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Thread: Andalusian faction

  1. #31
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andalusian faction


    Please get in game screenshots. They don't look ok to me in these types of shots.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  2. #32

    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Get ingame screen, mean lose alot of time for me bad scripter.

    Ingame shots must be done by coders :)

    When finished, will send all and you can get all the screens!

    I go holiday 2 weeks, so will be back modelling on 27 april.
    (Not that anybody will see the difference, looking the enthusiasm surrounding this forums...)
    Last edited by palissa; 04-11-2006 at 22:21.

  3. #33
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Well, it certainly will be a setback, because no more units for the mod.

    Have a nice holiday though.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  4. #34
    Thread killer Member Rodion Romanovich's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Have a nice holiday palissa! People will certainly notice, just because they don't all post it doesn't mean they don't lurk and watch
    Under construction...

    "In countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Norway, there is no separation of church and state." - HoreTore

  5. #35

    Default Re : Re: Andalusian faction

    we al ready done the rumat al siniya isn't necessary to replace it with
    for the unit which you call them sibyan al rekab:

    this unit is good for abassides because:

    1-this man seems like turks(and al mu'tassime recruit some turk a large number of turks as imperial guards)
    2-the wear balck cloths and abassides and also there banner.
    we can call them turkish ghulam.

    is good we will use it in the fatimid faction.

    Arab noble cavalry

    don't forget adding long spear to arab .

    mawali cavalry.

    add armors in there shoulders.but the unit is good

    Murtazika, heavy berber spearman, padded leather, peanuts shield with zebra skin, helmet, white turban.

    it's a good unit but add some armors because they are heavy infantry
    (Murtazika: T: heavy berber spearmen, N: 80, A: good, C: good, D: very good, W: spear, sword. H: leather, Ar: leather, S: bilobed, Mo: good, St: good, Co: quite expensive.)

    this unit is good but you must change the shield you can add the shield of murtazika(tiger shield it would be nice and funny).

    is good

    i didn't like the colors and in this picture i didn't see any shield or type of armor.
    units to do in al andalus faction:
    Negros: T: heavy Sudanese swordmen (personal guard of calipha), N: 60, A: very strong, C: strong, D: strong, W: curved sword, H: iron, Ar: no, S: no/bilobed, Mo: excellent, St: excellent, Co: very expensive
    Mamaliks (slave professional warriors): T: heavy slavic spearmen, N: 80, A: strong, C: good, D: strong, W: spear, sword, H: iron, Ar: mailcoat, S: round, Mo: excellent, St: good, Co: expensive.

  6. #36

    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    mmm, muyahids and negros have same picture, so must check it better.
    I will make those correction and see how going.

    This is the muyahids

    The padded leather is a type of armor. If want another type, must add it, over that one.
    What shield for murtazika? the bilobed? or keep that one?
    Must use that bilobed shield, that take alot to do, and i cant trash it :)

    Negros: that gold thing they wear IS an armor! is a lamellar type, look better :)
    What color prefer on it? i stuck on white - light color as yo usaid for andalusian.
    Last edited by palissa; 04-28-2006 at 09:00.

  7. #37

    Default Re : Re: Andalusian faction

    ok for negros it's good don't change it,now mamaliks:the imperial guard of ummayades

  8. #38

    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Okay, mamaliks.
    What mean slavic? You mean they are slave of them, or they are slavic as race?
    And how they dress? put up a good chain mail?
    I need some of a desc, thank.

  9. #39

    Default Re : Re: Andalusian faction

    mamaliks:or saqalibah maybe we must change the name(mamaliks for abbassides,or fatimids)
    in medieval Muslim Spain, Slavs, or people from the Black Sea coast north of Constantinople. Later, by extension, the term came to designate all foreign slaves in the military.

    The custom in 10th-century Spain was to buy Slavs captured by the Germans on their expeditions into eastern Europe. These and other slaves from Galicia, Lombardy, Calabria, and the land of the…

    These infantrymen are covered in armor and are the very definition of heavy infantry. They wear a full suit of chainmail as well as a leather lamellar cuirass while carrying a small round shield. They wield a long spear.They will form the personnel guard of the umayyad caliphat and are well suited to hold any position in the army of al andalus.
    goood luck

  10. #40
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Welcome back Palissa!

    And nice skin.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  11. #41

    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Here a version of mamalik.

  12. #42

    Default Re : Re: Andalusian faction

    very good and very nice

  13. #43

    Default Re: Re : Re: Andalusian faction

    we move to another faction abbassid for example?are you ready?

  14. #44
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    I think we need to move to the more civilised factions.
    Ja mata, TosaInu. You will forever be remembered.


    Been to:

    Swords Made of Letters - 1938. The war is looming in France - and Alexandre Reythier does not have much time left to protect his country. A novel set before the war.

    A Painted Shield of Honour - 1313. Templar Knights in France are in grave danger. Can they be saved?

  15. #45

    Default Re : Re: Andalusian faction

    who's the more civilised faction (abbassides, or fatimids)?

  16. #46
    Earl Of Warwick/Wannabe Tuareg Member beauchamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Abbasids, I mean, cmon. Its Harun al-Rashid and Baghdad, its were most of the 1001 arabian night stories are set or come from. It was the richest city in the world until the Mongols sacked it.

    Ya Misr!

  17. #47

    Default Re : Re: Andalusian faction

    yes i agree with you,abbassides were more civilised than others.the polpulation of bagdad when mongol sacked it was is was a megapolis more than constantinople.

  18. #48

    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    For civilized, i fear he mean european :)
    How englisc can be named civilized, i dont know. A bunch of gauls screaming and painting their body of blue :)
    We can call this mod age of muslim in a few :)

  19. #49

    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Sorry for the delay.

    Palissa, I posted at army list, here
    some links to a spanish page with paints of both christian asturian and andalusian military units, from Osprey and others. I don´t know why that link does not work.
    I have found the link to the same page:

    andalusian cavalry:




    Christian and berber cavalry:

    About shields (you can found the correspondance at the description of the unit at "army list"):
    Last edited by Nacheras; 05-02-2006 at 13:14.

  20. #50
    Earl Of Warwick/Wannabe Tuareg Member beauchamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    For civilized, i fear he mean european :)
    How englisc can be named civilized, i dont know. A bunch of gauls screaming and painting their body of blue :)
    We can call this mod age of muslim in a few :)
    Even though it is in broken english, you are completely right. Although, most would disagree, they cannot deny that It was the Islamic world that triumphed even after the fall of Baghdad and Granada. and as it was said by prince Feisal in Lawrence of Arabia "We had Public lighting in Damascus before all of europe..."

    Ya Misr!

  21. #51

    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Quote Originally Posted by beauchamp
    Even though it is in broken english, you are completely right. Although, most would disagree, they cannot deny that It was the Islamic world that triumphed even after the fall of Baghdad and Granada. and as it was said by prince Feisal in Lawrence of Arabia "We had Public lighting in Damascus before all of europe..."
    Well, in fact all the "civilized" arab characteristics are inherited from civilized Persian and eastern roman conquered territories.

    Actually, were the Eastern Romans or byzantines, heirs of the ancient roman and greek, the "parents" of the "civilized" arab patterns and the european renaissance.

  22. #52

    Default Re : Re: Andalusian faction

    when bagdad or cordoba was one of the big city in the world lodon was only a small vilage

  23. #53

    Default Re: Re : Re: Andalusian faction

    Quote Originally Posted by almazor
    when bagdad or cordoba was one of the big city in the world lodon was only a small vilage
    Of course, but Constantinople was bigger and more sophisticated those days than both cities you named.

    Court organization, paved roads, baths, universities, palaces, public works and so other developed facilities of the caliphate of abassids or of Al-Andalus ommeyads, were adopted from conquered persian and eastern roman cultures. Surely arabs cleverly mantained and improve those civilizated patterns, but not created them.

  24. #54

    Default Re: Re : Re: Andalusian faction

    this is your opinion and i respect it,but i desagree with you ,because under ummayade caliphat curdoba was the most big and florishing city in europe,300 hammam's , 22 hospital and the capacity of the great mosque'mesquita' was 30000 maybe more than that.if you wan you can add the zahra(built by abderham III) city and zahira(built by al manzor) near cordoba.and after the falls of this city Surely castillan adopted from conquered arab culturs ,cleverly mantained and improve this civilizated patterns, but didn't created that.

  25. #55
    Earl Of Warwick/Wannabe Tuareg Member beauchamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Im going to have to side with Almazor, But I do belive that Constantinople was about the same size as Baghdad. And it is really pointless to try and argue who was better, because the term "better" is really based on ones opinion. I will admit, even though my ancestors were Earls in England and were famous, I would have rather lived in an Islamic country and payed the "dhimmi" tax then face persecution.

    Ya Misr!

  26. #56

    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Dear friends, I didn´t talk about "better" that is a subjective word and a respectable opinion. I talk about "precursor". And in all those things you said, byzantines (and persians) were the precursors, and arabs learned from them (and were a very good pupils, IMO). There were not "public illumination" or sewers, or great palaces, or sophisticated gardens at Muhammad´s Arabia. Those things arrived to arab culture after the conquer of Persia and the south-east byzantine territories at half-seventh century.
    And Byzantines learned from romans.

    That´s all.

  27. #57
    Earl Of Warwick/Wannabe Tuareg Member beauchamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    true true...

    Ya Misr!

  28. #58

    Default Re : Re: Andalusian faction

    i can give you some examples:
    Yemen was one of the oldest centres of civilization in the Near East. Between the 9th century BC and the 6th century AD, it was part of the Minaean, Sabaean, Himyarite, Qatabanian, Hadhramawtian, and Awsanian kingdoms, which controlled the lucrative spice trade. It was known to the Romans as "Arabia Felix" ("Happy Arabia") because of the riches its trade generated; Augustus Caesar attempted to annex it, but the expedition failed; Persian kings were more successful and Yemen became a Sassanid Persian province in 597/8 under a Persian satrap.
    and olso the biblical story of king(prophet) salomon and the Queen of Sheba (Bilqis, in Islamic tradition).who travels to Jerusalem to check out the fame of King Solomon (1 Kings 10). According to some traditions (the Biblical passage is silent), she either weds or has an affair with Solomon, eventually returning home with their child (Menelik, in Ethiopian tradition). The location of Sheba has thus become closely linked with national prestige as various royal houses have claimed descent from the Queen of Sheba and Solomon.
    you did'nt know about himyarites Himyar was a state in ancient South Arabia dating from 110 BCE. It conquered neighbouring Saba in 25 BCE, Qataban in 50 CE and Hadramaut 100 CE. Its political fortunes relative to Saba changed frequently until it achieved power around 280 CE.

    It was the dominant state in Arabia until 525 CE. The economy was based on agriculture. Foreign trade was based on the export of frankincense and myrrh. For many years it was also the major intermediary linking East Africa and the Mediterranean world. This trade largely consisted of exporting ivory from Africa to be sold in the Roman Empire. Ships from Himyar regularly traveled the East African coast, and the state also exerted a considerable amount of political control of the trading cities of East Africa. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea describes the trading empire of Himyar.

    The last sovereign Tubba Himyarite king, (Arabic: Dhu Nuwas) is often considered to have converted to Judaism. His war against the Ethiopian Aksumite Christians in his kingdom, resulted in a famous massacre in Najran. Other Ethiopian and Himyarite Christians at Zafar were massacred. Emperor Constantine informed King Kaleb of the Ethiopian Kingdom of Aksum about Dhu Nuwas's actions, encouraging him to intervene. Around 525, Kaleb invaded Himyar and defeated the Jewish King, but his first viceroy was later removed by Abraha, an Aksumite General. Abraha later recognized Aksum's dominion over him and continued to rule Himyar until 570 CE. A coalition of Yemenis and Persians later replaced Aksumite governance with a Persian one. In 632 CE Himyar was absorbed into the Islamic empire.
    ok thanks for replays

  29. #59

    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    thank you, almazor, for the interesting historic information

  30. #60
    Earl Of Warwick/Wannabe Tuareg Member beauchamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andalusian faction

    Hes corect, and it is said in the Quran i belive that the Prophet Muhammed sent his daughter to go and live under the protection of the eithiopians, until his war in Hejaz was finished...

    Ya Misr!

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