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Thread: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

  1. #61
    Speaker of Truth Senior Member Moros's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by SoFarSoGood View Post
    Sorry but the amount the historical detail needed to do EB 1(.2) was NEVER going to be a 'commercial hit' as it were. For sure it's a better game by miles and historically alot closer to realism but by going into such detail (which is fine for wierdos like me) you alienate the mass market
    Don't apologize, I think most if not all EB members agree with this.

  2. #62
    Member Member aristotlol's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I hope the EB2 team realizes the potential boon to the initial player base of their mod an imminent R2TW release could have. Get workin' for that Q1 2013 release, boys!

    As for moddability, I believe it was stated by someone of some consequence that they were really hoping to get some moddability into this one... or something to that effect...

  3. #63
    Speaker of Truth Senior Member Moros's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by aristotlol View Post
    I hope the EB2 team realizes the potential boon to the initial player base of their mod an imminent R2TW release could have. Get workin' for that Q1 2013 release, boys!

    As for moddability, I believe it was stated by someone of some consequence that they were really hoping to get some moddability into this one... or something to that effect...
    Check this thread:

  4. #64

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    By the way, any plans for the generic settlements in europa barbarorum 2? If you have some, I hope the gallic ones won't look like a pathetic bunch of dirt houses put together behind a dirty wall.
    So any plans? Will you make their cities as epic as the other civs?

  5. #65

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Long term we'd like to do full blown custom settlements but it is low priority work so probably not for the first release or so.
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  6. #66

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I don’t think we’ll see a game which is beyond the pale of acceptable historical inaccuracy. We all have to accept inaccuracy to a certain degree, flaming swine aside. Someone in this thread claimed STW 2 was accurate enough, and in turn, was hopeful RTW2 would deliver similar results. The most strident historian-gamers were not satisfied with the units in STW2. But I agree that STW 2 was accurate enough. It wasn’t so benighted of historical reference that it felt like a fantasy game. The ninja units on the field felt like a terrible idea to me, so I never made them. However, it’s not as bad as flaming pigs or head hurlers, and people can MOD them out of the game entirely without impacting anything.

    At any rate, modelers can revamp anything they feel is unacceptable. What distinguished EB from other modification was the scripting. And this time around, we are promised more experience outside the battlefield. Keeping Generals alive means something in RTw2. So I have high hopes for this game.

    I'm less worried about flaming swine and much more concerned with alliance, trade, economic regional hegemony/co-prosperity. I realize this game is called total war, but there is something to be said about balancing an economy and in turn raising an army to expand it. I would like to see more thought given to these aspects of the game.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Just thought I'd mention here how the work here on EB2 is under no threat from RTW 2. All seemed to be going well until the fourth faction was revealed....The Iceni. Not only, as made clear in the EB2 Pritannoi preview, is it unknown whether such a tribe existed during the third century BC but also that the talk is of them possibly uniting the Britons and, perhaps even the Iberian and Gaulish Celts.....

    It mentions them being in conflict with their 'neighbours' the Atrebates...... All because of Boudicca, no doubt, but what power did the Iceni really have. As one of the earliest Roman allies one might suggest that it was their powerlessness that identifies them at the time of the first Roman incursions into the British Isles. So, uniting the Britons, let alone the Gauls and Iberians, seems a little.... far fetched?

    As far as historical authenticity goes EB2 has it hands down. I'm optimistic, from what I've read, that the diplomatic/political situation will also be much better represented by EB2.

    In short, I wouldn't care if EB2 came after RTW 2 (of course, I hope it doesn't ) it would be the game of choice for me. The previews alone have been works of art.

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  8. #68
    Member Member Ptolemaios's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I don´t think there is much known about them before Ceasar came to Britain. Even the coins which were found are dated around 10 BC. But I´m no expert by any means. I agree with you, it all seems to be Boudicca centered, unfortunatly. I´m anticipating EB2 much more than Rome2, and I think I´m not allone with this. Pretty Graphics are fine, but EB has a lot more to offer than that.

  9. #69

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Given the size of the map, there will simply be too few factions in RTW2 to represent the period semi-accurately. I guess that more factions will be added in the expansions and/or DLCs. After all, people love new factions, so why not make them pay more for them? ;)

  10. #70

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    IMHO, the perfect timing for the EB team would be to release EB 2 before or shortly after CA releases the mod tools for R2TW, which they already stated they would not do at the release of the game. Which means there is still at least one year. I hope and believe this can be done now, since the team seems to have had a boost from the recent addition of some talented scripters. This is not because I anticipate R2TW more than EB 2, I will probably play EB 2 more, but because I hope the EB team will be able to profit from an influx of motivated modders at that time.

    But I know this is all very premature, since we are all eagerly awaiting EB 2 (which will be awesome), we don't know how moddable R2TW will be, how the game will work, if it will be possible to add more factions in a mod, etc. Just stating that I would love to profit from both improved AI/pretty graphics/new system AND the historicity of EB 2. But as I stated on the R2TW site after they announced the Iceni: we will have to wait for EB 3 to be able to enjoy the game, IF the team ever chooses to pursue this option. Which is of course not to be taken for granted.
    Last edited by Ailfertes; 02-07-2013 at 11:16.

  11. #71
    iudex thervingiorum Member athanaric's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaius Sempronius Gracchus View Post
    Just thought I'd mention here how the work here on EB2 is under no threat from RTW 2. All seemed to be going well until the fourth faction was revealed....The Iceni. Not only, as made clear in the EB2 Pritannoi preview, is it unknown whether such a tribe existed during the third century BC but also that the talk is of them possibly uniting the Britons and, perhaps even the Iberian and Gaulish Celts.....

    It mentions them being in conflict with their 'neighbours' the Atrebates...... All because of Boudicca, no doubt, but what power did the Iceni really have. As one of the earliest Roman allies one might suggest that it was their powerlessness that identifies them at the time of the first Roman incursions into the British Isles. So, uniting the Britons, let alone the Gauls and Iberians, seems a little.... far fetched?
    Also, like I said elsewhere, if the Iceni, why not the Jews? Or some other random tribe that staged an anti-Roman rebellion once (at least we know where the Jews were in 270 BC). I see the point of adding a British faction with chariots and because of the position on the map, but there would have been better choices, given the time frame.

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  12. #72
    Member Member Ptolemaios's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I just saw that there will only be 8 factions for the first release of RTW2 (not includig the differentt families/factions for Rome and Carthage). I guess there will be some DLC factions later on, but I don´t think it will be more than the 20 or so factions of RTW1, which is kind of disappointing. Yet another reason to prefer EBII.

  13. #73
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Ptolemaios View Post
    I just saw that there will only be 8 factions for the first release of RTW2 (not includig the differentt families/factions for Rome and Carthage). I guess there will be some DLC factions later on, but I don´t think it will be more than the 20 or so factions of RTW1, which is kind of disappointing. Yet another reason to prefer EBII.

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  14. #74
    Member Member Ptolemaios's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Well, yes.. I figure paying once won´t be enough...

  15. #75
    Member Member kambiz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Is there any chance for EBII to be finished before ROMEII???

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  16. #76
    Member Member Vilkku92's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by kambiz View Post
    Is there any chance for EBII to be finished before ROMEII???
    That depends. How many DLC's are they planning for Rome 2?

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  17. #77
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Ptolemaios View Post
    Well, yes.. I figure paying once won´t be enough...

    that's not my problem--as dumb as it can get at times, and as overpriced they (and often, the games) are*. The problem is what it says about the game, about the developers--not all of them, but certainly some of the more famous examples. Bear in mind, my experience with DLC's comes from ME2 and ME3, as well as ETW and NTW: those were the only ones I've regularly downloaded DLC's (though I have for about two dozen games now, usually on behalf of my brother, but I digress).

    But from what I've seen, half the time DLC's are there to fix or cover up the blatant sloppiness of the developers--be it the whole staff, or just one section of it (notably the story writers for the ME 2 and ME 3 games). If these DLC's are there to essentially complete the story, or flesh out the world in question, or yet add to a unit roster of a faction (or attempt to "fix" it), then maybe they shouldn't have rushed the development, and instead, you know, just finish the game properly, with that stuff already in there? so what if it's late and perhaps costs a little more? as long as it's not like Duke Nukem forever and takes....forever, we can wait a few extra months for a video game. As it is, the DLC's in some cases further detract from the experience: take the ones that attempted to fix ME3's ending for example, or to provide ME2 with an actual plot. in ETW and NTW's cases, it simply gave us largely redundant units--at least IMO, and have the added problem that they limit or make difficult the modding of the non-hardcoded parts.

    bear in mind, patches I have no problem with, as their purpose is not quite the same as those of many DLC's. patches tend to deal with hard-coded issues typically, which are oft unavoidable. they also tend to be free, so if it makes things worse, at least it didn't also burn a hole in your pocket in the process.
    Last edited by Ibrahim; 02-23-2013 at 03:19.
    I was once alive, but then a girl came and took out my ticker.

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    "We have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if we put the belonging to, in the I don't know what, all gas lines will explode " -alBernameg

  18. #78

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    IMO DLCs should be mini-expansions with exciting new stuff and not things which should have been included in the original game or some useless, overpriced gimmicks. I won't even mention Day 1 DLCs (*cough* Prothean DLC *cough*), which are obvious disasters.

    It looks like RTW2 will have way too few factions on the release day, which is rather disappointing and means that we will most likely get several faction DLCs...

  19. #79
    green thingy Member the tokai's Avatar
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    over here you silly

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    To be fair, if you count the three Roman families as one faction (which you should), I believe the original RTW only had nine playable factions (only one more than we think Rome 2 will have). And it's still entirely possible that we will be able to unlock the other factions through editing a text file.
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  20. #80
    EB on ALX player Member ziegenpeter's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Moros View Post
    Don't apologize, I think most if not all EB members agree with this.
    I dont get why you keep telling this to yourselves. Its almost like you want to preemtively explain why your game wont "hit the masses", and thus hindering it of doing so. I dont think that a higher level of historical accuracy keeps people away from playing a game! It might be that if you spend a lot of your resources (time) on accuracy, you end up with a game that is less convincing in other areas (graphics, gameplay etc) but IMO this doesnt apply to EB.
    So stop clinging to your undergroung/no mainstream status like a bunch of hipster musicians and be proud and loud about your product (yeah, I said "product")

    Quote Originally Posted by the tokai View Post
    To be fair, if you count the three Roman families as one faction (which you should), I believe the original RTW only had nine playable factions (only one more than we think Rome 2 will have). And it's still entirely possible that we will be able to unlock the other factions through editing a text file.
    Well for now its looks like you have a decent amount of starting factions:
    and pontos being a day1 FREE dlc has afaik to with some programming/realease logistics issues. I'm ok with that, as long there wont be a million 10$dlcs and most faction will be unlockable.
    But I think I'll wait anyways until the game isnt full price anymore, that way you can get all the dlc in soem kind of "Gold edition"
    Last edited by ziegenpeter; 04-30-2013 at 10:05.

    "A wise man once said: Never buy a game full price!"
    - Another wise man

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  21. #81
    Speaker of Truth Senior Member Moros's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Ibrahim View Post
    that's not my problem--as dumb as it can get at times, and as overpriced they (and often, the games) are*. The problem is what it says about the game, about the developers--not all of them, but certainly some of the more famous examples. Bear in mind, my experience with DLC's comes from ME2 and ME3, as well as ETW and NTW: those were the only ones I've regularly downloaded DLC's (though I have for about two dozen games now, usually on behalf of my brother, but I digress).

    But from what I've seen, half the time DLC's are there to fix or cover up the blatant sloppiness of the developers--be it the whole staff, or just one section of it (notably the story writers for the ME 2 and ME 3 games)..
    I enjoyed taking down the shadow broker.

    I dont get why you keep telling this to yourselves. Its almost like you want to preemtively explain why your game wont "hit the masses", and thus hindering it of doing so. I dont think that a higher level of historical accuracy keeps people away from playing a game! It might be that if you spend a lot of your resources (time) on accuracy, you end up with a game that is less convincing in other areas (graphics, gameplay etc) but IMO this doesnt apply to EB.
    So stop clinging to your undergroung/no mainstream status like a bunch of hipster musicians and be proud and loud about your product (yeah, I said "product")
    I didn't at first, but after so many years it gets the better of you. Sadly thanks to very enlightened forum posts.

  22. #82
    Member Member Rovert's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    With RTW2 you will get what you did with RTW1 , new battles , half ass campaign that will be easy playable for fans of games similar to Civilization or what have you. But they also have to appeal to fans of mods because I haven't bought a TW game since MTW2.

  23. #83
    Member Member Trax's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    The only reason I bought RTW was to play EB.
    The only reason I bought MTW2 was to play EBII one day.

    Unless there's going to be EBIII requiring RTW2 there is no chance that I'll buy RTW2

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  24. #84
    Member Member King Philip II's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    I'm curious about R2TW and excited about EBII

  25. #85

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    i will wait a while until i buy rtw2 first i wanna see how people react to them every game i´ve bought due to the hype of the moment over it have always disapointed me (except for rtw but even that one i waited 1 year beteween the release date and the actual buying of it )

  26. #86
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Trax View Post
    The only reason I bought MTW2 was to play EBII one day.
    Same here.
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  27. #87

    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Trax View Post
    The only reason I bought RTW was to play EB.
    The only reason I bought MTW2 was to play EBII one day.

    Unless there's going to be EBIII requiring RTW2 there is no chance that I'll buy RTW2
    That pretty much sums it up for me..

  28. #88
    That's "Chopper" to you, bub. Member DaciaJC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Trax View Post
    The only reason I bought MTW2 was to play EBII one day.
    Yup. Not to say Medieval II is a bad game, but if it wasn't for the prospect of EBII, I probably wouldn't have bothered buying it.
    + =

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  29. #89
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by DaciaJC View Post
    Yup. Not to say Medieval II is a bad game, but if it wasn't for the prospect of EBII, I probably wouldn't have bothered buying it.
    No it's not a bad game and I'm going to play some mods while waiting for EB.

    As a matter of fact it's probably a better game than RTW because the AI isn't completely braindead.

  30. #90
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rome 2 Total War and Europa Barbarorum

    Quote Originally Posted by Moros View Post
    I enjoyed taking down the shadow broker.
    well, that's actually part of the problem:

    see, the shadow broker DLC, just makes the rest of the game look even more like a disaster, because of just how well executed the plot is for that one section (which yes, does have a plot), unlike the rest of the game, which has none.

    so why not just make the shadow broker takeout the main game instead?
    I was once alive, but then a girl came and took out my ticker.

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