sense of loss and shame, and many tales of great accomplishments were already circulating warm among the common folks.

    The company later arrived at Sorin's Usuki mansion via the Nioza district, where fancy celebrations waited for the more senior among the warriors. Meanwhile, the common soldiers were quartered in the barracks by the harbour, but were granted free food and drink in plenty and 3 full days of leave, to rest from the long months of fighting and marching. After that, the Shimazu soldiers were to again embark their ships and sail south to Satsuma, where they would finally get to share the victory with their beloved Lord, and once again join with their waiting families.

    Thanks for the update Kage! Short but informative. ;) I'm just happy that we can get the story going again, and hope you'll have better luck with future chapters.
    Last edited by Revolting Friendship; 05-15-2009 at 22:38.

  21. #1431
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Info pms will arrive this weekend.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  22. #1432
    Kanto Kanrei Member Marshal Murat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Much appreciated Kage, much appreciated.
    "Nietzsche is dead" - God

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    Re: Pursuit of happiness
    Have you just been dumped?

    I ask because it's usually something like that which causes outbursts like this, needless to say I dissagree completely.

  23. #1433
    General Hayashi Member patdj's Avatar
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    Default AW: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    "So the Ôtomos' hospitality is as good as the people tell, Shigetoyo?"
    Shimazu Takahisa was standing on the top of the main stairs, going directly from Kagoshima castle down to the harbour. 8 ships were lying there with Shimazu Samurai debarking. A huge crowd had gathered itself among the Samurai. Mainly women and children were welcoming their fathers, husbands, brothers and sons. By Shimazu Takahisas command, the bereaved had been informed in advance, so the athmosphere was perfectly cheerful.
    "It definitely is, my Lord. Not only that the Victory Ceremony honoured his as well as your men adequately, he also provided them all with a 3 days rest and meals. I do not know if our men would have been able to stand the journey down to Kagoshima and Hyūga without his support. They are totally depleted."
    "I see..."
    Takahisa started walking down the stairs to get a closer look. The ships looked wrecked, but the men seemed, apart from their equipment, to be in a rather good state.
    "Do we have the workforce to repair the ships besides the new constructions?"
    "I suppose we have, my Lord."
    "You suppose..?"
    "If we do not, I will find a way to find more workers, my Lord."
    Takahisa nodded. Representatives of the different units were filing up for him at the bottom of the stairs while the respective Samurai quickly dragged themselves away from their beloved ones and gathered formation.
    "I do not wish to steal to much of your time. From what I heard you already enjoyed Lord Ôtomo's Victory Ceremony and his hospitality, but what warriors of your quality deserve most when coming home is the love of their family. That is why I you hear childrens' laughter instead of drums and see tears of joy instead of large banners.
    I want you to know that everyone of you, and everyone lying dead on the fields of Western Honshû has my deep respect.
    Still I wish to remind you of the fact that this war is not over, and that we will definitely need warriors like you to stand the upcoming battles. So be prepared, and give hand to those families who have no one to welcome."
    Takahisa bowed, and so did his soldiers. The unit leader banged their pennant on the floor twice, followed by victory cries of the men behind them:
    *bomm-bomm* "Hoooooo!"
    *bomm-bomm* "Hoooooo!"
    *bom-bom-bom* "Hohohooooooo!"
    Shimazu Takahisa turned and climbed up the stairs back to the castle. Iriki-in Shigetoyo followed him in some distance.
    "My Lord, do you wish the soldiers that arrived in Hyūga to come to Kagoshima immediately?"
    "They shall - like the ones that arrived here - travel directly to their homelands for two weeks time and remain prepared for spontaneous operation."
    "As you wish, my Lord."
    Iriki-in Shigetoyo bowed deep and backed away, while Takahisa and two bodyguards crossed the main yard towards the entrance of the castle.

    Thanks for the new chapter! Wanted to make a quick post to state my presence, but it got somewhat longer. Best regards from Tokyo (Edo)!
    Last edited by patdj; 05-18-2009 at 10:31.

  24. #1434
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History


    Good to see the stagnation come to an end in a glorious update, well done Kage! IC reactions will be forth coming. Looks like my troops got obliterated in Oura territory. They shall be avenged!
    Last edited by Monk; 05-17-2009 at 13:37.

  25. #1435
    " Hammer of the East" Member King Kurt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Welcome back Kage - nice update.

    Interesting to read the victory celbrations of an army that attempted to conquer the lands of the Mori and the Amako who got truely whipped and scurred back home on a ramshackle fleet - what will happen if they ever manage a victory?? - well I don't think we have to worry about that do we!!
    "Some people say MTW is a matter of life or death - but you have to realise it is more important than that"
    With apologies to Bill Shankly

    My first balloon - for "On this day in History"

  26. #1436
    Shadow Senior Member Kagemusha's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    I will try my best to get information for all the players this evening. Also one more great news is that Ichigo will be taking over Ashina Clan of Eastern Japan. I think his clan might turn out to be very well deciding factor to the deadlock of Eastern Japan.
    Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.

  27. #1437
    " Hammer of the East" Member King Kurt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Where is this so called Eastern Japan - it is obliviously outside of the civilised sphere that is Western Japan of the Amako and Mori - a haven of tranquillity and peace now our mighty forces have vanquished the running dogs of Otomo Sorin and his lackeys who even now thrust out their chests in false glory despite many of their warriors' bones bleaching the grassy plains of the Mori shore.

    The Lords of Western Japan have no interest in these backwaters of Eastern Japan and will sit, mildly amused, on the bylines, as the outlaws and brigands who undoubltedly populate these wastelands scrap like rabid dogs to assert their command over this worthless domain.
    "Some people say MTW is a matter of life or death - but you have to realise it is more important than that"
    With apologies to Bill Shankly

    My first balloon - for "On this day in History"

  28. #1438
    General Hayashi Member patdj's Avatar
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    Default AW: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    While thinking of the right words to welcome Ichigo among the warlords of his time, Shimazu Takahisa wanders around the sunny and untouched forrests of Southern Kyûshû. How depraved and wasted must it look in the lands of the Amako and the Mori? There, where so many fires have burned, so many houses and walls had been demolished and so many honourable men had left their lifes. And how good it was, that this battle had been fought on these fool's territory and not on his beautiful isle...
    With these awefull pictures in his head - of the poor Honshû peasants cleaning their ricefields from bodies and blood, because their landlords were incapable of effective defense - he finally finds the right words: "Kick asses!"

  29. #1439
    Date Harumune Member Herakleitos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    The great warrior Oura Tameaki has made good use of this winter's conditions so it seems. However he will not live to see another snowflake fall.
    'ho polemos pater pantoon'

  30. #1440
    Defender Troll Member Revolting Friendship's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sengoku Jidai, Japanese interactive History

    Lord Amako, before you set out to downsize our successes and embellish our failures, you might want to think about your own accomplishments and failures. Because they, just as ours, will be measured against your own judgements. If Kyûshû is as you claim, then what do you have to show for?

    I believe it's fair to say, that withdrawing was the only sensible thing to do, given the circumstances. I openly stated this to be my intention. You and your allies openly stated for the complete annihilation of our army and my own death.
    It is no understatement that me and my esteemed ally carried out our intentions beyond expectation. The operation was well planned and saw complete success. All in all, less than 5000 men were lost for us, and 4 ships. At the same time, we instated heavy casualites on your combined army and skillfully outmanouvered it. All this was accomplished with vast numerical inferiority.

    This is why we celebrate the recent events as a victory. Maybe you truly think nothing of it, but remember; the scales you use for others will be used also for yourself.

    Ôtomo Sorin

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