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Thread: Middle Earth: Total War

  1. #391

    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    Hi Icare,

    I still have to look and see if it is on my 80GB HD. No luck trying to get into my crashed 40GB HD that had the game data on it. I think I may hve copied it to the 80GB HD, but don't know until I look.

    I gave some earlier version files to Jack, the Jack fellow here in this thread, and he may have them, but he was doing some minor twesking himself and I don't think he actually realized that I got the campaign going and fixed the issue with the Nazgul Uruk-hai Pikes, Trolls, and Dunlanders wandeing all over the screen in a disorganized fashion. I don't think he knew how and simply didn't install my text files.

    The game ran near flawlessy, except for a couple of very minor issues still left with the battles, and I mean very, very minor, unnoticebale almost, mainly with the Nazgul. The campaign I had running flawlessly, and the only thing that had stopped it from running good was the castle Build Sequence for the Campmap, which I finally fixed with much work, and I used the early Motte and Bailey for the original Campmap Fort for all factions, then I used the Campmap Fort Icons you provided in the game and used vanilla Fortresses and Citadels modded a bit to look like good and Evil castles. I modded the Review Panel Pics too, as well as the Info Pics, and it was passable. Same for many other buildings. Plus I had most of the Info Pic descriptions and Tooltips done for all these building. I also had a Jihad working for the Evil side and a Crusade working for the Good side, with Chapter Houses etc. and this worked well. All the Naval was about done, and I had Good and Evil fleets sailing all over, but I simply used the vanilla icons mainly for both Good and Evil with the longships and western European ships for the Good side, and Arabic Dhows etc. for the Evil side, plus I modified costs, battle stats, and speed for all of the ships and this worked very well, very balanced.

    Check here every now and then to see if I have found the files on my 80GB HD, and if I find them, the text files (I know you do graphics so you will have to do all the buildings yourself for the game to work, and maybe I might be able to zip the building pic files and Portraits files, if I find them) at least.

    I needed help with the Names file etc. for the Characters. Too much work for me alone.


  2. #392

    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by Icare83
    Sorry Chris, i haven't been here for a while.
    I guess "hotmail" screwed everything then, that's too bad.
    I can't be of any help as i have lost everything with my old hdd and have forgotten how to mod mtw:vi. (i am getting old ^^ ).
    I wish you could finnish this mod as well, but there is no obligation, i would understand if you let this mod unfinished as the game is quite old now (it was a great experience for me to mod/work with a fellow modder like you anyway).

    My msn and email is still the same btw: .

    Sincerely, Icare.
    OK, I still have to look on my 80GB HD for the mod. It was working GREAT!!! Naval, descriptions of units and building including both Info. Pics and Tooltips, etc. The Uruk-hai, Dunlanders, Trolls, and especially the nazgul in the tactical battles were not wandering all over the screen and were functioning as normal vanilla troops. I even had the all the cavalry able to dismount before battles using the appropriate foot troops.

    It was great, and fun.

    Yes, you helped a lot with initially explaining the file system to me and I couldn't have done anything without your help AND all the very informative and helpful instructions posted at the Org. and TWC.


    PS: Seems I had what amounts to a double post. Sorry about that, but my previous post to this didn't show-up and now it does.
    Last edited by christof139; 07-31-2007 at 06:04.

  3. #393

    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War


    Unfortunately the 80Gb HD I once had the files on was reformatted by me a few months back, so the files are on my crashed and inaccessible 40Gb HD. IOTW, we are sh*t out of luck, no files, all gone.

    All we needed was some help with the Names file, writing a few more new Info Pic and Tooltip descriptions, and a few other things.

    The campaign was working very well, very smooth, I had played all the factions and the campaign gave some good battles to play.

    Yeah, it's rather sad, as MTW-VI is still played by a lot of people.


  4. #394
    Cthonic God of Deception Member ULC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    Do you mind if I use some of the unit skins in METW for DATW? I sent you a PM, but you haven't responded yet. I don't remember which specificly, but I especially like the "eastern" ones.

  5. #395
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    Hi isnt there any way to give the METW files to Aenarion to help make MEtw and silmarillion mod complete please????

  6. #396
    Beauty hunter Senior Member Raz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    OK, could someone please recap on all that has happened to this mod over the last 6 months? It really needs some help.
    Quote Originally Posted by drone
    I imagine an open-source project to recreate [Medieval: Total War] would be faced with an army of high-valour lawyers.

    Live your life out on Earth; I'm going to join the Sun.

  7. #397

    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    Hi everybody,

    This is my first post here. I from Brasil and buy MTW a few months ago, I found this mod (middle earth) and download. But ever that I will play, in the loading screen enter this screen "Error loading screen", and the game crash.

    Only in the Middle Earth campaing (custom battles works ok).

    I get:

    Metw patch 7.0 to 7.1a

    I have to download another file ? Here ?

    Thank you e sorry for my english.

  8. #398

    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    I don't think this mod was ever finished, Ragnarson, thus it is not playable.

  9. #399

    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    This mod unfortuantely died whn everyone switched over to mod RTW-BI and I don't think the RTW-BI version was ever finished either.

    Icare helped me a bit but I got the mod working including the campaign flawlessy but I don't have the files anymore.

    I hope Icare or someone gives permission to the Silmillarion Mod in order that SM can use the units that were used in METW-VI-ME. The units were great, and Icare has some good unit infopics.


  10. #400
    Beauty hunter Senior Member Raz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    -- Deleted --
    Last edited by Raz; 04-17-2008 at 05:28.
    Quote Originally Posted by drone
    I imagine an open-source project to recreate [Medieval: Total War] would be faced with an army of high-valour lawyers.

    Live your life out on Earth; I'm going to join the Sun.

  11. #401

    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    Hi Icare and everyone else such as Burns etc.,

    Remember me from the old METW Forum?? christof139 with the Orc avatar?? The fellow that got the MTW1
    METW campaign up and running but lost all the text and infopic and UI and etc. files on a crashed
    hardrive, no on two crashed hard drives, and that sent the files to Icare (Renaud) but he also lost them??

    Well, I found MOST of the text files and will email them to whoever wants them to test them. ALL building and text descriptions are done, including ships, and the naval aspect of the game worked fine using Long Ships as Elven Swan Ships, various Galleys as Gondorian ships, and Muslim ships as Hardrim and Corsair ships.

    I never finished the names text for the leaders and generals and neither did the guy that worked on it before me, so that is incomplete.

    Also, the references and descriptions of some of the buildings won't work because you have to have the info pics and strat map models for them named as they are in the text I wrote for them, but with a little work you can make this work or use your own files and graphics files.

    Anyway, these text files are for anyone that wants them and I am sure much of what I did can be used.

    Also, ALL the regions are named and the Tooltips for them and descriptions are done so the region text may work.

    I had all this working with the 7.0 Release and the small patch for it, only that will goof this up now is that there aren't any info pics etc. named for many of the unique buildings so you will info pic etc. errors.

    Also again, I switched Crusade and Jihad around, that is I gave the Good Guys the Jihad but in the descriptions it says Crusader Army or whatever since a Jihad behaved differntly than a Crusade in the game engine and a Jihad is more defensive in nature and can only be used to recapture provinces such as North or South Ithilien or what ever that have been captured by The Enemy, and a Crusade in the game engine is aggressive and more like Mordor and Friends' behavior and can be launched at any foreign province. So, IOTW, the Good Guys have Crusades (I used the name Crusade for convenience) that act as Jihads and the Bad Guys or The Enemy have Great Raids (instead of being called Crusades) that act as aggressive Crusades acoording to the game engine. This was tested and worked fine
    through several campaigns I played.

    The text files I am missing are the Troops Statistics and Characteristics files, all the numerical stuff needed to get the game balanced in tactical battles, have cavalry be able to dismount before a battle and have the correct in game Infantry model assigned to it so it looks like a dismounted Cavalry unit, the Higth and Spacing values I changed to stop the Uruk Pikes, Dunlanders, Trolls and Nazgul from wandering all over the screen in an incoherent fashion and I had them working great so they held formation, tweaks to manpower strengths in units and weapons and armor and attack values such as lowering the effectiveness of Elves and Dwarves but they were still very hard to kill and defeat, etc.

    Missing all the Building Stats files, too.

    Anyway, I am soon going to reload these text files into a new copy of MTW with METW 7.0 and patch installed in it, and then all I have to do is create/rename info pics and UI scrolls etc. to get the game working. troop cards in the battle screen may have been done already in the released mod, I
    forget, but I know the description scrolls were only partially done so I had copied and renamed some of those for troops without them. Leaders Portrait pics were easy, as I just used Viking pics for Dwarves and Rohirrim and European pics for Gondorians and mongols pics for the Bad Guys, although I
    did simple alterations to these pics and gave some Mongols red eyes and white/yellowish fangs to and blemished grayish skin to represent Orcs, but all the graphics files are gone. I sent all this to Icare but he says he lost them in the email, and I found these text files in my Hotmail as attachments to emails I sent to Icare. So, now I will try to find the graphics files in Hotmail or
    on one of my hard drives that didn't crash, but I think all the graphics files are gone.

    Last edited by christof139; 05-29-2008 at 02:51.

  12. #402
    Member Member axel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    yes say yes get this mod running please

  13. #403

    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    would be very cool to get this mod up and running!!!

  14. #404
    lurker Member JR-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    veery much agreed, what news...........?

  15. #405
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle Earth: Total War

    If you are interested in this mod, please, check this thread.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

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