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Thread: Advice for best screenshots, please

  1. #1

    Default Advice for best screenshots, please

    Having taken many, many screenshots in my MTW career -- usually with the F2 function or else print screen and paste -- I'm wondering what are the optimal settings/programs to take excellent MTW screens?

    Is it worth using command lines such as the -ian switch for zooming in?

    Please advise!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Advice for best screenshots, please

    "Aha! Something interesting to discuss in the MTW-section!"

    Photoshop is without question my best friend/tool in editing
    screens... I don't use much else...

    - A

  3. #3
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Advice for best screenshots, please

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyprian2 View Post
    Having taken many, many screenshots in my MTW career -- usually with the F2 function or else print screen and paste -- I'm wondering what are the optimal settings/programs to take excellent MTW screens?
    I think F2 is enough (images look 1:1 that I see in game) but I occasionally use Fraps too. It can take screens in bmp, jpg and png formats.
    Image editing is another story. PS is surely the best but there are a lot of free editors with enough functionality for simple tasks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyprian2 View Post
    Is it worth using command lines such as the -ian switch for zooming in?

    Please advise!
    It's up to you. You want the whole battle on one screen? You go -ian and zoom out. IMO zooming in is rarely a good idea due to the low resolution sprites and textures.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Advice for best screenshots, please

    Quote Originally Posted by Axalon View Post
    "Aha! Something interesting to discuss in the MTW-section!"

    Photoshop is without question my best friend/tool in editing
    screens... I don't use much else...
    Thanks, A. Yeah, I just installed photoshop, so I'll be using it in future rather than just Paint.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
    I think F2 is enough (images look 1:1 that I see in game) but I occasionally use Fraps too. It can take screens in bmp, jpg and png formats.
    It's up to you. You want the whole battle on one screen? You go -ian and zoom out. IMO zooming in is rarely a good idea due to the low resolution sprites and textures.
    Thanks, Stazi. For some reason, I am partial to PNG, though it may not be the best for posting on forums. I don't have Fraps, so maybe I should look into it. Irfanview is a great tool for converting photo files -- you get to choose from about a dozen, but I have no idea what half of them are.

    -ian certainly does some neat things. Closeup can look good, or really sloppy, depending. Of course, the graphics in MTW were never intended for total zoom... But I might play around with it anyway to see if I can get some neat effects.

    Thanks again, guys, for your input.


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