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Thread: responding to common objections to bible part 7

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    Default responding to common objections to bible part 7

    a series responding to the most common objections to Christianity.

    How could a loving god send people to Hell?

    What about those who die without ever hearing about Jesus?

    does the bible allow slavery?-why is there death and suffering if god is all loving?/the reason for the gospel-does the bible command rape? was rape allowed?-why does god not show himself today?-has the bible been translated accurately?.

    Did Jesus claim to be divine?does the bible teach he was god?did man or the councils create Jesus's divinity after he died?-conquest of Canaan, did god order genocide? did god order the killings of entire towns? did god order the killings of woman and children?did god order the death of innocent life?. What was the reason for judgment on the Canaanites?- Did god harden Pharaoh heart? only to punish him for it?.

    Sins of the fathers punish the children? are children or later generations punished for the sins of the fathers?-OT death penalty laws-What about the crusades,witch trials,inquisitions and other “crimes” of Christians throughout history-God sent plagues,even ones that killed babies such as the ten plagues of Egypt.How could a loving god do that.

    Did god create evil? Isiah 45.7-was the bible influenced by other local religions? -Was Jesus a real human that lived in time-space?.-woman in bible

    part 7

    what is the meaning of eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth found in exodus 21? isen't this opposite of love your enemy as jesus said?.

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    eye for eye tooth for tooth found in exodus 21 23-25, than read v 26-27 it never taken as literal retaliation, but compensation for loss and penalty cannot exceed punishment.

    the bible has always taught to love your enemies.

    Do not say, “I’ll do to them as they have done to me;
    I’ll pay them back for what they did.” Proverbs 24.29

    “If you come across your enemy’s ox or donkey wandering off, be sure to return it. 5 If you see the donkey of someone who hates you fallen down under its load, do not leave it there; be sure you help them with it.
    exodus 23.4

    Why the bible's god over any other? is believing in god like believing in Santa or a flying spaghetti monster?

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    There can only be one truth, multiple gods cannot be true, assuming there is a god, only one can be true.

    why Christianity over any other god?
    There is only one creation account that has the support/backing of thousands of PHD scientist around the world, genesis. There is only one book world known for prophecy, the bible. The god of the bible has spoken to man and communicated through written word. The bible is a record of historical events, consistency supported by archeology. The bible has changed billions of lives, what other deity has done so?. Eye witness accounts of even enemies, record Jesus as a miracle worker. Also as the bible says somehow who raised from the dead, all other religious leader to have ever lived, can be found in graves were they died, jesus cannot.

    Bible is what god did for us, not what we can do for god [all other religions work based].
    All other belief systems say do enough good works to get to haven,give enough money,pray enough help enough old ladies across the street,don’t do this,don’t do that etc etc to get to haven. Christianity teaches no matter what you do you get to haven, you will never be as good as god[ perfect] you cant enter a perfect gods holiness and haven unless you have no sin. So here is what god did for you because he loves you,as a free gift of grace to openly revive haven. It is about what god did for us, not what we can do for god.

    the creation of the universe must be# non material because if it was material it would be subject to decay like all material, so the creator must be nonmaterial, spiritual and eternal psalm 90.2 these are biblical ideas of god.

    genesis is only true account of creation
    Genesis 1:1

    1:1 created. No other cosmogony, whether in ancient paganism or modern naturalism, even mentions the absolute origin of the universe. All begin with the space/time/matter universe, already existing in a primeval state of chaos, then attempt to speculate how it might have “evolved” into its present form. Modern evolutionism begins with elementary particles of matter evolving out of nothing in a “big bang” and then developing through natural forces into complex systems. Pagan pantheism also begins with elementary matter in various forms evolving into complex systems by the forces of nature personified as different gods and goddesses. But, very significantly, the concept of the special creation of the universe of space and time itself is found nowhere in all religion or philosophy, ancient or modern, except here in Genesis 1:1.

    Appropriately, therefore, this verse records the creation of space (“the heaven”), of time (“in the beginning”), and of matter (“the earth”), the Tri-universe, the space/time/matter continuum which constitutes our physical cosmos. The Creator of this tri-universe is the triune God, Elohim, the uni-plural Old Testament name for the divine “Godhead,” a name which is plural in form (with its Hebrew “im” ending) but commonly singular in meaning.
    The existence of a transcendent Creator and the necessity of a primeval special creation of the universe is confirmed by the most basic principles of nature discovered by scientists:
    (1) The law of causality, that no effect can be greater than its cause, is basic in all scientific investigation and human experience. A universe comprising an array of intelligible and complex effects, including living systems and conscious personalities, is itself proof of an intelligent, complex, living, conscious Person as its Cause;
    (2) The laws of thermodynamics are the most universal and best-proved generalizations of science, applicable to every process and system of any kind, the First Law stating that no matter/energy is now being created or destroyed, and the Second Law stating that all existing matter/energy is proceeding irreversibly toward ultimate equilibrium and cessation of all processes. Since this eventual death of the universe has not yet occurred and since it will occur in time, if these processes continue, the Second Law proves that time (and, therefore, the space/matter/time universe) had a beginning. The universe must have been created, but the First Law precludes the possibility of its self-creation. The only resolution of the dilemma posed by the First and Second Laws is that “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The so-called big bang theory of the origin of the cosmos, postulating a primeval explosion of the space/mass/time continuum at the start, beginning with a state of nothingness and then rapidly expanding into the present complex universe, contradicts both these basic laws

    Henry M. Morris is Director of the Institute for Creation Research, as well as the Academic Vice-President of Christian Heritage College. He received his Ph.D. in hydraulics, with minors in geology and mathematics. He has spent thirty years in education and research, including thirteen years as Professor of Hydraulic Engineering and Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He is also President of the Creation Research Society.

    Genesis is only creation account to explain the fossil record [Noah flood].

    bible is only religion that can explain death and suffering
    number 4

    I could never myself believe in God, if it were not for the cross. #The only God I believe in is the One Nietzsche ridiculed as “God on the cross.” #In the real world of pain, how could one worship a God who was immune to it? #I have entered many Buddhist temples in different Asian countries and stood respectfully before the statue of the Buddha, his legs crossed, arms folded, eyes closed, the ghost of a smile playing round his mouth, a remote look on his face, detached from the agonies of the world. #But each time after a while I have had to turn away. #And in imagination I have turned instead to that lonely, twisted, tortured figure on the cross, nails through hands and feet, back lacerated, limbs wrenched, brow bleeding from thorn-pricks, mouth dry and intolerably thirsty, plunged in Godforsaken darkness. #That is the God for me! #He laid aside his immunity to pain. #He entered our world of flesh and blood, tears and death. #He suffered for us. #Our sufferings become more manageable in the light of his. #There is still a question mark against human suffering, but over it we boldly stamp another mark, the cross that symbolizes divine suffering. #”The cross of Christ . . . is God’s only self-justification in such a world” as ours. . . . “The other gods were strong; but thou wast weak; they rode, but thou didst stumble to a throne; But to our wounds only God’s wounds can speak, And not a god has wounds, but thou alone.”
    John Stott,#The Cross of Christ p 235-236

    The bible/jesus are different in theology and many other aspects than any and all other beliefs.

    bible is true history, confirmed by archaeology over and over.Confirming people,places and event throughout its history

    I claim to be an historian. My approach to Classics is historical. And I tell you that the evidence for the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ is better authenticated than most of the facts of ancient history . . .
    E. M. Blaiklock#Professor of Classics#Auckland University

    debates on subject of historical Jesus resurrection.

    "I know of no finding in archeology that’s properly confirmed which is in opposition to the Scriptures. The Bible is the most accurate history textbook the world has ever seen."
    Dr Clifford Wilson, formerly director of the Australian Institute of Archaeology, being interviewed by radio by the Institute for Creation Research (ICR radio transcript No. 0279–1004Dr. Clifford Wilson His Ph.D. is from the University of South Carolina, and included ‘A’s for field work in archaeology undertaken In association with Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem.

    There exists no document from the ancient world, witnessed by so excellent a set of textual and historical testimonies . . . Skepticism regarding the historical credentials of Christianity is based upon an irrational bias.
    Clark PinnockMcmaster University

    "Through the wealth of data uncovered by historical and archaeological research, we are able to measure the Bible's historical accuracy. In every case where its claims can thus be tested, the Bible proves to be accurate and reliable."
    - Dr. Jack Cottrell, The Authority of the Bible (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979), pp. 48-49.

    "In every instance where the findings of archaeology pertain to the Biblical record, the archaeological evidence confirms, sometimes in detailed fashion, the historical accuracy of Scripture. In those instances where the archaeological findings seem to be at variance with the Bible, the discrepancy lies with the archaeological evidence, i.e., improper interpretation, lack of evidence, etc. -- not with the Bible."
    - Dr. Bryant C. Wood, archaeologist, Associates for Biblical Research

    "It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference. Scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or exact detail historical statements in the Bible. And, by the same token, proper evaluation of Biblical description has often led to amazing discoveries."
    - Dr. Nelson Glueck, Rivers in the Desert, (New York: Farrar, Strous and Cudahy, 1959), 136.

    "Archaeology has confirmed countless passages which have been rejected by critics as unhistorical or contradictory to known facts......Yet archaeological discoveries have shown that these critical charges.....are wrong and that the Bible is trustworthy in the very statements which have been set aside as untrustworthy.....We do not know of any cases where the Bible has been proved wrong." -
    Dr. Joseph P. Free, Archaeology and Bible History. Scripture Press, Wheaton, IL, 1969, pg. 1

    "The reader may rest assured that nothing has been found [by archaeologists] to disturb a reasonable faith, and nothing has been discovered which can disprove a single theological doctrine. We no longer trouble ourselves with attempts to 'harmonize' religion and science, or to 'prove' the Bible. The Bible can stand for itself." -
    Dr. William F. Albright, eminent archeologist who confirmed the authenticity of the Dead Sea Scrolls following their discovery

    "There can be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of Old Testament tradition." -
    Dr. William F. Albright, Archaeology and the Religions of Israel. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1956, p. 176.

    "On the whole, however, archaeological work has unquestionably strengthened confidence in the reliability of the Scriptural record. More than one archaeologist has found his respect for the Bible increased by the experience of excavation in Palestine....Archaeology has in many cases refuted the views of modern critics. It has shown, in a number of instances, that these views rest on false assumptions and unreal, artificial schemes of historical development. This is a real contribution and not to be minimized." -
    Millar Burrows, Professor of Archaeology at Yale University, What Mean These Stones?, Meridian Books, New York, NY, 1956, p. 1

    "The excessive skepticism of many liberal theologians stems not from a careful evaluation of the available data, but from an enormous predisposition against the supernatural." -
    Professor Millar Burrows (Professor of Archaeology at Yale University), What Mean These Stones?, Meridian Books, New York, NY, 1956, p. 176.

    "It is therefore legitimate to say that, in respect of that part of the Old Testament against which the disintegrating criticism of the last half of the nineteenth century was chiefly directed, the evidence of archaeology has been to reestablish its authority and likewise to augment its value by rendering it more intelligible through a fuller knowledge of its background and setting. Archaeology has not yet said its last word, but the results already achieved confirm what faith would suggest – that the Bible can do nothing but gain from an increase in knowledge." -
    Sir Frederic Kenyon, a former director of the British Museum, The Bible and Archaeology (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1940), page 279.

    "I set out to look for truth on the borderland where Greece and Asia meet, and found it there. You may press the words of Luke in a degree beyond any other historian's and they stand the keenest scrutiny and the hardest treatment." -
    Sir William Ramsey (eminent archaeologists who changed his mind regarding Luke after extensive study in the field), (1915), The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1975 reprint), page 89.

    Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements of facts trustworthy; he is possessed of the true historic sense...In short this author should be placed along with the very greatest of historians." -
    Sir William Ramsey (archaeologist), The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament, 1915, pages 81, 222

    The death/burial/Resurrection of Jesus was event in history.

    Luke Johnson, a New Testament scholar at Emory University,
    “Even the most critical historian can confidently assert that a Jew named Jesus worked as a teacher and wonder-worker in Palestine during the reign of Tiberius, was executed by crucifixion under the prefect Pontius Pilate and continued to have followers after his death”
    Luke Timothy Johnson,#The Real Jesus#(San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1996), p. 123.

    #"One of the most certain facts of history is that Jesus was crucified on orders of the Roman prefect of Judea, Pontius Pilate.”#
    atheist scholar #Bart Ehrman

    #Atheist New Testament scholar Gerd Lüdemann declares that “Jesus’ death as a consequence of crucifixion is indisputable.”#

    John Dominic Crossan, of the notoriously liberal Jesus Seminar, says that there is not the “slightest doubt about the fact of Jesus’ crucifixion under Pontius Pilate.” According to Crossan, “That he was crucified is as sure as anything historical can ever be.”#

    "I claim to be an historian. My approach to Classics is historical. And I tell you that the evidence for the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ is better authenticated than most of the facts of ancient history . . ."
    E. M. Blaiklock#Professor of Classics# Auckland University

    and that shortly after within a few years, it was common knowledge to believed he was raised from the dead

    Paul’s statement of the gospel in#1 Cor. 15#cites an ancient tradition dating back to only a few years after the event. Mark’s account of the empty tomb reflects the Aramaic, pointing to a very early source. Dr William Lane Craig gives much evidence for the reliability of the burial and empty tomb accounts
    Craig, W.,#Apologetics: An Introduction, Moody, Chicago, USA, Ch. 5.2, 1984, and lists at least 30 prominent scholars who agree


    Jesus was thought of even by enemies to be a healer and miracle worker.

    Prophecy only the bible out of any religious book, is known for its prophesy’s even by those of other religions admit to it. Multiple were fulfilled in the life of Jesus.

    21#“Present your case,” says the#Lord.
    ####“Set forth your arguments,” says Jacob’s King.
    22#“Tell us, you idols,
    what is going to happen.
    Tell us what the former things#were,
    so that we may consider them
    and know their final outcome.
    Or declare to us the things to come,
    23tell us what the future holds,
    so we may know#that you are gods.
    Do something, whether good or bad,
    ####so that we will be dismayed#and filled with fear.
    Isisah 41 21-23

    World Religions: What Makes Jesus Unique? Dr Ron carlson-bible written over thousands of years by kings,peasants men of all walks of life, yet describe one constant god throughout.

    Why your god over another?
    You see there is only one true God (Isaiah 44:6). He makes himself known to us through His Word, the Bible. However a lot of people have created their own gods which exist only in their imaginations—gods that allow them to live how they want, and they still get to a heaven in the end; gods who will look favourable upon them and their families and not punish their sin; gods who are not personal to them, but distant, and who don’t really bother much with them or affect their daily lives. However these ‘god’s are not real and have no power.
    Rather the Bible presents the one true God who, in His omnipotence, formed the universe by His command (Hebrews 11:3). He has no equal (Isaiah 40:21–31), and cannot be deceived or mocked as He knows all your ways (Galatians 6:7). He who wants to interact with the mind that he has given you in a fully intelligent way (Isaiah 1:18), and knowing that we could not save ourselves from our sin, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for our sins (John 3:16). I hope that you, “Stop trusting man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?” (Isaiah 2:22), “take refuge in the#Lord” (Psalm 118:8) and come to true repentance and knowledge of saving faith through Jesus Christ.
    Every blessing,

    since Christianity started,morality has been brought to a higher level around the world. Care for poor,elderly,other races,classes forgiveness,putting others before self etc. Just compare the bible to Koran as far as morality goes.

    Only a biblical worldview is internally constant and can make sense of the world around us and our presuppositions that everyone [even atheist] assume to be true.

    The ultimate proof of creation 3 part

    change in my life and billions of others
    Jesus has the ability to change a life comepletley around, not just religion going to church etc but a change of heart, not even a good felling,but a change of heart.

    I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone#and give you a heart of flesh.
    Ezekiel 36:26

    The bible is the best sold book ever, it is not even close,. Its the best most influential book ever written.

    flying spaghetti monster comparison.
    First I will ask what makes the evolutionary fairy tale better than a flying spaghetti monster?. At least he has not been disproved scientifically yet, as your religions origins of life has been for about 200 years know. I dont think it would have to break quit as many scientific laws to be true. but I do question this spaghetti monster. Why did he not communicate until know if he is creator? 2,000 ad. I ask this of Muslims, why did god not give accurate info until Muhammad in 600 ad. But your is worse its 2000 ad for the spaghetti to speak. Also how can a material creator create the world? if it is material it will decay that is a scientific law. It will decay away, so it cant be eternal, but it has to be eternal to create or it was created itself. Therefore a material thing cannot be the creator. It has to be non-material and eternal.

    Santa vs god
    -evolutionist/atheist have no problem with believing in unobserved, for example they believe in unobserved matter coming alive life from non life that is unobserved and scientifically disproved.
    -car when you see a car you conclude a designed even if you have never seen the unobserved designer. Biological systems are far more complex than vehicles.
    -Santa can be shown to be false, demonstrably so.
    -Because one unobserved thing is false [Santa] does not make another unobserved thing false.
    -evolution use to say we had multiple [120] vestibular structures,we know have info that they are not, that does not make evolution false.
    -assuming their was no evidence for god,that does not disprove his existence,especially if their I reason for this.
    -what positive evidence is their to prove /observed atheism?

    Does god hate eunuchs?

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    For this is what the#Lord#says:
    “To the eunuchs#who keep my Sabbaths,
    who choose what pleases me
    and hold fast to my covenant—
    5#to them I will give within my temple and its walls
    a memorial and a name
    better than sons and daughters;
    I will give them an everlasting name
    that will endure forever.
    6 And foreigners#who bind themselves to the#Lord
    to minister to him,
    to love the name of theLord,
    and to be his servants,
    all who keep the Sabbath#without desecrating it
    and who hold fast to my covenant—
    Isiah 56 4-5

    Moabites cant enter assembly of god?

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    I take this to mean any person of the religion [not people group] can enter, those that practice child sacrifice and other things that are a abomination to god [conquest of Canaan thread].

    Ruth was moabite book of ruth.

    God loves the foreign resident and Israel is commanded to do the same
    Deuteronomy 10.18-19

    Korah rebellion from numbers 16 did god kill children unjustly? [no children were killed] Off topic but this is were JRR Tolkien got the idea for the end of return of the king when the land swallowed up the evil [orcs etc] at the black gate.

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    thank you for contacting Answers in Genesis.The word Sheol appears 65 times in the O.T. 31 times it means "the grave"; 31 times it means the "abode of the dead, both wicked and righteous) and 3 times it means simply a "dug out pit". There are also four other Hebrew words besides Sheol that are translated as "the pit" and none of those mean "hell". So there are two ways to look at these verses in Numbers 16.

    The first is that they are refering to physical death only. This makes sense in light of the even split between Sheol referring to the grave as much as hell in the O.T. It also makes sense in light of the phrase at the end of verse 33 (they perished from the assembly). and from Moses' own statement in verses 28-29
    28-29 "And Moses said: "By this you shall know that the LORD has sent me to do all these works, for I have not done them of my own will. "If these men die naturally like all men, or if they are visited by the common fate of all men, then the LORD has not sent me". Both of these statements refer to physical death (muwth and abad in the Hebrew meaning perish, die, be exterminated or executed). Plus, it is said in Scripture that the wicked dead will not have a body until the Great White Throne judgment in Rev. 20:5-14. These families would be exceptions to this statement if they were taken alive into Sheol/Hades the place of judgment. This is by far the stronger view, textually, linguistically and in accordance with other teachings of Scripture.

    The second position would be that these families were taken to Sheol/Hades alive. If this were the case, it would have to be an exception to the rule stated in Rev. 20. If this did occur, then your question about children needs to be addressed to some extent, but the answer is plain from Scripture and from Hebrew word study of Scripture. God is holy and just and will always do right (Gen. 18:25, Deut. 32:4,Ps. 99:5-9, Isa. 6:3). Plus as I will make the point below (in the last paragraph) it appears that the children didn't die at all (more on that later).
    Therefore whether we understand or not is moot, we can rest assured that God would not eternally destroy the righteous or the innocent with the wicked. We must also study the term used in Num. 16:27 for little children. The Hebrew word is "taph" and does not refer to infants, and doesn't seem to mean toddlers either. Most of the time it means daughters as opposed to sons, or boys younger than 13 but older than just walking age. Young male children (and toddlers in ggeneral) are often mentioned with the Hebrew word "yeled". It seems from usage then that this passage is probably referring to daughters and boys between 6 and 12. They probably had some knowledge of what was going on and so could have easily been "guilty" or at least non-innocent. Finally, even if this view is accepted, and they went alive into Sheol, it is quite possible that any "innocent" children could have gone to the righteous Sheol, while Korah and the other rebellious men and women went to the place of punishment Sheol/Hades (see Psalm 16 and Isa 38 verses and note below). Also keep in mind the following passage in Isaiah. Not all the times that a righteous person dies is it a judgment, more often it is as a mercy, so he doesn't become more wicked, or stays around to be vexed by it.
    Isa. 57:1 The righteous perishes, And no man takes it to heart; Merciful men are taken away, While no one considers That the righteous is taken away from evil.

    Num. 16:33 So they and all those with them went down alive into the pit [Sheol]; the earth closed over them, and they perished from among the assembly.

    Example of Sheol as also being for the righteous dead in the O.T.
    Ps 16:10 For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.
    Isa. 38:9-10 This is the writing of Hezekiah king of Judah, when he had been sick and had recovered from his sickness: I said, "In the prime of my life I shall go to the gates of Sheol; I am deprived of the remainder of my years."

    All the passages below are translated "the grave", but the Hebrew word is Sheol, the same as in Num. 16

    Gen. 37:35 And all his sons and all his daughters arose to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted, and he said, "For I shall go down into the grave to my son in mourning." Thus his father wept for him.
    1 Sam. 2:6 "The LORD kills and makes alive; He brings down to the grave and brings up.
    1 Kings 2:9 "Now therefore, do not hold him guiltless, for you are a wise man and know what you ought to do to him; but bring his gray hair down to the grave with blood."
    Job 21:13 They spend their days in wealth, And in a moment go down to the grave.
    Ps 6:5 For in death there is no remembrance of You; In the grave who will give You thanks?
    Ps 30:3 O LORD, You brought my soul up from the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit {Hebrew is bowr-meaning cistern}.
    Ps 49:14 Like sheep they are laid in the grave; Death shall feed on them; The upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; And their beauty shall be consumed in the grave, far from their dwelling.
    Ps 49:15 But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, For He shall receive me. Selah
    Ps 88:3 For my soul is full of troubles, And my life draws near to the grave.
    Ecc. 9:10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.
    Hos. 13:14 "I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death. O Death, I will be your plagues! O Grave, I will be your destruction! Pity is hidden from My eyes."

    But before I close, I want to make one more very important point. The children did not die. If you read the text carefully, you will see that it mentions the men and the households. So it is "assumed" that the children died too. In point of fact, they didn't.
    Read Number 26:9-11 The sons of Eliab were Nemuel, Dathan, and Abiram. These are the Dathan and Abiram, representatives of the congregation, who contended against Moses and Aaron in the company of Korah, when they contended against the LORD; and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up together with Korah when that company died, when the fire devoured two hundred and fifty men; and they became a sign. Nevertheless the children of Korah did not die. It appears from Scripture that any children younger than 13 (and possibly even older) did not die. Only the men and their wives did. Apparently sometime between while Moses was talking in Num. 16:29-30 and the ground opened up, other family members had come and pulled the children away from the tents and men involved in the rebellion.

    For later discussion on thread involving exodus look under spoiler.

    archaeology and the bible

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    some of the hundreds of finds confirming the bible

    archeological finds that confirms the bible

    for dozens of examples from NT and OT see
    The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict Fully Updated To Answer The Questions Challenging Christians Today
    by#Josh McDowell

    The Tel Dan Stele (900–850 BC)- house of david
    The Meesha Stele (846 BC]-mentions Omri, King of Israel, and David of the United Monarchy. It even refers to Yahweh, the unique name of the God of Israel
    The Nabonidus Cylinder (550 BC)
    mentioning his elder son, Belshazzar by name. Critics of the Bible had claimed for many years that the account in the book of Daniel was wrong; they said Belshazzar was never a king in Babylon and that Nabonidus was not his father.
    Caiaphas Ossuary
    twelve ossuaries, one of them being none other than that of Caiaphas, the high priest who presided at the trial of Jesus.#

    Pilate Dedication Stone
    read: “Tiberieum, (Pon)tius Pilatus, (Praef)ectus Iuda(eae).” Those scholars who questioned Pilate’s existence (and the gospel accounts generally) were silenced with this amazing discovery!

    Dr. Bryant Wood presented the evidence from eleven seasons of excavations at Khirbet el-Maqatir. No other site meets all the criteria necessary to be the Ai of Joshua 7-8

    Joshua ai ""93
    also bible and spade vol 24 no 1

    battle of Jericho ""89

    boghazkoy Hittite capital
    considered imaginary people invented by biblical authors, the find showed they were a real vast empire and the bible was correct.

    The city of Shechem found.-
    Confirming multiple bible passages about it.

    Many horned alters found
    bible speaks many times of these.

    The philistines and the temple of Rameses the third.
    Bible mentions these people many times.

    Dan isreals northern most city
    found to be Canaanite taken over by Israelite [judges 20.1]

    Megiddo city of war
    confirms 1 kings 4.12 9.15]

    josh 18 1 samuel 1-4

    shishak's invasion record [including Judah]
    confirming biblical account [ 1 kings 14 2 Chronicles 12]

    beth shemesh confirms both philistine and Israelite artifacts.
    1 samuel 6 12-15

    pool of gibeon
    2 Samuel 2.13 Jeremiah 41.12

    Gibeah,king sauls capital
    1 sam 10.26 11.4 15.34]

    1 kings 4.25

    capital of the northern kingdom of Israel
    1 kings 16.24

    Judges: Forgotten History
    dozens of confirmations from the book of judges

    ivory as decorations
    1 kings 10.18

    house of Yahweh ostraon
    oldest mention of solomons temple outside of the bible

    seals of Israels royal courts
    uzziah hoshea hezekiah solomon

    the moabite stone
    gen 19.37 2 kings 3

    The black obelisk of shalmaneser
    enemy of isreal depicts jehu king of isreal bowing down before him [2 kings 9-10]

    king uzziah's burial plaque
    2 chronicles 26

    the siloam tunnel inscription
    confirms 2 kings 20.20 2 chronicles 32.20

    the lachish reliefs Assyrian king sennacherib picture the fall of the judan fortress lachish in 701 bc.
    2 kings 18.13

    tomb of the Priestley hezir family
    1 chronicles 24.15 and Nehemiah 10.20

    silver amulets-from 600 b c found verses from numbers 6 24-26 inscribed.

    king solomons 10th century bc city
    what we have proof of is that there were kingdoms in the 10th century,”

    But what he found in Jordan was groundbreaking — thousands of tons of slag, a by-product of smelting ore, and different types of blowpipes. Using the process of radiocarbon dating, his team discovered there was industrial-scale metal production of copper precisely in 10th century BC.
    “It would have been like the Pittsburg of Palestine,” said Levy. ""&HYPERLINK ""view=articleHYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""id=HYPERLINK ""42912HYPERLINK "":claire-HYPERLINK ""harlin-writing-for-sdnewscomHYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""catid=HYPERLINK ""87HYPERLINK "":regional-newsHYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""Itemid=HYPERLINK ""89

    King Solomon's Wall Found—Proof of Bible Tale? ""2010HYPERLINK ""/HYPERLINK ""02HYPERLINK ""/HYPERLINK ""100226HYPERLINK ""-king-solomon-wall-jerusalem-bible/
    Archaeologists Return to 'King Solomon's Mines' of Biblical Edom
    In short, convincing evidence now supported the suggestion that a massive copper production facility had been operating at KEN during the 10th and 9th centuries B.C., a time period that up until now had been assumed by many scholars, in particular the minimalists, to predate by at least two centuries the emergence of the fully-developed kingdoms of ancient Edom and Israel ""2011HYPERLINK ""/article/archaeologists-return-to-king-solomon-s-mines-of-biblical-edom

    Biblical Samson Tale May Be Depicted on Ancient Seal

    a miniature Solomon Temple from 1000 BC means that the real Temple MUST HAVE EXISTED prior to the model. It does fits nicely with Ussher, who had Salomon starting his reign about 1015 BC, which would place the Temple up and running by 1004 BC:

    A monumental synagogue building dating to the Late Roman period has been discovered in archaeological excavations at Huqoq in the Galilee, which includes a mosaic depicting Samson... ""&HYPERLINK ""subj_id=240HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""id=1946HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""module_id=#as

    Archaeologists uncover evidence of early cultivation and crop storage throughout the Fertile Crescent.

    Jewish city of Shiloh, the first home of the Tabernacle, the portable sanctuary that for 369 years was the epicenter of religious observance and sacrifices as the Jewish people traveled in the desert.
    “People come to Shiloh because it was the first capital of the Jewish nation, it was a spiritual center where the Tabernacle -- housing the ark, the menorah (candelabra), the table, and everything needed to serve God) -- was sitting. This is where#

    "Hebrew speakers were controlling Jerusalem in the 10th century, which biblical chronology points to as the time of David and Solomon," ancient Near Eastern history and biblical studies expert Douglas Petrovich told
    "Whoever they were, they were writing in Hebrew like they owned the place," he said.

    Ophel inscription: oldest Hebrew writing corroborates Bible history

    King David-Era Palace Found in Israel, Archaeologists Say

    NT finds

    judge feels the prosecution failed to prove the “james” ossuary is fake.
    Nov 2010 the Jerusalem post christian edition p 17

    The Knucklebone of John the Baptist?
    A knucklebone claimed to be of John the Baptist has been dated as first century AD by Oxford researchers...

    #Now some of the Jews thought that the destruction of Herod's army came from God, and that very justly, as a punishment of what he did against John, that was called the Baptist: for Herod slew him, who was a good man, and commanded the Jews to exercise virtue, both as to righteousness towards one another, and piety towards God, and so to come to baptism; for that the washing [with water] would be acceptable to him, if they made use of it, not in order to the putting away [or the remission] of some sins [only], but for the purification of the body; supposing still that the soul was thoroughly purified beforehand by righteousness. Now when [many] others came in crowds about him, for they were very greatly moved [or pleased] by hearing his words, Herod, who feared lest the great influence John had over the people might put it into his power and inclination to raise a rebellion, (for they seemed ready to do any thing he should advise,) thought it best, by putting him to death, to prevent any mischief he might cause, and not bring himself into difficulties, by sparing a man who might make him repent of it when it would be too late. Accordingly he was sent a prisoner, out of Herod's suspicious temper, to Macherus, the castle I before mentioned, and was there put to death. Now the Jews had an opinion that the destruction of this army was sent as a punishment upon Herod, and a mark of God's displeasure to him.
    The Antiquities of the Jews/Book XVIII

    Towns found
    -betlehem,nazareth,bethsaidia,cana,peters house in capernaum,gergesa,bethany,tiberias,caesarea philippi,megiddo,decapolis,ephesus,thessalonica,antioch,phillippi,
    pontius pilate inscription
    the pool of bethesda in jurselem
    synagogue in capernaum [mark 1,3 luke 4 john 6]

    jacobs well near sychar

    caiaphas's family tomb-

    rolling stone tombs in isreal area, same kind that fits jesus description in matt 27,28 mk 15 16 luke 24

    herodium-king herods palace

    the galilee boat

    pilates praetorium

    herods temple

    “place of trumpeting temple inscription from jesus day
    matt 27 mk 15 john 18

    damascas “street called straight”
    acts 9

    the areopagus at athens
    acts 17

    the gallio inscription
    acts 18.12

    the bema at corinth
    acts 18

    the erastus inscription
    romans 16.23

    “god fearers” inscription in turkey
    acts 17 acts 13

    the seven churches of revaluations
    revaluations 11

    Objections to the bible including exodus

    Objections to bible archeology

    archeology studies things from thousands of years ago, you cannot find all items through history. The bible has been confirmed from many areas but not in all areas, as it was long ago.

    As the famous archeology saying goes

    “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”

    dozens of times it has been claimed that the bible was wrong do to lack of proof, only for future years and discoveries to prove them wrong. The bible skeptics attack the few areas that have yet to fill in, and ignore the confirmations.

    video totally destroying the jesus family tomb ""100

    documentary hypothesis ""2010HYPERLINK

    new technology is making the exodus filled in were it was not before, not until 90's was evidence starting to come in and continues to rapidly, supporting the biblical account, for future reports follow here

    The exodus-
    Israelite in egypt from the time of jacob site tell el dab'a
    rameses the city the jews lived in/land of goshen eastern delta
    escavations started in 1960's
    non Egyptian Asian/ modern Israel Syria.
    Pottery shows from sountern cannan-were jacob was from
    burial and town site fit jospeh/Israelite being buried there.
    Burial site contained bones of all dead but the one major tomb of important political leader [ex 13.19]

    the exodus from ramses 1446 B.C
    site-tell el dab'a ancient capital from time of moses 18th dynasty
    austrian team,traced path of nile- palace complex built right on nile, as the bible describes.
    Royal precinct found/royal capital- pharoh also had another royal palace in memphis at same time.
    located adjacent to the pelusiac branch of nile
    abandon at about the time of the exodus/atheist austrian team said most likely a plague. [Biektak and Forstner-muller, agypten und levante 15 [2005] 93 95
    Amenophis/amenhotep the second pharoah of exodus

    exodus rout
    reed sea turned north not south- ballah lakeancient [refereed to as reed sea] formally much larger, still reeds in it today.
    Fort migdol- mentioned in bible
    rout traced is correct, names,geography given etc.

    "We have published a number of articles that demonstrate an Asiatic presence in Egypt during the time of the Sojourn-Exodus period, consistent with the Biblical depiction.We are presently working on additional research in this area, which we hope to publish in the future. Meanwhile, here are some articles of interest:
    I hope this is helpful material.Thanks for your support of the ABR ministry.
    Henry B. Smith Jr.
    Director of Development
    Associates for Biblical Research

    Dr. Bryant Wood#presents evidence that refutes five criticisms of the Bible. Criticism #1: There is no evidence for the presence of the Israelites in Egypt. #2: There was no capital at Rameses for the Israelites to depart from. #3: There is no evidence for the route, date and nature of the Exodus. #4: Jericho was not occupied#when the Israelites entered Canaan.##5: The city of Ai recorded in Joshua 7-8 shows no evidence for destruction as the Bible records it.

    Criticism #6: The Philistines mentioned in Genesis are a fictitious anachronism. #7:#King David is a#legendary character#in the same vein as King Arthur. #8: Jerusalem was not the capital of Israel during the time of David. #9: There is no evidence#for a kingdom in Edom at the time of David. #10: Most, if not all, of Israel's#history as recorded in the Bible should not be accepted.##
    Last edited by total relism; 07-01-2014 at 16:35.
    “Its been said that when human beings stop believing in god they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse, they believe in anything.” Malcolm maggeridge

    The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going. Proverbs -14.15
    The first to present his case seems right,till another comes forward and questions him -Proverbs 18.17

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    Genesis 1.1

  2. #2
    Banned Kadagar_AV's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    YEY!!!!! I was waiting for part 7!!!

    Thank god you'r back, we have had to little crazy rambling lately.

  3. #3
    has a Senior Member HoreTore's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Genesis is only creation account to explain the fossil record [Noah flood].
    Still maintain that crying on the pitch should warrant a 3 match ban

  4. #4

    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by HoreTore View Post
    coming next thread. You just show your indoctrination here.
    “Its been said that when human beings stop believing in god they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse, they believe in anything.” Malcolm maggeridge

    The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going. Proverbs -14.15
    The first to present his case seems right,till another comes forward and questions him -Proverbs 18.17

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    Genesis 1.1

  5. #5
    Horse Archer Senior Member Sarmatian's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    With the possibility of a WW3 upon us, this is probably the worst possible time or the best possible time to discuss religion.

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  6. #6
    has a Senior Member HoreTore's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    coming next thread. You just show your indoctrination here.
    Still maintain that crying on the pitch should warrant a 3 match ban

  7. #7

    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by HoreTore View Post
    coming next thread. You just show your indoctrination here. I hope you bring this link up and say you agree with it and its true and you have studied to find out. Otherwise your just showing your accepting of your religion without questioning it and total faith in there theology and inability to question and think for yourself....we shall see.
    “Its been said that when human beings stop believing in god they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse, they believe in anything.” Malcolm maggeridge

    The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going. Proverbs -14.15
    The first to present his case seems right,till another comes forward and questions him -Proverbs 18.17

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    Genesis 1.1

  8. #8
    has a Senior Member HoreTore's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    coming next thread. You just show your indoctrination here. I hope you bring this link up and say you agree with it and its true and you have studied to find out. Otherwise your just showing your accepting of your religion without questioning it and total faith in there theology and inability to question and think for yourself....we shall see.
    ....And you hold a degree in one of the hard sciences, I presume?
    Still maintain that crying on the pitch should warrant a 3 match ban

  9. #9
    Dragonslayer Emeritus Senior Member Sigurd's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by TR
    genesis is only true account of creation
    Genesis 1:1
    1:1 created. No other cosmogony, whether in ancient paganism or modern naturalism, even mentions the absolute origin of the universe. All begin with the space/time/matter universe, already existing in a primeval state of chaos, then attempt to speculate how it might have “evolved” into its present form. Modern evolutionism begins with elementary particles of matter evolving out of nothing in a “big bang” and then developing through natural forces into complex systems. Pagan pantheism also begins with elementary matter in various forms evolving into complex systems by the forces of nature personified as different gods and goddesses. But, very significantly, the concept of the special creation of the universe of space and time itself is found nowhere in all religion or philosophy, ancient or modern, except here in Genesis 1:1.
    Woah there M8.
    Gen 1:1 is no more than a chapter heading and does in no way identify the universe as its topic. Gen 1:2 is the first Scripture to be considered in the creation story.
    Status Emeritus

  10. #10
    has a Senior Member HoreTore's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    It's also false in its assertion, of course, as several religions have ex nihilo creation myths.

    Here, have an example.

    Sometimes I wish I was a christian fundamentalist preacher. It must be awesome to know that you can say whatever nonsense you want, and none of your followers will ever attempt to check the validity of the claims you make.
    Still maintain that crying on the pitch should warrant a 3 match ban

  11. #11
    Banned Kadagar_AV's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by HoreTore View Post
    It's also false in its assertion, of course, as several religions have ex nihilo creation myths.

    Here, have an example.

    Sometimes I wish I was a christian fundamentalist preacher. It must be awesome to know that you can say whatever nonsense you want, and none of your followers will ever attempt to check the validity of the claims you make.
    I am glad you repulsed this wish and instead went on to be a teacher for the younger kids.

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  12. #12

    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigurd View Post
    Woah there M8.
    Gen 1:1 is no more than a chapter heading and does in no way identify the universe as its topic. Gen 1:2 is the first Scripture to be considered in the creation story.

    interesting, i have never heard that idea before. I do disagree as that would make only genesis of all the book 66 to have as title to it. Not to mention a simple reading of it clearly states heavens and earth and in the beginning, time/space/matter. But the fact being made was time/space/matter and the creation of all three.

    Quote Originally Posted by HoreTore View Post
    It's also false in its assertion, of course, as several religions have ex nihilo creation myths.

    Here, have an example.

    Sometimes I wish I was a christian fundamentalist preacher. It must be awesome to know that you can say whatever nonsense you want, and none of your followers will ever attempt to check the validity of the claims you make.

    please show were it includes time/space/matter being created at once.

    as for your comment, me thinks you just say this because you clearly have done so with your last post above,so your trying to draw attention away from it. But if your looking for infallible, i promise me or any pastor has no such ability, and if you can show that i was wrong, i thank you and will edit my op.

    i just read i dont see creation of time/space/matter in there at all. Please show me if you believe so.
    Last edited by total relism; 03-03-2014 at 00:43.
    “Its been said that when human beings stop believing in god they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse, they believe in anything.” Malcolm maggeridge

    The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going. Proverbs -14.15
    The first to present his case seems right,till another comes forward and questions him -Proverbs 18.17

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    Genesis 1.1

  13. #13
    has a Senior Member HoreTore's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Did you bother to read it? Oh well, I guess I'll have to quote the most direct sections, even though the entire thing is ex nihilo creation:

    Then there was neither death nor immortality
    nor was there then the torch of night and day.
    The One breathed windlessly and self-sustaining.
    There was that One then, and there was no other.

    At first there was only darkness wrapped in darkness.
    All this was only unillumined water.
    That One which came to be, enclosed in nothing,
    arose at last, born of the power of heat.
    Still maintain that crying on the pitch should warrant a 3 match ban

  14. #14

    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by HoreTore View Post
    Did you bother to read it? Oh well, I guess I'll have to quote the most direct sections, even though the entire thing is ex nihilo creation:

    I am sorry its not even close and even admits it.clearly states not creation of time space matter, it is a guess of creation and the gods came after creation, matter already there, no origin of time or space.

    Then there was neither death nor immortality
    nor was there then the torch of night and day.
    The One breathed windlessly and self-sustaining.
    There was that One then, and there was no other.

    At first there was only darkness wrapped in darkness.
    All this was only unillumined water.
    That One which came to be, enclosed in nothing,
    arose at last, born of the power of heat.

    so here i see no beginning of time, or space. And not even the very beginning of matter. As there is water and heat [energy] that than i am sure evolves into all matter.

    it also says

    In whose keeping
    Was there then cosmic water

    But, after all, who knows, and who can say
    Whence it all came, and how creation happened?
    the gods themselves are later than creation,
    so who knows truly whence it has arisen?

    Whence all creation had its origin,
    he, whether he fashioned it or whether he did not,
    he, who surveys it all from highest heaven,
    he knows - or maybe even he does not know.
    Last edited by total relism; 03-03-2014 at 02:16.
    “Its been said that when human beings stop believing in god they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse, they believe in anything.” Malcolm maggeridge

    The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going. Proverbs -14.15
    The first to present his case seems right,till another comes forward and questions him -Proverbs 18.17

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    Genesis 1.1

  15. #15
    Banned Kadagar_AV's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    Wrote gibberish

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  16. #16
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7


    The Bible the only book of Prophecy?

    What about all the prophecies that didn't make it into the Bible?

    The Bible doesn't even MENTION the destruction of Troy!

    Look - I'm a Christian - but you're just talking out of the your fundament-alist.
    "If it wears trousers generally I don't pay attention."


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  17. #17
    has a Senior Member HoreTore's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    I am sorry its not even close and even admits it.clearly states not creation of time space matter, it is a guess of creation and the gods came after creation, matter already there, no origin of time or space.
    I see you are unable to interpret Indian poetry.

    I am not surprised.
    Still maintain that crying on the pitch should warrant a 3 match ban

  18. #18
    The Black Senior Member Papewaio's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by HoreTore View Post
    ....And you hold a degree in one of the hard sciences, I presume?
    There is no plural in hard sciences. As spoketh by the hollowed Dr Rutherford "Physics is the only real science. The rest are just stamp collecting"

    And as it has been written it must be so.

    Our genes maybe in the basement but it does not stop us chosing our point of view from the top.
    Quote Originally Posted by Louis VI the Fat
    Pape for global overlord!!
    Quote Originally Posted by English assassin
    Squid sources report that scientists taste "sort of like chicken"
    Quote Originally Posted by frogbeastegg View Post
    The rest is either as average as advertised or, in the case of the missionary, disappointing.

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  19. #19
    Dragonslayer Emeritus Senior Member Sigurd's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    interesting, i have never heard that idea before. I do disagree as that would make only genesis of all the book 66 to have as title to it. Not to mention a simple reading of it clearly states heavens and earth and in the beginning, time/space/matter. But the fact being made was time/space/matter and the creation of all three.
    It really does beg the question to why Genesis does not come with an introduction like all other books in the Bible. You incorrectly states that because there are no header verses in the other 65 books genesis 1 doesn't need one either.
    Most books do have a header verse such as: "and God spake to Moses using these words:" (paraphrasing) or The words of Jeremiah, or the vision of Isiah. Why shouldn't Genesis have one? It really needs something like: The words that God spake unto Moses concerning the creation of heaven and earth.

    If you have a look at the Hebrew bible, you'll notice that "heaven" used in verse 1 is the same as used later in verse 8 (Šāmáyim), which should indicate that genesis chapter 1 concerns the creation of our world with its dry land and the air (water) that surrounds it.
    The narrative explains the creation as viewed from the perspective of being on or close to the earth. It is a far stretch to attribute heaven in verse 1 to be meaning the entire universe. It is something that is wrongly inferred and I am aware that has been the tradition for many years in Christianity. Simply let it go - and the big bang controversy becomes a non issue with Christians.
    Genesis talks about the creation of the earth and its immediate surrounding - from the ignition of our star (1:3) to the clearance of the dense dust cloud that surrounds it (1:14-18).
    Status Emeritus

  20. #20

    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Philipvs Vallindervs Calicvla View Post

    The Bible the only book of Prophecy?

    What about all the prophecies that didn't make it into the Bible?

    The Bible doesn't even MENTION the destruction of Troy!

    Look - I'm a Christian - but you're just talking out of the your fundament-alist.

    I am sorry but i am not sure what your saying so i will respond to what i think your arguing, that the bible is not the only religious book of Prophecy, and it does not Prophecy because it does not mention the fall of troy.

    could you name another book with Prophecy,clear fulfilled Prophecy? a religious book claiming to be gods word? specific Prophecy like the bible has?

    troy? why must it? if it was only a book of Prophecy and mentioned everything in future, than you could ask this. But it is gods word to us on salvation with Prophecy in it. Having it not mention one thing [it does not about of allot of things to come] does not take away from what it does.

    Quote Originally Posted by HoreTore View Post
    I see you are unable to interpret Indian poetry.

    I am not surprised.

    than by all means please interpret it to say just what id does not say. I feel like im talking with Muslims about the Koran here. Please show me how to inteprit it so it says what is not here [absolute origin of space/time/matter/energy] and does not say the gods were created after and there was already matter and energy and gods created after.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigurd View Post
    It really does beg the question to why Genesis does not come with an introduction like all other books in the Bible. You incorrectly states that because there are no header verses in the other 65 books genesis 1 doesn't need one either.
    Most books do have a header verse such as: "and God spake to Moses using these words:" (paraphrasing) or The words of Jeremiah, or the vision of Isiah. Why shouldn't Genesis have one? It really needs something like: The words that God spake unto Moses concerning the creation of heaven and earth.

    If you have a look at the Hebrew bible, you'll notice that "heaven" used in verse 1 is the same as used later in verse 8 (Šāmáyim), which should indicate that genesis chapter 1 concerns the creation of our world with its dry land and the air (water) that surrounds it.
    The narrative explains the creation as viewed from the perspective of being on or close to the earth. It is a far stretch to attribute heaven in verse 1 to be meaning the entire universe. It is something that is wrongly inferred and I am aware that has been the tradition for many years in Christianity. Simply let it go - and the big bang controversy becomes a non issue with Christians.
    Genesis talks about the creation of the earth and its immediate surrounding - from the ignition of our star (1:3) to the clearance of the dense dust cloud that surrounds it (1:14-18).

    Just saying to claim its a header verse would go against the bible more than constant with.

    you said

    " It really needs something like"

    but it does not, the other books of moses start that way, not genesis. I think genesis was edited by Moses but was around before him, the focus is not moses but creation of time/space/matter in genisis 1.

    you said

    " Simply let it go - and the big bang controversy becomes a non issue with Christians. "

    I will have to stop here, as i see your a old earth/evolutionist christian. I do not wish to show what i think that your reitpriting the bible to match a unbiblical idea [big bang millions of years etc] i dont wish to argue this point as i think it may effect your faith [not my goal]. I think a clear Reading of genesis 1 will be constant with what i said.

    But as to my op, would you say that genesis does not tell the origin of time/ space/matter? even if we assume Genesis 1 only speaks of earth as you say? only this would conflict with my op.
    “Its been said that when human beings stop believing in god they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse, they believe in anything.” Malcolm maggeridge

    The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going. Proverbs -14.15
    The first to present his case seems right,till another comes forward and questions him -Proverbs 18.17

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    Genesis 1.1

  21. #21
    Horse Archer Senior Member Sarmatian's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    as i see your a old earth/evolutionist christian.
    and the other side is called uneducated Christians.

  22. #22
    Dragonslayer Emeritus Senior Member Sigurd's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    But as to my op, would you say that genesis does not tell the origin of time/ space/matter? even if we assume Genesis 1 only speaks of earth as you say? only this would conflict with my op.
    Does Genesis state the origin of time/space/matter? I believe it doesn't. It omits it as non relevant for the story at hand (God telling Moses the origin of this world).
    I can't twist my head around it telling a creation story of anything other than this world and maybe the solar system (the creation of the Sun).

    I have a science degree (MaIT) and there are observations that just can't be ignored - and as such you need to read genesis with this in mind. I found that genesis doesn't really conflict with the current established scientific theory of how our solar system was created (the order of such from the earth's perspective). But if you look further (where is our solar system placed?) which function does the entire milkyway galaxy serve? What about the relatively near Andromeda? Or any of the uncountable other galaxies out there. What purpose does those serve in the great scheme of things?
    Status Emeritus

  23. #23

    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigurd View Post
    Does Genesis state the origin of time/space/matter? I believe it doesn't. It omits it as non relevant for the story at hand (God telling Moses the origin of this world).
    I can't twist my head around it telling a creation story of anything other than this world and maybe the solar system (the creation of the Sun).

    I have a science degree (MaIT) and there are observations that just can't be ignored - and as such you need to read genesis with this in mind. I found that genesis doesn't really conflict with the current established scientific theory of how our solar system was created (the order of such from the earth's perspective). But if you look further (where is our solar system placed?) which function does the entire milkyway galaxy serve? What about the relatively near Andromeda? Or any of the uncountable other galaxies out there. What purpose does those serve in the great scheme of things?

    given the above i have to say i feel no obligation to fit or reinterpret genesis as clearly stated because you believe it must be. My op follows what the bible says, not what others decide it must say. If you must reitpreit the bible, maybe the bible is false? or maybe it is correct and the current materialistic atheistic explanation is false, it must be one or the other. So as far as my op and what was said, it follows what the bible says not how you decide it must say because you believe it otherwise would be false. So our discussion in my mind has nothing to do with op or bible so i must only respond to on topic of op post from here on out. Your thoughts and views will fit perfectly with my next thread.
    “Its been said that when human beings stop believing in god they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse, they believe in anything.” Malcolm maggeridge

    The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going. Proverbs -14.15
    The first to present his case seems right,till another comes forward and questions him -Proverbs 18.17

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    Genesis 1.1

  24. #24
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    I am sorry but i am not sure what your saying so i will respond to what i think your arguing, that the bible is not the only religious book of Prophecy, and it does not Prophecy because it does not mention the fall of troy.

    could you name another book with Prophecy,clear fulfilled Prophecy? a religious book claiming to be gods word? specific Prophecy like the bible has?

    troy? why must it? if it was only a book of Prophecy and mentioned everything in future, than you could ask this. But it is gods word to us on salvation with Prophecy in it. Having it not mention one thing [it does not about of allot of things to come] does not take away from what it does.
    The recorded Prophecies of the Oracle at Delphi, to name one, were said to predict the fall of Troy and the coming of the "Sea Peoples" who overthrew the Civilisation that Moses knew, yet the Bible says nothing about these people - for all that they laid low Mycenae, Krete, and Egypt, possibly even the Hittites.

    Later prophecies foretold the coming of the Persians into Greece and their eventual defeat.

    This also, is not recorded in the Bible.

    The prophecies in the Bible are only the prophecies of the People of Israel.
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  25. #25
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    coming next thread. You just show your indoctrination here.
    There are times I wish they’d just ban everything- baccy and beer, burgers and bangers, and all the rest- once and for all. Instead, they creep forward one apparently tiny step at a time. It’s like being executed with a bacon slicer.

    “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.”

    To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.

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  26. #26

    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Philipvs Vallindervs Calicvla View Post
    The recorded Prophecies of the Oracle at Delphi, to name one, were said to predict the fall of Troy and the coming of the "Sea Peoples" who overthrew the Civilisation that Moses knew, yet the Bible says nothing about these people - for all that they laid low Mycenae, Krete, and Egypt, possibly even the Hittites.

    Later prophecies foretold the coming of the Persians into Greece and their eventual defeat.

    This also, is not recorded in the Bible.

    The prophecies in the Bible are only the prophecies of the People of Israel.

    would you mind showing me specifics of these oracles? when first written and when fulfilled, just what they actually say. However the bible does mention Alexander, but even if the bible only contains prophecies of isreal or concerning isreal/messiah, how does that not make it a prophetic work?. If there is true accurate fortellings by this other writing, i am very interested. I would love to see them if you can provide for me.
    “Its been said that when human beings stop believing in god they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse, they believe in anything.” Malcolm maggeridge

    The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going. Proverbs -14.15
    The first to present his case seems right,till another comes forward and questions him -Proverbs 18.17

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    Genesis 1.1

  27. #27
    Headless Senior Member Pannonian's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    would you mind showing me specifics of these oracles? when first written and when fulfilled, just what they actually say. However the bible does mention Alexander, but even if the bible only contains prophecies of isreal or concerning isreal/messiah, how does that not make it a prophetic work?. If there is true accurate fortellings by this other writing, i am very interested. I would love to see them if you can provide for me.
    I'd have thought that someone who is posting in a TW fan forum would be familiar with at least some of the Delphic oracles. Such as the one about wooden walls. Or the one about the King falling in battle. Or indeed the one about the crippled King. That's just a few off the top of my head, which generated considerable discussion at the time, so we know the timings of these oracles. And we certainly know how events turned out.

    Also, if the bible is indeed a prophetic work for the people of Israel, and the Delphic oracle also a prophetic work of equal accuracy for the Greek people, does this mean the divine power behind the Delphic oracle is no less valid than the divine power behind the biblical prophecies? Does this mean, gasp, that the biblical god is not the only god out there with oracular credibility?

  28. #28

    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    I'd have thought that someone who is posting in a TW fan forum would be familiar with at least some of the Delphic oracles. Such as the one about wooden walls. Or the one about the King falling in battle. Or indeed the one about the crippled King. That's just a few off the top of my head, which generated considerable discussion at the time, so we know the timings of these oracles. And we certainly know how events turned out.

    Also, if the bible is indeed a prophetic work for the people of Israel, and the Delphic oracle also a prophetic work of equal accuracy for the Greek people, does this mean the divine power behind the Delphic oracle is no less valid than the divine power behind the biblical prophecies? Does this mean, gasp, that the biblical god is not the only god out there with oracular credibility?

    I must confess i have never heard of delphic b-4. I would say to your question, first we need to see these delphic claims, investigate them.
    “Its been said that when human beings stop believing in god they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse, they believe in anything.” Malcolm maggeridge

    The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going. Proverbs -14.15
    The first to present his case seems right,till another comes forward and questions him -Proverbs 18.17

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    Genesis 1.1

  29. #29
    has a Senior Member HoreTore's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    I must confess i have never heard of delphic b-4. I would say to your question, first we need to see these delphic claims, investigate them.
    What Greek literature(besides the bible, obviously) have you read, then?

    Wiki has an easily accessible article on the subject.

    Anyway. Just like several religions have ex nihilo creation myths, so do several religions have prophecies as a central part of their religious practice and beliefs, like the Romans, the Greeks, heck even New Age is big on prophecy. Their claims of prophecy are as "accurate" as those of the bible.
    Last edited by HoreTore; 03-04-2014 at 00:07.
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  30. #30
    Headless Senior Member Pannonian's Avatar
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    Default Re: responding to common objections to bible part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by total relism View Post
    I must confess i have never heard of delphic b-4. I would say to your question, first we need to see these delphic claims, investigate them.
    Bloody hell, investigate these Delphic oracles? People have already formed policies and fought and won/lost wars and kingdoms based on them. I daresay there has been far more historical study of the events surrounding these oracles than there has been of the events surrounding the biblical prophecies. Are there any concrete pieces of evidence dating back to when any of the biblical prophecies were made, with accurately dated historical records confirming the existence of the prophecy story, and the response to it? Because we know about the wooden walls oracle, and we have concrete proof of Athenian action based on their interpretation of that oracle, which we can date to within a year of the oracle being made (since we know the sequence of events in detail).

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