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Thread: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [Concluded]

  1. #151
    The Bad Doctor Senior Member Chaotix's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Day 2

    The trainers all cast their votes once again, and as soon as the outcome was determined, the loud, omnipresent voice spoke once more.

    “Greetings, trainers. Today, the competitors you have chosen to do battle are: Pearl, Champion of the Sinnoh Region, and Ruby, Champion of the Hoenn Region! This is sure to be an exciting battle! Pearl, please proceed to the blue corner, while Ruby goes to the red corner.”


    Pearl was nervous. She was an excellent Pokemon trainer, but she had only battled a Champion once before, and it happened to be that former Champion who was crushed in the opening round of the tournament.

    Ruby, however, was eager and ready to fight. Without waiting for the announcer to speak again, he tossed his Pokeball into the ring.

    “Go, Magcargo!”

    Pearl quickly psyched herself up for the battle and sent out her own Pokemon.

    “A fire-type… then I’ll use Empoleon!”


    It was too early to tell, but it looked as if the match were to be rather one-sided. Magcargo’s strength lay in its durability, but all that was lost battling against a water-type opponent. Empoleon was faster, stronger, and had an obvious type advantage.

    “Magcargo, use Stealth Rock!”

    The snail-like Pokemon made a gesture with its head, and about half a dozen rocks dislodged themselves from the walls, levitating quickly to the edge of the arena. The stones then dropped in their place, and did absolutely nothing. Pearl and Empoleon looked wary for a moment, but seeing no danger, they continued.

    “You wasted your chance. Empoleon, use Hydro Pump!”

    From its mouth, Empoleon launched a massive, powerful jet of water that struck Magcargo right in the face. Unable to move quickly enough away, Magcargo withered under the powerful blast. When it stopped, the poor creature was barely able to hold itself up.

    “Hang in there, Magcargo! Use Lava Plume!”

    With surprising agility, Magcargo shot a jet of magma at Empoleon. The penguin Pokemon tried to dodge, but the blast grazed its steel-tipped wings, and it roared angrily.

    “Finish it off!”

    Empoleon leapt into the air and shot another Hydro Pump at Magcargo, crushing it into the floor of the battlefield. Magcargo could take no more, and fainted from the attack.

    “Magcargo is unable to battle. Empoleon is the winner!”

    “Good job, Magcargo. Return!”

    Ruby looked as if he had known the outcome of that matchup before it had started- and he probably did. Now, however, a devious grin crossed his face as he tossed in his next Pokemon.

    “Go, Manectric!”


    Now it was Ruby who was to have the advantage. The electric canine’s attacks were sure to deal a lot of damage to Empoleon.

    “Manectric, start charging up!”

    Manectric stood in place and started to crackle with static electricity. Soon it began to glow, but it wasn’t going to be left alone.

    “Stop it, Empoleon! Use Flash Cannon!”

    A beam of light shot from Empoleon’s mouth at… well, light-speed, striking Manectric and knocking off its focus.

    “Use Agility! Keep charging and don’t let it get to you.”

    Empoleon attempted to fire another Flash Cannon at Manectric, but this time it moved so quickly out of the way, it almost appeared as if Manectric were teleporting. Try as it might, Empoleon could not hit Manectric, as it just kept dodging out of the way, all the while charging up with more electricity.

    “Hit it with Aqua Jet!”

    This time, Empoleon coated itself in water and lurched forward, sliding along the ground at a pace it could never reach by running. When it approached Manectric, the Pokemon agilely zipped out of the way again, but Empoleon changed direction just as quickly. Catching Manectric off guard, Empoleon slammed into it with a full-body tackle, catching its side with the trident-shaped horns on its head.

    “No! Manectric!”

    Manectric looked hurt, but it was far from finished, even though its concentration was broken. On the other hand, Empoleon, who had come into contact with the static field around Manectric, was paralyzed and having trouble getting back up.

    “That’ll have to do. Use Discharge!”

    Manectric released all of the electricity stored inside it in a massive, radial blast that engulfed nearly the entire field. Empoleon, covered in water and just a few feet away from Manectric, took the full brunt of the attack and was electrocuted devastatingly. When Manectric was done, Empoleon had been knocked unconscious.

    “Empoleon is unable to battle. Manectric is the winner!”

    Pearl looked especially worried now. She took a moment in choosing her next Pokemon, but when she was ready, the façade of fearlessness was back on her face.

    “Return, Empoleon. Go, Vespiquen!”


    As soon as the queen bee came out of its Pokeball, the rocks that had surrounded the field all began stirring. One by one, they smashed into Vespiquen before it could even put up its guard. By the time they had finished, Vespiquen already looked in worse shape than Manectric.

    “Oh, no! Vespiquen, you’ve gotta heal yourself! Heal Order!”

    Hundreds of tiny bee-like creatures flew out of the honeycombs on Vespiquen’s abdomen and swarmed around it. They began repairing the damage that had been done to the queen.

    “Don’t give it a chance, Manectric! Thunder Fang!”

    Its jaws crackling with electricity, Manectric surged towards Vespiquen, who was temporarily unable to move. Running into a leap, Manectric clamped its jaws tight around Vespiquen’s midsection, and overloaded its body with electricity through its sharp fangs. Vespiquen made an unpleasant sound that was conspicuously reminiscent of a scream. Many of the bees surrounding them were zapped and fried by stray bolts.

    “No! Vespiquen!”

    As Manectric released its deadly grip, Vespiquen collapsed to the ground and did not get back up.

    “Vespiquen is unable to battle. Manectric is the winner!”

    Ruby looked smug as Pearl returned her fried Pokemon to its ball.

    “Well, that was quick.”

    Pearl closed her eyes, calmed herself, and threw her third Pokeball. A majestic creature with rich, black fur materialized on the battlefield.


    “Luxray, use Wild Charge!”

    Its fur beginning to bristle with electricity of its own, Luxray charged fiercely straight towards Manectric. One of the fallen Stealth Rock stones hopped up and struck it in the face as it passed by. This only served to enrage Luxray, however, and it roared fiercely and doubled its pace.

    “Manectric, use your Agility!”

    Manectric tried to run away, but Luxray gave chase. Luxray soon caught up to the already-tired Manectric, and once in range leapt straight onto it with a full electrical aura surrounding it. The two electric Pokemon fell into a tumble and wrestled with each other for a few seconds, but a slightly winded Luxray emerged on top. Manectric struggled to break its adversary’s grip, but Luxray was larger and physically stronger.

    Now it was Ruby who started to panic a bit. He quickly thought back to all he had studied about the Sinnoh region’s Pokemon, and found the one advantage he needed.

    “Manectric! Use Discharge!”

    Suddenly, Manectric exploded with electricity, much of it building off of Luxray’s power as well. Luxray was blasted into the air, and landed on its feet, unsteadily, a few yards away. Manectric got up as quickly as it could.

    “Luxray, use Crunch!”

    Luxray sprinted into a fierce charge heading straight for Manectric again. Another close-quarters confrontation would be disastrous to Manectric.

    “Manectric, you can’t let it get near you! Use Discharge and Agility, just don’t let it touch you!”

    Manectric and Luxray now engaged in what was essentially a game of cat and mouse- or rather, very large cat and dog. Luxray chased Manectric, but after being itself winded, it could not keep up with the lighter, faster Manectric. Whenever Luxray cornered Manectric or got too close, Manectric would respond with a wide-reaching Discharge to keep it back. As Luxray was only able to release its electricity effectively at close range, it was unable to land a concrete attack on Manectric. It soon began to tire out.

    “Luxray, you’re going to have to charge through its attacks! It’s the only way! Wild Charge!”

    “Manectric, start charging!”

    Luxray bristled fiercely with electricity once more, and began another sprint towards Manectric. Manectric stood its ground, charging itself up with power. As soon as Luxray was close enough, Ruby shouted.

    “Now, Manectric!”

    Manectric discharged the electricity it had stored, and continued to hold out the field. Luxray, following orders, charged straight into the field and kept moving. Luxray still had several yards to go, though, and it began to move slower and slower, till it was finally struggling to even step forward through the devastating blast of electricity.

    “Keep holding!”

    Manectric was clearly straining itself to hold out the field. After a second or two, it shorted out, unable to fight any longer. But the damage was done. Both Pokemon were so exhausted they were unable to move. They stood in a standoff, panting heavily for what seemed like hours, though it amounted to less than a minute. Finally, Luxray capitulated.

    “Luxray is unable to battle. Manectric is the winner! As Pearl is out of usable Pokemon, Ruby is the winner of this match!”

    Ruby pumped his fist in the air and cheered. Pearl looked disheartened, but not completely crushed. She waited until the announcer was done speaking and Ruby had left the field, and then made her own announcement. A giddy, adorable smile cracked across her face.

    “Well, actually… I did bring one more Pokemon with me, just in case. I thought it might be useful with all these attacks going on at night and everything! So, it’s really only for my own protection, but I guess if you wanted to battle me again… that would be ok with me!”

    The rest of the trainers were dumbfounded as she giggled and quickly left the arena.


    Competing: 16
    B Ray
    Death is yonder
    Double A
    Rebel Jeb

    Eliminated: 1


    Begin Night 2!

    It will end 10:30 PM tomorrow, EST. Any Night orders should be sent by then.

    Sorry for the delay. It takes me a while to come up with these battle schemes from the guidelines I'm given, but it seems you are enjoying them, so I hope it's worth it.
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  2. #152
    Mayor Member Seon's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Oh hey, I lived.

    I thought I would use my 4th pokemon though...

  3. #153
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    4 pokemans = guilty.

  4. #154
    mostly harmless Member B-Wing's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    That was an intense battle! And apparently Vespiquen is the weakest Pokemon so far. Lasted one turn. *shakes head*

  5. #155
    Mayor Member Seon's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Sigh. I told you I put an empty pokeball in instead of storing 3 of my pokemons.

  6. #156
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Quote Originally Posted by Seon View Post
    Sigh. I told you I put an empty pokeball in instead of storing 3 of my pokemons.
    4 pokemans = guilty.

  7. #157
    Little Mons†er Senior Member Secura's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Quote Originally Posted by B_Ray View Post
    That was an intense battle! And apparently Vespiquen is the weakest Pokemon so far. Lasted one turn. *shakes head*
    It takes 50% damage when it switches into Stealth Rock, so it only had half of it's HP ready when Manetric attacked; the Garchomp we saw yesterday, on the other hand, had full health and was one-shot by Mamoswine's Ice Shard.

    Ironic really, that such a controversial Pokémon (banned in competitive play!) has currently turned out to be the weakest we've seen so far. :P
    "Blacker than a moonless night. Hotter and more bitter than Hell itself… that is coffee."

  8. #158
    The Bad Doctor Senior Member Chaotix's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Quote Originally Posted by Secura View Post
    It takes 50% damage when it switches into Stealth Rock, so it only had half of it's HP ready when Manetric attacked; the Garchomp we saw yesterday, on the other hand, had full health and was one-shot by Mamoswine's Ice Shard.

    Ironic really, that such a controversial Pokémon (banned in competitive play!) has currently turned out to be the weakest we've seen so far. :P
    Not Ice Shard, Blizzard. Packs a bit of a bigger punch, specially when it's a 4X weakness. With STAB, that's a 720-power attack, I don't care how strong that Garchomp was!

    So, justified? I'd say so. But do keep in mind that, while I try to stay more true to the games than, say, the anime TV show, I do have to take some theatrical license to make things interesting.

    I do enjoy constantly having someone to banter with in nerdy Poke-lingo, though, Secura. Keep it up!
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  9. #159
    Protecting the border fort Member Chimpyang's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Quote Originally Posted by B_Ray View Post
    That was an intense battle! And apparently Vespiquen is the weakest Pokemon so far. Lasted one turn. *shakes head*
    Electric on Bug/Flying? Surely super effective?

  10. #160
    still making Bowser jokes Member Roach Kill Champion, Donkey Rocket Champion Double A's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Quote Originally Posted by B_Ray View Post
    That was an intense battle! And apparently Vespiquen is the weakest Pokemon so far. Lasted one turn. *shakes head*
    Stealth Rock is Rock. Vespiqueen is Bug/Flying. SR got 4x damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Secura View Post
    It takes 50% damage when it switches into Stealth Rock, so it only had half of it's HP ready when Manetric attacked; the Garchomp we saw yesterday, on the other hand, had full health and was one-shot by Mamoswine's Ice Shard.

    Ironic really, that such a controversial Pokémon (banned in competitive play!) has currently turned out to be the weakest we've seen so far. :P
    Yeah, well, it is Ground/Dragon. Ice does 4x damage.

    Pretty much any situation where a move can do 4x damage and has a minimum of base power turns out to be a 1HKO.

  11. #161
    Vindicative son of a gun Member Jolt's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    So... Seon will have a chance of "redeeming himself"/"finally dieing" tomorrow? :D

    Zack should be put up against him. Both looked scummy. One is proven. All we need is the other.

  12. #162
    The Bad Doctor Senior Member Chaotix's Avatar
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    As a note, Captain Blackadder has agreed to replace Rebel Jeb, effective as soon as he reads the role PM I sent him.
    Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer: The Gameroom

  13. #163
    Epitome of Ephemeral Success Member Death is yonder's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Most interesting, four pokemon!

    On one hand, it defies common knowledge about there only being 3 pokemon that a trainer could select, yet it seems too blatant a tell and surely if Seon was sent to battle again he would be swiftly crushed, unless his last pokemon is like something all rounded (because Seon has one life to lose so to speak, but most others have 3

    [assuming pokemon indeed do not recover like pizza said here:]
    Quote Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy View Post
    I thought my pokemon would recover between battles. Abort abort abort! I'm not an evil trainer, losing my weakling pokemon is going to harm our efforts...

    I agree that having more than 4 pokemon seems weird in Seon's case, but it also seems a bit odd that this would become common knowledge and the result would likely be him simply being sent into the next battle as well, and this time with the odds mismatched against him.

    I'm not sure about the significance of it all, but it seems to me like a get out of jail free card that when used turns every other square into a go straight to jail square for your next move.
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  14. #164
    Little Mons†er Senior Member Secura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaotix View Post
    Not Ice Shard, Blizzard. Packs a bit of a bigger punch, specially when it's a 4X weakness. With STAB, that's a 720-power attack, I don't care how strong that Garchomp was!
    Ha, would've still one-shotted with Ice Shard. :P

    I do enjoy constantly having someone to banter with in nerdy Poke-lingo, though, Secura. Keep it up!
    I keep reading the writeups from a competitive battling perspective, but yes, I enjoy it too! :>
    "Blacker than a moonless night. Hotter and more bitter than Hell itself… that is coffee."

  15. #165
    This Space For Rent Member Renata's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Quote Originally Posted by Death is yonder View Post
    I'm not sure about the significance of it all, but it seems to me like a get out of jail free card that when used turns every other square into a go straight to jail square for your next move.
    Which is essentially the same situation as every other more typical lynch survival situation I've ever seen, which is why I hate them so much. If it's a scum, you have to try again, and who knows if the town will retain its resolve for a second day. If a townie -- well really you should lynch them twice, because they were scummy enough to lynch the first time, but if it's wrong you've just spent two days wasting time -- which in turn feeds right back in to the likelyhood of the scum NOT being lynched a second time. It just .. gah. Obey the will of the mob, fer pete's sake.

    Anyway -- Seon please explain better.

  16. #166
    Mayor Member Seon's Avatar
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    Excuse me if I sound slightly more quirky Han usual, but I just ha a row with a friend.

    Now, about the darn 4th pokemon of mine. Well, I said when I was reading my role PM. This is nice, I get a fourth pokemon instead of three like everyone else! Yeah, cheating for the win!

    And then I got selected to battle. Oh darn, I said. But I thought to myself: I have four and he has three. I can handle it. Unless he used an electric type, cutting through both my Empoleon Vespiqueen. Oh hmm...

    So when the results were announced, I panicked and contacted Chaotix to change my pokemon battle order. Chaotix, being a man of great mercy, politely replied "sorry man. Already rolled. Oh, and you lost."

    So I slinked back and started moping around, waiting to see the writeup to proclaim my death/elimination. And then I looked and saw that my fourth have not been used, and that I was not eliminated. It was a pleasant surprise. Yay!

    And then I started hearing things that I should be lynched again. For god's sake, I only have one bloody pokemon left. You people already ruined whatever chance I had in winning this competition. I already explained why I have a fourth pokemon as much as possible. I don't know why I didn't use my 4th. What else do you want from me?

  17. #167
    mostly harmless Member B-Wing's Avatar
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    Are we even sure that there is such thing as a scum role in this game?

  18. #168
    This Space For Rent Member Renata's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Quote Originally Posted by Seon View Post
    I already explained why I have a fourth pokemon as much as possible.
    Yeah, but I dont' get it. You put an empty pokeball in -- what? I need the explanation for the Pokemon-impaired.

    Edit: it's a mafia game B-ray.

  19. #169
    Mayor Member Seon's Avatar
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    The premise of the game stated that, although we brought 6 pokemon into the tournament in our pokeballs, we had to choose three and deposit the rest into a machine. I, instead of depositing 3 pokemons, deposited 2 and a single empty one.

  20. #170
    Vindicative son of a gun Member Jolt's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Quote Originally Posted by Seon View Post
    Excuse me if I sound slightly more quirky Han usual, but I just ha a row with a friend.

    Now, about the darn 4th pokemon of mine. Well, I said when I was reading my role PM. This is nice, I get a fourth pokemon instead of three like everyone else! Yeah, cheating for the win!

    And then I got selected to battle. Oh darn, I said. But I thought to myself: I have four and he has three. I can handle it. Unless he used an electric type, cutting through both my Empoleon Vespiqueen. Oh hmm...

    So when the results were announced, I panicked and contacted Chaotix to change my pokemon battle order. Chaotix, being a man of great mercy, politely replied "sorry man. Already rolled. Oh, and you lost."

    So I slinked back and started moping around, waiting to see the writeup to proclaim my death/elimination. And then I looked and saw that my fourth have not been used, and that I was not eliminated. It was a pleasant surprise. Yay!

    And then I started hearing things that I should be lynched again. For god's sake, I only have one bloody pokemon left. You people already ruined whatever chance I had in winning this competition. I already explained why I have a fourth pokemon as much as possible. I don't know why I didn't use my 4th. What else do you want from me?
    Sorry, I don't buy it. I do recall in a Mafia game where I was Mafia, one of my mafia buddies, upon being discovered, used an excuse similar to yours to try and make sure the town kept him alive.

    And since noone has any idea who your character has a beef with, nor even for what reason, then you must die.

  21. #171
    Mayor Member Seon's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [Sign-Ups]

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaotix View Post
    Night 0

    As night fell, the seventeen master trainers began to arrive. They all entered Cerulean Cave and cautiously started to make their way through, navigating the confusing tunnels and battling fierce wild Pokemon.

    When they reached the center of the cave, several small doorways opened up into a massive arena, carved straight into the stone wall. There were several large computer screens outside the arena, all attached to strange devices that looked like they were designed to transport Pokeballs. Each computer screen read, in large print:


    The trainers discovered they could not enter the arena until they dropped Pokeballs into the machine slots. The night stretched on as each trainer carefully decided which team members to use.


    When you are ready, please send me a PM containing the three Pokemon you intend to use, as well as the order of those Pokemon for Day 1. You may send me a new order for every Day or Night phase; if you do not, I will assume you are using the previous order.

  22. #172
    This Space For Rent Member Renata's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Quote Originally Posted by Jolt View Post
    Sorry, I don't buy it. I do recall in a Mafia game where I was Mafia, one of my mafia buddies, upon being discovered, used an excuse similar to yours to try and make sure the town kept him alive.
    What excuse?

    And since noone has any idea who your character has a beef with, nor even for what reason, then you must die.
    What is this in reference to?

  23. #173
    Little Mons†er Senior Member Secura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolt View Post
    And since noone has any idea who your character has a beef with, nor even for what reason, then you must die.
    Seon is Pearl/Dawn, the female player character in the DPPt games; why would she have 'beef' with anyone?
    "Blacker than a moonless night. Hotter and more bitter than Hell itself… that is coffee."

  24. #174
    Vindicative son of a gun Member Jolt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renata View Post
    What excuse?
    It was in The Settlement (Look it up). The one making the excuse was Andres (Who was my mafia teammate). The game was set up so the town had several classes, which could be largely divided into nobles and non-nobles. By pure luck, until he was found, he had killed 3 townies which were nobles. So he tried using the excuse that he had specific targets, which were nobles. And since he had no beef with the whole of the town, then they wouldn't need to kill him, and since he had a kill ability, from then on, the town could use his ability to their advantage. In good truth, he could (and had to) kill all townies, regardless of whether they were noblemen or not. He actually managed to convince some to spare him, but not enough and he ended up lynched anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Renata View Post
    What is this in reference to?

    Quote Originally Posted by Seon View Post
    Excuse me if I sound slightly more quirky Han usual, but I just ha a row with a friend.
    This row with his friend, I suppose is his character's "friend" or something.

  25. #175
    This Space For Rent Member Renata's Avatar
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    I don't see what Seon's saying as in any way comparable to that. If he's offering an excuse, it's more along the lines of "I'm almost dead already and can't win, may as well let me stay around." Which doesn't make him town, but regardless, I don't see how you got from point A to point B.

    The row with a friend I took to be out of game.

  26. #176
    still making Bowser jokes Member Roach Kill Champion, Donkey Rocket Champion Double A's Avatar
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    Going for a guy's throat when he's down for the count isn't very sportsmanlike, even if he did break the rules.

  27. #177
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    I think Seon lynch.

  28. #178
    mostly harmless Member B-Wing's Avatar
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    Let's hold our horses, Saregona, and wait until daybreak, when we'll find out all the devious things that have gone on in the night.

  29. #179
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    I think we definately Seon lynch.

  30. #180
    POOTIS Member thefluffyone93's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Council of Villains] Mewtwo's Retribution [In Game]

    Quote Originally Posted by Saregona View Post

    I think we definately Seon lynch.

    EDIT: Unless night has officially ended, in which case I say a job well done!
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    "... Either your as destructive as the most depraved 4 channer or so devious that you can cause the most trouble while acting utterly oblivious as to make us think your too dumb to be doing this intentionally... and the scary thing is I cant help but think the latter."-Greyblades
    "Thefluffyone is the greatest thing to happen to the .org since Beefy187."-Askthepizzaguy
    "TheFluffyOne makes me feel moist."-Askthepizzaguy

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