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Thread: Join Vassals & Valour, the Throne Room's latest MII:TW RPG!

  1. #1
    The Count of Bohemia Senior Member Cecil XIX's Avatar
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    Default Join Vassals & Valour, the Throne Room's latest MII:TW RPG!

    Posted with Mod authorization.

    Vassals & Valour promises to be a roleplaying experience like no other, anchored in the cold reality of a SP campaign in MII:TW. In it you take on the role of the noble of the realm, both cooperating with your fellow nobles to expand the Kingdom and competing with the for control. Choose the goals for your character, and utilize all your resources and talents to achieve them!

    Vassals & Valour features:

    • Play in MII, in a mod and faction that you can help determine!
    • Each player rules his fief as his own mini-faction, complete with his own provinces, armies, fleets and agents!
    • Engage in debate at the council, where the nobles haggle with the King over who is to receive new conquests!
    • Take your armies and engage the enemies of the realm!
    • Manage your realm with acumen, and turn your fief into an economic powerhouse!
    • Bide your time, and strike against your rival players when their guard is down!
    • More strategies, limited only by your roleplay ability and the game mechanics!

    Sound like too much? Don't worry, you can choose your level of participation! Start out slowly, and get used to things as an avatarless character who has no physical representation in the game, and can only interact with other players and vote in the Council. Once you get comfortable and a general becomes available, you can become that general and can fight battles in the game to shape the Kingdom! If you should prove succesful and trustworthy, you may then be granted a province to manage on your own, and from their you are limited only by your abilities and your ambitions! It's not impossible that you might become a Duke, or even King...

    Join the preliminary discussion to shape how the game is started, and sign up now! If you plan on joining the game, bump this thread to get more people interested!

  2. #2
    Illuminated Moderator Pogo Panic Champion, Graveyard Champion, Missle Attack Champion, Ninja Kid Champion, Pop-Up Killer Champion, Ratman Ralph Champion GeneralHankerchief's Avatar
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    Default Re: Join Vassals & Valour, the Throne Room's latest MII:TW RPG!

    Gentlemen, I highly encourage you to join this. The Throne Room provides the best RP experience around, and if you're looking for a really immersive, long-running game, this is your answer. Naturally, you can go shorter as well, but for maximum effect I'd take a character. These things have been known to last 15 months in the past and are truly epic experiences.

    Don't have M2TW? Go out and buy it. It's worth it to join one of these.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    At times I read back my own posts [...]. It's not always clear at first glance.

  3. #3
    still making Bowser jokes Member Roach Kill Champion, Donkey Rocket Champion Double A's Avatar
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    Default Re: Join Vassals & Valour, the Throne Room's latest MII:TW RPG!

    Sounds like GSTK before we just said "you know what, no one does the save anyway, let's just go straight RP."

    I'd probably join this if the mod wasn't LTC. I don't have it, and I don't feel like downloading it on one computer and transferring it to my other, likely infecting my memory stick with a virus after the transfer (gaming PC has viruses, blah blah blah can't get rid of it, don't care either).
    Last edited by Double A; 08-13-2010 at 03:52.


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