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Thread: How "easy" is using M:TW for an AAR?

  1. #1
    Member Member Jack50's Avatar
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    Default How "easy" is using M:TW for an AAR?


    I appolgize if this should have been placed elsewhere. If so, would the moderator move it?

    Just as the title speaks, how easy is using M:TW to do an AAR? I realize silly question The reason for asking is that I will be receiving shortly; M:TW from Harley's in the UK. I have played M2:TW, and have written several horrid attempts at producing anything worth reading. I am more than willing to give it a go. My "probelm" is not that I don't think I can produce something passable; but rather the length to tell the tale.

    I believe if I read correctly that M:TW uses 1 year turns. This is perfect for my interpertation of what I am wanting to put down. M2:TW had everthing all over the place. For those that know 6 months to 2 years is a wide gap in order to plan a story. Plus depending on the blandness of vanilla or the hyper-activity of some mods. I felt I couldn't get the right mix of desirable "fluff" to convey my desire to write.

    Well, rather than tell my life story, if serveral someones could provide their expierences I would appreciate it. Thanks for reading.
    Oz never gave nothing to the Tinman that he didn't already have

  2. #2

    Default Re: How "easy" is using M:TW for an AAR?


    Both these tales should give you a bunch of pointers on how it can be done. They got different angles/approach, style and scope - while both are still entertaining and interesting to read all the same (I think so anyways). They should provide you with a good reference to work from.

    - A

  3. #3
    Peerless Senior Member johnhughthom's Avatar
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    Default Re: How "easy" is using M:TW for an AAR?

    In many ways, the game you use for an AAR is actually pretty irrelevant, the most important things are how much you enjoy the game and the roleplaying you bring to it. You can ignore certain game features in your AAR and add anything you like that doesn't actually occur in the game, or expand on the reasons and background to incidents in the game. Fluff doesn't necessarily have to come from the game, whether additional characters, using pictures from outside the game or whatever you feel can bring your story to the screen.

    Good luck with the AAR, I'll certainly read it, MTW is still my favourite Total War game.

  4. #4
    Member Member Jack50's Avatar
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    Default Re: How "easy" is using M:TW for an AAR?

    Thanks for the link Axalon! I'm expecting per Amazon email to be receiving M:TW on Wednesday this week Once I have it I will need to make sure it works. I have AMD graphics so I beleive I will be ok I will also need to in short order install your fabolous mod fpr M:TW. I beleive the BETA3 will be out by then?

    My desire at the moment is to play as the Hungarians as that is what I did in M2:TW. I also like the Sicilians. I expect my first post then up around May 15th or so depending on how much time I have to devote to it

    @johnhughthom Truer words were never said. Still, I want to use more from the game rather than not. I'll give an example. In M2:TW you can look each turn and see how much of an item is trading to/from that castle/town. In addition you can see how the harvest was that turn to. I was trying to figure out how to make those numbers fit into the AAR as it is important if your populace has several turns of poor results, starvation and rebellion set in. I was able in the beginning to have the florins produced equal to bushels of stored crop. On average an acre of land can feed 4 people for a year.*
    I was taking the fact that this would be considered seed for the next crop cycle and bumped the number up to 8 for ease of math. Like I said it worked for the first 20-30 years but once your town became a city it was short all the time unless you had 2-4 years of excellent harvests. Anyway rather than bore you(which has probably already occurred ), I am seeing and reading that M:TW has a better system if you will of providing fodder (rural joke) for my AAR. I will enjoy knowing at least one person may read it!

    *Never get a person from a rural area talking about crop issues, it's really not a pretty sight
    Oz never gave nothing to the Tinman that he didn't already have

  5. #5
    Member Member Tsar Alexsandr's Avatar
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    Default Re: How "easy" is using M:TW for an AAR?

    The Hungarians? Awesome. : D

    I haven't seen or heard much about the Hungarians from other players, but I do like their units and starting position. I had a fun campaign as them. I decided that the Hungarians would replace the Turks and introduce a powerful Catholic army to the Middle East. Full-time crusaders, naturally. And the Hungarian army can easily match or beat any other nation's cavalry force.

    I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do. :D

    Picking a goal for the nation is good though. (For me it was unify the Balkans and then go on crusade) And then as well as national motivation you may want to establish individual motivations for your generals. For example, I decided to go on Crusade because my faction leader was a devout Catholic. The rest of my army weren't what I would call the faithful though. Perhaps their only goal was to earn fame and fortune, as well as power while my nut job, I mean valiant King, wanted the Holy Lands.

    Some of the generals ended up being ridiculously experienced. :D
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  6. #6
    Member Member Jack50's Avatar
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    Default Re: How "easy" is using M:TW for an AAR?

    Thanks for the kind words! I am ready to start the campaign so I will be putting up a beginning introduction piece to kinda clarify what is it I do.
    Oz never gave nothing to the Tinman that he didn't already have

  7. #7
    Member Member Tsar Alexsandr's Avatar
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    Default Re: How "easy" is using M:TW for an AAR?

    Looking forward to it. : D
    "Hope is the Last to Die" Russian Proverb

  8. #8
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: How "easy" is using M:TW for an AAR?

    Definitely good enough to use it for a compelling AAR.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?


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