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Thread: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

  1. #121
    Member Member Sabazios's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I hope someone will mod walled settlements, for now most settlements wont have walls (including Syracuse and Jeusalem). Until then i wont buy R2TW..

  2. #122

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Rome Total Realism team announced their mod for Rome 2 at least people who bought Rome 2 have something to look forward to. :P
    Lets play Divide et Impera, Ptolemy Campaign. Link to full playlist down below!

  3. #123
    Member Member geala's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I find R2TW ... disappointing. The loss of every possibility to take a look at a realistical depiction of my units (in units cards and unit info cards which show only the ugly pottery-art-like stickman pictures) outside of battles annoys me a lot more than I ever thought. Same for buildings which are now abstract pictogramms. Same for the loss of the family tree. The tech tree is dumped down to boring alternatives. On the campaign map you often have no clue what decisions, f.e. for settlement management, will give you back. That will get better with time I believe. Instead of the 2d art which was part of campaign map gaming in TW titles before S2TW, now you have onyl gimicky 3d features directly on the map as a compensation. You see tiny little buildings, smoke from industries and during sieges little figures staring at each other with mean expression while small super fast shooting catapults (with flaming missiles, of course) around the settlement show you: here is a siege! I'm too oldschool and would prefer the old unit and building depictions in 2d however.

    The battles are even more ridiculous than in vanilla S2TW or RTW, fast moving individuals on steroids without cohesion, winning fights with magical powers. Flaming missiles with laser beam power or like tank grenades everywhere. The units look quite good, if you imagine every ancient warrior as an ugly 45 year old with a fat belly and extreme muscles, but the so called "variation" in the units is a special one. You have some different armor and helmets, but by and large the clothes and shoes all look the same and all men in a unit have the same. No barefooted individuals with different tunics in a mob for example. Variation for me is what EB II tries to do within units. When I looked at my Ptolemean Egyptian soldiers and saw all of them without exception in Roman military sandals, my heart sank: deep inside I knew that resistance against a faction with such a mighty shoe industry that already conquered the feet and minds of all men would be pointless in the end. I was so delighted when I discovered that at least some Nubian units went with bare feets. I will rely on them. In earnest, most of the troop types are boring clones of each other. I looked through them during custom battles.

    Most of these battles were over in a few minutes because units race over the battlefield (so bad) and rout after relatively few casualties (which is ok) and receive casualties in time spans which can be only measured by apparats working with the speed of light (so bad). I could not see much of the new (?) "human face of war" animations because of the battle pace. I had the feeling that the dying animations known from S2TW are not in the game (or not for all troop types?). Strange.

    Sea battles are similar. Fast moving ships with strange physics and flaming artillery. Okay, I only played one battle, so ...

    After some time I got the feeling "Why should I play further? What interesting units or buildings or traits or else might appear? Are the future battles worth it with this combat system?" Two hours after start I went to another room of my flat onto my couch and started watching "Big Bang Theory" season 2 for the forth time while eating some marzipan with fruit in chocolade. Much more entertaining. Which is sad for a game on release day, isn't it? I will however give it another try today.
    The queen commands and we'll obey
    Over the Hills and far away.
    (perhaps from an English Traditional, about 1700 AD)

    Drum, Kinder, seid lustig und allesamt bereit:
    Auf, Ansbach-Dragoner! Auf, Ansbach-Bayreuth!
    (later chorus -containing a wrong regimental name for the Bayreuth-Dragoner (DR Nr. 5) - of the "Hohenfriedberger Marsch", reminiscense of a battle in 1745 AD, to the music perhaps of an earlier cuirassier march)

  4. #124

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I'm so glad I didn't buy it. I will wait the long wait for EB2, at least there I'll be able to put some RPG element into it and admire my family tree.

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  5. #125
    Member Member I_damian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I bought it and I regret it like you wouldn't believe. It's so inferior to Europa Barbarorum that I can't even put it into words. I'm going to have to install EB and play it for a few hours as some sort of cleansing ritual.
    EBII has finally released. All hail the EBII team!

  6. #126
    Villiage Idiot Member antisocialmunky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Honestly all the balance problems with RIITW are problems with Shogun but more so because of the combat speed. I don't care about RIITW being meh on release, as long as its decently moddable. If they slow down the battles, it should be good.

    PS. Naval warfare is crap. Just auto resolve and save yourself the loading time.
    Last edited by antisocialmunky; 09-08-2013 at 22:09.
    Fighting isn't about winning, it's about depriving your enemy of all options except to lose.

    "Hi, Billy Mays Here!" 1958-2009

  7. #127

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum


    Units are so formless that nothing feels like it has impact. I had the same problem with Medieval 2.

    I charge in and the unit spreads out into thin lines and stragglers, then both sides just break down into amorphous blobs. There's no unit cohesion, I usually just give up trying to give orders and mass select all units and just charge them in one blob at each enemy unit in turn. Everything breaks ranks and joins the blob then loses morale and crumble away.

    I mean...there's not even enough time in a battle to even both trying to flank the enemy. By the time your cavalry have fought their way through the enemy flanking force the entire centre where your infantry were engaged has become an amorphous scrum and there's not really a flank or rear left to charge anyway...that's assuming that one side hasn't broken completely and the battles over in 3 minutes.

    Then there's those bizarre 'control point' thingies. Take the high ground? Are you insane? The control point is right in the middle of the map! Stand there or you will lose!

    I dislike the campaign map too. Why can't I have my own garrisons? Why must I have a limit on the number of armies I can field? Why can't I 'march divided, fight concentrated'? Why bother with these family members getting bonuses and attributes and skills and stuff if they just randomly vanish from the game because someone, somewhere poisoned them? I've had at best a general with 3 skills...they then vanish and become a statesman or something and I have no idea where they went, they didn't die I just can't use them anymore. It's like 'See how cool it would be to level this guy up? Hah! Fooled you he's gone and you have no idea why or how to ever stop it happening again!'.

    Provinces and Edicts? I like that. Imperium dictating army limits and stuff? No. I hate that, so damned much. Want to be a small, powerful nation? Nope. You HAVE to go on a world conquering blitz if you want to do anything at all. The AI is so braindead that it will let you. The ONLY place on the map where things have gotten a little bit more interesting is playing as Parthia because you end up fighting on 8 fronts at once against about 12 factions simultaneously and even then it boils down to hunting down the enemy stacks and trapping them in cities fighting what amounts to defence in depth strategies.

  8. #128

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    We can at least have a good laugh. Check this review:

    Have fun :D

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  9. #129
    Now sporting a classic avatar! Member fallen851's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Scutarii View Post
    Then there's those bizarre 'control point' thingies. Take the high ground? Are you insane? The control point is right in the middle of the map! Stand there or you will lose!
    This breaks the game for me.

    One of the best battles I've ever had, I remember vividly. I had just taken Serdike from the Macedon as the Romans. They besieged the city on their next turn with a smaller army than I had garrisoning it. Seeking to continue my destruction of Macedon I sallied out. The Macedonians force moved itself onto a small hill outside of the city. I figured I'd beat them easily and surrounded the hill and sent up about my half infantry from two directions and my cavalry from a third. This force alone was bigger than their force. After a minute or two my units began to waver, and I sent in more infantry, only to have my entire force break and flee back down the hill. I rallied enough units together, reformed, and tried again. I figured if I position my units more carefully and used my Triari, I defeat them.

    I was wrong. I was again repulsed and my men retreated back into the city. Probably the most embarrassing defeat I've suffered, especially since the AI force was so much smaller.

    Had there been some stupid capture point in the middle, the battle would have been very easy, and not memorable.
    "It's true that when it's looked at isolated, Rome II is a good game... but every time I sit down to play it, every battle, through every turn, I see how Rome I was better. Not unanimously, but ultimately." - Dr. Sane

  10. #130
    Member Member Vilkku92's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Cybvep View Post
    We can at least have a good laugh. Check this review:

    Have fun :D
    Thanks for making my day!

    "So god help me, if that's what you're doing I will come over there and I will bitchslap you!"

    "The men are WAVEring!"

    "We have invested more resources into improving the battlefield AI than I think we have in any Total War games to date..." "JOFF-TCOFF-TCOFFO-TCOFFO-TCOFF!"

    That's pure gold mixed with raw meme. Are all of his reviews as good?

    On the primary subject, I doubt I'll be playing Rome 2 anytime soon. Not because I believe it sucks so hard physicists will use it to create artificial vacuums (I played vanilla RTW right until I found EB and find Empire funny) but because paying full price for a game I don't know whether or not my laptop is actually capable of running is just too risky investment for nonworking student to make. Maybe sometime in the future I will give it a try, but it just has to wait for now.

    No, I didn't hate vanilla (at least with BI)... Why are you staring at me?

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  11. #131

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by antisocialmunky View Post
    Honestly all the balance problems with RIITW are problems with Shogun but more so because of the combat speed. I don't care about RIITW being meh on release, as long as its decently moddable. If they slow down the battles, it should be good.

    PS. Naval warfare is crap. Just auto resolve and save yourself the loading time.
    Shogun 2 balance was quite good for a vanilla TW game. Combat speed is good for that game as it was balanced for it. I'm interested insome EB online this weekend, are you available ASM? I really want to try out EB online.

    1v1 is the most convenient for me.
    Lets play Divide et Impera, Ptolemy Campaign. Link to full playlist down below!

  12. #132
    Member Member Arkkataka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I've seen a lot of Angry Joe's reviews and I can say that they are consistently great. I actually waited for his review to decide whether or not to buy Rome II, and needless to say I am not going to buy it now.

  13. #133
    ΤΑΞΙΑΡΧΟΣ Member kdrakak's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I tried Rome2 last night (so I haven't seen everything yet). Realism was obviously not a concern during development. However, my PC can play this at extreme graphics quality and I have to say the game is beautiful, if you don't mind going arcade on the best strategy game series ever.... which I do. I can't be sure, but a lot of EB influence is there in unit appearance; thankfully. At any rate, I'll give it a chance. But i don't expect much.
    -Silentium... mandata captate; non vos turbatis; ordinem servate; bando sequute; memo demittat bandum et inimicos seque;

    Completed EB Campaigns on VH/M: ALL... now working for EBII!

  14. #134

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    That's pure gold mixed with raw meme. Are all of his reviews as good?
    Not all, but some, yeah. In general, I must admit that they are quite good. Personally, I like his reviews of BAD games the most for their entertainment value... and I mean REALLY bad games. Try the Mindjack Angry Review (Worst Game Ever?). You will be rolling on the floor.

  15. #135

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    One thing that bugs me is that the units move like slugs but the actual melee is fast so you're maneuvering in slow motion but once you commit everything dies.

    I don't know chow CA scaled the combat to be like but it's quite strange and easy.

    Back to EB then! (There's plenty of other things that I'm annoyed about with Rome 2 but I'm not going to make several large posts which nobody will read.)
    Lets play Divide et Impera, Ptolemy Campaign. Link to full playlist down below!

  16. #136

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I'm skipping RSII, at least for a year or so.

    And I've tried EBI something like three times over. I always end up back to RS, currently version 2.6...but I've been following EBII for three years now. I'm really excited for it.

    [EDIT] Aw heck, I'm gonna reinstall EBI also, if for no other reason than for maybe MP games...
    Last edited by Risasi; 09-13-2013 at 23:07.

  17. #137

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    My install went nuts so I got to reinstall EB1 again and hope I install everything in the correct order so I can play online.
    Lets play Divide et Impera, Ptolemy Campaign. Link to full playlist down below!

  18. #138

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Glad to see EB still has a good following, and yeah after having tried Rome 2 I must admit I cant wait for EB2 to be released because whatever I want out of a wargame Rome 2 doesn't look like it will be delivering it, the game is too unstable and battles are too arcade like giving you little to no time to implement hammer and anvil tactics( by the time your forces have completed a flanking manoeuvre the general mêlée is already over) that said there are some great features included, Visually it is beautiful and while the lighting and shading is not perfect it is a vast improvement on previous titles, one thing though where have the dust clouds gone? I fought the battle of Raphia in the desert and there wasn't a single puff of dust! I also love the fact you can save a battle replay in campaign mode and when you choose to watch it you can actually refight the battle too, if they sort the bugs and arcade battle speed it will be a classic feature. Rome 2 does not feel immersive and to be honest in its current state it does not play like a Total War game it feels like something different. EB 2 will be the rome 2 we have been waiting for.
    Last edited by Goth47; 09-14-2013 at 21:33.

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  19. #139

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    rome 2 is joke i played it for a week and got tired of this bullshit few units no variety whatsoever

  20. #140
    Naginata Samurai since 2001 Member spanakoryzo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    The game is somewhat of a weird hybrid. My girlfriend, who doesn't apreciate Total War games, passed by my P.C. the other day and -in all honesty- asked me which version of Civ 5 I'm playing! That's the first time she's shown interest in any game of the T.W. franchise and she's a Civ fanatic. There's a lot of E.B. in Rome 2 for sure, but there's a HUGE amount of Civ in the mix. New gamers will probably like it, but T.W. veterans will find it hard to take in. The replay value is pretty low too. In all, I'm still waiting for E.B. 2 to do justice to my beloved hellenistic period while dominating the world with Baktria in E.B. 1.2.
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  21. #141
    Member Member GenosseGeneral's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Well, I feel like I need some new game these days and I also felt like I could need some new TW. After all, MTW2 is the last game of the series I bought, I decided to give Empire some time to solve its issues and then I discovered EB... and I have been playing it since then (BC to some extent as well).
    But Rome II does not seem to be worth paying a full price for. Maybe it's gonna be Civ V or give Europa Universalis a try. After all, it seems like they again fucked up the things i hated most about vanilla TWs: AI and too quick battles.

    Edit: And of course I have been following EBII for at least two years. Keep up the good work guys! Can't wait for it!
    Last edited by GenosseGeneral; 09-23-2013 at 21:43.

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  22. #142

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I can certainly recommend PI's games. EUIII/EUIV, CK2, HOI3, Vicky2, DH are very good games for hardcore strategy fans.
    Last edited by Cybvep; 09-24-2013 at 11:30.

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  23. #143
    Member Member helenos aiakides's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Yup, paradox interactive games are super fun, super deep and super well supported. Shame that the one in the roman era is terrible though.

  24. #144
    EB on ALX player Member ziegenpeter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Cybvep View Post
    I can certainly recommend PI's games. EUIII/EUIV, CK2, HOI3, Vicky2, DH are very good games for hardcore strategy fans.
    But whats really annoying about PIs recent games is their DLC madness. Crusader Kings complete(with all dlcs) costs 80€ and europa universalis 3 (so the OLD one) with all dlc still costs 40€... So yeah I really enjoy their games but I dont like not having all the content available in a game. Unless you strike a good Steam deal or you are willing to pay that much money for good but not very polished games, you're screwed

    "A wise man once said: Never buy a game full price!"
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  25. #145

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I think that you can safely ignore sprites etc. They are just eye-candy. Buy the stuff you are interested in.

  26. #146
    Villiage Idiot Member antisocialmunky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    R2TW UI in a nutshell

    You get so many stats and are not sure what any of them really end up doing.

    Fighting isn't about winning, it's about depriving your enemy of all options except to lose.

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  27. #147
    They call me Flavius Member Belisarius II's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    The brokenness of the game mechanics makes me sad. Hopefully, though its a stretch, they will release a very large patch for it, because I won't be buying this game unless they do.
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  28. #148
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by antisocialmunky View Post
    R2TW UI in a nutshell

    You get so many stats and are not sure what any of them really end up doing.


    man, that guy must have done something that really pissed off his enemies...

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  29. #149

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Even if they fix all the bugs and the game runs smooth and all, it feels very dumbed down in comparison to RTW. Either the gamers got stupid in the meantime or they wanted to port to console. And from what i've read on the forums the gamers aren't stupid
    naked fanatic

  30. #150
    Villiage Idiot Member antisocialmunky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Its not really dumbed down compared to RTW, it just lacks any sort of Charisma. You don't know who your generals are half the time and the trait system is worse than the original Shogun IE, better if it wasn't even there.
    Fighting isn't about winning, it's about depriving your enemy of all options except to lose.

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