Anyone else out there playing Monaco?

I got it because one of my friends thought it looked good and wanted to play the MP with someone. So far, I'm not really that into it. I know it's gotten good press, but it doesn't seem that fun to me. The stealth is rather weak: the guards forget about you entirely 5 seconds after you get out of their sight. I know it's not a stealth game, but if the stealth isn't much fun, what else does it offer? Action? Not at all. There's basically none of that. Puzzle solving? Not really. Role playing? No. Atmosphere? Well, if you're pulling a heist, it's not much of a heist if no one is really coordinating to try and stop you. If the guards don't give a damn if I've tried to break into whatever they're protecting like 5 times, that dimension of it also loses interest.

It seems to me like it's mostly just roaming the maps looking for the coins. I guess if you're into, then that's cool, and it does have a neat visual style. For ten dollars, it's pretty okay. But people seem to really love this game. Why is that? I feel like I'm either missing someone or everyone else is crazy.