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Thread: Six down- four to go to!!: 4 faction slots left

  1. #361
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Six down- four to go to!!: 4 faction slots left

    I have to say, with the additions of Pergamon and the Bosporan Kingdom, my prospects for a migrated faction campaign are a little inhibited. Not a bad thing, since both are awesome in their own right, but from the things I tried in EB1, there's only Massalia and Kyrenaia left.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  2. #362

    Default Re: Six down- four to go to!!: 4 faction slots left

    the sahara the far north parts of ireland sardinia corsica and all of central arabia will be 1 single province known as eresmus aka uncontrolable or unconquerable regions there might be more ofc

    you can still enter them if an eleutheroi army is getting to cloose to your own borders but it shall be unconquerable

  3. #363

    Default Re: Six down- four to go to!!: 4 faction slots left

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintusSertorius View Post
    I have to say, with the additions of Pergamon and the Bosporan Kingdom, my prospects for a migrated faction campaign are a little inhibited. Not a bad thing, since both are awesome in their own right, but from the things I tried in EB1, there's only Massalia and Kyrenaia left.
    siracuse or the schytians can make for a very challanging game there´s also the illergetes around emporium or the tartessians from southern hispania

    or the magnificent irish should also make for a nice novelty campaign (use the aedui or the arverni for this one to get acess to the great ships or armorica )

    another steppe faction can be the kwarzarian with more enphasis on heavy cavalry and litle bit less on horse archers for historical acuracy (requires confirmation)

    in africa one of the numidian tribes was left out

    there´s the kingdom of axum with their elephants or meroe (ethiopia and sudam )
    or ofc the most challanging campaign the garamantines who had a trade empire across the sahara (fezzah region of lybia nowadays) but this last one might require sine tweaking on the trade since they had acess to large amounts of salt gold ivory wich they traded for grain spices or trinkets with the ptolemaioi kart hadast or the red sea merchants so

    there´s plenty of migration campaigns available some more worthy or requiring of tweaking then others (and i haven´t even mention the 4 great belgic tribes or the bituriges or the aquitani/basque with their solduros and basque heavy infantry if they could be melded into 1 faction )

  4. #364
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Six down- four to go to!!: 4 faction slots left

    Quote Originally Posted by Ca Putt View Post
    wasn't there going to be some sort of Eremos or Province swapping with Sardinia and corsica? At least I recall someone(of the EB team) suggesting they would be handles differently than before.
    There is still, the interior is indeed Eremos representing the Nuragic/Sardinian communities which were never really conquered afaik, mostly because they lived in too small and independent societies...

    Quote Originally Posted by moonburn View Post
    neither did the steppes thats why most empires prefered to stay out of it (except for the russians in 19th century but then again by then even the french spanish english and italians where fighting over the sahara )
    i still defend the steppes as 1 single region with multiple stone forts to control sub regions of it
    Actually coordination and a recognised central authority often existed in the steppes...
    Local "kinglets" even intervened or were sought out by the Hellenes to tip the balance in Black Sea's affairs...
    Even more most of the treaties in the area by non-nomadic peoples, specifically centre around how to deal with the non-stop menace from the horsemen...

    In time all the local kingdoms were taken over by Scythian or Sauromatian nobility (same goes in Central Asia with Tocharian and Sakan families). The real problem rested on the absence of "conquerable" infrastructure (in a settled way of warfare), the Russians in fact settled communities to convert pastures in arable land. Something possible thanks to firearms eclipsing the bow. And of course a good deal of resources thrown at the local uprisings, which were dealt with successfully...
    Last edited by Arjos; 12-26-2013 at 11:15.

  5. #365

    Default Re: Six down- four to go to!!: 4 faction slots left

    there´s even some greek/hellenic texts refering to a kind of semi-permanent schytian camp around the ukraine wich was estimated to have 1million people living there under a great schytian king and quite a few archeology made found evidences of schytian native potery and other crafts wich implied some specialized places (kart wheels most notably)

    theres also the subermse city´s around the saka homeland (since the lake was given to flash floods ) so i´m well aware that the steppanites created such plces where dedicated craftsmen could develop their technologies wich we could consider permanent dweallings i mean even the composite bow requires weeks before being completed and moving them around could compromise their quality

    but for historical purposes a more fluid steppes instead of taking hold of a so called capital would make more sence

  6. #366
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Six down- four to go to!!: 4 faction slots left

    Quote Originally Posted by moonburn View Post
    but for historical purposes a more fluid steppes instead of taking hold of a so called capital would make more sence
    It wouldn't because it never was an homogeneous cultural continuum, that the engine poorly reflects how areas were captured is a whole different matter: EBII will have ports and permanent forts represent the larger settlements present in an historical region, but there's little that can be done about the game's "capture-the-flag" mechanic...

    All the provinces would need to be "fluid" for historical purposes...
    Last edited by Arjos; 12-27-2013 at 07:43.

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  7. #367
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Six down- four to go to!!: 4 faction slots left

    Quote Originally Posted by moonburn View Post
    siracuse or the schytians can make for a very challanging game there´s also the illergetes around emporium or the tartessians from southern hispania

    or the magnificent irish should also make for a nice novelty campaign (use the aedui or the arverni for this one to get acess to the great ships or armorica )

    another steppe faction can be the kwarzarian with more enphasis on heavy cavalry and litle bit less on horse archers for historical acuracy (requires confirmation)

    in africa one of the numidian tribes was left out

    there´s the kingdom of axum with their elephants or meroe (ethiopia and sudam )
    or ofc the most challanging campaign the garamantines who had a trade empire across the sahara (fezzah region of lybia nowadays) but this last one might require sine tweaking on the trade since they had acess to large amounts of salt gold ivory wich they traded for grain spices or trinkets with the ptolemaioi kart hadast or the red sea merchants so

    there´s plenty of migration campaigns available some more worthy or requiring of tweaking then others (and i haven´t even mention the 4 great belgic tribes or the bituriges or the aquitani/basque with their solduros and basque heavy infantry if they could be melded into 1 faction )
    You're right, there are plenty of options in general, but I only like playing Hellenistic factions (the core Greek roster is just awesome), so Syracuse or Emporion are the only ones of those which would appeal.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  8. #368
    HopeLess From Humanity a World Member Empire*Of*Media's Avatar
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    Default Re: Six down- four to go to!!: 4 faction slots left

    There will be No Parthia/Pahlavan ?!?!

  9. #369

    Default Re: Six down- four to go to!!: 4 faction slots left

    Of course there will be Parthia, what makes you think that there won't?
    Lets play Divide et Impera, Ptolemy Campaign. Link to full playlist down below!

  10. #370
    HopeLess From Humanity a World Member Empire*Of*Media's Avatar
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    Default Re: Six down- four to go to!!: 4 faction slots left

    well it was not in the first page i searched!!
    i was surprised too!

    so its great to play a faction to an empire in EB II !!

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