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Thread: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    In this AAR I will play as the Koinon Hellenon, difficulty M/M (to keep things nice and easy). But!

    This AAR will happen in both the TWC and the .org EB/AAR forums. Each forum will advise 1 of the KH cities. Every 4 turns (1 game year), TWC forum members will give suggestions on what Sparta should do next, while .org forum members will suggest what Athens should do.

    TWCenter forums: Sparte

    .org forums: Athenai

    Both cities are allied, though, and must submit their candidates to office positions in the Alliance every 4 years. The city that has a FM holding the Strategos office will be in great military advantage, as it will be able to control the full-stack Alliance Army. Other offices will give different advantages.

    This first post will be dedicated to the Politeia, or the Constitution of the Koinon Hellenon, which says how this AAR will work.


    There are 2 moments of voting, "Polis Sessions" (every year, city only) and "Koinon Hellenon Sessions" (every 4 years, between the Alliance).

    Different matters will be decided in each of those. The first one decides actions, the second decides offices and laws.


    -Every year.
    -You can make a suggestion for what to do next, but your suggestion will only be executed if someone agrees with your suggestion (which is called a "motion").
    -You can agree with someone else's motion if you want to see that executed.
    -You can disagree with someone else's motion if you don't like it, but if more people vote in favor of it, it will be executed.

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    City sessions will be held every year (4 turns) in the summer.

    The Athenian Council (Boule) and the Spartan Council (Gerousia) will meet independently.

    In these sessions, each council member may perform 3 actions:

    -PROPOSE motion.
    -AGREE with motion: Adds a vote in favor of the quoted motion. You may not accept your own motion.
    -DISAGREE with motion: Adds a vote against the quoted motion.

    PROPOSE motion: Proposes a motion to be accepted or denied by fellow council members. In order for a motion to pass, it needs to:
    -be agreed by at least 1 other member.
    -be more agreed upon than disagreed.
    AGREE with motion: Adds a vote in favor of the quoted motion. You may not accept your own motion.
    DISAGREE with motion: Adds a vote against the quoted motion.

    Example of passing a motion:

    Quote Originally Posted by Member A
    I'd like to propose the motion of Besiege Roma.
    Quote Originally Posted by Member B
    I accept Member A's motion.

    Result: the motion passes with 1 votes for and 0 votes against, and the actions will be executed (Roma will be besieged) in this turn.

    There is no limit to how many motions may pass. They will pass as long as they meet the already mentioned requirements.

    MOTIONS (examples of possible motions):

    Military Motions:
    -Besiege City
    -Assault City
    -Move to location
    -Build Fort/Watch Tower
    -Send Unit to Alliance Army (units may be automatically conscripted to the Alliance Army if it is not full).

    Recruitment Motions:
    -Recruit Unit
    -Recruit Diplomat
    -Recruit Spy
    -Hire Mercenaries

    Administrative Motions:
    -Assign Governor
    -Construct building

    Diplomatic Motions:
    -Offer Alliance
    -Offer Gift
    -Offer Trade Rights
    -Offer Peace
    -Other diplomatic actions.

    Espionage Motions:
    -Spy Location
    -Infiltrate City

    -Whatever you can think of!


    -Every 4 years.
    -You can vote for one of your city's FMs to run for the office of Strategos, and another to run for the office of Hegemon.
    -You can propose laws that will change this constitution and vote on changes proposed in the last session.

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    Alliance sessions will be held very 4 years (16 turns) in the winter. At that time, the cities of the Koinon Hellenon will unite to decide:

    I) The offices of the Alliances*.

    II) New laws for the Alliance (creation of new offices, new rules...). These must be proposed at a KH Session by a and will be accepted or denied by the other Polis at the next one (4 years later).

    III) If previously suggested laws pass or not. As stated, laws suggested in the last KH Session

    *There are 3 offices:

    -Strategos Autokrator of the Koinon Army (General of the Alliance Army).
    -Hegemon of the Koinon Hellenon (Leader of the Alliance of Hellenes).
    -Polemarchos of the Koinon Hellenon (Military Leader of the Alliance).

    Each city will submit one of its characters (FMs) to the office of Strategos and another to the office of Hegemon. The most suited character will win the election. The office of Polemarchos will be filled by the loser of the Strategos election.

    Strategos Autokrator

    The Strategos Autokrator is in charge of the main army of the Alliance. In times of war, this is the most important position in our league of poleis.
    The Strategos Autokrator:
    -Will have his chances to be elected based on + .
    -May command a full army (20 units).
    -Gains full command of the Alliance Fleet.
    -When elected, will be moved instantly to the army location. The former Strategos will be moved back to his city.
    -May not be re-elected or attempt re-election. This leadership rotation preserves the alliance of the cities, so that the army is not a personal one.
    -May be elected once again after 4 years (Example: Areus is elected Strategos in 260BC, then cannot be re-elected in 256BC, but may attempt election again in 252BC)
    -Should the Strategos die, the current Polemarchos will become Strategos.


    The Hegemon will prioritize spending the Alliance's treasure in his own city's interests, with buildings and recruitment. The office of Hegemon:
    -Will have his chances to be elected based on + .
    -Will make the Hegemon's city the political center of the Alliance (Capital).
    -Is likely to get more buildings done for his city.
    -Is likely to get more units recruited for his city.
    -Is likely to get whatever his city demands more efficiently and quickly.


    The Polemarchos is the second-in-command of the Alliance military.
    -The losing candidate to the position of Strategos Autokrator will become Polemarchos.
    -He may command an army of 12 units.
    -He must use the army of his own city, as the Alliance army will be led by the Strategos.

    Election calculation:

    Election winners will be randomized based on their chance to win. In short, the higher the stats, the higher the chances. Calculations will happen in this manner for Strategos (for Hegemon, just replace the Com stat with Management):

    A number from 1 to "Max number" will be randomized.

    Max number = Influence (Athenian) + Command (Athenian) + Inf (Spartan) + Com (Spartan).

    Athenian win range = Inf (Ath) + Com (Ath)
    Spartan win range = Inf (Ath) + Com (Ath) + Inf (Spa) + Com (Spa).

    It sounds complicated, but an example will make this easier:

    Quote Originally Posted by Example
    Athenian candidate has 5 Influence and 1 Command.
    Spartan candidate has 1 Influence and 3 Command.

    A number will be randomly generated from 0 to 10 (sum of all stats).
    Athenian wins if the number is between 1 and 6 (60% chance).
    Spartan wins if the number is between 7 and 10 (40% chance).

    Keep in mind generals with a lot of influence but no command stars might perform poorly in battle!


    272BC: Army Regulamentation Law
    -Armies outside cities have a maximum of 8 units, unless commanded by the Strategos (max 20 units) or the Polemarchos (max 12 units).
    -City armies must be commanded by a general. The army will return to its city if no general is present (if the general dies, for example).

    255 BC: The Recognition of Zones of Interest and Expansion between the Poleis Athenai and Sparte (by Arthouros the Divider)
    -Athenai recognizes that the lands West of Hellas and all Poleis West of Hellas are in the Zone of Interest and Expansion of the polis Sparte. This with the addition of the polis Kyrene. Athenai shall not attempt to conquer poleis and land west of Hellas, and shall not actively work against Spartiatai expansion in the area, be it by ways of the sword or the word. If the Spartiatai expansion in the area happens to be harmful to the Koinon as a whole, and/or Athenai, then Athenai has the right to voice its opposition of said expansion, the reasons presented should not be of a selfish nature used to hamper Spartiatai expansion/increased range of influence. Athenai also reserve the right to voice its opposition of unfair treatment of the population of Free Poleis upon their incorporation under Sparte.

    -Sparte recognizes that the lands East of Hellas and all Poleis East of Hellas are in the Zone of Interest and Expansion of the polis Athenai. This with the exception of Byzantion which shall be a neutral polis. Sparte shall not attempt to conquer poleis and land East of Hellas, and shall not actively work against Athenoi expansion in the area, be it by ways of the sword or the word. If the Athenoi expansion in the area happens to be harmful to the Koinon as a whole, and/or Sparte, then Sparte has the right to voice its opposition of said expansion, the reasons presented should not be of a selfish nature used to hamper Athenoi expansion/increased range of influence. Sparte also reserve the right to voice its opposition of unfair treatment of the population of Free Poleis upon their incorporation under Athenai.

    "Hall of Fame"

    I) Arthouros Attikos (Arthur, king of the Britons), known as Arthouros the Divider. Loyal Athenian, Epistates of Athenai, leader of the athenian Hellas party. First man to pass a Koinon Law since the foundation of the Alliance.
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    Marble bust of Arthouros the Divider, first man to pass a Koinon Law since the foundation of the Alliance. (Based on a bust of Attalus I)

    II) Publius Appius Claudius (Populus Romanus), the Spartan-Roman Ephor of the Sparte Nationalist Party and loyal councilor of the Spartan Gerousia.
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    Marble bust of Appius. (Based on a bust of Agrippa)
    The Epic of Demetrias (A Tale of Sparte) by Appius

    Oh, were those not dark days.
    In Hellas men could but pray.
    It seemed freedom was at its last,
    But we Hellenes had one last gasp.

    The Makedonians, they held absolute sway.
    But for freedom, there is always a way.
    Our darkest hour soon had come,
    The spark of freedom only in some.

    But we Hellenes, we did unite!
    Soon Makedonia found we put up a fight.
    For the freedom our Koinon Hellenon was born,
    But soon it would see all Hellas burn.

    Our three greatest poleis came together:
    Athenai, Rhodos, Sparte became brothers.
    In 272 they did heroically declare
    that this war was to be theirs.

    A tide of total war spilled across the land.
    This war was of all wars, the most grand.
    The War of Makedonia and the Koinon Hellenon
    would be the most brutal, for in the end one would be gone.

    Chalkis and Korinthos were under our shoulder
    For we liberated them in short order.
    The Stratia ton Koinon broke the siege of Athenai,
    But overconfident we became in victory.

    Soon came the fateful year of 269.
    But only for Makedonia was this year fine.
    The Stratia ton Koinon marched behind King Areus
    With the Stratia ton Sparte to Demetrias.

    That fateful day we shall not forget.
    That fateful day we shall always regret.
    The First Siege of Demetrias, it was.
    Twas only a good day for Antigonos Gonotas.

    He sent to Demetrias their reinforments.
    The Makedonians assaulted our battlements.
    Drove them off, we Hellenes did.
    And a great many of them fled.

    But too many of us had been felled.
    Soon we had been overwhelmed.
    King Areus knew all was lost.
    Out of the encirclement he fought.

    To Attike he did hastily retreat.
    His escape was altogether a mighty feat.
    With the Stratia ton Koinon he prepared.
    To meet the Makedonians, he dared.

    From every corner of the Koinon Hellenon
    reinforcements came, weak and strong.
    It was the Koinon Hellenon’s finest hour,
    Though it certainly was no show of power.

    We drove them back that day.
    Thousands of them lay slain.
    Athenai had been saved.
    The Makedonian storm, we had braved.

    For years the Stratia ton Sparte lay broken.
    Our strength, it was but token.
    Men of Sparte, it was a hard way there.
    Men of Sparte, it has been a long way back.

    III) You?
    Last edited by Molinaargh; 02-22-2011 at 23:38.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Introduction: The First Year, 272 BC

    Around 272 BC, the cities of Sparte, Rhodos and Athenai, along with other hellenistic allies, formed a league in order to fight the common macedonian enemy.

    When the Koinon Hellenon was formed, there was little time for politics. The situation demanded action. The Macedonians had allied the Seleucid dynasty...

    ....and the armies of Antigonos Argeades, the Macedonian Basileus, were dangerously close to the borders of Athens and Sparta.

    But the Macedoiands were in danger themselves in the north. Pyrrhos was claiming the title of King of Macedon to himself, and Antigonos Argeades would have to march north soon. This was the chance the hellenes were waiting for.

    Areus Agiados, the Spartan King, quickly brought his army from Crete back to the mainland.

    He arrived in Sparte and rallied the city's garrison, uniting his forces with the oher Spartan King, Eudamidas Eurypontidos.

    The recruitment of addition troops were ordered in the name of the Koinon Hellenon, and...

    ...taxes were raised as much as possible for the war effort that was about to come.

    The Spartan Kings advanced towards the city of Korinthos, which stood between their army and the possible Athenian reinforcements. They besieged the city, building siege towers to assault the walls.

    The city had only a small garrison and an incompetent descendent of the Macedonian King would be the one to attempt to defend it.

    The Spartan Kings led the assault themselves...

    ...and the hellenic city of Korinthos was liberated from Macedonian rule.

    Meanwhile, in Athens, Chremonides gained political support from important citizens...

    ...then, more war-like than most Athenians, made an attack on a macedonian skirmishing force near his city.

    He was successful, and saved the city of Athens without the help of the main army of the Koinon Hellenon, showing his strength to the Spartans.

    In Asia Minor, a diplomat sent by the Alliance of Hellenes convinced the Seleucids to stop supporting the Macedonians and start supporting the true hellenic cities instead.

    A favorable deal was reached.

    The Koinon Hellenon now had only one enemy: Macedon.

    Not only that, but with the conquest of Korinthos, the Alliance was slowly pulling itself out of debt.

    With the Macedonian armies retreating to the north, the first session of the Koinon Hellenon was called in Korinthos, between Sparta and Athens.

    All the important men of the Koinon Hellenon attended, including:

    Agathokles of Rhodes attended supporting the Athenian interests, establishing a strong alliance between the two cities. He had his own interest, though: the Athenians only had one strong candidate for the upcoming elections, and there were 2 positions to be filled. The athenians could appoint him to one of the positions.

    The first Koinon Hellenon session was about to be held...
    Last edited by Molinaargh; 01-29-2011 at 04:03.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai


    Offices to be voted for:
    -Strategos Autokrator

    Athenian possible candidates: (Vote for one for each office)
    -Chremonides Aithalidos Attikos
    -Agathokles Rhodios

    Example of a vote for this session:
    Quote Originally Posted by Member
    I appoint Chremonides to run for Hegemon, and Agathokles to run for Strategos.
    Last edited by Molinaargh; 01-29-2011 at 04:22.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    I PROPOSE the following motion:

    -Chremonides Aithalidos Attikos to stand for election as Strategos Autokrator
    -Agathokles Rhodios to stand for election as Hegemon

    Reasoning: Chremonides is Athen's most successful strategos, and Agathokles is the oldest and wisest man in the Alliance, making him an ideal Hegemon.

    (Note: Agathokles should not be appointed strategos, he is too old and infirm to take the field. However, the position of Hegemon will not require him to leave his home city of Rhodes.)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    I AGREE with Titus Marcellus Scato's motion.

  6. #6
    Member Member Walle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    I AGREE with Titus Marcellus Scato's motion.

  7. #7
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    I PROPOSE the following motion:

    -Let the spartans choose our strategos.
    -Agathokles Rhodios to stand for election as Hegemon

    Reasoning: The spartans have a long standing tradition of being fierce warriors, and great commanders, and the men would fight like spartans themselves when they know there's a spartan fighting next to them. Agathokles is a very old man, having managed his city of Rhodes for years, he is a prime candidate and manager, he will be excellent for his position as Hegemon, and we would have control of the Koinon Lochoi and they would obey our decitions. And since the spartans have another wise man, yet he only has managed a spartan city, with the lack of economical and social constructs that exist in many other cities. This means we have an advantage.

    ~Jirisys (Let the barbaric greeks fight, we think)
    Last edited by jirisys; 01-29-2011 at 17:51.
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    Because we all need to compensate...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    I AGREE with jirisys motion.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai


    Athenian Council orders:
    -Chremonides to run for Strategos.
    -Agathokles to run for Hegemon.

    Spartan Council orders:
    -Areus to run for Strategos.
    -Akrotatos to run for Hegemon.



    Councilors of the Koinon Hellenon! I am Chremonides of Athens, and I hope to become your Strategos Autokrator. The Athenians ask for your support to remind the Spartans that the army that stands in this city is not their royal army, but the Alliance Army, an army of Hellenes. I, a true son of greece, am the best choice for the position of Strategos.

    I am Areus of Sparta, and if I am made Strategos by you today, I will continue my victories against Macedon. My Athenian opponent instead of waiting for the Alliance from Corinth, recklessly attacked the Macedonians with the garrison of his own city, only seeking personal glory and putting his citizens in danger, as well as losing more men than if he had waited for us Spartans to fight. This council must choose me as Strategos if it wants to win the war.




    See? My opponent is an old man who can only sleep. He could sleep in his grave for all I care! I, the heir to the Spartan throne, am clearly the best option for Hegemon.


    The Hellene councilors made their choice in a close election for the position of Strategos. Some trusted the Spartan candidate to continue his victories against Macedonia and condemned the hasty action of the Athenian general. The Athenians were hoping the support of the recently invited Corinthian councilors, expecting them to vote against the Spartans as they were the ones who conquered their city. The Corinthians, though, viewed the conquest as a liberation from Macedonian rule, and supported the Spartans.
    The election for Hegemon was less close, with an easy victory for Akrotatos of Sparta.
    The Polemarchos was decided to be Chremonides, as he had lost the election for Strategos.

    This Koinon Hellenon session is now closed, and councilors must now return to their cities to decide what they will do next based on the results of the Koinon elections.
    Last edited by Molinaargh; 01-29-2011 at 20:34.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Athens - 272 BC

    Current situation:
    -Athens has lost both the elections for Strategos and Hegemon, but the Athenian Chremonides has been chosen as Polemarchos of the Alliance and can now command an army of 12 units (which isn't of much use, since the Athenian army is extremely small).
    -The City of Athens and their ally, Rhodes, can recruit only levies and skirmishers.
    -The Athenians have low priority for constructing buildings and recruiting men, as the Spartans hold the office of Hegemon.

    (Polemarchos Chremonides)
    In other words, councilors, our situation is hard, and we must not allow the Spartans to take all the glory for themselves! During this next year and the following years, until the next election, we must do something with the little we have. I do not know what that is, though. That's why I have you! I'm sure you'll think of something... right?


    The Army of Athenai.

    The Polis Session is now open to decide what Athens will do for the next year.
    Last edited by Molinaargh; 01-29-2011 at 19:58.


  11. #11

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    What about our fleet? Could you please tell us what units it consists of?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by Drag0nUL View Post
    What about our fleet? Could you please tell us what units it consists of?
    The Alliance Fleet was disbanded as it was too expensive to maintain. Athens might be able to build ships if the gold isn't spent elsewhere.


  13. #13

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by Molinaargh View Post
    The Alliance Fleet was disbanded as it was too expensive to maintain. Athens might be able to build ships if the gold isn't spent elsewhere.
    Rgr. Missed that line, sorry. Wanted to suggest disbanding myself.

    The Spartans might hold the offices of power for now, but we all know where most of the silver that funds this alliance comes from: and that is here, from the city of Athens! Let the Spartans fight, for that is what they do best and while they keep the Macedonian barbarians at bay, let us do what we do best: let us trade. For with trade comes wealth, and with wealth we can raise troops and hire mercenaries. Therefore, I PROPOSE we build a trading port.
    Last edited by Drag0nUL; 01-29-2011 at 20:52.

  14. #14
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    The spartans have beaten us, but yet, they have nowhere to go; the only way towards mainland is through Termon, and they will take time besieging that city. The other way around is through Attike, we must block our boundaries against spartan armies, Mytilene is defenseless and sorrounded, we must besiege it with whatever force we can (recruit at the least the most petty ship and use our own men as oarsmen), recruit more men as reinforcements for Athens (not telling the spartans, we sally to besiege but tell them our city is in dire need of supplies so we were forced to disband our levy army, so that they give us some men for training), and hold some men for the siege of Chalkis in the future, and make them come to us, not the other way around. If we capture it, we would gain loot, men and loyalty (We can also say that it capitulated to us, because the Arche Makedonia would not send reinforcements and were trapped without supplies). And we will have all the way cleared for Demetrias once we get a hold of many brave men. We must resort to violence, but, unlike our spartan brethren, we must think our actions ahead.

    I PROPOSE we must build the smallest fleet so that we may invade Mytilene, secretly of course, we could hire some pirates also (Lemboi) from either Rhodos or Athenai.
    I PROPOSE we must besiege Mytilene (reducing their supplies, making them angrier at the Makedonians for the lack of support), and recruit levy hoplites each season with spartan men, with the aforementioned excuse; so that our treasury and influence grows higher.
    I PROPOSE we must not let spartan troops wander our lands, and use as excuse that Athens is in very need of food, and it's farmers cannot give supplies to the spartan troops.
    I PROPOSE we levy some men from the spartans' that will be given to us for the legal and completely transparent siege of Chalkis, let us gain enough support so that we hold the Hegemon office, and if it were better, the stragegos office.
    I AGREE with Drag0nUL's proposal (as long as we have enough money for both).

    ~Jirisys ()
    Last edited by jirisys; 01-30-2011 at 04:02.
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    Because we all need to compensate...

  15. #15

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by Molinaargh View Post
    The Alliance Fleet was disbanded as it was too expensive to maintain. Athens might be able to build ships if the gold isn't spent elsewhere.
    Disbanding the fleet was a bad decision. It should have been used to attack the Macedonian fleet. And now we can't ship reinforcements from Rhodes to Athens until we build another ship.

    What's the point of having advisers if you're going to make unilateral decisions? I give up....

  16. #16
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by Titus Marcellus Scato View Post
    Disbanding the fleet was a bad decision. It should have been used to attack the Macedonian fleet. And now we can't ship reinforcements from Rhodes to Athens until we build another ship.

    What's the point of having advisers if you're going to make unilateral decisions? I give up....
    The spartans are the Hegemon, they may have ordered it's destruction, remember?

    ~Jirisys ()
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Because we all need to compensate...

  17. #17

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by Titus Marcellus Scato View Post
    Disbanding the fleet was a bad decision. It should have been used to attack the Macedonian fleet. And now we can't ship reinforcements from Rhodes to Athens until we build another ship.

    What's the point of having advisers if you're going to make unilateral decisions? I give up....
    I disbanded the fleet during the first 3 seasons, in which I played by my own will to get the game in a position where I felt would be better to start the participation system, and also because I wanted a good-looking update with screenshots and everything to start it off.

    It was not a bad decision, in my opinion, as the Macedonian ships don't mean any harm. Plus, with the current debt/small income we can't pump units out of 4 different cities (Rhodos, Korinthos, Sparte and Athenai), and there were only 2 crappy units in Rhodes, one of which I also disbanded and left only 1 as the city garrison. My decision can't have been so wrong since Drag0nUL was also going to suggest disbanding the ships himself.

    I do hope you keep reading this AAR and continue to participate, I appreciate your presence here.

    And thanks to everyone else who's been participating, keep going!
    Last edited by Molinaargh; 01-30-2011 at 00:21.


  18. #18
    Sovereign of all England! Member Donkey Kong Champion Arthur, king of the Britons's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    I AGREE with jirisys motion.
    Last edited by Arthur, king of the Britons; 01-30-2011 at 10:11.

    King Arthur's Court at Camelot

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    Marble bust of Arthouros the Divider, first man to pass a Koinon Law since the foundation of the Alliance.

  19. #19
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur, king of the Britons View Post
    I AGREE with jirisys motion.
    Corrected it for you

    ~Jirisys (Hint: Agreeing is with green)
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  20. #20

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    271 BC

    Athenian orders:
    -Improve trading ports in Athens.
    -Try to stop the Spartans from marching through Athenian land.
    -Try to convince the Spartans to lend some men to the Athenian army.
    -Besiege Mytilene.

    Spartan orders:
    -Separate the Spartan forces from the Alliance Army.
    -Recruit Archers and Horsemen in Sparta to reinforce the Spartan army.

    After the Koinon Hellenon meeting in Korinthos in the winter of 272 BC, the men returned to their own cities.

    Akrotatos Agiados got married in Sparta, but then moved back to Korinthos to perform his duties as Hegemon of the Alliance. Chremonides joined the Eleusian Mysteries, gaining political allies in Athens and throughout the Hellenic cities.

    In Sparte, as per council order, Archers were recruited. These archers would not reinforce the Alliance army, though, but the Spartan army...

    ...which was formed by detaching many Spartan men from the Alliance army. Eudamidas, the lesser Spartan King, was to lead the Spartans while Areus led the Allies. But the Spartan Army was still weak and required new recruits, particularly archers and horsemen. The Spartans found there were no good horsemen to be trained in their own city, and that hiring mercenaries of these sort would be far too expensive.

    In order to acquire the mounted troops, the Spartans came to the Athenians. The Athenians, in their place, wanted to strengthen their army, and suggested that they'd train a number of horsemen for the Spartans in exchange of the Athenian troops that were in the Alliance Army. Remembering the orders of his council of the necessity of the mounted forces, Areus accepted the deal and sent some of the Alliance's men to the Athenians.

    Chremonides was glad the Spartans would not only refrain from marching through Attike, but they would also lend some men from the Alliance Army to the Athenian forces.

    Some Athenian hoplites and skirmishers went back to their city, where they joined Chremonides for the siege of Chalkis (there was no fleet to take the men all the way to Mytilene).

    The Athenians kept their promise during the siege and sent the Spartans a small band of horsemen.

    In Sparta, archers were trained.

    The Spartan Army grew strong, even stronger than the Alliance Army.

    Meanwhile, the Koinon Hellenon recieved news of distant Hellenes allies who had been attacked by Pontos.

    Immediatly war was declared on the aggressors.

    By the end of the year, Chalkis was under siege. The Macedonians desperately tried to send men to support the city, but did so in a disorganized way. These macedonians were now in the coast of Chalkis and near Athens. The Spartan Army and the Alliance Army stood ground by Korinthos.

    It is time for the councils of Sparta and Athens to reunite again to decide the next moves of each city.

    The Athenian Council session is now open to decide what must be done in the next year, 270BC.


  21. #21
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    I PROPOSE we must levy some more hoplites, from Athens, so that it may defend her and/or help the besiegers.
    I PROPOSE we must make the Makedonian army to attack us, so whe have the upper hand in defense, and destroy their army and make their city capitulate.
    I PROPOSE we must hire some pirates (Lemboi) either in Rhodos or Athenai, so we can, first, capture Mytilene and also make a hybrid assault on Sinope when it is captured since we wouldn't be able to arrive in time.
    I PROPOSE, since the spartans have been so understanding, we must allow them to traverse to Attike, but only the Ally army and only to defend Athenai (as an excuse so we have more men for the siege and consequent invasions).
    I PROPOSE we must acquire trade rights with the Epeirotai, and propose a ceasefire with Basileion ton Pontos, so that they do not imagine our intentions.
    I PROPOSE we must ask Moolinaargh not to reveal our secret objectives in the Spartan assembly and vice-versa .

    ~Jirisys (I should be Hegemon )
    Last edited by jirisys; 01-30-2011 at 04:27.
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  22. #22

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    I AGREE with Jirisys's motion.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by jirisys View Post
    and propose a ceasefire with Basileion ton Pontos, so that they do not imagine our intentions.
    I DISAGREE with this half of jirisys' motion, Sinope is our allied! we cant turn our backs on them in public!
    War is a puzzle with morphing pieces

    I make Ancient Weapons and Armor

  24. #24

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Blacksmith View Post
    I DISAGREE with this half of jirisys' motion, Sinope is our allied! we cant turn our backs on them in public!
    Do you propose anything instead?


  25. #25
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Blacksmith View Post
    I DISAGREE with this half of jirisys' motion, Sinope is our allied! we cant turn our backs on them in public!
    I meant that we should liberate it from the pontic people, since we wouldn't be able to arrive in time before it fell to pontic hands.

    ~Jirisys ()
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  26. #26
    Guest Member Populus Romanus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    We should let the Army of Sparta and the Army of the Alliance to march through our lands in order to engage the spread out Makedonians and capture the vulnerable Demetrias. And how exactly will we be able to take Mytilene if we disbanded our navy? We must levy a new one.
    Last edited by Populus Romanus; 01-31-2011 at 03:05.

  27. #27
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by jirisys View Post
    I PROPOSE we must hire some pirates (Lemboi) either in Rhodos or Athenai, so we can, first, capture Mytilene and also make a hybrid assault on Sinope when it is captured since we wouldn't be able to arrive in time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Populus Romanus View Post
    We should let the Army of Sparta and the Army of the Alliance to march through our lands in order to engage the spread out Makedonians and capture the vulnerable Demetrias. And how exactly will we be able to take Mytilene if we disbanded our navy? We must levy a new one.
    I have everything covered


    I PROPOSE the author should not allow any member of sparta to propose in OUR assembly and vice-versa, by putting their names on the first post.

    ~Jirisys ()
    Last edited by jirisys; 01-31-2011 at 04:52.
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  28. #28
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by Populus Romanus View Post
    We should let the Army of Sparta and the Army of the Alliance to march through our lands in order to engage the spread out Makedonians and capture the vulnerable Demetrias. And how exactly will we be able to take Mytilene if we disbanded our navy? We must levy a new one.
    Get out of here you spartan spy! Kill him, KILL HIM!!!!!!!

    *stabs Demos romaios*

    ~Jirisys (lawl)
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  29. #29

    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Quote Originally Posted by jirisys View Post
    I have everything covered


    I PROPOSE the author should not allow any member of sparta to propose in OUR assembly and vice-versa, by putting their names on the first post.

    ~Jirisys ()
    Probably a good idea. I'll just spy, er, I mean browse this forum, like you are over there. :P
    (I do hang out here a bit though, mainly post there though to be fair)

  30. #30
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koinon Hellenon: Athens X Sparta (.org X TWCenter), a participative AAR - Athenai

    Yeah, but you shouldn't deceive the assembly by being trying to push the spartan agenda here

    ~Jirisys (I don't mind spying though...)
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