Our map is a mix of satellite elevation data and vector drawn layers. The global elevation was tweaked to bring low and medium altitude more in line with gameplay while keeping reasonably realistic proportions. Some areas, like the four alps pass, still had to be arranged more in detail to fit gameplay.

I. Vector concept maps

a. Political map

This one is probably the most important since it shows both settlements/region borders and current starting positions for all of our factions.

II. The ingame map

Since what matters is what you get ingame, I'm also bringing some light to our current ingame map. Note that these screens may not match the political map everywhere, simply because the descr_strat file isnt fully updated here. Of course I still have some work to do on the textures and some tweaking to do to the landscape in some areas but Rome wasnt built in one day.
While its not a complete tour, it should give you a fairly good idea of the landscape.