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Thread: I'm visiting Iran, can anyone recommend places to visit related to ancient history?

  1. #1
    Member Member Docus's Avatar
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    Thumbs up I'm visiting Iran, can anyone recommend places to visit related to ancient history?

    Hello everyone, I have a bit of an odd question, so apologies if this isn't the right forum. I love EB and the Hellenistic period, and as it happens I'm planning a vacation to Iran soon. I'm sure there are some of you who are interested in the history of Persia, the Achaemenid Empire, Megas Alexandros, the Hellenistic states, the Parthians, the Sassanids, etcetera. I'll be staying there for a month, which means plenty of time to get my history fix and experience this country's completely different and exciting culture. The ruins of Persepolis is already on top of my to do list, but I'm wondering if any of you can recommend other interesting sights to see and places/events to visit.

    I'll in Teheran around March 28th, sadly in time to miss the Noruz celebrations, but that can't be helped unfortunately. But Iran is a vast country with a lot to offer. I've already selected a few very cool destinations, but it's far from complete so I'd be super grateful for any suggestions or advice!

  2. #2
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: I'm visiting Iran, can anyone recommend places to visit related to ancient histor

    It isn't quite the right forum for this, but I don't think the team will object if it's just a one-off. I've never been to Iran myself, but I asked my Iranian office mate and she had the follow suggestions:

    1. The remains of Persepolis: the nearest city is Shiraz, about 60 KM away.
    2. The city of Isfahan is well known for its old mosques and architecture.
    3. The city of Hamedan: there's a big archaeological site here, which may or may not be Ecbatana.

    These three cities are quite some distance from one another, though. It may not be practical to visit them all.
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  3. #3
    Member Member Docus's Avatar
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    Default Re: I'm visiting Iran, can anyone recommend places to visit related to ancient histor

    Hi guys, sorry to resurrect this ancient thread, but I've visited Iran now and made a little montage of what I filmed there. I mostly spent time around the big tourist cities of Teheran, Yazd, Isfahan and Shiraz. But I made side trips to the southern side of Hyrcania (Alamut Valley) and crossed the Araxes river (of Herodotan fame) valley on foot as well. Do you remember what the 'Hyrcania' map on RTW and EB1 looked like? The region totally looks like that map in real life! That said, the Iranians (or should I say Persians?) are the nicest, most friendly and hospitable people on the planet. I don't even need to visit the other countries, the contest is over!
    There was a museum where they had coins of EVERY dynasty that every ruled Persia, from Cyrus I to Alexander to Antigonus to the Safavids, all the way to the present day. I saw Cyrus' tomb, as well as glorious rock reliefs featuring Roman emperor Valerianus bound in chains, captured by the Great Shapur I. Not to mention the great ruins of Persepolis (although unfortunately my camera ran out of battery just when I reached the ruin... Curses! But the memories are great).

    Hope you enjoy the montage!
    Last edited by Docus; 10-28-2016 at 22:39.

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  4. #4

    Default Re: I'm visiting Iran, can anyone recommend places to visit related to ancient histor

    Awesome Docus!

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    State of Mind Member z3n's Avatar
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    Default Re: I'm visiting Iran, can anyone recommend places to visit related to ancient histor


  6. #6
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: I'm visiting Iran, can anyone recommend places to visit related to ancient histor

    before I watch: were in in Isfahan? All the world's there!
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