101 to Crash to Desktop errors
Crash to desktop (CTD for short) happens when MTW cannot find a file, the file is incorrect or experiences similar errors. You can learn alot from the time when the CTD occurs, with the list below you can hopefully debug your mod.

Crashes when loading MTW

MTW doesn't load. MTW logo comes up, CD turns but then nothing happens.
Problem 1: Descriptions or Names files are not correctly edited.

Crashes on strategic level
NOTE: Some problems were found after ending a certain turn. This is however not per definition the only turn the crash may occur. I added it because it might be in some cases.

Campaign loads, then the campmap flashes and a CTD occurs
Problem 1:Starting date is lower then the date of the starting period.

Campaign loads for 50% and then hangs, no CTD
Problem 1: This occured when I was disabling certain regions. To fix this you must be absolutely sure that no there traces in entries that deal with enabled lands.

Game crashes when ending the first turn
Problem 1: Trace of disabled region:
SetBorderInfo:: ID_LANDREG_05 ID_LANDREG_99
Where ID_LAND_99 does not exist. Remove this SetBorderInfo or edit it if you entered the wrong regionnumber.

Game crashes when ending the second turn
Problem 1: This happened when I was disabling factionleaders so that they would die out. Make sure that there are no heirs to a disabled leader.

Crashes during/before battles

Game crashes when pressing 'Continue' when playing a battle
Problem 1: ammo value of 0 for missile unit in the unitprod.txt file.

Game crashes when pressing 'Start battle' to start the battle
Problem 1: Battle\UnitIcons\UnitName.LBM has an incorrect colourpalette. This icon should only be saved with Ultimate Paint or another program who completely leaves the palette intact.

Game crashes a few minutes after the battle starts
Problem: armour value of 0 in the unitprod.txt file.