A Swedish newspaper just wrote about the reception of Todd Akins quote on women, rapes and duck anatomics.

According to that survey, 49% thought he should drop out, 28% think he should go on... So far so good, that is statistics I can accept.

However, 8% of the US population actually agreed with Akins. Now that SCARES me. Not only have they heard something and assumed it was true, they must have heard something, assumed it was true, and then 8 out of every 100 people completely missed the backlash.

THAT is what scares me. Not that people assume things they hear from politicians are true, but that they are completely unaware when a whole damn world backlash against it, the overwhelmingly vast majority of their own population as well.

So why did I jab at republicans in my title then?

Well, according to the same source, not 8%, but 13% of republican voters agree with Todd Akins.

Logically for me, that must mean that the notion that Todd Akin might be right is way-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y stronger in the republican line than in the democratic line.

This is not the first time I hear about reality disagreements between the US political blocks... I recall some old poll from some year after the second Saddam war where a STUPID amount of republican voters believed they had found WMD in Iraq, and that Saddam had ties to OBL.

So I wonder... When it comes to factual things, that anyone can prove... How come that American Republicans seem to be way more out of sync with what the world at large believe is "true", than democratic voters?

Are the republican news channels bad at news reporting, or is the somewhat more disturbing notion more true, that the republican channels do propaganda?